コード例 #1
 /// <summary>
 /// Removes a Custom Box Collider to the manager.
 /// </summary>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public void RemoveColliderToList(CustomBoxCollider collider)
     if (collidersInWorld.Contains(collider) == true)
コード例 #2
 /// <summary>
 /// When a collider enters another collider.
 /// </summary>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public void OnCollisionBegin(CustomBoxCollider other)
     if (hitCollider != other)
         hitCollider = other;
コード例 #3
    /// <summary>
    /// When a collider exits another collider.
    /// </summary>
    /// <returns></returns>
    private void OnCollisionEnd()
        if (hitCollider != null)
            hitCollider = null;

            //Removes the grounded status of the physics object.
            if (physics != null)
                physics.Grounded = false;
コード例 #4
    /// <summary>
    /// Applies corresponding physics of the object holding this collider.
    /// </summary>
    /// <returns></returns>
    private void CorrectPhysicsObject(CustomBoxCollider other)
        if (physics != null)
            //Reflects the force of the physics so the object bounces.
            physics.Grounded = true;

            //Add bounces to the bullet class if it has any.
            Bullet bullet = physics.GetComponent <Bullet>();
            if (bullet != null)
コード例 #5
 /// <summary>
 /// Adds a Custom Box Collider to the manager.
 /// </summary>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public void AddColliderToList(CustomBoxCollider collider)
コード例 #6
    public bool BoxVsSphereCollision(CustomBoxCollider box, CustomSphereCollider sphere, out CustomCollisionInfo info)
        info = new CustomCollisionInfo();
        var spherePosition = sphere.transform.position + sphere.colliderOffset;
        var boxPosition    = box.transform.position + box.colliderOffset;

        //List<Vector3> box1Points = box.GetOrientedBoxBounds().GetPoints();
        //List<Vector3> box2Points = new List<Vector3>();
        //box2Points.Add(spherePosition + sphere.U() * sphere.radius);
        //box2Points.Add(spherePosition - sphere.U() * sphere.radius);
        //box2Points.Add(spherePosition + sphere.V() * sphere.radius);
        //box2Points.Add(spherePosition - sphere.V() * sphere.radius);
        //box2Points.Add(spherePosition + sphere.W() * sphere.radius);
        //box2Points.Add(spherePosition - sphere.W() * sphere.radius);

        //var P1 = GetMinMaxObj(box1Points, box.V());
        //var P2 = GetMinMaxObj(box2Points, box.V());
        //var Q1 = GetMinMaxObj(box1Points, box.U());
        //var Q2 = GetMinMaxObj(box2Points, box.U());
        //var R1 = GetMinMaxObj(box1Points, box.W());
        //var R2 = GetMinMaxObj(box2Points, box.W());

        //var S1 = GetMinMaxObj(box1Points, sphere.V());
        //var S2 = GetMinMaxObj(box2Points, sphere.V());
        //var T1 = GetMinMaxObj(box1Points, sphere.U());
        //var T2 = GetMinMaxObj(box2Points, sphere.U());
        //var U1 = GetMinMaxObj(box1Points, sphere.W());
        //var U2 = GetMinMaxObj(box2Points, sphere.W());

        //bool P = P1.max < P2.min || P2.max < P1.min;
        //bool Q = Q1.max < Q2.min || Q2.max < Q1.min;
        //bool R = R1.max < R2.min || R2.max < R1.min;
        //bool S = S1.max < S2.min || S2.max < S1.min;
        //bool T = T1.max < T2.min || T2.max < T1.min;
        //bool U = U1.max < U2.min || U2.max < U1.min;

        ////Check if seperated
        //bool res = P || Q || R || S || T || U;

        //if (!res)
        //    info.intersectionSize.x =
        //        Mathf.Max(Mathf.Min((spherePosition + (sphere.U() * sphere.radius + sphere.V() * sphere.radius + sphere.W() * sphere.radius)).x, box.GetOrientedBoxBounds().max.x), 0);
        //    info.intersectionSize.y =
        //        Mathf.Max(Mathf.Min((spherePosition + (sphere.U() * sphere.radius + sphere.V() * sphere.radius + sphere.W() * sphere.radius)).y, box.GetOrientedBoxBounds().max.y), 0);
        //    info.intersectionSize.z =
        //        Mathf.Max(Mathf.Min((spherePosition + (sphere.U() * sphere.radius + sphere.V() * sphere.radius + sphere.W() * sphere.radius)).z, box.GetOrientedBoxBounds().max.z), 0);
        //    DrawBoundingVolume(box, Color.red, true);
        //    DrawBoundingVolume(sphere, Color.red, true, CustomCollider.ColliderType.Sphere);

