public ActionResult ConfirmVolunteerSlots(VolunteerModel m) { m.UpdateCommitments(); if (m.SendEmail || !m.IsLeader) { List <Person> Staff = null; Staff = CurrentDatabase.StaffPeopleForOrg(m.OrgId); var staff = Staff[0]; var summary = m.Summary(this); var text = Util.PickFirst(m.Setting.Body, "confirmation email body not found"); text = text.Replace("{church}", CurrentDatabase.Setting("NameOfChurch", "church"), true); text = text.Replace("{name}", m.Person.Name, true); text = text.Replace("{date}", DateTime.Now.ToString("d"), true); text = text.Replace("{email}", m.Person.EmailAddress, true); text = text.Replace("{phone}", m.Person.HomePhone.FmtFone(), true); text = text.Replace("{contact}", staff.Name, true); text = text.Replace("{contactemail}", staff.EmailAddress, true); text = text.Replace("{contactphone}", m.Org.PhoneNumber.FmtFone(), true); text = text.Replace("{details}", summary, true); CurrentDatabase.Email(staff.FromEmail, m.Person, m.Setting.Subject, text); CurrentDatabase.Email(m.Person.FromEmail, Staff, "Volunteer Commitments managed", $@"{m.Person.Name} managed volunteer commitments to {m.Org.OrganizationName}<br/> The following Commitments:<br/> {summary}"); } ViewData["Organization"] = m.Org.OrganizationName; SetHeaders(m.OrgId); if (m.IsLeader) { TempData[Fromcalendar] = true; return(View("ManageVolunteer/PickSlots", m)); } return(View("ManageVolunteer/ConfirmVolunteerSlots", m)); }
public User CreateAccount() { //var Db = Db; if (!person.EmailAddress.HasValue()) { CannotCreateAccount = true; } else if (person.Users.Any()) // already have account { if (org == null || org.IsMissionTrip == true) { return(null); } SawExistingAccount = true; var user = person.Users.OrderByDescending(uu => uu.LastActivityDate).First(); var message = CurrentDatabase.ContentHtml("ExistingUserConfirmation", Resource1.CreateAccount_ExistingUser); message = message .Replace("{name}", person.Name) .Replace("{host}", CurrentDatabase.CmsHost); Log("AlreadyHaveAccount"); CurrentDatabase.Email(DbUtil.AdminMail, person, "Account information for " + CurrentDatabase.Host, message); } else { CreatedAccount = true; var user = MembershipService.CreateUser(CurrentDatabase, person.PeopleId); Log("SendNewUserEmail"); AccountModel.SendNewUserEmail(CurrentDatabase, user.Username); return(user); } return(null); }
private string DoDonationModifyMessage(string message) { var p = List[donor ?? 0]; Transaction.Fund = p.setting.DonationFund(); var desc = $"{p.person.Name}; {p.person.PrimaryAddress}; {p.person.PrimaryCity}, {p.person.PrimaryState} {p.person.PrimaryZip}"; if (!Transaction.TransactionId.StartsWith("Coupon") && Transaction.Donate.HasValue) { p.person.PostUnattendedContribution(CurrentDatabase, Transaction.Donate.Value, p.setting.DonationFundId, desc, tranid: Transaction.Id); Log("ExtraDonation"); } var subject = GetSubject(p); var ma = donationtext.Match(message); if (ma.Success) { var v = ma.Groups["text"].Value; message = donationtext.Replace(message, v); } message = message.Replace("{donation}", Transaction.Donate.ToString2("N2")); // send donation confirmations var notifyIds = GetNotifyIds(p); var notice = $"${Transaction.Donate:N2} donation received from {Transaction.FullName(Transaction)} on behalf of {p.person.Name}"; CurrentDatabase.Email(notifyIds[0].FromEmail, notifyIds, subject + "-donation", notice); return(message); }
public void ProcessReply(string ans) { var dt = new DateTime(ticks); var i = (from rr in CurrentDatabase.SubRequests where rr.AttendId == attend.AttendId where rr.RequestorId == person.PeopleId where rr.Requested == dt where rr.SubstituteId == sid select rr).Single(); if (attend.Commitment == AttendCommitmentCode.SubFound || attend.SubRequests.Any(ss => ss.CanSub == true)) { DisplayMessage = "This substitute request has already been covered. Thank you so much for responding."; Log("Covered", i.Requested, i.SubstituteId); return; } i.Responded = DateTime.Now; if (ans != "yes") { DisplayMessage = "Thank you for responding"; i.CanSub = false; Log("Regrets", i.Requested, i.SubstituteId); CurrentDatabase.SubmitChanges(); return; } i.CanSub = true; Attend.MarkRegistered(CurrentDatabase, i.Substitute.PeopleId, attend.MeetingId, AttendCommitmentCode.Substitute); attend.Commitment = AttendCommitmentCode.SubFound; Log("Claimed", i.Requested, i.SubstituteId); CurrentDatabase.SubmitChanges(); message = CurrentDatabase.ContentHtml("VolunteerSubConfirm", Resource1.VolSubModel_VolunteerSubConfirm); var body = message .Replace("{substitute}", i.Substitute.Name) .Replace("{requestor}", i.Requestor.Name) .Replace("{org}", org.OrganizationName) .Replace("{meetingdate}", $"{attend.MeetingDate:MMM d, yyyy}") .Replace("{meetingtime}", $"{attend.MeetingDate:h:mm tt}"); // on screen message DisplayMessage = $"<p>You have been sent the following email at {Util.ObscureEmail(i.Substitute.EmailAddress)}.</p>\n" + body; // email confirmation CurrentDatabase.Email(i.Requestor.FromEmail, i.Substitute, "Volunteer Substitute Commitment for " + org.OrganizationName, body); // notify requestor and org notifyids var list = CurrentDatabase.PeopleFromPidString(org.NotifyIds).ToList(); list.Insert(0, i.Requestor); CurrentDatabase.Email(i.Substitute.FromEmail, list, "Volunteer Substitute Commitment for " + org.OrganizationName, $@" <p>The following email was sent to {i.Substitute.Name}.</p> <blockquote> {body} </blockquote>"); }
public void SendNotices() { var leaders = NoticesToSend(); foreach (var leader in leaders) { CurrentDatabase.Email(CurrentDatabase.CurrentUser.Person.FromEmail, leader.Key, null, CurrentDatabase.Setting("SubjectAttendanceNotices", "Attendance reports are ready for viewing"), leader.Value, false); } CurrentDatabase.Email(CurrentDatabase.CurrentUser.Person.FromEmail, CurrentDatabase.CurrentUser.Person, null, "Attendance emails sent", noticelist, false); }
public void FinishLaterNotice() { var registerLink = EmailReplacements.CreateRegisterLink(masterorgid ?? Orgid, $"Resume registration for {Header}"); var msg = "<p>Hi {first},</p>\n<p>Here is the link to continue your registration:</p>\n" + registerLink; Debug.Assert((masterorgid ?? Orgid) != null, "m.Orgid != null"); var notifyids = CurrentDatabase.NotifyIds((masterorg ?? org).NotifyIds); var p = UserPeopleId.HasValue ? CurrentDatabase.LoadPersonById(UserPeopleId.Value) : List[0].person; CurrentDatabase.Email(notifyids[0].FromEmail, p, $"Continue your registration for {Header}", msg); }
private void SendSingleConfirmationForOrg(OnlineRegPersonModel p) { var ts = TransactionSummary(); CurrentDatabase.SetCurrentOrgId(p.orgid); var emailSubject = GetSubject(p); var message = p.GetMessage(); var details = ""; if (message.Contains("{details}")) { details = p.PrepareSummaryText(CurrentDatabase); message = message.Replace("{details}", details); } var notifyIds = CurrentDatabase.StaffPeopleForOrg(; var notify = notifyIds[0]; var location =; if (!location.HasValue()) { location = masterorg.Location; } message = APIOrganization.MessageReplacements(CurrentDatabase, p.person, masterorg.OrganizationName,,, location, message); if (Transaction.Donate > 0 && p == List[donor ?? 0]) { message = DoDonationModifyMessage(message); } else { message = donationtext.Replace(message, ""); } // send confirmations if (emailSubject != "DO NOT SEND") { CurrentDatabase.Email(notify.FromEmail, p.person, Util.EmailAddressListFromString(p.fromemail), emailSubject, message, false); Log("SentConfirmation"); } // notify the staff CurrentDatabase.Email(Util.PickFirst(p.person.FromEmail, notify.FromEmail), notifyIds, Header, $@"{p.person.Name} has registered for {Header}<br/> Fee paid for this registrant: {p.AmountToPay():C}<br/> Others in this registration session: {p.GetOthersInTransaction(Transaction)}<br/> Total Fee paid for this registration session: {ts?.TotPaid:C}<br/> <pre>{details}</pre>"); }
