コード例 #1
        // Here we initialize our app.
        public override void Setup()
            //Init Hashtables
            cHash = new Hashtable();
            pHash = new Hashtable();
            eHash = new Hashtable();

            int i = 0;

            // Load up the list of images.
            mImageNames        = LoadImageIndex();
            mDripNames         = LoadDripIndex("r");
            mPdripNames        = LoadPdripIndex("r");
            mYDripNames        = LoadDripIndex("y");
            mYPdripNames       = LoadPdripIndex("y");
            mBDripNames        = LoadDripIndex("b");
            mBPdripNames       = LoadPdripIndex("b");
            mBEcoliNames       = LoadEColiIndex("b");
            mREcoliNames       = LoadEColiIndex("r");
            mYEcoliNames       = LoadEColiIndex("y");
            mEcoliNames        = LoadEColiIndex("w");
            mEcoliTravelNames  = LoadSameEColiTravelIndex("w");
            mBEcoliTravelNames = LoadSameEColiTravelIndex("b");
            mREcoliTravelNames = LoadSameEColiTravelIndex("r");
            mYEcoliTravelNames = LoadSameEColiTravelIndex("y");

            mBYEcoliTravelNamesC1 = LoadMixC1EcoliTravelIndex("b", "y");
            mBYEcoliTravelNamesC2 = LoadMixC2EcoliTravelIndex("b", "y");

            mRBEcoliTravelNamesC1 = LoadMixC1EcoliTravelIndex("r", "b");
            mRBEcoliTravelNamesC2 = LoadMixC2EcoliTravelIndex("r", "b");

            mRYEcoliTravelNamesC1 = LoadMixC1EcoliTravelIndex("r", "y");
            mRYEcoliTravelNamesC2 = LoadMixC2EcoliTravelIndex("r", "y");

            mWBEcoliTravelNamesC1 = LoadMixC1EcoliTravelIndex("w", "b");
            mWBEcoliTravelNamesC2 = LoadMixC2EcoliTravelIndex("w", "b");

            mWREcoliTravelNamesC1 = LoadMixC1EcoliTravelIndex("w", "r");
            mWREcoliTravelNamesC2 = LoadMixC2EcoliTravelIndex("w", "r");

            mWYEcoliTravelNamesC1 = LoadMixC1EcoliTravelIndex("w", "y");
            mWYEcoliTravelNamesC2 = LoadMixC2EcoliTravelIndex("w", "y");


            //Init the StateMachine
            sm = new StateMachine();

            //Init the Controllers
            whitePlasmidController  = new PlasmidController(this);
            yellowPlasmidController = new YellowPlasmidController(this);
            redPlasmidController    = new RedPlasmidController(this);
            bluePlasmidController   = new BluePlasmidController(this);

            sm.State("White", whitePlasmidController);
            sm.State("Yellow", yellowPlasmidController);
            sm.State("Red", redPlasmidController);
            sm.State("Blue", bluePlasmidController);

            sm.Transition("White", tWhiteToYellow, "Yellow");
            sm.Transition("White", tWhiteToRed, "Red");
            sm.Transition("White", tWhiteToBlue, "Blue");

            sm.SetState("White", tWhiteToYellow);

            //Log.Debug("mImageNames Length: " + mImageNames.Length);
            //Log.Debug("mDripNames Length: " + mDripNames.Length);
            //Log.Debug("mPdripNames Length: " + mPdripNames.Length);
            //Log.Debug("mYDripNames Length: " + mYDripNames.Length);
            //Log.Debug("mYPdripNames Length: " + mYPdripNames.Length);
            //Log.Debug("mBDripNames Length: " + mBDripNames.Length);
            //Log.Debug("mBPdripNames Length: " + mBPdripNames.Length);

            // Loop through all the cubes and set them up.\
            foreach (Cube cube in CubeSet)
                // Create a wrapper object for each cube. The wrapper object allows us
                // to bundle a cube with extra information and behavior.
                CubeWrapper wrapper = new CubeWrapper(this, cube);

                wrapper.mCubeType = i % 3; //set each cube as a cube type

                //wrapper.mCubeType = 2;


                //grab the UniqueId of the proper cubes
                //if (wrapper.mCubeType == 0) cId = wrapper.mCube.UniqueId;
                //if (wrapper.mCubeType == 1) pId = wrapper.mCube.UniqueId;
                //if (wrapper.mCubeType == 2) eId = wrapper.mCube.UniqueId;

