コード例 #1
        public void AddCurrentExhibition(int idExh, int idEmp, int idPlace, DateTime begin, DateTime end)
            CurrentExhibition itemEntity = _unitOfWork.CurrentExhibitionRepository.GetAll().ToList().Find(
                i => i.IdExh == idExh && i.IdExhPlace == idPlace);

            if (itemEntity != null)
                throw new ArgumentException("This exhibition already exists! Find and edit it");
                CurrentExhibitionModel newItem = new CurrentExhibitionModel()
                    IdEmployee = idEmp,
                    IdExh      = idExh,
                    IdExhPlace = idPlace,
                    Exhibition = _mapper.Map <ExhibitionModel>(_unitOfWork.ExhibitionRepository.Get(idExh)),
                    DateBegin  = begin,
                    DateEnd    = end

                CurrentExhibition newItemEntity = _mapper.Map <CurrentExhibition>(newItem);
コード例 #2
        public IActionResult AddTicketToCartByPlus(int curExhId)
            CurrentExhibitionModel ce = _currExhService.GetCurExhById(curExhId);

            if (ce.MaxTicketQuantity >= 1)
                _ticketService.AddTicketToCart(ce, 1, GetCartId().Result);

            return(RedirectToAction("Cart", "Cart"));
コード例 #3
        public IActionResult BuyTicket(int curExId, int quantity)
            CurrentExhibitionModel visitedExh = _currExhService.GetCurExhById(curExId);

            if (quantity <= visitedExh.MaxTicketQuantity)
                _ticketService.AddTicketToCart(visitedExh, quantity, GetCartId().Result);

            return(RedirectToAction("Cart", "Cart", new { visitedExh.IdExh, curExId }));
コード例 #4
 public SingleExh(ExhibitionModel exhibition, CurrentExhibitionModel CurrentExhibition,
                  List <ExhibitedPictureModel> pictures, ExhibitPlaceModel place, CityModel city)
     this.CurrentExhibition = CurrentExhibition;
     Exhibition             = exhibition;
     this.CurrentExhibition.ExhibitPlace      = place;
     this.CurrentExhibition.ExhibitPlace.City = city;
     if (CurrentExhibition.Tag == Status.future)
         Message = $"looking forward to see you! \n Starting on {CurrentExhibition.DateBegin} " +
                   $"\n You can still book tickets!";
         Pictures = new List <ExhibitedPictureModel>();
         Message  = Exhibition.Description;
         Pictures = pictures;
コード例 #5
        public void AddTicketToCart(CurrentExhibitionModel Exhibition, int quantity, string cartId)
            TicketsInCart ticketincartEntity = _unitOfWork.TicketsInCartRepository.GetAll().ToList().Find(
                i => i.CartId == cartId && i.CurExhId == Exhibition.Id);

            var exh = _unitOfWork.ExhibitionRepository.Get(Exhibition.IdExh);

            if (ticketincartEntity != null)
                ticketincartEntity.Quantity  += quantity;
                ticketincartEntity.TotalPrice = exh.Price * ticketincartEntity.Quantity;
                if (Exhibition.MaxTicketQuantity > 0)
                    TicketInCartModel newItem = new TicketInCartModel()
                        CurExhId   = Exhibition.Id,
                        BuyDate    = DateTime.Now,
                        Quantity   = quantity,
                        CartId     = cartId,
                        TotalPrice = exh.Price * quantity

                    TicketsInCart newItemEntity = _mapper.Map <TicketsInCart>(newItem);

            CurrentExhibition ticketsForExh = _unitOfWork.CurrentExhibitionRepository.Get(Exhibition.Id);

            ticketsForExh.maxTicketQuantity -= quantity;
