コード例 #1
 IEnumerable <DebugCurve> Hubs()
     return(mgd.Stations.Select(station => new DebugCurve(100, 1, "blue", CurveFactory.CreateCircle(Math.Max(station.Radius, 1.0), station.Position))));
 static ICurve Box(Point p)
     // ReSharper restore UnusedMember.Local
     return(CurveFactory.CreateRectangle(2, 2, p));
コード例 #3
 IEnumerable <DebugCurve> BBoxes()
     return(mgd.Stations.Where(n => n.IsRealNode).Select(n => new DebugCurve("red", CurveFactory.CreateCircle(n.BoundaryCurve.BoundingBox.Diagonal / 2, n.Position))));
コード例 #4
 static ICurve CreateCurveAt(double x, double y, double size)
     return(CurveFactory.CreateRectangleWithRoundedCorners(size, size, size / 10, size / 10, new Point(x, y)));
コード例 #5
        void ShowEdge(AxisEdge edge, Point point)
// ReSharper restore SuggestBaseTypeForParameter

            var dd  = GetObstacleBoundaries("black");
            var seg = new DebugCurve(1, "red", new LineSegment(edge.Source.Point, edge.Target.Point));

                                                                   new[] { seg, new DebugCurve("blue", CurveFactory.CreateEllipse(3, 3, point)) }));
        /// <summary>
        /// Example on how to use Stress Majorization with a small graph and Localized method.
        /// </summary>
        public static void RunStressMajorizationExample()
            //create a star graph where three nodes are connected to the center
            GeometryGraph graph = new GeometryGraph();

            graph.Nodes.Add(new Node());
            graph.Nodes.Add(new Node());
            graph.Nodes.Add(new Node());
            graph.Nodes.Add(new Node());

            //set initial positions, e.g., random
            graph.Nodes[0].BoundaryCurve = CurveFactory.CreateRectangle(20, 10, new Point(5, 5));
            graph.Nodes[1].BoundaryCurve = CurveFactory.CreateRectangle(20, 10, new Point(7, 10));
            graph.Nodes[2].BoundaryCurve = CurveFactory.CreateRectangle(20, 10, new Point(7, 2));
            graph.Nodes[3].BoundaryCurve = CurveFactory.CreateRectangle(20, 10, new Point(35, 1));

            graph.Edges.Add(new Edge(graph.Nodes[0], graph.Nodes[1]));
            graph.Edges.Add(new Edge(graph.Nodes[0], graph.Nodes[2]));
            graph.Edges.Add(new Edge(graph.Nodes[0], graph.Nodes[3]));

            //array with desired distances between the nodes for every edge
            double[] idealEdgeLength = new double[graph.Edges.Count];
            for (int i = 0; i < graph.Edges.Count; i++)
                idealEdgeLength[i] = 100; //all edges should have this euclidean length

            //create stress majorization class and set the desired distances on the edges
            StressMajorization majorizer = new StressMajorization();

            majorizer.Positions   = new List <Point>(graph.Nodes.Select(v => v.Center));
            majorizer.NodeVotings = new List <NodeVoting>(graph.Nodes.Count);

            // initialize for every node an empty block
            for (int i = 0; i < graph.Nodes.Count; i++)
                var nodeVote = new NodeVoting(i); //by default there is already a block with weighting 1
                //optional: add second block with different type of edges, e.g., with stronger weight
                //var secondBlock = new VoteBlock(new List<Vote>(), 100);
                //var block2=nodeVote.VotingBlocks[1]; //block could be accessed like this in a later stage


            // for every edge set the desired distances by setting votings among the two end nodes.
            Dictionary <Node, int> posDict = new Dictionary <Node, int>();

            for (int i = 0; i < graph.Nodes.Count; i++)
                posDict[graph.Nodes[i]] = i;

            var edges = graph.Edges.ToArray();

            for (int i = 0; i < graph.Edges.Count; i++)
                var edge    = edges[i];
                int nodeId1 = posDict[edge.Source];
                int nodeId2 = posDict[edge.Target];

                double idealDistance = idealEdgeLength[i];
                double weight        = 1 / (idealDistance * idealDistance);
                var    voteFromNode1 = new Vote(nodeId1, idealDistance, weight); // vote from node1 for node2
                var    voteFromNode2 = new Vote(nodeId2, idealDistance, weight); // vote from node2 for node1

