コード例 #1
ファイル: ctrlDutyKSA.ascx.cs プロジェクト: mshivjiani/HCMS
        protected bool CheckIfEachMajorDutyHasOneDutyKSA()
            List <JobAnalysisDuty> jaDuties = CurrentJobAnalysis.GetJobAnalysisDuty();

            List <JobAnalysisDutyKSAFactor> jaDutyKSAFactorList = new List <JobAnalysisDutyKSAFactor>();

            foreach (JobAnalysisDuty jaDuty in jaDuties)
                jaDutyKSAFactorList = jaDuty.GetJobAnalysisDutyKSAFactorByJADutyID();
                if (jaDutyKSAFactorList.Count <= 0)

コード例 #2
        //Issue Id: 169
        //Author: Deepali Anuje
        //Date Fixed: 2/21/2012
        //Description: Cond of Emp+Sel Factors from PDs Overall Quals are NOT appearing in COE table on Final KSA screen of JA
        protected void gridDutyKSAEmploymentConditions_NeedDataSource(object source, GridNeedDataSourceEventArgs e)
            if (base.CurrentFullPDID > 0)
                this.JAKSAFactorList = CurrentJobAnalysis.GetJAKSAFactor();

                //gridDutyKSAEmploymentConditions.DataSource = JAKSAFactorList.Where(p => (p.QualificationTypeID == (int)enumQualificationType.ConditionOfEmployment))
                //                                .OrderBy(p => (p.QualificationTypeName)).ToList();

                List <JQFactor> ls = JAKSAFactorList.Where(p => (p.QualificationTypeID == (int)enumQualificationType.ConditionOfEmployment))
                                     .OrderBy(p => (p.QualificationTypeName)).ToList();

                gridDutyKSAEmploymentConditions.DataSource = ls;

                lblConditionOfEmpHeader.Visible         = (ls.Count > 0);
                gridDutyKSAEmploymentConditions.Visible = (ls.Count > 0);
コード例 #3
        private void bindData()
                // Create a "lookup" list of DutyCounters to show correct Duty number in grid. This fix
                //  even allows for Duties that have no DutyKSAs and shows number skips as needed
                List <JobAnalysisDuty> currentJADuties = base.CurrentJobAnalysis.GetJobAnalysisDuty();
                currentJADuties = currentJADuties
                                  .OrderByDescending(ob => ob.JAPercentageOfTime)
                                  .ThenBy(ob2 => ob2.JADutyID).ToList();
                DutyCounters = null;
                int dutyNum = 1;
                foreach (var d in currentJADuties)
                    DutyCounters.Add(new DutyCounter()
                        Number = dutyNum, JADutyID = d.JADutyID

                this.JADutyKSAFactorList = CurrentJobAnalysis.GetJobAnalysisDutyKSAFactor();
                List <JobAnalysisDutyKSAFactor> lstJobAnalysisDutyKSACollection = new List <JobAnalysisDutyKSAFactor>();
                lstJobAnalysisDutyKSACollection = JADutyKSAFactorList
                                                  .Where(p => (p.QualificationTypeID != (int)enumQualificationType.ConditionOfEmployment))

                // Issue: 729/768
                // Mark Deibert, 9/16/2013
                // Using exact same sorting as in ctrlDutyKSA
                this.gridDutyKSA.DataSource = lstJobAnalysisDutyKSACollection
                                              .OrderByDescending(ob => ob.PercentageOfTime)
                                              .ThenBy(ob2 => ob2.JADutyID);

            catch (Exception ex)
コード例 #4
ファイル: ctrlDutyKSA.ascx.cs プロジェクト: mshivjiani/HCMS
        protected void customValTotalPercTime_ServerValidate(object source, ServerValidateEventArgs args)
            List <JobAnalysisDuty> currentJADuties = CurrentJobAnalysis.GetJobAnalysisDuty();
            int totalDutyPct = 0;

            foreach (JobAnalysisDuty duty in currentJADuties)
                totalDutyPct += duty.JAPercentageOfTime;
            if (totalDutyPct != 100)
                string valmsg = GetLocalResourceObject("DutyPercentageTotal").ToString();
                args.IsValid = false;
                customValTotalPercTime.ErrorMessage = valmsg;
                args.IsValid = true;
                customValTotalPercTime.ErrorMessage = string.Empty;
コード例 #5
ファイル: ctrlDutyKSA.ascx.cs プロジェクト: mshivjiani/HCMS
        protected void SetPageView()
            //Issue 1001 - Added a link in Duty KSA page to display the First Factor langauge in a popup screen.
            string urlhlFactor1 = string.Format("../JA/Factor1PopUp.aspx");

