コード例 #1
	public void ClearFontCharacterData()
		if (m_custom_font_data != null)
			m_custom_font_data = null;
コード例 #2
	private bool GetCharacterInfo(char m_character, ref CustomCharacterInfo char_info)
		if (m_character.Equals('\n') || m_character.Equals('\r'))
			return true;

#if !UNITY_3_5
		if (m_font != null)
			if (!m_current_font_name.Equals(m_font.name))
				// Recalculate font's baseline value
				// Checks through all available alpha characters and uses the most common bottom y_axis value as the baseline for the font.

				var baseline_values = new Dictionary<float, int>();
				float baseline;
				foreach (var character in m_font.characterInfo)
					// only check alpha characters (a-z, A-Z)
					if ((character.index >= 97 && character.index < 123) || (character.index >= 65 && character.index < 91))
						baseline = -character.vert.y - character.vert.height;
						if (baseline_values.ContainsKey(baseline))
							baseline_values[baseline] ++;
							baseline_values[baseline] = 1;

				// Find most common baseline value used by the letters
				var idx = 0;
				int highest_num = 0, highest_idx = -1;
				float most_common_baseline = -1;
				foreach (var num in baseline_values.Values)
					if (highest_idx == -1 || num > highest_num)
						highest_idx = idx;
						highest_num = num;

				// Retrieve the most common value and use as baseline value
				idx = 0;
				foreach (var baseline_key in baseline_values.Keys)
					if (idx == highest_idx)
						most_common_baseline = baseline_key;

				m_font_baseline = most_common_baseline;

				// Set font name to current, to ensure this check doesn't happen each time
				m_current_font_name = m_font.name;

			var font_char_info = new CharacterInfo();
			m_font.GetCharacterInfo(m_character, out font_char_info);

			char_info.flipped = font_char_info.flipped;
			char_info.uv = font_char_info.uv;
			char_info.vert = font_char_info.vert;
			char_info.width = font_char_info.width;

			// Scale char_info values
			char_info.vert.x /= FontScale;
			char_info.vert.y /= FontScale;
			char_info.vert.width /= FontScale;
			char_info.vert.height /= FontScale;
			char_info.width /= FontScale;

			if (font_char_info.width == 0)
				// Invisible character info returned because character is not contained within the font
				Debug.LogWarning("Character '" + GetHumanReadableCharacterString(m_character) + "' not found. Check that font '" + m_font.name + "' supports this character.");

			return true;

		if (m_font_data_file != null)
			if (m_custom_font_data == null || !m_font_data_file.name.Equals(m_current_font_data_file_name))
				// Setup m_custom_font_data for the custom font.
				if (m_font_data_file.text.Substring(0, 5).Equals("<?xml"))
					// Text file is in xml format

					m_current_font_data_file_name = m_font_data_file.name;
					m_custom_font_data = new CustomFontCharacterData();

					var reader = new XmlTextReader(new StringReader(m_font_data_file.text));

					var texture_width = 0;
					var texture_height = 0;
					int uv_x, uv_y;
					float width, height, xoffset, yoffset, xadvance;
					CustomCharacterInfo character_info;

					while (reader.Read())
						if (reader.IsStartElement())
							if (reader.Name.Equals("common"))
								texture_width = int.Parse(reader.GetAttribute("scaleW"));
								texture_height = int.Parse(reader.GetAttribute("scaleH"));

								m_font_baseline = int.Parse(reader.GetAttribute("base"));
							else if (reader.Name.Equals("char"))
								uv_x = int.Parse(reader.GetAttribute("x"));
								uv_y = int.Parse(reader.GetAttribute("y"));
								width = float.Parse(reader.GetAttribute("width"));
								height = float.Parse(reader.GetAttribute("height"));
								xoffset = float.Parse(reader.GetAttribute("xoffset"));
								yoffset = float.Parse(reader.GetAttribute("yoffset"));
								xadvance = float.Parse(reader.GetAttribute("xadvance"));