        //return res;

        var normal = (boxPosition - spherePosition).normalized;
        var rad    = Mathf.Abs(Vector3.Dot(box.U(), normal) + Vector3.Dot(box.V(), normal) + Vector3.Dot(box.W(), normal));
        var dot    = Vector3.Dot(boxPosition, normal) - Vector3.Dot(spherePosition, normal);

        if (dot < rad)
            var xMax1 = box.GetOrientedBoxBounds().max.x;
            var yMax1 = box.GetOrientedBoxBounds().max.y;
            var zMax1 = box.GetOrientedBoxBounds().max.z;

            var xMax2 = spherePosition.x + sphere.radius;
            var yMax2 = spherePosition.y + sphere.radius;
            var zMax2 = spherePosition.z + sphere.radius;

            info.intersectionSize.x = Mathf.Max(Mathf.Min(xMax2, xMax1), 0);
            info.intersectionSize.y = Mathf.Max(Mathf.Min(yMax2, yMax1), 0);
            info.intersectionSize.z = Mathf.Max(Mathf.Min(zMax2, zMax1), 0);
            DrawBoundingVolume(box, Color.red, true);
            DrawBoundingVolume(sphere, Color.red, true, CustomCollider.ColliderType.Sphere);

        //Vector3 v;
        //var centerBox = box.transform.position + box.colliderOffset;
        //var currentCorner = box.GetOrientedBoxBounds().GetPoints()[0];
        //var max = Vector3.Distance(centerBox, spherePosition);
        //var box2sphere = boxPosition - spherePosition;
        //var box2SphereNormalised = box2sphere.normalized;
        //var points = box.GetOrientedBoxBounds().GetPoints();
        //var closestPoint = centerBox;
        //for (int i = 1; i < points.Count; ++i)
        //    currentCorner = points[i];
        //    if (Vector3.Distance(currentCorner, spherePosition) < max)
        //        closestPoint = currentCorner;

        //if ((sphere.radius - (spherePosition - closestPoint).magnitude) <= 0)
        //    return false;
        //    var xMax1 = box.GetOrientedBoxBounds().max.x;
        //    var yMax1 = box.GetOrientedBoxBounds().max.y;
        //    var zMax1 = box.GetOrientedBoxBounds().max.z;

        //    var xMax2 = sphere.radius - (spherePosition.x - closestPoint.x);
        //    var yMax2 = sphere.radius - (spherePosition.y - closestPoint.y);
        //    var zMax2 = sphere.radius - (spherePosition.z - closestPoint.z);

        //   // info.intersectionSize.x = sphere.radius - (spherePosition.x - closestPoint.x);
        //   // info.intersectionSize.y = sphere.radius - (spherePosition.y - closestPoint.y);
        //   // info.intersectionSize.z = sphere.radius - (spherePosition.z - closestPoint.z);

        //    info.intersectionSize.x = Mathf.Max(Mathf.Min(xMax2, xMax1), 0) * 2;
        //    info.intersectionSize.y = Mathf.Max(Mathf.Min(yMax2, yMax1), 0) * 2;
        //    info.intersectionSize.z = Mathf.Max(Mathf.Min(zMax2, zMax1), 0) * 2;

        //    return true;

        //if (box2sphere.magnitude - max - sphere.radius > 0 && box2sphere.magnitude > 0)
        //    return false;

        //DrawBoundingVolume(box, Color.red, true);
        //DrawBoundingVolume(sphere, Color.red, true, CustomCollider.ColliderType.Sphere);

        //var xMin1 = box.GetOrientedBoxBounds().min.x;
        //var xMax1 = box.GetOrientedBoxBounds().max.x;
        //var yMin1 = box.GetOrientedBoxBounds().min.y;
        //var yMax1 = box.GetOrientedBoxBounds().max.y;
        //var zMin1 = box.GetOrientedBoxBounds().min.z;
        //var zMax1 = box.GetOrientedBoxBounds().max.z;

        //var xMin2 = spherePosition.x - sphere.radius;
        //var xMax2 = spherePosition.x + sphere.radius;
        //var yMin2 = spherePosition.y - sphere.radius;
        //var yMax2 = spherePosition.y + sphere.radius;
        //var zMin2 = spherePosition.z - sphere.radius;
        //var zMax2 = spherePosition.z + sphere.radius;

        //info.intersectionSize.x = Mathf.Max(Mathf.Min(xMax2, xMax1), 0);
        //info.intersectionSize.y = Mathf.Max(Mathf.Min(yMax2, yMax1), 0);
        //info.intersectionSize.z = Mathf.Max(Mathf.Min(zMax2, zMax1), 0);