public ActionResult PMMResults() { string req = Request["request"]; int iBillingReference = 0; int iReportID = 0; string sReportLink = ""; string sOrderID = ""; bool bHasAlerts = false; XDocument xd = XDocument.Parse(req, LoadOptions.None); iReportID = Int32.Parse(xd.Root.Element("ReportID").Value); iBillingReference = Int32.Parse(xd.Root.Element("Order").Element("BillingReferenceCode").Value); if (xd.Root.Element("Order").Element("Alerts") != null) { bHasAlerts = true; } sReportLink = xd.Root.Element("Order").Element("ReportLink").Value; sOrderID = xd.Root.Element("Order").Element("OrderDetail").Attribute("OrderId").Value; var check = (from e in CurrentDatabase.BackgroundChecks where e.Id == iBillingReference select e).Single(); if (check != null) { check.Updated = DateTime.Now; check.ReportID = iReportID; check.ReportLink = sReportLink; check.StatusID = 3; if (bHasAlerts) { check.IssueCount = 1; } CurrentDatabase.SubmitChanges(); CurrentDatabase.Email(DbUtil.AdminMail, check.User, "TouchPoint Notification: Background Check Complete", "A scheduled background check has been completed for " + check.Person.Name); } //System.IO.File.WriteAllText(@"C:\" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmssfff") + ".txt", req); return(Content("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?><OrderXML><Success>TRUE</Success></OrderXML>")); }
private string SendAnEmail() { if (person == null) { return(GetNoPersonMessage()); } row.Args = $"{{ \"EmailId\": \"{action.EmailId}\"}}"; if (action.EmailId == null) { return(GetError($"Email Draft not found for id {action.EmailId}")); } var email = CurrentDatabase.ContentFromID(action.EmailId.Value); CurrentDatabase.Email(DbUtil.AdminMail, person, email.Title, email.Body); return(GetActionReplyMessage()); }
public ActionResult PMMResults() { string req = Request["request"]; int reportID = 0; string reportLink = ""; string orderID = ""; string billingReference = ""; bool hasAlerts = false; XDocument xmldoc = XDocument.Parse(req, LoadOptions.None); reportID = int.Parse(xmldoc.Root.Element("ReportID").Value); billingReference = xmldoc.Root.Element("Order").Element("BillingReferenceCode").Value; if (xmldoc.Root.Element("Order").Element("Alerts") != null) { hasAlerts = true; } reportLink = xmldoc.Root.Element("Order").Element("ReportLink").Value; orderID = xmldoc.Root.Element("Order").Element("OrderDetail").Attribute("OrderId").Value; var check = (from e in CurrentDatabase.BackgroundChecks where e.ReportID == reportID select e).SingleOrDefault(); if (check != null) { check.Updated = DateTime.Now; check.ReportID = reportID; check.ReportLink = reportLink; check.StatusID = 3; if (hasAlerts) { check.IssueCount = 1; } CurrentDatabase.SubmitChanges(); CurrentDatabase.Email(DbUtil.AdminMail, check.User, "TouchPoint Notification: Background Check Complete", "A scheduled background check has been completed for " + check.Person.Name); } return(Content("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?><OrderXML><Success>TRUE</Success></OrderXML>")); }
private void SendAllConfirmations(string message) { CurrentDatabase.SetCurrentOrgId(org.OrganizationId); var subject = GetSubject(); var amtpaid = Transaction.Amt ?? 0; var firstPerson = List[0].person; if (user != null) { firstPerson = user; } var notifyIds = GetNotifyIds(); if (subject != "DO NOT SEND") { CurrentDatabase.Email(notifyIds[0].FromEmail, firstPerson, listMailAddress, subject, message, false); Log("SentConfirmations"); } CurrentDatabase.SubmitChanges(); // notify the staff foreach (var p in List) { var messageNotice = UsedAdminsForNotify ? @"<span style='color:red'>THERE ARE NO NOTIFY IDS ON THIS REGISTRATION!!</span><br/> <a href=''>see documentation</a><br/><br/>" : ""; var detailSection = GetDetailsSection(); if (ValidateEmailRecipientRegistrant(p.person.Name, detailSection)) { CurrentDatabase.Email(Util.PickFirst(p.person.FromEmail, notifyIds[0].FromEmail), notifyIds, Header, $@"{messageNotice}{p.person.Name} has registered for {Header}<br/>{detailSection}<hr>"); Log("SentConfirmationsToStaff"); } else { CurrentDatabase.LogActivity($"Person ({p.person.Name}) is different from the registrant in the email body. " + $"The email was not sent."); } } }
public void SendNotices() { var q = from gm in CurrentDatabase.SMSGroupMembers where gm.GroupID == model.GroupIdInt where gm.ReceiveNotifications == true select gm.User.Person; var subject = $"Received Text from {From}"; var body = $@" SMS Group: {groupName}<br> Received: {row.DateReceived}<br> From: {person?.Name ?? "name unknown"}<br> Message: {Body} <a href='{CurrentDatabase.CmsHost}/SmsMessages#{row.Id}'>(view)</a><br> Auto Reply: {row.ActionResponse}<br><br>"; foreach (var p in q) { CurrentDatabase.Email(Util.AdminMail, p, null, subject, body, false); } }