                //sort each cube into appropriate hashtables & update CubeWrapper information
                if (wrapper.mCubeType == 0)
                    wrapper.cCubeWrapper  = wrapper;
                    wrapper.cCubeStringId = cube.UniqueId;
                    cHash.Add(wrapper.mCube.UniqueId, wrapper);

                if (wrapper.mCubeType == 1)
                    wrapper.pCubeWrapper  = wrapper;
                    wrapper.pCubeStringId = cube.UniqueId;
                    pHash.Add(wrapper.mCube.UniqueId, wrapper);

                if (wrapper.mCubeType == 2)
                    wrapper.eCubeWrapper  = wrapper;
                    wrapper.eCubeStringId = cube.UniqueId;
                    eHash.Add(wrapper.mCube.UniqueId, wrapper);

            //## Event Handlers ##
            // Objects in the Sifteo API (particularly BaseApp, CubeSet, and Cube)
            // fire events to notify an app of various happenings, including actions
            // that the player performs on the cubes.
            // To listen for an event, just add the handler method to the event. The
            // handler method must have the correct signature to be added. Refer to
            // the API documentation or look at the examples below to get a sense of
            // the correct signatures for various events.
            // **NeighborAddEvent** and **NeighborRemoveEvent** are triggered when
            // the player puts two cubes together or separates two neighbored cubes.
            // These events are fired by CubeSet instead of Cube because they involve
            // interaction between two Cube objects. (There are Cube-level neighbor
            // events as well, which comes in handy in certain situations, but most
            // of the time you will find the CubeSet-level events to be more useful.)

            CubeSet.NeighborAddEvent    += OnNeighborAdd;
            CubeSet.NeighborRemoveEvent += OnNeighborRemove;

            //Init client
            _client = new Client();
コード例 #2
        // ## Neighbor Add ##
        // This method is a handler for the NeighborAdd event. It is triggered when
        // two cubes are placed side by side.
        // Cube1 and cube2 are the two cubes that are involved in this neighboring.
        // The two cube arguments can be in any order; if your logic depends on
        // cubes being in specific positions or roles, you need to add logic to
        // this handler to sort the two cubes out.
        // Side1 and side2 are the sides that the cubes neighbored on.

        // If two cubes are neighboring each other, raise the mNeedTilt flag (see the OnTilt method).

        private void OnNeighborAdd(Cube cube1, Cube.Side side1, Cube cube2, Cube.Side side2)
            Log.Debug("In neighbor method");
            CubeWrapper wrapper  = (CubeWrapper)cube1.userData;
            CubeWrapper wrapper2 = (CubeWrapper)cube2.userData;

            //If neither CubeWrappers are null...
            if (wrapper != null && wrapper2 != null)
                string wId  = wrapper.mCube.UniqueId;
                string w2Id = wrapper2.mCube.UniqueId;

                #region If colored and plasmid cubes become neighbors

                if (wrapper.mCubeType == 0 && wrapper2.mCubeType == 1)
                    Log.Debug("wrapper is 0 and wrapper2 is 1");
                    //reorients cubes - if cube1 is the color cube and cube2 is the plasmid cube
                    if (cube1.Neighbors.SideOf(cube2) != Cube.Side.BOTTOM &&
                        cube2.Neighbors.SideOf(cube1) != Cube.Side.TOP)
                        Cube.Side sidePlasmid = cube1.Neighbors.SideOf(cube2); //defines side neighboring cube is on
                        Cube.Side sideColor   = cube2.Neighbors.SideOf(cube1); //defines side of neighbor original cube is adjacent to

                        #region reorients plasmid cube
                        if (sideColor == Cube.Side.BOTTOM)
                            if (cube2.Orientation == Cube.Side.BOTTOM)
                                cube2.Orientation = Cube.Side.TOP;
                            else if (cube2.Orientation == Cube.Side.TOP)
                                cube2.Orientation = Cube.Side.BOTTOM;
                            else if (cube2.Orientation == Cube.Side.RIGHT)
                                cube2.Orientation = Cube.Side.LEFT;
                            else if (cube2.Orientation == Cube.Side.LEFT)
                                cube2.Orientation = Cube.Side.RIGHT;

                        if (sideColor == Cube.Side.RIGHT)
                            if (cube2.Orientation == Cube.Side.BOTTOM)
                                cube2.Orientation = Cube.Side.LEFT;
                            else if (cube2.Orientation == Cube.Side.TOP)
                                cube2.Orientation = Cube.Side.RIGHT;
                            else if (cube2.Orientation == Cube.Side.RIGHT)
                                cube2.Orientation = Cube.Side.BOTTOM;
                            else if (cube2.Orientation == Cube.Side.LEFT)
                                cube2.Orientation = Cube.Side.TOP;

