コード例 #1
ファイル: Form1.cs プロジェクト: kunzmi/managedCuda
        private void initGLAndCuda()
            //Create render target control
            m_renderControl = new OpenTK.GLControl(GraphicsMode.Default, 1, 0, GraphicsContextFlags.Default);
            m_renderControl.Dock = DockStyle.Fill;
            m_renderControl.BackColor = Color.White;
            m_renderControl.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.FixedSingle;
            m_renderControl.KeyDown += new KeyEventHandler(m_renderControl_KeyDown);
            m_renderControl.MouseMove += new MouseEventHandler(m_renderControl_MouseMove);
            m_renderControl.MouseDown += new MouseEventHandler(m_renderControl_MouseDown);
            m_renderControl.SizeChanged += new EventHandler(m_renderControl_SizeChanged);

            Console.WriteLine("   OpenGL device is Available");

            int deviceID = CudaContext.GetMaxGflopsDeviceId();

            ctx = CudaContext.CreateOpenGLContext(deviceID, CUCtxFlags.BlockingSync);
            string console = string.Format("CUDA device [{0}] has {1} Multi-Processors", ctx.GetDeviceName(), ctx.GetDeviceInfo().MultiProcessorCount);

            CUmodule module = ctx.LoadModulePTX("kernel.ptx");

            addForces_k = new CudaKernel("addForces_k", module, ctx);
            advectVelocity_k = new CudaKernel("advectVelocity_k", module, ctx);
            diffuseProject_k = new CudaKernel("diffuseProject_k", module, ctx);
            updateVelocity_k = new CudaKernel("updateVelocity_k", module, ctx);
            advectParticles_k = new CudaKernel("advectParticles_OGL", module, ctx);

            hvfield = new cData[DS];
            dvfield = new CudaPitchedDeviceVariable<cData>(DIM, DIM);
            tPitch = dvfield.Pitch;


            vxfield = new CudaDeviceVariable<cData>(DS);
            vyfield = new CudaDeviceVariable<cData>(DS);

            // Create particle array
            particles = new cData[DS];
            initParticles(particles, DIM, DIM);

            // TODO: update kernels to use the new unpadded memory layout for perf
            // rather than the old FFTW-compatible layout
            planr2c = new CudaFFTPlan2D(DIM, DIM, cufftType.R2C, Compatibility.FFTWPadding);
            planc2r = new CudaFFTPlan2D(DIM, DIM, cufftType.C2R, Compatibility.FFTWPadding);

            GL.GenBuffers(1, out vbo);
            GL.BindBuffer(BufferTarget.ArrayBuffer, vbo);
            GL.BufferData<cData>(BufferTarget.ArrayBuffer, new IntPtr(cData.SizeOf * DS), particles, BufferUsageHint.DynamicDraw);
            int bsize;
            GL.GetBufferParameter(BufferTarget.ArrayBuffer, BufferParameterName.BufferSize, out bsize);

            if (bsize != DS * cData.SizeOf)
                throw new Exception("Sizes don't match.");

            GL.BindBuffer(BufferTarget.ArrayBuffer, 0);

            cuda_vbo_resource = new CudaGraphicsInteropResourceCollection();
            cuda_vbo_resource.Add(new CudaOpenGLBufferInteropResource(vbo, CUGraphicsRegisterFlags.None));

            texref = new CudaTextureArray2D(advectVelocity_k, "texref", CUAddressMode.Wrap, CUFilterMode.Linear, 0, CUArrayFormat.Float, DIM, DIM, CudaArray2DNumChannels.Two);

            stopwatch = new CudaStopWatch(CUEventFlags.Default);

            isInit = true;
コード例 #2
ファイル: Form1.cs プロジェクト: xiaotie/DNCCuda
        private void InitializeVB()
            g_pVB = new VertexBuffer(device, DS * Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(vertex)), Usage.None, VertexFormat.Position | VertexFormat.Diffuse, Pool.Default);


            graphicsres = new CudaGraphicsInteropResourceCollection();
            graphicsres.Add(new CudaDirectXInteropResource(g_pVB.ComPointer, CUGraphicsRegisterFlags.None, CudaContext.DirectXVersion.D3D9));
コード例 #3
        public MainWindow()

            //CudaGraphicsInteropResourceCollection is just a collection class and does not call
            //any CUDA API function in it's constructor. We can instantiate here before CUDA API init.
            graphicsres = new CudaGraphicsInteropResourceCollection();

            frameTimer          = new DispatcherTimer();
            frameTimer.Tick    += new EventHandler(frameTimer_Tick);
            frameTimer.Interval = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(1);
コード例 #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Setup as empty map with only one value at 1.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pos"></param>
        /// <param name="fieldEnsemble"></param>
        /// <param name="startTime"></param>
        /// <param name="endTime"></param>
        public void SetupPoint(Int2 pos, int startTime)
            // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Copy relevant data ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ \\
            // Count up when advection was executed.
            CurrentTime = startTime;
            _startTime  = startTime;

            // ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Load ensemble ~~~~~~~~~~~~ \\
            // Load fields first to get the grid size.
            //Loader ncFile = new Loader(RedSea.Singleton.DataFolder + (_startTime + 1) + RedSea.Singleton.FileName);
            //ScalarField t0X = ncFile.LoadFieldSlice(_ensembleRanges[0]);
            //ScalarField t0Y = ncFile.LoadFieldSlice(_ensembleRanges[1]);

            LoaderNCF   ncFile = RedSea.Singleton.GetLoaderNCF(_startTime);
            ScalarField t1X    = ncFile.LoadFieldSlice(_ensembleRanges[0]);
            ScalarField t1Y    = ncFile.LoadFieldSlice(_ensembleRanges[1]);


            // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Copy relevant data ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ \\
            // Keep for plane creation and size reference.
            _ensembleGrid = t1X.Grid as RectlinearGrid;
            // Mapper for binding the SlimDX texture to CUDA easily.
            _cudaDxMapper = new CudaGraphicsInteropResourceCollection();
            // Tell CUDA which value is a border.
            _texInvalidValue = t1X.InvalidValue ?? float.MaxValue;

            // ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Fill CUDA resources ~~~~~~~~~~~~ \\
            // All members are above each other.
            int vHeight = _height * _numMembers;

            //// vX, t=0
            //_t0X = new CudaArray2D(CUArrayFormat.Float, _width, vHeight, CudaArray2DNumChannels.One);
            //new CudaTextureArray2D(_advectParticlesKernel, "vX_t0", CUAddressMode.Wrap, CUFilterMode.Linear, CUTexRefSetFlags.None, _t0X);

            //// vY, t=0
            //_t0Y = new CudaArray2D(CUArrayFormat.Float, _width, vHeight, CudaArray2DNumChannels.One);
            //new CudaTextureArray2D(_advectParticlesKernel, "vY_t0", CUAddressMode.Wrap, CUFilterMode.Linear, CUTexRefSetFlags.None, _t0Y);

            // vX, t=1
            _t1X = new CudaArray2D(CUArrayFormat.Float, _width, vHeight, CudaArray2DNumChannels.One);
            _t1X.CopyFromHostToThis <float>(t1X.Data);
            new CudaTextureArray2D(_advectParticlesKernel, "vX_t1", CUAddressMode.Wrap, CUFilterMode.Linear, CUTexRefSetFlags.None, _t1X);

            // vY, t=1
            _t1Y = new CudaArray2D(CUArrayFormat.Float, _width, vHeight, CudaArray2DNumChannels.One);
            _t1Y.CopyFromHostToThis <float>(t1Y.Data);
            new CudaTextureArray2D(_advectParticlesKernel, "vY_t1", CUAddressMode.Wrap, CUFilterMode.Linear, CUTexRefSetFlags.None, _t1Y);

            // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Create texture ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ \\
            // Create texture. Completely zero, except for one point.
            Texture2DDescription desc = new Texture2DDescription
                ArraySize         = 1,
                BindFlags         = BindFlags.ShaderResource,
                CpuAccessFlags    = CpuAccessFlags.None,
                Format            = Format.R32_Float,
                Width             = _width,
                Height            = _height,
                MipLevels         = 1,
                OptionFlags       = ResourceOptionFlags.None,
                SampleDescription = new SampleDescription(1, 0),
                Usage             = ResourceUsage.Default

            // Put field data into stream/rectangle object
            float[] zeros = new float[_width * _height];
            Array.Clear(zeros, 0, zeros.Length);

            // Fill the empty texture.
            DataRectangle texData = new DataRectangle(_width * sizeof(float), new DataStream(zeros, true, true));

            _pongFlowMap = new CudaDeviceVariable <float>(_width * _height);//new Texture2D(_device, desc, texData);
            // Magically, copy to device happens here.
            _pongFlowMap = zeros;

            // Add one pixel for integration.
            zeros[pos.X + pos.Y * _width] = 1;
            texData = new DataRectangle(_width * sizeof(float), new DataStream(zeros, true, true));

            // Create texture.
            FlowMap = new Texture2D(_device, desc, texData);

            // ~~~~~~~~~ Make textures mappable to CUDA ~~~~~~~~~~ \\
            _cudaDxMapper.Add(new CudaDirectXInteropResource(FlowMap.ComPointer, CUGraphicsRegisterFlags.None, CudaContext.DirectXVersion.D3D11));