            hlFactor1.NavigateUrl = urlhlFactor1;
            hlFactor1.Attributes.Add("onclick", "javascript:ShowFirstFactorLanguagePopup(); return false;");

            enumJNPWorkflowStatus currentws    = base.CurrentJNPWS;
            GridColumn            Editcolumn   = rgJADuty.MasterTableView.OwnerGrid.Columns.FindByUniqueName("EditCommandColumn");
            GridColumn            Deletecolumn = rgJADuty.MasterTableView.OwnerGrid.Columns.FindByUniqueName("DeleteCommandColumn");
            GridColumn            Viewcolumn   = rgJADuty.MasterTableView.OwnerGrid.Columns.FindByUniqueName("ViewCommandColumn");

            if (CurrentNavMode == enumNavigationMode.View)
                //no add
                rgJADuty.MasterTableView.CommandItemDisplay = GridCommandItemDisplay.None;
                //edit column should not be visible
                if (Editcolumn != null)
                    Editcolumn.Visible = false;
                    Editcolumn.Display = false;
                // no delete
                if (Deletecolumn != null)
                    Deletecolumn.Visible = false;
                //only View
                if (Viewcolumn != null)
                    Viewcolumn.Visible = true;
                    Viewcolumn.Display = true;

                btnContinue.Text    = "Continue";
                btnContinue.ToolTip = "Continue";

                rgJADuty.Rebind(); // To hide the Add New Duty link in View mode.
                if ((base.IsAdmin) && (base.InProcessJNPWorkflowStatuses.Contains(currentws)))
                    //allow add
                    rgJADuty.MasterTableView.CommandItemDisplay = GridCommandItemDisplay.Top;
                    //allow edit
                    if (Editcolumn != null)
                        Editcolumn.Visible = true;
                        Editcolumn.Display = true;
                    // allow delete
                    if (Deletecolumn != null)
                        Deletecolumn.Visible = true;
                    //hide View
                    if (Viewcolumn != null)
                        Viewcolumn.Visible = false;
                        Viewcolumn.Display = false;
                else //non -admin --edit
                    //Issue 1060 Editable for HR in FinalReview
                    if ((base.HasHRGroupPermission) && (CurrentJNPWS == enumJNPWorkflowStatus.FinalReview) && (!CurrentJNP.IsJNPSignedByHR))
                        //allow add
                        rgJADuty.MasterTableView.CommandItemDisplay = GridCommandItemDisplay.Top;
                        //allow edit
                        if (Editcolumn != null)
                            Editcolumn.Visible = true;
                            Editcolumn.Display = true;
                        // allow delete
                        if (Deletecolumn != null)
                            Deletecolumn.Visible = true;
                        //hide View
                        if (Viewcolumn != null)
                            Viewcolumn.Visible = false;
                            Viewcolumn.Display = false;
                        bool showedit = base.ShowEditFields(enumDocumentType.JA);
                        Editcolumn.Visible   = showedit;
                        Deletecolumn.Visible = showedit;
                        Viewcolumn.Visible   = !showedit;
                        if (showedit)
                            rgJADuty.MasterTableView.CommandItemDisplay = GridCommandItemDisplay.Top;
                            rgJADuty.MasterTableView.CommandItemDisplay = GridCommandItemDisplay.None;
                        // In Final Review: User should not be allowed to add new duty/edit/delete existing duty regardless of signatures

                        if (currentws == enumJNPWorkflowStatus.FinalReview)
                            rgJADuty.MasterTableView.CommandItemDisplay = GridCommandItemDisplay.None;
                            Editcolumn.Visible   = false;
                            Deletecolumn.Visible = false;
                            Viewcolumn.Visible   = true;



            //Scroll to the top to dispaly the validation message.
            List <JobAnalysisDuty> currentJADuties = CurrentJobAnalysis.GetJobAnalysisDuty();
            int totalDutyPct = 0;

            foreach (JobAnalysisDuty duty in currentJADuties)
                totalDutyPct += duty.JAPercentageOfTime;

            if ((totalDutyPct != 100) || (!CheckIfEachMajorDutyHasOneDutyKSA()))
                btnContinue.OnClientClick = "scrolltoTopDuty()";