public ActionResult ConfirmSubscriptions(ManageSubsModel m) { m.UpdateSubscriptions(); var Staff = CurrentDatabase.StaffPeopleForOrg(m.masterorgid); var msg = CurrentDatabase.ContentHtml("ConfirmSubscriptions", Resource1.ConfirmSubscriptions); var orgname = m.Description(); msg = msg.Replace("{org}", orgname).Replace("{details}", m.Summary); CurrentDatabase.Email(Staff.First().FromEmail, m.person, "Subscription Confirmation", msg); CurrentDatabase.Email(m.person.FromEmail, Staff, "Subscriptions managed", $@"{m.person.Name} managed subscriptions to {m.Description()}<br/>{m.Summary}"); SetHeaders(m.masterorgid); m.Log("Confirm"); return(View("ManageSubscriptions/Confirm", m)); }
public ActionResult Resend(int id) { var email = (from e in CurrentDatabase.EmailQueues where e.Id == id select e).Single(); var et = email.EmailQueueTos.First(); var p = CurrentDatabase.LoadPersonById(et.PeopleId); if (email.FinanceOnly == true) { CurrentDatabase.EmailFinanceInformation(email.FromAddr, p, email.Subject, email.Body); } else { CurrentDatabase.Email(email.FromAddr, p, email.Subject, email.Body); } Util.TempSuccessMessage = "Mail Resent"; return(RedirectToAction("Details", new { id })); }
public ActionResult SaveProgress(OnlineRegModel m) { m.HistoryAdd("saveprogress"); if (m.UserPeopleId == null) { m.UserPeopleId = Util.UserPeopleId; } m.UpdateDatum(); var p = m.UserPeopleId.HasValue ? CurrentDatabase.LoadPersonById(m.UserPeopleId.Value) : m.List[0].person; if (p == null) { return(Content("We have not found your record yet, cannot save progress, sorry")); } if (m.masterorgid == null && m.Orgid == null) { return(Content("Registration is not far enough along to save, sorry.")); } var msg = CurrentDatabase.ContentHtml("ContinueRegistrationLink", @" <p>Hi {first},</p> <p>Here is the link to continue your registration:</p> Resume [registration for {orgname}] ").Replace("{orgname}", m.Header); var linktext = Regex.Match(msg, @"(\[(.*)\])", RegexOptions.Singleline).Groups[2].Value; var registerlink = EmailReplacements.CreateRegisterLink(m.masterorgid ?? m.Orgid, linktext); msg = Regex.Replace(msg, @"(\[.*\])", registerlink, RegexOptions.Singleline); var notifyids = CurrentDatabase.NotifyIds((m.masterorg ??; CurrentDatabase.Email(notifyids[0].FromEmail, p, $"Continue your registration for {m.Header}", msg); /* We use Content as an ActionResult instead of Message because we want plain text sent back * This is an HttpPost ajax call and will have a SiteLayout wrapping this. */ return(Content(@" We have saved your progress. An email with a link to finish this registration will come to you shortly. <input type='hidden' id='SavedProgress' value='true'/> ")); }
public ActionResult TestEmail(MassEmailer m) { m.Body = GetBody(m.Body); if (UsesGrammarly(m)) { return Json(new { error = GrammarlyNotAllowed }); } if (TooLarge(m)) { return Json(new { error = TooLargeError }); } if (Util.SessionTimedOut()) { Session["massemailer"] = m; return Content("timeout"); } if (m.EmailFroms().Count(ef => ef.Value == m.FromAddress) == 0) { return Json(new { error = "No email address to send from." }); } m.FromName = m.EmailFroms().First(ef => ef.Value == m.FromAddress).Text; var from = Util.FirstAddress(m.FromAddress, m.FromName); var p = CurrentDatabase.LoadPersonById(Util.UserPeopleId ?? 0); try { ValidateEmailReplacementCodes(CurrentDatabase, m.Body, from); CurrentDatabase.CopySession(); CurrentDatabase.Email(from, p, null, m.Subject, m.Body, false); } catch (Exception ex) { return Json(new { error = ex.Message }); } return Content("Test email sent."); }
public void SendOneTimeLink(string from, string url, string subject, string body, string appendQueryString = "") { var ot = new OneTimeLink { Id = Guid.NewGuid(), Querystring = $"{divid ?? orgid ?? masterorgid},{PeopleId}" }; //var Db = Db; CurrentDatabase.OneTimeLinks.InsertOnSubmit(ot); CurrentDatabase.SubmitChanges(); url = $"{url}{ot.Id.ToCode()}{(!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(appendQueryString) ? $"?{appendQueryString}" : string.Empty)}"; var message = body.Replace("{url}", url, ignoreCase: true); message = message.Replace(WebUtility.UrlEncode("{url}"), url, ignoreCase: true); message = message.Replace("{name}", person.Name, ignoreCase: true); message = message.Replace("{first}", person.PreferredName, ignoreCase: true); CurrentDatabase.Email(from, person, subject, message); }