        //return true;
コード例 #7
    bool CheckCollision(CustomCollider one_, CustomCollider two_, out CustomCollisionInfo hitInfo, CollisionMode mode = CollisionMode.SAT)//  AABB - AABB collision
        hitInfo = new CustomCollisionInfo();

        if (one_.colliderType == CustomCollider.ColliderType.Box && two_.colliderType == CustomCollider.ColliderType.Box)
            CustomBoxCollider one = one_ as CustomBoxCollider;
            CustomBoxCollider two = two_ as CustomBoxCollider;

            if (mode == CollisionMode.SAT)
                List <Vector3> box1Points = one.GetOrientedBoxBounds().GetPoints();
                List <Vector3> box2Points = two.GetOrientedBoxBounds().GetPoints();

                var P1 = GetMinMaxObj(box1Points, one.V());
                var P2 = GetMinMaxObj(box2Points, one.V());
                var Q1 = GetMinMaxObj(box1Points, one.U());
                var Q2 = GetMinMaxObj(box2Points, one.U());
                var R1 = GetMinMaxObj(box1Points, one.W());
                var R2 = GetMinMaxObj(box2Points, one.W());

                var S1 = GetMinMaxObj(box1Points, two.V());
                var S2 = GetMinMaxObj(box2Points, two.V());
                var T1 = GetMinMaxObj(box1Points, two.U());
                var T2 = GetMinMaxObj(box2Points, two.U());
                var U1 = GetMinMaxObj(box1Points, two.W());
                var U2 = GetMinMaxObj(box2Points, two.W());

                bool P = P1.max < P2.min || P2.max < P1.min;
                bool Q = Q1.max < Q2.min || Q2.max < Q1.min;
                bool R = R1.max < R2.min || R2.max < R1.min;
                bool S = S1.max < S2.min || S2.max < S1.min;
                bool T = T1.max < T2.min || T2.max < T1.min;
                bool U = U1.max < U2.min || U2.max < U1.min;

                //Check if seperated
                bool res = P || Q || R || S || T || U;

                if (!res)
                    hitInfo.intersectionSize.x =
                        Mathf.Max(Mathf.Min(two.GetOrientedBoxBounds().max.x, one.GetOrientedBoxBounds().max.x), 0);
                    hitInfo.intersectionSize.y =
                        Mathf.Max(Mathf.Min(two.GetOrientedBoxBounds().max.y, one.GetOrientedBoxBounds().max.x), 0);
                    hitInfo.intersectionSize.z =
                        Mathf.Max(Mathf.Min(two.GetOrientedBoxBounds().max.z, one.GetOrientedBoxBounds().max.x), 0);
                    DrawBoundingVolume(one, Color.red, true);
                    DrawBoundingVolume(two, Color.red, true);

                var xMin1 = one.GetOrientedBoxBounds().min.x;
                var xMax1 = one.GetOrientedBoxBounds().max.x;
                var yMin1 = one.GetOrientedBoxBounds().min.y;
                var yMax1 = one.GetOrientedBoxBounds().max.y;
                var zMin1 = one.GetOrientedBoxBounds().min.z;
                var zMax1 = one.GetOrientedBoxBounds().max.z;

                var xMin2 = two.GetOrientedBoxBounds().min.x;
                var xMax2 = two.GetOrientedBoxBounds().max.x;
                var yMin2 = two.GetOrientedBoxBounds().min.y;
                var yMax2 = two.GetOrientedBoxBounds().max.y;
                var zMin2 = two.GetOrientedBoxBounds().min.z;
                var zMax2 = two.GetOrientedBoxBounds().max.z;

                bool res = xMin1 <= xMax2 && xMax1 >= xMin2 &&
                           yMin1 <= yMax2 && yMax1 >= yMin2 &&
                           zMin1 <= zMax2 && zMax1 >= zMin2;

                if (res)
                    hitInfo.intersectionSize.x = Mathf.Max(Mathf.Min(xMax2, xMax1), 0);
                    hitInfo.intersectionSize.y = Mathf.Max(Mathf.Min(yMax2, yMax1), 0);
                    hitInfo.intersectionSize.z = Mathf.Max(Mathf.Min(zMax2, zMax1), 0);
                    DrawBoundingVolume(one, Color.red, true);
                    DrawBoundingVolume(two, Color.red, true);


        if (one_.colliderType == CustomCollider.ColliderType.Sphere &&
            two_.colliderType == CustomCollider.ColliderType.Box)
            return(BoxVsSphereCollision((CustomBoxCollider)two_, (CustomSphereCollider)one_, out hitInfo));
        else if (one_.colliderType == CustomCollider.ColliderType.Box &&
                 two_.colliderType == CustomCollider.ColliderType.Sphere)
            return(BoxVsSphereCollision((CustomBoxCollider)one_, (CustomSphereCollider)two_, out hitInfo));

コード例 #8
 /// <summary>
 /// Reflects the velocity with a dissipation from the bounciness.
 /// If the reflected force is small enough, will stop the velocity.
 /// Also returns the reflect force for comparison purposes.
 /// </summary>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public void CorrectPosition(CustomBoxCollider hitCollider)
     transform.position = new Vector3(transform.position.x,
                                      hitCollider.Position.y + (hitCollider.Scale.y * 0.5f) + (transform.localScale.y * 0.5f),