/// <summary> /// 添加并开启发货单号 /// </summary> void BeginScanTrafficOrder() { bool isAllFinished = DbHelper.IsAllOrdersFinished(); if (isAllFinished) { MessageBox.Show("当前存在订单未完成!\r\n请先开完成所有订单再重试。", "警告"); return; } //清空所有通道计数器 ChannelController.Instance.ResetCount(); CustomPopupRequest.Raise(new TrafficOrderNotification { Title = "扫描物料信息" }, r => { if (r.Confirmed && r.Items != null) { Collection <string> orders = new Collection <string>() { "dhs", "dhsh" }; //将发货单号添加到发货单表 DbHelper.AddTrafficOrderToTaskTable(r.Items); //显示更新 TrafficOrderList = DbHelper.GetAllFromTableByName("awms_orders_tasks_dhl"); AllOrderTasks = DbHelper.GetAllFromTableByName("view_o_t_p"); } }); }
private void ShowCustomPopup() { CustomPopupRequest.Raise(new Notification() { Title = "Custom", Content = "This is an example of custom popup" }, r => { Status = "Custom popup raised"; }); }
void BeginScanTrafficOrder() { CustomPopupRequest.Raise(new TrafficOrderNotification { Title = "扫描物料信息", Content = "msg" }, r => { if (r.Confirmed && r.Items != null) { //将items对应的订单全部下载(下载API) CwmsOrderHelper.DownloadOrders(r.Items); //将订单添加到开启队列 //TODO } }); }
void RaiseCustomPopup() { CustomPopupRequest.Raise(new Notification { Title = "Custom Popup", Content = "Custom Popup Message " }, r => Title = "Good to go"); }
private void RaiseCustomPopup(string yaml) { CustomPopupRequest.Raise(new Notification { Title = "Yaml Struct", Content = yaml }); }