								character_info = new CustomCharacterInfo();
								character_info.flipped = false;
								character_info.uv = new Rect(uv_x / (float)texture_width, 1 - (uv_y / (float)texture_height) - height / texture_height, width / texture_width, height / texture_height);
								character_info.vert = new Rect(xoffset, -yoffset, width, -height);
								character_info.width = xadvance;

								m_custom_font_data.m_character_infos.Add(int.Parse(reader.GetAttribute("id")), character_info);
					if (m_font_data_file.text.Substring(0, 4).Equals("info"))
						// Plain txt format
						m_current_font_data_file_name = m_font_data_file.name;
						m_custom_font_data = new CustomFontCharacterData();

						var texture_width = 0;
						var texture_height = 0;
						int uv_x, uv_y;
						float width, height, xoffset, yoffset, xadvance;
						CustomCharacterInfo character_info;
						string[] data_fields;

						var text_lines = m_font_data_file.text.Split('\n');

						foreach (var font_data in text_lines)
							if (font_data.Length >= 5 && font_data.Substring(0, 5).Equals("char "))
								// character data line
								data_fields = ParseFieldData(font_data, new[] { "id=", "x=", "y=", "width=", "height=", "xoffset=", "yoffset=", "xadvance=" });
								uv_x = int.Parse(data_fields[1]);
								uv_y = int.Parse(data_fields[2]);
								width = float.Parse(data_fields[3]);
								height = float.Parse(data_fields[4]);
								xoffset = float.Parse(data_fields[5]);
								yoffset = float.Parse(data_fields[6]);
								xadvance = float.Parse(data_fields[7]);

								character_info = new CustomCharacterInfo();
								character_info.flipped = false;
								character_info.uv = new Rect(uv_x / (float)texture_width, 1 - (uv_y / (float)texture_height) - height / texture_height, width / texture_width, height / texture_height);
								character_info.vert = new Rect(xoffset, -yoffset + 1, width, -height);
								character_info.width = xadvance;

								m_custom_font_data.m_character_infos.Add(int.Parse(data_fields[0]), character_info);
							else if (font_data.Length >= 6 && font_data.Substring(0, 6).Equals("common"))
								data_fields = ParseFieldData(font_data, new[] { "scaleW=", "scaleH=", "base=" });
								texture_width = int.Parse(data_fields[0]);
								texture_height = int.Parse(data_fields[1]);

								m_font_baseline = int.Parse(data_fields[2]);

			if (m_custom_font_data.m_character_infos.ContainsKey(m_character))
				m_custom_font_data.m_character_infos[m_character].ScaleClone(FontScale, ref char_info);

				return true;

		return false;
コード例 #3
ファイル: EffectManager.cs プロジェクト: MalboM/MTVJam2015
    bool GetCharacterInfo(char m_character, ref CustomCharacterInfo char_info)
        if(m_character.Equals('\n') || m_character.Equals('\r'))
            return true;

        #if !UNITY_3_5
        if(m_font != null)
            CharacterInfo font_char_info = new CharacterInfo();
            m_font.GetCharacterInfo(m_character, out font_char_info);

            char_info.flipped = font_char_info.flipped;
            char_info.uv = font_char_info.uv;
            char_info.vert = font_char_info.vert;
            char_info.width = font_char_info.width;

            // Scale char_info values
            char_info.vert.x /= FontScale;
            char_info.vert.y /= FontScale;
            char_info.vert.width /= FontScale;
            char_info.vert.height /= FontScale;
            char_info.width /= FontScale;

            if(font_char_info.width == 0)
                // Invisible character info returned because character is not contained within the font
                Debug.LogWarning("Character '" + GetHumanReadableCharacterString(m_character) + "' not found. Check that font '" + m_font.name + "' supports this character.");

            return true;

        if(m_font_data_file != null)
            if(m_custom_font_data == null || !m_font_data_file.name.Equals(m_current_font_data_file_name))
                // Setup m_custom_font_data for the custom font.
                    // Text file is in xml format

                    m_current_font_data_file_name = m_font_data_file.name;
                    m_custom_font_data = new CustomFontCharacterData();