public ActionResult SendLink(string id, FormCollection formCollection) { var li = new LinkInfo(sendlinkSTR, landingSTR, id); if (li.error.HasValue()) { return(Message(li.error)); } try { if (! { throw new Exception("missing peopleid"); } if (!li.oid.HasValue) { throw new Exception("missing orgid"); } var queueid = li.a[2].ToInt(); var linktype = li.a[3]; // for supportlink, this will also have the goerid var q = (from pp in CurrentDatabase.People where pp.PeopleId == let org = CurrentDatabase.LoadOrganizationById(li.oid) select new { p = pp, org }).Single(); if ( == null && CurrentDatabase.Host == "trialdb") { var oid = li.oid + Util.TrialDbOffset; q = (from pp in CurrentDatabase.People where pp.PeopleId == let org = CurrentDatabase.LoadOrganizationById(oid) select new { p = pp, org }).Single(); } if ( == true || == OrgStatusCode.Inactive) { throw new Exception("sorry, registration has been closed"); } if ( == RegistrationTypeCode.None) { throw new Exception("sorry, registration is no longer available"); } DbUtil.LogActivity($"{sendlinkSTR}{confirmSTR}", li.oid,; var expires = DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(CurrentDatabase.Setting("SendlinkExpireMinutes", "30").ToInt()); string action = (linktype.Contains("supportlink") ? "support" : "register for"); string minutes = CurrentDatabase.Setting("SendLinkExpireMinutes", "30"); var c = DbUtil.Content("SendLinkMessage"); if (c == null) { c = new Content { Name = "SendLinkMessage", Title = "Your Link for {org}", Body = @" <p>Here is your temporary <a href='{url}'>LINK</a> to {action} {org}.</p> <p>This link will expire at {time} ({minutes} minutes). You may request another link by clicking the link in the original email you received.</p> <p>Note: If you did not request this link, please ignore this email, or contact the church if you need help.</p> " }; CurrentDatabase.Contents.InsertOnSubmit(c); CurrentDatabase.SubmitChanges(); } var url = EmailReplacements.RegisterLinkUrl(CurrentDatabase, li.oid.Value,, queueid, linktype, expires); var subject = c.Title.Replace("{org}",; var msg = c.Body.Replace("{org}", .Replace("{time}", expires.ToString("f")) .Replace("{url}", url) .Replace("{action}", action) .Replace("{minutes}", minutes) .Replace("%7Burl%7D", url); var NotifyIds = CurrentDatabase.StaffPeopleForOrg(; CurrentDatabase.Email(NotifyIds[0].FromEmail, q.p, subject, msg); // send confirmation return(Message($"Thank you, {q.p.PreferredName}, we just sent an email to {Util.ObscureEmail(q.p.EmailAddress)} with your link...")); } catch (Exception ex) { DbUtil.LogActivity($"{sendlinkSTR}{confirmSTR}Error: {ex.Message}", li.oid,; return(Message(ex.Message)); } }
public void SendEmails() { var tag = CurrentDatabase.FetchOrCreateTag(Util.SessionId, Util.UserPeopleId, CurrentDatabase.NextTagId); CurrentDatabase.ExecuteCommand("delete TagPerson where Id = {0}", tag.Id); CurrentDatabase.TagAll(pids, tag); var dt = new DateTime(ticks); foreach (var id in pids) { var vr = new SubRequest { AttendId = attend.AttendId, RequestorId = person.PeopleId, Requested = dt, SubstituteId = id, }; attend.SubRequests.Add(vr); } CurrentDatabase.SubmitChanges(); var qb = CurrentDatabase.ScratchPadCondition(); qb.Reset(); qb.AddNewClause(QueryType.HasMyTag, CompareType.Equal, $"{tag.Id},temp"); attend.Commitment = CmsData.Codes.AttendCommitmentCode.FindSub; qb.Save(CurrentDatabase); var rurl = CurrentDatabase.ServerLink($"/OnlineReg/VolSubReport/{attend.AttendId}/{person.PeopleId}/{dt.Ticks}"); var reportlink = $@"<a href=""{rurl}"">Substitute Status Report</a>"; var list = CurrentDatabase.PeopleFromPidString(org.NotifyIds).ToList(); //list.Insert(0, person); CurrentDatabase.Email(person.FromEmail, list, "Volunteer Substitute Commitment for " + org.OrganizationName, $@" <p>{person.Name} has requested a substitute on {attend.MeetingDate:MMM d} at {attend.MeetingDate:h:mm tt}.