                // add vote of node1 to list of node2 (in first voting block)
                // add vote of node2 to list of node1 (in first voting block)

            //used localized method to reduce stress
            majorizer.Settings = new StressMajorizationSettings();
            majorizer.Settings.SolvingMethod = SolvingMethod.Localized;

            List <Point> result = majorizer.IterateAll();

            for (int i = 0; i < result.Count; i++)
                graph.Nodes[i].Center = result[i];
コード例 #7
 static ICurve CreateEllipse()
     return(CurveFactory.CreateEllipse(20, 10, new Point()));
コード例 #8
 private static ICurve CreateRectangle()
     return(CurveFactory.CreateRectangle(20, 10, new Point()));
コード例 #9
 private static ICurve CreateDot()
     return(CurveFactory.CreateRectangle(5, 5, new Point()));
コード例 #10
        private void ShowDebugInsertedSegments(GridTraversal grid, int zoomLevel, LgNodeInfo nodeToAdd, IEnumerable <SymmetricSegment> newToAdd, IEnumerable <SymmetricSegment> allOnNewEdges)
            var edges = _pathRouter.GetAllEdgesVisibilityEdges();
            var ll    = new List <DebugCurve>();

            foreach (var ni in _insertedNodes)
                ll.Add(new DebugCurve(5, "green", ni.BoundaryCurve));

            if (nodeToAdd != null)
                var curve = _insertedNodes.Last().BoundaryCurve.Clone();
                curve.Translate(nodeToAdd.Center - _insertedNodes.Last().Center);
                ll.Add(new DebugCurve(5, "red", curve));

            foreach (var e in edges)
                ll.Add(new DebugCurve(new LineSegment(e.SourcePoint, e.TargetPoint)));

            int n        = zoomLevel;
            int maxNodes = MaxNodesPerTile(zoomLevel);

            for (int ix = 0; ix < n; ix++)
                for (int iy = 0; iy < n; iy++)
                    var tile = new Tuple <int, int>(ix, iy);
                    var r    = grid.GetTileRect(ix, iy);

                    if (_nodeTileTable.ContainsKey(tile) &&
                        _nodeTileTable[tile] >= maxNodes)
                        ll.Add(new DebugCurve(5, "yellow", CurveFactory.CreateRectangle(r)));
                    else if (_segmentTileTable.ContainsKey(tile) &&
                             _segmentTileTable[tile] >= MaxAmountRailsPerTile)
                        ll.Add(new DebugCurve(5, "orange", CurveFactory.CreateRectangle(r)));
                        ll.Add(new DebugCurve(5, "blue", CurveFactory.CreateRectangle(r)));

            if (allOnNewEdges != null)
                foreach (var seg in allOnNewEdges)
                    ll.Add(new DebugCurve(5, "yellow", new LineSegment(seg.A, seg.B)));

            if (newToAdd != null)
                foreach (var seg in newToAdd)
                    ll.Add(new DebugCurve(5, "red", new LineSegment(seg.A, seg.B)));


コード例 #11
 static IEnumerable <DebugCurve> DebugCircles(MetroGraphData metroGraphData)
              station => new DebugCurve(100, 0.1, "blue", CurveFactory.CreateCircle(station.Radius, station.Position))));
コード例 #12
ファイル: GraphTestWindow.cs プロジェクト: EulBart/Thread
 public static ICurve CreateCurve(double w, double h)
     //return CurveFactory.CreateRectangle(w, h, new Point());
     //return CurveFactory.CreateEllipse(w/2,h/2, new Point());
     return(CurveFactory.CreateRectangleWithRoundedCorners(w, h, 10, 10, new Point()));
コード例 #13
ファイル: GraphTestWindow.cs プロジェクト: EulBart/Thread
    internal void CreateClassGraph()
        graph = new GeometryGraph();

        var typeNodes = new Dictionary <string, Node>();

        ProcessTypeDelegate processType = type =>
            //string typeNamespace = type.Namespace;
            //if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(typeNamespace))
            //    if (typeNamespace.StartsWith("Unity")
            //    || typeNamespace.StartsWith("TMPro")
            //       || typeNamespace.StartsWith("TMPro")
            //    )
            //        return;

            char start = type.Name[0];
            if (start == '<' || start == '$')

            //    return;