                    XmlTextReader reader = new XmlTextReader(new StringReader(m_font_data_file.text));

                    int texture_width = 0;
                    int texture_height = 0;
                    int uv_x, uv_y;
                    float width, height, xoffset, yoffset, xadvance;
                    CustomCharacterInfo character_info;

                                texture_width = int.Parse(reader.GetAttribute("scaleW"));
                                texture_height = int.Parse(reader.GetAttribute("scaleH"));
                            else if(reader.Name.Equals("char"))
                                uv_x = int.Parse(reader.GetAttribute("x"));
                                uv_y = int.Parse(reader.GetAttribute("y"));
                                width = float.Parse(reader.GetAttribute("width"));
                                height = float.Parse(reader.GetAttribute("height"));
                                xoffset = float.Parse(reader.GetAttribute("xoffset"));
                                yoffset = float.Parse(reader.GetAttribute("yoffset"));
                                xadvance = float.Parse(reader.GetAttribute("xadvance"));

                                character_info = new CustomCharacterInfo();
                                character_info.flipped = false;
                                character_info.uv = new Rect((float) uv_x / (float) texture_width, 1 - ((float)uv_y / (float)texture_height) - (float)height/(float)texture_height, (float)width/(float)texture_width, (float)height/(float)texture_height);
                                character_info.vert = new Rect(xoffset,-yoffset,width, -height);
                                character_info.width = xadvance;

                                m_custom_font_data.m_character_infos.Add( int.Parse(reader.GetAttribute("id")), character_info);
                else if(m_font_data_file.text.Substring(0,4).Equals("info"))
                    // Plain txt format
                    m_current_font_data_file_name = m_font_data_file.name;
                    m_custom_font_data = new CustomFontCharacterData();

                    int texture_width = 0;
                    int texture_height = 0;
                    int uv_x, uv_y;
                    float width, height, xoffset, yoffset, xadvance;
                    CustomCharacterInfo character_info;
                    string[] data_fields;

                    string[] text_lines = m_font_data_file.text.Split(new char[]{'\n'});

                    foreach(string font_data in text_lines)
                        if(font_data.Length >= 5 && font_data.Substring(0,5).Equals("char "))
                            // character data line
                            data_fields = ParseFieldData(font_data, new string[]{"id=", "x=", "y=", "width=", "height=", "xoffset=", "yoffset=", "xadvance="});
                            uv_x = int.Parse(data_fields[1]);
                            uv_y = int.Parse(data_fields[2]);
                            width = float.Parse(data_fields[3]);
                            height = float.Parse(data_fields[4]);
                            xoffset = float.Parse(data_fields[5]);
                            yoffset = float.Parse(data_fields[6]);
                            xadvance = float.Parse(data_fields[7]);

                            character_info = new CustomCharacterInfo();
                            character_info.flipped = false;
                            character_info.uv = new Rect((float) uv_x / (float) texture_width, 1 - ((float)uv_y / (float)texture_height) - (float)height/(float)texture_height, (float)width/(float)texture_width, (float)height/(float)texture_height);
                            character_info.vert = new Rect(xoffset,-yoffset +1,width, -height);
                            character_info.width = xadvance;

                            m_custom_font_data.m_character_infos.Add( int.Parse(data_fields[0]), character_info);
                        else if(font_data.Length >= 6 && font_data.Substring(0,6).Equals("common"))
                            data_fields = ParseFieldData(font_data, new string[]{"scaleW=", "scaleH=", "lineHeight="});
                            texture_width = int.Parse(data_fields[0]);
                            texture_height = int.Parse(data_fields[1]);


            if(m_custom_font_data.m_character_infos.ContainsKey((int) m_character))
                ((CustomCharacterInfo) m_custom_font_data.m_character_infos[(int)m_character]).ScaleClone(FontScale, ref char_info);

                return true;

        return false;