</p> <blockquote> {reportlink} </blockquote>"); // Email subs var m = new MassEmailer(qb.Id); m.Subject = subject; m.Body = message; m.FromName = person.Name; m.FromAddress = person.FromEmail; var eqid = m.CreateQueue(transactional: true).Id; string host = CurrentDatabase.Host; // save these from HttpContext to set again inside thread local storage var useremail = Util.UserEmail; var isinroleemailtest = HttpContextFactory.Current.User.IsInRole("EmailTest"); Log("Send Emails"); HostingEnvironment.QueueBackgroundWorkItem(ct => { try { var db = CMSDataContext.Create(host); // set these again inside thread local storage Util.UserEmail = useremail; Util.IsInRoleEmailTest = isinroleemailtest; db.SendPeopleEmail(eqid); } catch (Exception ex) { Log("Email Error"); var ex2 = new Exception("Emailing error for queueid " + eqid, ex); ErrorLog errorLog = ErrorLog.GetDefault(null); errorLog.Log(new Error(ex2)); var db = CMSDataContext.Create(host); // set these again inside thread local storage Util.UserEmail = useremail; Util.IsInRoleEmailTest = isinroleemailtest; var equeue = db.EmailQueues.Single(ee => ee.Id == eqid); equeue.Error = ex.Message.Truncate(200); db.SubmitChanges(); } }); }
public ActionResult RsvpLinkSg(string id, string message, bool?confirm, FormCollection formCollection, bool regrets = false) { var li = new LinkInfo(rsvplinkSTR, landingSTR, id, false); if (li.error.HasValue()) { return(Message(li.error)); } try { if (! { throw new Exception("missing peopleid"); } var meetingid = li.a[0].ToInt(); var emailid = li.a[2].ToInt(); var smallgroup = li.a[3]; if (meetingid == 0 && li.a[0].EndsWith(".next")) { var orgid = li.a[0].Split('.')[0].ToInt(); var nextmeet = (from mm in CurrentDatabase.Meetings where mm.OrganizationId == orgid where mm.MeetingDate > DateTime.Now orderby mm.MeetingDate select mm).FirstOrDefault(); if (nextmeet == null) { return(Message("no meeting")); } meetingid = nextmeet.MeetingId; } var q = (from pp in CurrentDatabase.People where pp.PeopleId == let meeting = CurrentDatabase.Meetings.SingleOrDefault(mm => mm.MeetingId == meetingid) let org = meeting.Organization select new { p = pp, org, meeting }).Single(); if ( == true || == OrgStatusCode.Inactive) { throw new Exception("sorry, registration has been closed"); } if ( == RegistrationTypeCode.None) { throw new Exception("rsvp is no longer available"); } if ( <= q.meeting.Attends.Count(aa => aa.Commitment == 1)) { throw new Exception("sorry, maximum limit has been reached"); } var omb = OrganizationMember.Load(CurrentDatabase,, q.meeting.OrganizationId) ?? OrganizationMember.InsertOrgMembers(CurrentDatabase, q.meeting.OrganizationId,, MemberTypeCode.Member, DateTime.Now, null, false); if (smallgroup.HasValue()) { omb.AddToGroup(CurrentDatabase, smallgroup); } li.ot.Used = true; CurrentDatabase.SubmitChanges(); Attend.MarkRegistered(CurrentDatabase,, meetingid, regrets ? AttendCommitmentCode.Regrets : AttendCommitmentCode.Attending); DbUtil.LogActivity($"{rsvplinkSTR}{confirmSTR}: {regrets}",,; var setting = CurrentDatabase.CreateRegistrationSettings(q.meeting.OrganizationId); if (confirm == true) { var subject = Util.PickFirst(setting.Subject, "no subject"); var msg = Util.PickFirst(setting.Body, "no message"); msg = APIOrganization.MessageReplacements(CurrentDatabase, q.p,,,,, msg); msg = msg.Replace("{details}", q.meeting.MeetingDate.ToString2("f")); var NotifyIds = CurrentDatabase.StaffPeopleForOrg(; CurrentDatabase.Email(NotifyIds[0].FromEmail, q.p, subject, msg); // send confirmation CurrentDatabase.Email(q.p.FromEmail, NotifyIds,, $"{q.p.Name} has registered for {}<br>{q.meeting.MeetingDate.ToString2("f")}"); } } catch (Exception ex) { DbUtil.LogActivity($"{rsvplinkSTR}{confirmSTR}Error: {regrets}", peopleid:; return(Message(ex.Message)); } return(Message(message)); }