            TypeNodeInfo info = new TypeNodeInfo(type);

            var node = new Node(CurveFactory.CreateRectangle(info.baseSize.x,
                                                             info.baseSize.y, new Point()))
                UserData = info

            Node doublonByNameToBeFixedOneDayIWillGiveAFuck;
            if (!typeNodes.TryGetValue(info.ToString(), out doublonByNameToBeFixedOneDayIWillGiveAFuck))
                typeNodes.Add(info.ToString(), node);

        AssemblyScanner.Register(processType, AssemblyScanner.OnlyProject);

        foreach (var kvp in typeNodes)
            Node node     = kvp.Value;
            Type baseType = (node.UserData as TypeNodeInfo).type.BaseType;
            if (baseType == null)

            string baseTypeName = GetTypeName(baseType);

            Node parentNode;
            if (typeNodes.TryGetValue(baseTypeName, out parentNode))
                graph.Edges.Add(new Edge(node, parentNode));

        for (int i = graph.Nodes.Count; --i >= 0;)
            if (graph.Nodes[i].Edges.Any())
コード例 #14
//         double GetAverageOverlap(List<Tuple<int, int, double, double>> proximityEdgesWithDistance,
//                                         Point[] positions, Rectangle[] rectangles) {
//            double overlap = 0;
//            int counter = 0;
//            foreach (Tuple<int, int, double, double> tuple in proximityEdgesWithDistance) {
//                int nodeId1 = tuple.Item1;
//                int nodeId2 = tuple.Item2;
//                Point point1 = positions[nodeId1];
//                Point point2 = positions[nodeId2];
//                if (nodeBoxes == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("nodeBoxes");
//                if (nodeBoxes.Length <= nodeId1) return 0;
//                if (nodeBoxes.Length <= nodeId2) return 0;
//                double box1Width = nodeBoxes[nodeId1].Width;
//                double box1Height = nodeBoxes[nodeId1].Height;
//                double box2Width = nodeBoxes[nodeId2].Width;
//                double box2Height = nodeBoxes[nodeId2].Height;
//                //Gansner et. al Scaling factor of distance
//                double tw = (box1Width/2 + box2Width/2)/Math.Abs(point1.X - point2.X);
//                double th = (box1Height/2 + box2Height/2)/Math.Abs(point1.Y - point2.Y);
//                double t = Math.Max(Math.Min(tw, th), 1);
//                if (t == 1) continue; // no overlap between the bounding boxes
//                double distance = (t - 1)*(point1 - point2).Length;
//                overlap += distance;
//                counter++;
//            }
//            overlap /= counter;
//            return overlap;
//        }

        /// <summary>
        /// For debugging only
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="currentIteration"></param>
        /// <param name="nodeSizes"></param>
        /// <param name="nodePositions"></param>
        /// <param name="newPositions"></param>
        /// <param name="proximityEdgesWithDistance"></param>
        /// <param name="finalGridVectors"></param>
        static void ShowCurrentMovementVectors(int currentIteration, Size[] nodeSizes,
                                               Point[] nodePositions, List <Point> newPositions,
                                               List <Tuple <int, int, double, double> > proximityEdgesWithDistance,
                                               Point[] finalGridVectors)
            if (DebugMode && currentIteration % 1 == 0)
                List <DebugCurve> curveList = new List <DebugCurve>();
                var nodeBoxes = new Rectangle[nodeSizes.Length];
                for (int i = 0; i < nodeBoxes.Length; i++)
                    nodeBoxes[i] = new Rectangle(nodeSizes[i], nodePositions[i]);
                var nodeCurves =
                        v =>
                        new DebugCurve(220, 1, "black", Curve.PolylineAroundClosedCurve(CurveFactory.CreateRectangle(v))));
                var vectors = nodePositions.Select(
                    (p, i) =>
                    new DebugCurve(220, 2, "red", new Polyline(p, newPositions[i]))).ToList();

                foreach (Tuple <int, int, double, double> tuple in proximityEdgesWithDistance)
                    if (tuple.Item3 > 0)
                        curveList.Add(new DebugCurve(220, 1, "gray",
                                                     new Polyline(nodePositions[tuple.Item1],
                if (finalGridVectors != null)
                    var gridFlowVectors = nodePositions.Select((p, i) =>
                                                               new DebugCurve(220, 2, "blue",
                                                                              new Polyline(p, p + finalGridVectors[i])))
