コード例 #1
        protected override async Task Execute()
            // if not modal
            if (!Workitem.IsModal)
                // focus next workitem
                IWorkItem toFocus = null;

                if (Workitem.IsFocused && CurrentContextService.Collection.Count > 1)
                    int index = CurrentContextService.Collection.IndexOf(Workitem);
                    if (index > 0)
                        toFocus = CurrentContextService.Collection[index - 1];
                    else if (index == 0)
                        toFocus = CurrentContextService.Collection[index + 1];
                else if (Workitem.IsFocused && CurrentContextService.Collection.Count <= 1)
                    await CurrentContextService.FocusWorkitem(null);

                if (toFocus != null)
                    await CurrentContextService.FocusWorkitem(toFocus);
コード例 #2
 protected override async Task Execute()
     // if not modal
     if (!(Workitem.IsModal))
         await CurrentContextService.FocusWorkitem((IWorkItem)Workitem.Parent);
コード例 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Internal Launch implementation
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="modalMetadata">Modal metadata</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private async Task <IObservable <WorkitemEventArgs> > LaunchInternal(ModalOptions modalMetadata = null)
                //Logger.LogWithWorkitemData(String.Format("Opening workitem {0}{1}.", Workitem.WorkItemName, ShouldOpenModal ? " in modal state" : ""), LogLevel.Informative, Workitem);

                // Trick to let ui have some time to update its state
                await TaskManager.Run(() => Thread.Sleep(50)).ConfigureAwait(false);

                // Get the workitem type
                Type type = Workitem.GetType();

                // If workitem is single instance and there is alredy a workitem
                // with the same type open focus the opened otherwise continue launching
                SingleInstanceWorkitemAttribute attribute = type.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(SingleInstanceWorkitemAttribute), false).FirstOrDefault() as SingleInstanceWorkitemAttribute;
                if (attribute != null)
                    IWorkItem exists = CurrentContextService.Collection.Where(w => w.GetType().Equals(type)).FirstOrDefault();
                    if (exists != null)
                        await CurrentContextService.FocusWorkitem(exists).ConfigureAwait(false);

                var impl = Workitem.GetType().GetInterfaces().FirstOrDefault(x =>
                                                                             x.IsGenericType &&
                                                                             x.GetGenericTypeDefinition() == typeof(ISupportsInitialization <>));
                // If workitem supports initialization than do initialize it
                if (impl != null)
                    //Logger.LogWithWorkitemData("Initializing workitem", LogLevel.Informative, Workitem);
                        var initType = impl.GetGenericArguments()[0];
                        // initialize
                        if (Data == null || initType.IsAssignableFrom(Data.GetType()))
                            var methodInfo = Workitem.GetType().GetMethod("Initialize", System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Public | System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Instance);
                            methodInfo.Invoke(Workitem, new object[] { Data });
                            throw new ArgumentException($"Workitem supports initialization only by {initType}");
                    catch (Exception e)
                        // Log error with workitem data
                        //Logger.LogWithWorkitemData("Workitem initialization failed", LogLevel.Exception, Workitem, e);
                        // Show error to the UI
                        UIManager.Error("Failed to Initialize Workitem");

                // Log
                //Logger.LogWithWorkitemData("Configuring Workitem", LogLevel.Informative, Workitem);

                // Configure Workitem

                // if should open modal set the workitem window
                if (ShouldOpenModal)
                    // if no custom modalMetadata is provided get the workitem default
                    if (modalMetadata == null)
                        ModalMetadata = Workitem.Configuration.GetOption <ModalOptions>();
                        ModalMetadata = modalMetadata;

                    // Set the workitem window in UI thread
                    Application.Current.Dispatcher.InvokeIfNeeded(() => Workitem.Window = CurrentContextService.InitModalWindow(Project.GetOption <RegionOptions>().CreateModalWindow(), Workitem, ModalMetadata));

                // Execute isnatce specific launching
                await Execute().ConfigureAwait(false);

                // If Workitem is NullWorkitem set the WorkitemCollection.Null
                // otherwise add to the collection
                if (Workitem is NullWorkitem)
                    CurrentContextService.Collection.Null = Workitem;
                else if (!ShouldOpenModal || !ModalMetadata.IsDialog)

                // If should open modal open the window
                if (ShouldOpenModal)
                    //// Log
                    //Logger.LogWithWorkitemData("Showing modal window", LogLevel.Informative, Workitem);
                    // If should open in dialog mode call Workitem.Window.ShowDialog
                    if (ModalMetadata.IsDialog)
                        //// end loading now because after show dialog is execution will be blocked
                        // Show dialog
                        Application.Current.Dispatcher.InvokeIfNeeded(() => Workitem.Window.ShowDialog());
                        Application.Current.Dispatcher.InvokeIfNeeded(() => Workitem.Window.Show());

                if (!ShouldOpenModal || !ModalMetadata.IsDialog)
                    await CurrentContextService.FocusWorkitem(Workitem).ConfigureAwait(false);
                // return the communication channel
            catch (Exception e)
                // Try and fix the broken parts
                //// Log workitem exception
                //Logger.LogWithWorkitemData("Failed to open workitem", LogLevel.Exception, Workitem, e);
                // Show error in the UI
                UIManager.Error("Failed to open workitem");
                // return an empty channel
                return(Observable.Empty <WorkitemEventArgs>());
                //// finally end loding for modal
                //if (ShouldOpenModal)
                //    CurrentContextService.EndLoading();