コード例 #1
    public void Update <T2>(T2 entity) where T2 : class, new()
        var stub = new T2();   // create stub, now you see why we need new() constraint

        object entityKey = null;
        // ..snip code to get entity key via attribute on all domain entities
        // once we have key, set on stub.

        // check if entity is already attached..
        ObjectStateEntry entry;
        bool             attach;

        if (CurrentContext.ObjectStateManager.TryGetObjectStateEntry(CurrentContext.CreateEntityKey(CurrentContext.GetEntityName <T>(), stub), out entry))
            // Re-attach if necessary.
            attach = entry.State == EntityState.Detached;
            // Attach for first time.
            attach = true;

        if (attach)
            CurrentEntitySet.Attach(stub as T);

        // Update Model. (override stub values attached to graph)
        CurrentContext.ApplyCurrentValues(CurrentContext.GetEntityName <T>(), entity);