public bool MouseLeave() { // Avoid showing a tooltip outside the MapControl Map.StopTooltip(); return(CurrentManipulator.MouseLeave()); }
public bool MouseMove(MouseEventArgs e) { Point game = Map.Display.GetGameLocation(e.Location); Village village = World.Default.GetVillage(game); Point map = Map.Display.GetMapLocation(game); // Display village tooltip if (village != null) { if (ActiveVillage != village.Location) { LastActiveVillage = ActiveVillage; ActiveVillage = village.Location; CurrentManipulator.ShowTooltip(village); } } else { Map.StopTooltip(); } // Invoke the MouseMoved delegate each time the current mouse location is different from the last location if (_mouseMoved != null && ActiveLocation != game) { ActiveLocation = game; _mouseMoved(e, map, village, ActiveLocation, ActiveVillage); } return(CurrentManipulator.MouseMoveCore(new MapMouseMoveEventArgs(e, map, village))); }
public bool MouseDown(MouseEventArgs e, Village village) { bool redraw = false; if (village != null && e.Button == MouseButtons.Left) { redraw = CurrentManipulator.OnVillageClickCore(new MapVillageEventArgs(e, village)); } return(CurrentManipulator.MouseDownCore(new MapMouseEventArgs(e, village)) || redraw); }
/// <summary> /// Changes the active manipulatormanager /// </summary> public void SetManipulator(ManipulatorManagerTypes manipulator) { if (manipulator != ManipulatorManagerTypes.Default) { _previousType = manipulator; } Map.EventPublisher.Deselect(this); CurrentManipulator = _manipulators[manipulator]; CurrentManipulator.Initialize(); Map.EventPublisher.ChangeManipulator(this, new ManipulatorEventArgs(manipulator)); }
public void Draw() { GL.Clear(ClearBufferMask.ColorBufferBit | ClearBufferMask.DepthBufferBit); GL.DepthFunc(DepthFunction.Lequal); program["view"].SetValue(camera.ViewMatrix); background.Draw(); foreach (Layer l in layerList) { if (l != ActiveLayer || preview) { l.Draw(); } } if (!preview) { ActiveLayer.Draw(); } if (selectionBox != null) { selectionBox.Draw(); } if (showGrid && !layerCreator.Active) { gridMesh.Draw(); originMesh.Draw(); } templateMenu.Draw(); CurrentManipulator.Draw(); templateCreator.Draw(); layerCreator.Draw(); }
public void Logic() { CalculateDelta(); UpdateEditMode(); tilesetList.Logic(); templateCreator.Logic(); templateMenu.Logic(); layerCreator.Logic(); camera.Logic(); CurrentManipulator.Logic(); if (!Paused) { { float mousex = MouseInput.Current.Position.X; float mousey = MouseInput.Current.Position.Y; mousex = (float)Math.Round(mousex); mousey = (float)Math.Round(mousey); Console.Clear(); Console.WriteLine(mousex + ", " + mousey); } if (KeyboardInput.Current[Key.LControl]) { if (KeyboardInput.KeyPressed(Key.Z)) { Undo(); } if (KeyboardInput.KeyPressed(Key.Y)) { Redo(); } if (KeyboardInput.KeyPressed(Key.D)) { DuplicateSelected(); } if (KeyboardInput.KeyPressed(Key.B)) { background.LoadTexture(); } if (KeyboardInput.KeyPressed(Key.Delete) && MessageBox.Show("Are you sure you want to delete this layer?", "Please confirm", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo) == DialogResult.Yes) { DeleteLayer(ActiveLayer); } } else { if (KeyboardInput.KeyPressed(Key.G)) { showGrid = !showGrid; } if (KeyboardInput.KeyPressed(Key.B)) { = !; } if (KeyboardInput.KeyPressed(Key.L)) { preview = !preview; } if (KeyboardInput.KeyPressed(Key.H)) { hideVertices = !hideVertices; } if (KeyboardInput.KeyPressed(Key.Z)) { hideSolids = !hideSolids; } if (KeyboardInput.KeyPressed(Key.F1)) { if (dataForm == null) { dataForm = new LevelDataForm(this); dataForm.Show(); } else { dataForm.Dispose(); dataForm = null; } } if (KeyboardInput.KeyPressed(Key.F2)) { List <EventObject> events = new List <EventObject>(); foreach (EditorObject o in ActiveObjects) { if ((o is EventObject) && o.Selected) { events.Add(o as EventObject); } } if (events.Count > 0) { new EventForm(events.ToArray()).Show(); } } if (KeyboardInput.KeyPressed(Key.Delete)) { DeleteSelected(); } } if (KeyboardInput.KeyPressed(Key.Minus)) { MoveSelected(1); } if (KeyboardInput.KeyPressed(Key.Slash)) { MoveSelected(-1); } if (MouseInput.ButtonPressed(MouseButton.Right)) { DeselectAll(); } if (MouseInput.ButtonPressed(MouseButton.Left) && !CurrentManipulator.Hovered && !templateMenu.Hovered) { Vertex v = GetVertexAt(MouseInput.Current.Position); EditorObject obj = GetObjectAt(MouseInput.Current.Position); Layer layer = GetHoveredLayer(); if (layer != null) { SetActiveLayer(layer); } if (v != null) { Select(v); } else if (obj != null) { obj.Select(); } else { selectionBox = new SelectionBox(MouseInput.Current.Position, this); } } if (MouseInput.ButtonReleased(MouseButton.Left) && selectionBox != null) { if (KeyboardInput.Current[Key.LControl]) { Deselect(selectionBox.GetObjects().ToArray()); } else { Select(selectionBox.GetObjects().ToArray()); } selectionBox.Dispose(); selectionBox = null; } if (selectionBox != null) { selectionBox.Logic(); } ActiveLayer.Logic(); } }
public bool MouseWheel(MouseEventArgs e) { return(CurrentManipulator.MouseWheel(e)); }
public bool MouseUp(MouseEventArgs e, Village village) { bool redraw = CurrentManipulator.MouseUpCore(new MapMouseEventArgs(e, village)); return(redraw); }
public bool OnVillageDoubleClick(MouseEventArgs e, Village village) { return(CurrentManipulator.OnVillageDoubleClickCore(new MapVillageEventArgs(e, village))); }
public bool KeyUp(KeyEventArgs e) { return(CurrentManipulator.OnKeyUpCore(new MapKeyEventArgs(e))); }