コード例 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Does the actual work.
        /// </summary>
        internal void FormatExInternal(CustomFormatInfo info)
            if (info.Current == null && info.Arguments.Length >= 1)
                info.Current = info.Arguments[0];

            //  We need to store the Format and the Current items and keep them in this context
            string format  = info.Format;
            object current = info.Current;

            // ' Here is the regular expression to use for parsing the Format string:
            // Static R As New Regex( _
            //   "{  ([0-9A-Za-z_.\[\]()]*)   (?:    :  ( (?:    (?<open>{)     |     (?<nest-open>})     |     [^{}]+     )*? ) (?(open)(?!))  )?  }" _
            //   , RegexOptions.IgnorePatternWhitespace Or RegexOptions.Compiled)
            //   {  (      Selectors     )   (Optnl :           {  Nested                         }     or      Format                         )   }

            int             lastAppendedIndex = 0;
            PlaceholderInfo placeholder       = null;

            while (NextPlaceholder(format, lastAppendedIndex, format.Length, ref placeholder))
                //  Write the text in-between placeholders:
                info.WriteRegularText(format, lastAppendedIndex, (placeholder.placeholderStart - lastAppendedIndex));
                lastAppendedIndex = placeholder.placeholderStart + placeholder.placeholderLength;

                //  Evaluate the source by evaluating each argSelector:
                info.Current = current; //  Restore the current scope
                //bool isFirstSelector = true; // TODO: Remove this variable if it never gets used again
                int selectorIndex = -1;

                foreach (string selector in placeholder.selectors)
                    info.SetSelector(selector, selectorIndex);
                    //  Raise the ExtendCustomSource event to allow custom source evaluation:
                    OnExtendSourceEvent(new ExtendSourceEventArgs(info));

                    //  Make sure that the selector has been handled:
                    if (!info.Handled)
                    //isFirstSelector = false;

                //  Handle errors:
                if (!info.Handled)
                    //  If the ExtendCustomSource event wasn't handled,
                    //  then the Selector could not be evaluated.
                    if (!OnInvalidSelector(format, info, placeholder))

                string argFormat = format.Substring(placeholder.formatStart, placeholder.formatLength);
                info.SetFormat(argFormat, placeholder.hasNested);

                try {
                    //  Raise the ExtendCustomFormat event to allow custom formatting:
                    OnExtendFormatEvent(new ExtendFormatEventArgs(info));
                catch (Exception ex) {
                    //  Handle errors:
                    OnInvalidFormat(format, info, placeholder, ex);
            //  Write the substring between the last bracket and the end of the string:
            info.WriteRegularText(format, lastAppendedIndex, (format.Length - lastAppendedIndex));
コード例 #2
        private static void FormatConditional(object sender, ExtendFormatEventArgs e)
            CustomFormatInfo info = e.FormatInfo;

            // See if the format string contains un-nested "|":
            string[] parameters = Core.ParsingServices.SplitNested(info.Format, '|');
            if (parameters.Length == 1)
                return; // There are no splits.

            int paramCount = parameters.Length;
            int paramIndex = 0; // Determines which parameter to use in the result

            // See if there are any (optional) conditions:
            bool conditionResult = false;

            if (info.CurrentIsNumber && TryEvaluateCondition(ref parameters[0], info.Current, ref conditionResult))
                // parameters(0) contained a "conditional statement"
                // If the conditional statement was False, then
                // we will move on to the next parameters
                while (!conditionResult)
                    if (paramIndex == parameters.Length - 1)

                    paramIndex += 1;

                    if (!TryEvaluateCondition(ref parameters[paramIndex], info.Current, ref conditionResult))
                        // (couldn't evaluate the conditional statement, which means it's an "else" statement
                // Determine the Current item's Type:
                if (info.CurrentIsNumber)
                    // Number: Neg|Zero|One|Many  or  Zero|One|Many/Neg  or  One|Many/Neg/Zero
                    var arg = Convert.ToDecimal(info.Current);
                    if (arg < 0m)
                        paramIndex = -4;
                    else if (arg == 0m)
                        paramIndex = -3;
                    else if (0m < arg && arg <= 1m)
                        paramIndex = -2;
                        paramIndex = -1;

                    paramIndex = paramIndex + paramCount;

                    if (paramIndex < 0)
                        paramIndex = paramCount - 1;
                else if (info.CurrentIsBoolean)
                    // Bool: True|False
                    bool arg = (bool)info.Current;
                    if (!arg)
                        paramIndex = 1;
                else if (info.CurrentIsDate)
                    // Date: Past|Present|Future   or   Past/Present|Future
                    System.DateTime arg = (DateTime)info.Current;
                    if (paramCount == 3 && arg.Date == DateTime.Today)
                        paramIndex = 1;
                    else if (arg > DateTime.Now)
                        paramIndex = paramCount - 1;
                else if (info.CurrentIsTimeSpan)
                    // TimeSpan: Negative|Zero|Positive  or  Negative/Zero|Positive
                    TimeSpan arg = (TimeSpan)info.Current;
                    if (paramCount == 3 && arg == TimeSpan.Zero)
                        paramIndex = 1;
                    else if (arg.CompareTo(TimeSpan.Zero) == 1)
                        paramIndex = paramCount - 1;
                else if (info.CurrentIsString)
                    // String: Value|NullOrEmpty
                    var arg = (string)info.Current;
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(arg))
                        paramIndex = 1;
                    // Object: Something|Nothing
                    object arg = info.Current;
                    if (arg == null)
                        paramIndex = 1;

            // Now, output the selected parameter:
            if (parameters[paramIndex].Contains("{"))
                // The format has nested items, so let's evaluate those now:
                info.SetFormat(parameters[paramIndex], true);
                // The format doesn't have nested items so let's just write the selected parameter:
コード例 #3
        private void DoArrayFormatting(object sender, ExtendFormatEventArgs e)
            CustomFormatInfo info = e.FormatInfo;
            // This method needs the Highest priority so that it comes before Strings.Format.Conditional.vb
            ICollection items = info.Current as ICollection;

            if (items == null)

            // The SplitString function is in the file Strings.Format.Conditional.vb:
            string[] split = Core.ParsingServices.SplitNested(info.Format, '|', 3);
            string   format = split[0];
            string   spacer = null, lastSpacer = null;

            if (split.Length >= 2)
                spacer = split[1];
                spacer = " "; // At least put a space between items by default

            if (split.Length >= 3)
                lastSpacer = split[2];

            if (!info.HasNested)
                format = "{:" + format + "}";

            int itemCount = -1;

            if (lastSpacer != null)
                itemCount = items.Count;

            int oldCollectionIndex = CollectionIndex;

            // In case we have nested arrays, we might need to restore the CollectionIndex
            CollectionIndex = -1;
            foreach (object item in items)
                CollectionIndex += 1;
                // Keep track of the index

                // If it isn't the first item, then write the spacer:
                if (CollectionIndex > 0)
                    // Write either the spacer or lastSpacer:
                    if (itemCount == -1 || CollectionIndex < itemCount - 1)

                // Write the format for this item:
                info.Current = item;
                info.SetFormat(format, info.HasNested);
            CollectionIndex = oldCollectionIndex;
            // Restore the CollectionIndex