public void AddToVertexGraveyard(int buildingId, int vertexId) { //string errorMsg = "ERROR: Could not delete Vertex w. ID = " + vertexId + " from building w. ID = " + buildingId; //string succesMsg = "SUCCES: Deleted Vertex w. ID = " + vertexId + " from building w. ID = " + buildingId; //Check buildings exist Building graveyardBuilding = CurrentDataSource.Buildings.SingleOrDefault(b => b.ID == 18); //graveyard Building sourceBuilding = CurrentDataSource.Buildings.SingleOrDefault(b => b.ID == buildingId); if (graveyardBuilding == null || sourceBuilding == null) { return; // errorMsg; } //Check vertex exists Vertex targetVertex = CurrentDataSource.Vertices.SingleOrDefault(v => v.ID == vertexId && v.Building_ID == buildingId); if (targetVertex == null) { return; // errorMsg; } //delete the vertex's edges IQueryable <Edge> targetEdges = CurrentDataSource.Edges.Where(e => e.vertexOrigin == vertexId || e.vertexDestination == vertexId); foreach (Edge e in targetEdges) { CurrentDataSource.Edges.DeleteObject(e); } //move the vertex from the original building to the VertexGraveyard building (the one with ID = 18) graveyardBuilding.Vertices.Add(targetVertex); sourceBuilding.Vertices.Remove(targetVertex); CurrentDataSource.SaveChanges(); }
public bool RatePolicy(int policyID) { IPolicyRater rater = AIMS.Services.IoC.Container.Resolve <IPolicyRater>(); var policy = CurrentDataSource.Policies.Find(policyID); var result = rater.Rate(policy, CurrentDataSource); CurrentDataSource.SaveChanges(); return(result.Success); }
public void RemoveFromGroup(string pid, string gid) { var _pid = Int32.Parse(pid); var _gid = Int32.Parse(gid); var _person = CurrentDataSource.GoupMail_Person.Where(x => x.ItemID == _pid).FirstOrDefault(); var _group = CurrentDataSource.GroupMail_Groups.Where(x => x.ItemID == _gid).FirstOrDefault(); if (_person != null && _group != null) { _person.Lists.Remove(_group); CurrentDataSource.SaveChanges(); } }
public bool AddAttendee(string name, string email, string company, string registrationCode, int eventId) { if (!(from rc in this.CurrentDataSource.RegistrationCodes where rc.RegistrationCode1 == registrationCode select rc).Any()) { return(false); } var attendee = new Attendee { Name = name, Email = email, Company = company, RegistrationCode = registrationCode, EventId = eventId }; CurrentDataSource.Attendees.AddObject(attendee); return(!(CurrentDataSource.SaveChanges() < 1)); }