            CudaArray2D lastFlowMap = _cudaDxMapper[0].GetMappedArray2D(0, 0);

            new CudaTextureArray2D(_advectParticlesKernel, "flowMap", CUAddressMode.Wrap, CUFilterMode.Linear, CUTexRefSetFlags.None, lastFlowMap);
コード例 #5
ファイル: Form1.cs プロジェクト: kunzmi/managedCuda
        private void InitializeVB()
            g_pVB = new VertexBuffer(device, DS * Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(vertex)), Usage.None, VertexFormat.Position | VertexFormat.Diffuse, Pool.Default);


            graphicsres = new CudaGraphicsInteropResourceCollection();
            graphicsres.Add(new CudaDirectXInteropResource(g_pVB.ComPointer, CUGraphicsRegisterFlags.None, CudaContext.DirectXVersion.D3D9));
コード例 #6
 public ImagePresenterDX()
     _graphicsres = new CudaGraphicsInteropResourceCollection();
コード例 #7
ファイル: Form1.cs プロジェクト: xiaotie/DNCCuda
        private void initGLAndCuda()
            //Create render target control
            m_renderControl              = new OpenTK.GLControl(GraphicsMode.Default, 1, 0, GraphicsContextFlags.Default);
            m_renderControl.Dock         = DockStyle.Fill;
            m_renderControl.BackColor    = Color.White;
            m_renderControl.BorderStyle  = BorderStyle.FixedSingle;
            m_renderControl.KeyDown     += new KeyEventHandler(m_renderControl_KeyDown);
            m_renderControl.MouseMove   += new MouseEventHandler(m_renderControl_MouseMove);
            m_renderControl.MouseDown   += new MouseEventHandler(m_renderControl_MouseDown);
            m_renderControl.SizeChanged += new EventHandler(m_renderControl_SizeChanged);

            Console.WriteLine("   OpenGL device is Available");

            int deviceID = CudaContext.GetMaxGflopsDeviceId();

            ctx = CudaContext.CreateOpenGLContext(deviceID, CUCtxFlags.BlockingSync);
            string console = string.Format("CUDA device [{0}] has {1} Multi-Processors", ctx.GetDeviceName(), ctx.GetDeviceInfo().MultiProcessorCount);


            CUmodule module = ctx.LoadModulePTX("kernel.ptx");

            addForces_k       = new CudaKernel("addForces_k", module, ctx);
            advectVelocity_k  = new CudaKernel("advectVelocity_k", module, ctx);
            diffuseProject_k  = new CudaKernel("diffuseProject_k", module, ctx);
            updateVelocity_k  = new CudaKernel("updateVelocity_k", module, ctx);
            advectParticles_k = new CudaKernel("advectParticles_OGL", module, ctx);

            hvfield = new cData[DS];
            dvfield = new CudaPitchedDeviceVariable <cData>(DIM, DIM);
            tPitch  = dvfield.Pitch;


            vxfield = new CudaDeviceVariable <cData>(DS);
            vyfield = new CudaDeviceVariable <cData>(DS);

            // Create particle array
            particles = new cData[DS];
            initParticles(particles, DIM, DIM);

            // TODO: update kernels to use the new unpadded memory layout for perf
            // rather than the old FFTW-compatible layout
            planr2c = new CudaFFTPlan2D(DIM, DIM, cufftType.R2C, Compatibility.FFTWPadding);
            planc2r = new CudaFFTPlan2D(DIM, DIM, cufftType.C2R, Compatibility.FFTWPadding);

            GL.GenBuffers(1, out vbo);
            GL.BindBuffer(BufferTarget.ArrayBuffer, vbo);
            GL.BufferData <cData>(BufferTarget.ArrayBuffer, new IntPtr(cData.SizeOf * DS), particles, BufferUsageHint.DynamicDraw);
            int bsize;

            GL.GetBufferParameter(BufferTarget.ArrayBuffer, BufferParameterName.BufferSize, out bsize);

            if (bsize != DS * cData.SizeOf)
                throw new Exception("Sizes don't match.");

            GL.BindBuffer(BufferTarget.ArrayBuffer, 0);

            cuda_vbo_resource = new CudaGraphicsInteropResourceCollection();
            cuda_vbo_resource.Add(new CudaOpenGLBufferInteropResource(vbo, CUGraphicsRegisterFlags.None));

            texref = new CudaTextureArray2D(advectVelocity_k, "texref", CUAddressMode.Wrap, CUFilterMode.Linear, 0, CUArrayFormat.Float, DIM, DIM, CudaArray2DNumChannels.Two);

            stopwatch = new CudaStopWatch(CUEventFlags.Default);

            isInit = true;
コード例 #8
ファイル: MainWindow.xaml.cs プロジェクト: kunzmi/managedCuda
        public MainWindow()

            //CudaGraphicsInteropResourceCollection is just a collection class and does not call
            //any CUDA API function in it's constructor. We can instantiate here before CUDA API init.
            graphicsres = new CudaGraphicsInteropResourceCollection();

            frameTimer = new DispatcherTimer();
            frameTimer.Tick += new EventHandler(frameTimer_Tick);
            frameTimer.Interval = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(1);