private bool DoMissionTripSupporter() { var notifyIds = GetNotifyIds(); var p = List[0]; Transaction.Fund = p.setting.DonationFund(); var goerid = p.Parent.GoerId > 0 ? p.Parent.GoerId : p.MissionTripGoerId; var forgoer = ""; var forgeneral = ""; if (p.MissionTripSupportGoer > 0 && p.orgid.HasValue && p.PeopleId.HasValue) { var gsa = new GoerSenderAmount { Amount = p.MissionTripSupportGoer ?? 0, Created = DateTime.Now, OrgId = p.orgid.Value, SupporterId = p.PeopleId.Value, NoNoticeToGoer = p.MissionTripNoNoticeToGoer }; if (goerid > 0) { gsa.GoerId = goerid; } CurrentDatabase.GoerSenderAmounts.InsertOnSubmit(gsa); if (p.Parent.GoerSupporterId.HasValue) { var gs = CurrentDatabase.GoerSupporters.Single(gg => gg.Id == p.Parent.GoerSupporterId); if (!gs.SupporterId.HasValue) { gs.SupporterId = p.PeopleId; } } if (!Transaction.TransactionId.StartsWith("Coupon")) { p.person.PostUnattendedContribution(CurrentDatabase, p.MissionTripSupportGoer ?? 0, p.setting.DonationFundId, $"SupportMissionTrip: org={p.orgid}; goer={goerid}", tranid: Transaction.Id); Log("GoerSupport"); // send notices if (goerid > 0 && !p.MissionTripNoNoticeToGoer) { var goer = CurrentDatabase.LoadPersonById(goerid.Value); forgoer = $", {p.MissionTripSupportGoer:c} for {goer.Name}"; CurrentDatabase.Email(notifyIds[0].FromEmail, goer, org.OrganizationName + "-donation", $"{p.MissionTripSupportGoer ?? 0:C} donation received from {Transaction.FullName(Transaction)}{forgoer}"); } } } if (p.MissionTripSupportGeneral > 0 && p.orgid.HasValue && p.PeopleId.HasValue) { CurrentDatabase.GoerSenderAmounts.InsertOnSubmit( new GoerSenderAmount { Amount = p.MissionTripSupportGeneral ?? 0, Created = DateTime.Now, OrgId = p.orgid.Value, SupporterId = p.PeopleId.Value }); forgeneral = $", ({p.MissionTripSupportGeneral ?? 0:c}) for trip"; if (!Transaction.TransactionId.StartsWith("Coupon")) { p.person.PostUnattendedContribution(CurrentDatabase, p.MissionTripSupportGeneral ?? 0, p.setting.DonationFundId, "SupportMissionTrip: org=" + p.orgid, tranid: Transaction.Id); Log("TripSupport"); } } var notifyids = CurrentDatabase.NotifyIds(org.GiftNotifyIds); CurrentDatabase.Email(notifyIds[0].FromEmail, notifyids, org.OrganizationName + "-donation", $"${Transaction.Amt:N2} donation received from {Transaction.FullName(Transaction)}{forgoer}{forgeneral}"); var orgsettings = settings[org.OrganizationId]; var senderSubject = orgsettings.SenderSubject ?? "NO SUBJECT SET"; var senderBody = orgsettings.SenderBody ?? "NO SENDEREMAIL MESSAGE HAS BEEN SET"; senderBody = APIOrganization.MessageReplacements(CurrentDatabase, p.person, org.DivisionName, org.OrganizationId, org.OrganizationName, org.Location, senderBody); senderBody = senderBody.Replace("{phone}", org.PhoneNumber.FmtFone7()); senderBody = senderBody.Replace("{paid}", Transaction.Amt.ToString2("c")); //Transaction.Description = "Mission Trip Giving"; CurrentDatabase.Email(notifyids[0].FromEmail, p.person, listMailAddress, senderSubject, senderBody, false); CurrentDatabase.SubmitChanges(); return(true); }
public void SendMovedNotices() { var q = from om in CurrentDatabase.OrganizationMembers where om.Organization.DivOrgs.Any(di => di.DivId == SourceDivId) where om.Moved == true || EmailAllNotices select new { om, om.Person, om.Person.FromEmail, om.Person.EmailAddress, om.RegisterEmail, om.Person.Name, om.PeopleId, om.Organization.OrganizationName, om.Organization.Location, om.Organization.LeaderName, om.Organization.PhoneNumber }; var content = CurrentDatabase.ContentOfTypeHtml("OrgMembersModel_SendMovedNotices"); if (content == null) { content = new Content() { Name = "OrgMembersModel_SendMovedNotices", Body = Resource1.OrgMembersModel_SendMovedNotices, Title = "Room Assignment for {name} in {org}" }; CurrentDatabase.Contents.InsertOnSubmit(content); CurrentDatabase.SubmitChanges(); } if (content.Title == "SendMovedNotices") // replace old Title with new, improved version { content.Title = "Room Assignment for {name} in {org}"; // this will be the subject } var sb = new StringBuilder("Org Assignment Notices sent to:\r\n<pre>\r\n"); foreach (var i in q) { var msg = content.Body.Replace("{name}", i.Name) .Replace("{org}", i.OrganizationName) .Replace("{room}", i.Location) .Replace("{leader}", i.LeaderName) .Replace("{phone}", CurrentDatabase.Setting("ChurchPhone", "ChurchPhone")) .Replace("{church}", CurrentDatabase.Setting("NameOfChurch", "NameOfChurch")); var subj = content.Title // the title of the content is the subject .Replace("{name}", i.Name) .Replace("{org}", i.OrganizationName) .Replace("{room}", i.Location); if ( == true || EmailAllNotices) { if (i.RegisterEmail.HasValue()) { CurrentDatabase.Email(CurrentDatabase.CurrentUser.Person.FromEmail,, Util.ToMailAddressList(i.RegisterEmail), subj, msg, false); sb.Append($"\"{i.Name}\" [{i.FromEmail}]R ({i.PeopleId}): {i.Location}\r\n"); = false; } var flist = (from fm in where (fm.EmailAddress ?? "") != "" where fm.EmailAddress != i.RegisterEmail where fm.PositionInFamilyId == PositionInFamily.PrimaryAdult select fm).ToList(); CurrentDatabase.Email(CurrentDatabase.CurrentUser.Person.FromEmail, flist, subj, msg); foreach (var m in flist) { sb.Append($"{m}P ({i.PeopleId}): {i.Location}\r\n"); = false; } } } sb.Append("</pre>\n"); var q0 = from o in CurrentDatabase.Organizations where o.DivOrgs.Any(di => di.DivId == SourceDivId) where o.NotifyIds.Length > 0 where o.RegistrationTypeId > 0 select o; var onlineorg = q0.FirstOrDefault(); if (onlineorg == null) { CurrentDatabase.Email(CurrentDatabase.CurrentUser.Person.FromEmail, CurrentDatabase.CurrentUserPerson, "Org Assignment notices sent to:", sb.ToString()); } else { CurrentDatabase.Email(CurrentDatabase.CurrentUser.Person.FromEmail, CurrentDatabase.PeopleFromPidString(onlineorg.NotifyIds), "Org Assignment notices sent to:", sb.ToString()); } CurrentDatabase.SubmitChanges(); }
public ActionResult VoteLinkSg(string id, string message, bool?confirm, FormCollection formCollection) { var li = new LinkInfo(votelinkSTR, confirmSTR, id); if (li.error.HasValue()) { return(Message(li.error)); } try { var smallgroup = li.a[4]; if (!li.oid.HasValue) { throw new Exception("orgid missing"); } if (! { throw new Exception("peopleid missing"); } var q = (from pp in CurrentDatabase.People where pp.PeopleId == let org = CurrentDatabase.Organizations.SingleOrDefault(oo => oo.OrganizationId == li.oid) let om = CurrentDatabase.OrganizationMembers.SingleOrDefault(oo => oo.OrganizationId == li.oid && oo.PeopleId == select new { p = pp, org, om }).Single(); if ( == null && CurrentDatabase.Host == "trialdb") { var oid = li.oid + Util.TrialDbOffset; q = (from pp in CurrentDatabase.People where pp.PeopleId == let org = CurrentDatabase.Organizations.SingleOrDefault(oo => oo.OrganizationId == oid) let om = CurrentDatabase.OrganizationMembers.SingleOrDefault(oo => oo.OrganizationId == oid && oo.PeopleId == select new { p = pp, org, om }).Single(); } if ( == null) { throw new Exception("org missing, bad link"); } if (( ?? RegistrationTypeCode.None) == RegistrationTypeCode.None) { throw new Exception("votelink is no longer active"); } if ( == null && <= { throw new Exception("sorry, maximum limit has been reached"); } if ( == null && ( == true || == OrgStatusCode.Inactive)) { throw new Exception("sorry, registration has been closed"); } var setting = CurrentDatabase.CreateRegistrationSettings(li.oid.Value); if (IsSmallGroupFilled(setting, li.oid.Value, smallgroup)) { throw new Exception("sorry, maximum limit has been reached for " + smallgroup); } var omb = OrganizationMember.Load(CurrentDatabase,, li.oid.Value) ?? OrganizationMember.InsertOrgMembers(CurrentDatabase, li.oid.Value,, MemberTypeCode.Member, Util.Now, null, false); if ( { var script = CurrentDatabase.Content(; if (script != null && script.Body.HasValue()) { try { var pe = new PythonModel(Util.Host, "RegisterEvent", script.Body); pe.instance.AddToSmallGroup(smallgroup, omb); } catch (Exception) { } } } omb.AddToGroup(CurrentDatabase, smallgroup); li.ot.Used = true; CurrentDatabase.SubmitChanges(); DbUtil.LogActivity($"{votelinkSTR}{confirmSTR}: {smallgroup}", li.oid,; if (confirm == true) { var subject = Util.PickFirst(setting.Subject, "no subject"); var msg = Util.PickFirst(setting.Body, "no message"); msg = APIOrganization.MessageReplacements(CurrentDatabase, q.p,,,,, msg); msg = msg.Replace("{details}", smallgroup); var NotifyIds = CurrentDatabase.StaffPeopleForOrg(; try { CurrentDatabase.Email(NotifyIds[0].FromEmail, q.p, subject, msg); // send confirmation } catch (Exception ex) { CurrentDatabase.Email(q.p.FromEmail, NotifyIds,, "There was a problem sending confirmation from org: " + ex.Message); } CurrentDatabase.Email(q.p.FromEmail, NotifyIds,, $"{q.p.Name} has registered for {}<br>{smallgroup}<br>(from votelink)"); } } catch (Exception ex) { DbUtil.LogActivity($"{votelinkSTR}{confirmSTR}Error: {ex.Message}", li.oid,; return(Message(ex.Message)); } return(Message(message)); }