コード例 #1
    //removes custom sign indicators
    private string RemoveCustomPatternParts(string str)
        /* Note:
             * Symbols are added here so the removing tries to not affect the coordinate too much
             * Strings to be removed then are evaluated from the longest ones to the shortes ones
             * So when searching for "P" does not affect "PN" as "PN" is evaluated earlier
             * */

            //CustomHemisphereIndicator is used here so another object does not have to be created
            //only for the string cleanning
            ArrayList StringsToRemove = CustomPtrn.HemisphereIndicators;

            //add degree symbol
            CustomHemisphereIndicator StringToRemove = new CustomHemisphereIndicator("Degree", CustomPtrn.DegreeSymbol,CustomPtrn.DegreeSymbol.Length, false);

            //add minute symbol
            StringToRemove = new CustomHemisphereIndicator("Minute", CustomPtrn.MinuteSymbol, CustomPtrn.MinuteSymbol.Length, false);

            //add second symbol
            StringToRemove = new CustomHemisphereIndicator("Second", CustomPtrn.SecondSymbol, CustomPtrn.SecondSymbol.Length, false);

            //sorth the arraylist (by element's Length property)

            for (int x = StringsToRemove.Count - 1; x >= 0; x--)

                CustomHemisphereIndicator ToBeRemoved = (CustomHemisphereIndicator)StringsToRemove[x];

                //check if the string exists so replacing does not yield errors
                if (ToBeRemoved.Length > 0)
                    //check if the supplied pattern was marked as case insensitive?
                    string CaseInsensitive = "";

                    if (CustomPtrn.CaseInsensitive)
                        CaseInsensitive = "(?i)";

                    //create regex for replacing
                    Regex TempRegex = new Regex(CaseInsensitive + ToBeRemoved.Indicator);

                    if (ToBeRemoved.Name == "Degree" | ToBeRemoved.Name == "Minute")
                        //replace with a symbol used later for splitting
                        str = TempRegex.Replace(str, ":");
                        //remove the string
                        str = TempRegex.Replace(str, "");
            return str;
コード例 #2
    //This adds custom pattern to a list of already predefined patterns
    //useful for batch conversions - allows for totally mixed input data (predefined & custom)
    public void AddCustomPattern(CustomPatternIn patternIn)
        //new custom pattern object - to pass the needed data farther
            CustomPattern pattern = new CustomPattern();

            //keep indicators for parsing
            ArrayList indicators = new ArrayList();

            CustomHemisphereIndicator ind = new CustomHemisphereIndicator("North", patternIn.North, patternIn.North.Length,true);

            ind = new CustomHemisphereIndicator("South", patternIn.South, patternIn.South.Length, false);

            ind = new CustomHemisphereIndicator("East", patternIn.East, patternIn.East.Length, true);

            ind = new CustomHemisphereIndicator("West", patternIn.West, patternIn.West.Length, false);

            //sort the arraylist

            //add it to the pattern object
            pattern.HemisphereIndicators = indicators;

            //case insensitive
            pattern.CaseInsensitive = patternIn.CaseInsensitive;

            //keep symbols for parsing
            pattern.DegreeSymbol = patternIn.DegreeSymbol;
            pattern.MinuteSymbol = patternIn.MinuteSymbol;
            pattern.SecondSymbol = patternIn.SecondSymbol;

            //save the data
            CustomPtrn = pattern;

            //----------------build custom patterns----------------

            //prepare hemisphere indicators
            string north = EscapeChars(patternIn.North);
            string south = EscapeChars(patternIn.South);
            string east = EscapeChars(patternIn.East);
            string west = EscapeChars(patternIn.West);

            //prepare symbols
            string degreesymbol = "";
            if (patternIn.DegreeSymbol != "")
                degreesymbol = "(" + EscapeChars(patternIn.DegreeSymbol) + ")?";

            string minutesymbol = "";
            if (patternIn.MinuteSymbol != "")
                minutesymbol = "(" + EscapeChars(patternIn.MinuteSymbol) + ")?";

            string secondsymbol = "";
            if (EscapeChars(patternIn.SecondSymbol) != "")
                secondsymbol = "(" + EscapeChars(patternIn.SecondSymbol) + ")?";

            //is the pattern to be case insensitive?
            string CaseInsensitive = "";
            if (patternIn.CaseInsensitive)
                CaseInsensitive = "(?i)";

            //allow whitespace
            string WhiteSpace = "";
            if (patternIn.AllowWhiteSpace == true)
                WhiteSpace = "(\\s)*";

            //hemisphere indicator
            string HemisphereIndicator = "";

            //add north if present
            if (north == "")

                HemisphereIndicator += south;

                HemisphereIndicator += north;

                if (south != "")
                    HemisphereIndicator += "|" + south;

            //add east
            if (north == "" & south == "")
                HemisphereIndicator += east;
                if (east != "")
                    HemisphereIndicator += "|" + east;

            //add west
            if (north == "" & south == "" & east == "")
                HemisphereIndicator += west;
                if (west != "")
                    HemisphereIndicator += "|" + west;

            //add remaining bits if not empty
            if (HemisphereIndicator != "")
                HemisphereIndicator = "(" + HemisphereIndicator + ")?";

            ArrayList customPatterns = new ArrayList();

