static void Main(string[] args) { string quote = CustomPrinter.QuoteIt("640k ought to be enough memory for anyone", "Bill Gate"); Console.WriteLine(quote); Console.WriteLine(CustomPrinter.CountVowel("What's up everybody ? Welcome back to channel. Hi ! How are ya !" + "?")); Console.WriteLine(CustomPrinter.UpperLower("What's up everybody ? Welcome back to channel. Hi ! How are ya !" + "?")); do { Console.WriteLine("Specify a size to a count"); long a = Convert.ToInt64(Console.ReadLine()); Console.WriteLine("Specify test type. 1 StringBuilder 2 Concetentation"); int testType = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine()); long result = CustomPrinter.StringBuildTest(a, testType == 1 ? CustomPrinter.StringBuilding.StringBuilder : CustomPrinter.StringBuilding.Conatenation); Console.WriteLine("The result is " + result + " milliseconds"); Console.WriteLine("Go again ? y/n"); } while (Console.ReadLine().ToLower() != "n"); Console.ReadLine(); }
static void Main(string[] args) { Console.WriteLine(CustomPrinter.QuoteIt("ho ho ho", "santa")); Console.WriteLine("vowels count: " + CustomPrinter.CountVowels("ho ho ho ha hu")); Console.WriteLine(CustomPrinter.UpperLower("loremipsumdolor")); Console.WriteLine("concatenation 10000: " + CustomPrinter.StringBuildTest(10000, CustomPrinter.StringBuildingType.Concatenation)); Console.WriteLine("string builder 10000: " + CustomPrinter.StringBuildTest(10000, CustomPrinter.StringBuildingType.StringBuilder)); Console.ReadLine(); }