                        if (sideColor == Cube.Side.LEFT)
                            if (cube2.Orientation == Cube.Side.BOTTOM)
                                cube2.Orientation = Cube.Side.RIGHT;
                            else if (cube2.Orientation == Cube.Side.TOP)
                                cube2.Orientation = Cube.Side.LEFT;
                            else if (cube2.Orientation == Cube.Side.RIGHT)
                                cube2.Orientation = Cube.Side.TOP;
                            else if (cube2.Orientation == Cube.Side.LEFT)
                                cube2.Orientation = Cube.Side.BOTTOM;

                        #region reorients color cube
                        if (sidePlasmid == Cube.Side.LEFT)
                            if (cube1.Orientation == Cube.Side.BOTTOM)
                                cube1.Orientation = Cube.Side.LEFT;
                            else if (cube1.Orientation == Cube.Side.TOP)
                                cube1.Orientation = Cube.Side.RIGHT;
                            else if (cube1.Orientation == Cube.Side.RIGHT)
                                cube1.Orientation = Cube.Side.BOTTOM;
                            else if (cube1.Orientation == Cube.Side.LEFT)
                                cube1.Orientation = Cube.Side.TOP;
                        if (sidePlasmid == Cube.Side.RIGHT)
                            if (cube1.Orientation == Cube.Side.BOTTOM)
                                cube1.Orientation = Cube.Side.RIGHT;
                            else if (cube1.Orientation == Cube.Side.TOP)
                                cube1.Orientation = Cube.Side.LEFT;
                            else if (cube1.Orientation == Cube.Side.LEFT)
                                cube1.Orientation = Cube.Side.BOTTOM;
                            else if (cube1.Orientation == Cube.Side.RIGHT)
                                cube1.Orientation = Cube.Side.TOP;
                        if (sidePlasmid == Cube.Side.TOP)
                            if (cube1.Orientation == Cube.Side.BOTTOM)
                                cube1.Orientation = Cube.Side.TOP;
                            else if (cube1.Orientation == Cube.Side.TOP)
                                cube1.Orientation = Cube.Side.BOTTOM;
                            else if (cube1.Orientation == Cube.Side.LEFT)
                                cube1.Orientation = Cube.Side.RIGHT;
                            else if (cube1.Orientation == Cube.Side.RIGHT)
                                cube1.Orientation = Cube.Side.LEFT;
                        //redraws both cubes

                    //Log.Debug("1 Neighbors: Colored and Plasmid");
                    if (wrapper.mCube.Neighbors.Bottom == cube2)
                        Log.Debug("1 Neighbors: Colored and Plasmid");
                        //wrapper.cCubeStringId = wId;
                        wrapper2.cCubeStringId = wId;
                        wrapper.pCubeStringId  = w2Id;
                        //wrapper2.pCubeStringId = w2Id;
                }//end if wrapper has colored cube and wrapper2 has plasmid cube

                if (wrapper.mCubeType == 1 && wrapper2.mCubeType == 0)
                    Log.Debug("wrapper2 is 0 and wrapper is 1");
                    //reorients cube - if cube2 is the color cube and cube1 is the plasmid cube
                    if (cube2.Neighbors.SideOf(cube1) != Cube.Side.BOTTOM &&
                        cube1.Neighbors.SideOf(cube2) != Cube.Side.TOP)
                        Cube.Side sidePlasmid = cube2.Neighbors.SideOf(cube1); //defines side neighboring cube is on
                        Cube.Side sideColor   = cube1.Neighbors.SideOf(cube2); //defines side of neighbor original cube is adjacent to

                        #region reorients plasmid cube
                        if (sideColor == Cube.Side.BOTTOM)
                            if (cube1.Orientation == Cube.Side.BOTTOM)
                                cube1.Orientation = Cube.Side.TOP;
                            else if (cube1.Orientation == Cube.Side.TOP)
                                cube1.Orientation = Cube.Side.BOTTOM;
                            else if (cube1.Orientation == Cube.Side.RIGHT)
                                cube1.Orientation = Cube.Side.LEFT;
                            else if (cube1.Orientation == Cube.Side.LEFT)
                                cube1.Orientation = Cube.Side.RIGHT;