            //create custom patterns based on the specified user's input
            string[] ptrn;

            //Custom variation of DD.DDD
            ptrn = new string[2];
            ptrn[0] = "Custom variation of DD.DDD";
            ptrn[1] =
                CaseInsensitive + "(^" +
                WhiteSpace + HemisphereIndicator + WhiteSpace +
                "(" +
                "(\\d{1,3}(\\.|\\,)?" + WhiteSpace + degreesymbol + WhiteSpace + "$)|(\\d{1,3}(\\.|\\,)\\d+" + WhiteSpace + degreesymbol + WhiteSpace + "$)" +
                ")" +
                "|(^" + WhiteSpace +
                "(" +
                "(\\d{1,3}(\\.|\\,)?" + WhiteSpace + degreesymbol + WhiteSpace + ")|(\\d{1,3}(\\.|\\,)\\d+" + WhiteSpace + degreesymbol + WhiteSpace + ")" +
                ")" +
                HemisphereIndicator + WhiteSpace + "$" +

            //Custom variation of DD:MM.MMM
            ptrn = new string[2];
            ptrn[0] = "Custom variation of DD:MM.MMM";
            ptrn[1] =
                CaseInsensitive + "(^" +
                WhiteSpace + HemisphereIndicator + WhiteSpace +
                "(" +
                "(\\d{1,3}" + WhiteSpace + degreesymbol + WhiteSpace + "$)|(\\d{1,3}" + WhiteSpace + degreesymbol + WhiteSpace + "\\d{1,2}(\\.|\\,)?" + WhiteSpace + minutesymbol + WhiteSpace + "$)|(\\d{1,3}" + WhiteSpace + degreesymbol + WhiteSpace + "\\d{1,2}(\\.|\\,)\\d+" + WhiteSpace + minutesymbol + WhiteSpace + "$)" +
                ")" +
                "|(^" + WhiteSpace +
                "(" +
                "(\\d{1,3}" + WhiteSpace + degreesymbol + WhiteSpace + ")|(\\d{1,3}" + WhiteSpace + degreesymbol + WhiteSpace + "\\d{1,2}(\\.|\\,)?" + WhiteSpace + minutesymbol + WhiteSpace + ")|(\\d{1,3}" + WhiteSpace + degreesymbol + WhiteSpace + "\\d{1,2}(\\.|\\,)\\d+" + WhiteSpace + minutesymbol + WhiteSpace + ")" +
                ")" +
                HemisphereIndicator + WhiteSpace + "$" +

            //Custom variation of DD:MM:SS.SSS
            ptrn = new string[2];
            ptrn[0] = "Custom variation of DD:MM:SS.SSS";
            ptrn[1] =
                CaseInsensitive + "(^" +
                WhiteSpace + HemisphereIndicator + WhiteSpace +
                "(" +
                "(\\d{1,3}" + WhiteSpace + degreesymbol + WhiteSpace + "$)|(\\d{1,3}" + WhiteSpace + degreesymbol + WhiteSpace + "\\d{1,2}" + WhiteSpace + minutesymbol + WhiteSpace + "$)|(\\d{1,3}" + WhiteSpace + degreesymbol + WhiteSpace + "\\d{1,2}" + WhiteSpace + minutesymbol + WhiteSpace + "\\d{1,2}(\\.|\\,)?" + WhiteSpace + secondsymbol + WhiteSpace + "$)|(\\d{1,3}" + WhiteSpace + degreesymbol + WhiteSpace + "\\d{1,2}" + WhiteSpace + minutesymbol + WhiteSpace + "\\d{1,2}(\\.|\\,)\\d+" + WhiteSpace + secondsymbol + WhiteSpace + "$)" +
                ")" +
                "|(^" + WhiteSpace +
                "(" +
                "(\\d{1,3}" + WhiteSpace + degreesymbol + WhiteSpace + ")|(\\d{1,3}" + WhiteSpace + degreesymbol + WhiteSpace + "\\d{1,2}" + WhiteSpace + minutesymbol + WhiteSpace + ")|(\\d{1,3}" + WhiteSpace + degreesymbol + WhiteSpace + "\\d{1,2}" + WhiteSpace + minutesymbol + WhiteSpace + "\\d{1,2}(\\.|\\,)?" + WhiteSpace + secondsymbol + WhiteSpace + ")|(\\d{1,3}" + WhiteSpace + degreesymbol + WhiteSpace + "\\d{1,2}" + WhiteSpace + minutesymbol + WhiteSpace + "\\d{1,2}(\\.|\\,)\\d+" + WhiteSpace + secondsymbol + WhiteSpace + ")" +
                ")" +
                HemisphereIndicator + WhiteSpace + "$" +

            //check if the default patterns are to be used
            if (patternIn.DisableDefaultPatterns)
                patterns = customPatterns;
            else //if all patterns are to be used check which set has the matching priority

                //check if the custom patterns are to have priority over the default ones
                if (patternIn.PriorityOverDefaultPatterns)

                    //add default patterns to the custom patterns
                    for (int i = 0; i < patterns.Count; i++)


                    //swap array lists
                    patterns = customPatterns;

                    //add custom patterns to the default patterns
                    for (int i = 0; i < customPatterns.Count; i++)