                        if (sideColor == Cube.Side.RIGHT)
                            if (cube1.Orientation == Cube.Side.BOTTOM)
                                cube1.Orientation = Cube.Side.LEFT;
                            else if (cube1.Orientation == Cube.Side.TOP)
                                cube1.Orientation = Cube.Side.RIGHT;
                            else if (cube1.Orientation == Cube.Side.RIGHT)
                                cube1.Orientation = Cube.Side.BOTTOM;
                            else if (cube1.Orientation == Cube.Side.LEFT)
                                cube1.Orientation = Cube.Side.TOP;

                        if (sideColor == Cube.Side.LEFT)
                            if (cube1.Orientation == Cube.Side.BOTTOM)
                                cube1.Orientation = Cube.Side.RIGHT;
                            else if (cube1.Orientation == Cube.Side.TOP)
                                cube1.Orientation = Cube.Side.LEFT;
                            else if (cube1.Orientation == Cube.Side.RIGHT)
                                cube1.Orientation = Cube.Side.TOP;
                            else if (cube1.Orientation == Cube.Side.LEFT)
                                cube1.Orientation = Cube.Side.BOTTOM;

                        #region reorients color cube
                        if (sidePlasmid == Cube.Side.LEFT)
                            if (cube2.Orientation == Cube.Side.BOTTOM)
                                cube2.Orientation = Cube.Side.LEFT;
                            else if (cube2.Orientation == Cube.Side.TOP)
                                cube2.Orientation = Cube.Side.RIGHT;
                            else if (cube2.Orientation == Cube.Side.RIGHT)
                                cube2.Orientation = Cube.Side.BOTTOM;
                            else if (cube2.Orientation == Cube.Side.LEFT)
                                cube2.Orientation = Cube.Side.TOP;
                        if (sidePlasmid == Cube.Side.RIGHT)
                            if (cube2.Orientation == Cube.Side.BOTTOM)
                                cube2.Orientation = Cube.Side.RIGHT;
                            else if (cube2.Orientation == Cube.Side.TOP)
                                cube2.Orientation = Cube.Side.LEFT;
                            else if (cube2.Orientation == Cube.Side.LEFT)
                                cube2.Orientation = Cube.Side.BOTTOM;
                            else if (cube2.Orientation == Cube.Side.RIGHT)
                                cube2.Orientation = Cube.Side.TOP;
                        if (sidePlasmid == Cube.Side.TOP)
                            if (cube2.Orientation == Cube.Side.BOTTOM)
                                cube2.Orientation = Cube.Side.TOP;
                            else if (cube2.Orientation == Cube.Side.TOP)
                                cube2.Orientation = Cube.Side.BOTTOM;
                            else if (cube2.Orientation == Cube.Side.LEFT)
                                cube2.Orientation = Cube.Side.RIGHT;
                            else if (cube2.Orientation == Cube.Side.RIGHT)
                                cube2.Orientation = Cube.Side.LEFT;

                        //redraws both cubes

                    //Log.Debug("2 Neighbors: Colored and Plasmid");
                    if (wrapper2.mCube.Neighbors.Bottom == cube1)
                        Log.Debug("2 Neighbors: Colored and Plasmid");
                        //wrapper.pCubeStringId = wId;
                        wrapper2.pCubeStringId = wId;
                        wrapper.cCubeStringId  = w2Id;
                        //wrapper2.cCubeStringId = w2Id;
                }//end if wrapper has plasmid cube and wrapper2 has colored cube

                #region If plasmid and E. Coli cubes become neighbors
                if (wrapper.mCubeType == 1 && wrapper2.mCubeType == 2)
                    cube1.Orientation = Cube.Side.TOP;

                    Log.Debug("1 Neighbors: Plasmid and E. Coli");
                    //if (wrapper.mCube.Neighbors.Right == cube2 ||
                    //    wrapper.mCube.Neighbors.Left == cube2)
                    wrapper2.pCubeStringId = wId;
                    wrapper.eCubeStringId  = w2Id;
                    wrapper.mNeedFlip      = true;

                if (wrapper.mCubeType == 2 && wrapper2.mCubeType == 1)
                    cube2.Orientation = Cube.Side.TOP;
                    Log.Debug("2 Neighbors: Plasmid and E. Coli");

                    //if (wrapper2.mCube.Neighbors.Right == cube1 ||
                    //    wrapper2.mCube.Neighbors.Left == cube1)
                    wrapper2.eCubeStringId = wId;
                    wrapper.pCubeStringId  = w2Id;
                    wrapper2.mNeedFlip     = true;



                #region Tilting animation
                //Each if statement does the same thing just from a different cube's perspective--
                //If the bottom neighbor of the cube is cube2 and if cube is a colored cube and
                //the neighboring cube is a bottom cube

                if (cube1.Neighbors.Bottom == cube2 &&
                    (wrapper.mCubeType == 0 && wrapper2.mCubeType == 1))
                    Log.Debug("mNeedTilt is true");
                    wrapper.mNeedTilt = true;

                if (cube2.Neighbors.Bottom == cube1 &&
                    (wrapper.mCubeType == 1 && wrapper2.mCubeType == 0))
                    Log.Debug("mNeedTilt is true");
                    wrapper2.mNeedTilt = true;

                #region Left-Right Plasmid/Ecoli Interaction
                //Each if statement checks for whether the neighboring cubes are Plasmid and E. Coli cubes
                //and they are to the left or right of each other

                //if ((cube1.Neighbors.Left == cube2
                //    && (wrapper.mCubeType == 1 && wrapper2.mCubeType == 2)) ||
                //    ((cube1.Neighbors.Right == cube2)
                //    && (wrapper.mCubeType == 1 && wrapper2.mCubeType == 2)))
                //    Log.Debug("mNeedFlip is true");
                //    wrapper.mNeedFlip = true;

                //if ((cube2.Neighbors.Left == cube1 &&
                //    (wrapper.mCubeType == 2 && wrapper2.mCubeType == 1)) ||
                //    (cube2.Neighbors.Right == cube1 &&
                //    (wrapper.mCubeType == 2 && wrapper2.mCubeType == 1)))
                //    Log.Debug("mNeedFlip is true");
                //    wrapper2.mNeedFlip = true;

                #region If two E. Coli cubes become top-bottom neighbors
                if (wrapper.mCubeType == 2 && wrapper2.mCubeType == 2)
                    resetCubeWrappers(cube1, cube2);
                    Log.Debug("two white Ecoli!");
                    if (wrapper.mCube.Neighbors.Bottom == cube2) //If cube1 is on top
                        Log.Debug("white top, white bottom");
                        wrapper.bCubeWrapper = wrapper2;
                        wrapper.bCube        = cube2;
                        //wrapper.mCube.Orientation = Cube.Side.BOTTOM;
                        wrapper.mCube.Image(mEcoliTravelNames[0], 0, 0, 0, 0, 128, 128, 1, 2);
                        wrapper.mEcoliTravel = true;

                    if (wrapper2.mCube.Neighbors.Bottom == cube1) //If cube2 is on top
                        Log.Debug("white bottom, white top");
                        wrapper2.bCubeWrapper = wrapper;
                        wrapper2.bCube        = cube1;
                        //wrapper2.mCube.Orientation = Cube.Side.BOTTOM;
                        wrapper2.mCube.Image(mEcoliTravelNames[0], 0, 0, 0, 0, 128, 128, 1, 2);
                        wrapper2.mEcoliTravel = true;


                #region If two Ecoli cubes Left-Right Neighbors
                if (wrapper.mCubeType == 2 && wrapper2.mCubeType == 2)
                    resetCubeWrappers(cube1, cube2);
                    //Log.Debug("two white Ecoli!");
                    if (wrapper.mCube.Neighbors.Right == cube2 ||
                        wrapper2.mCube.Neighbors.Left == cube1)
                        //Log.Debug("white left, white right");
                        wrapper.rCubeWrapper = wrapper2;
                        wrapper.rCube        = cube2;
                        //wrapper2.lCubeWrapper = wrapper;
                        //wrapper2.lCube = cube1;
                        //wrapper.mCube.Orientation = Cube.Side.BOTTOM;
                        wrapper.mCube.Image(mEcoliTravelNames[0], 0, 0, 0, 0, 128, 128, 1, 1);
                        wrapper2.mCube.Image(mEcoliTravelNames[0], 0, 0, 0, 0, 128, 128, 1, 3);
                        wrapper.mEcoliTravel = true;

                    if (wrapper2.mCube.Neighbors.Right == cube1 ||
                        wrapper.mCube.Neighbors.Left == cube2)
                        //Log.Debug("white right, white left");
                        wrapper2.rCubeWrapper = wrapper;
                        wrapper2.rCube        = cube1;
                        //wrapper.lCubeWrapper = wrapper2;
                        //wrapper.lCube = cube2;
                        //wrapper.mCube.Orientation = Cube.Side.BOTTOM;
                        wrapper2.mCube.Image(mEcoliTravelNames[0], 0, 0, 0, 0, 128, 128, 1, 1);
                        wrapper.mCube.Image(mEcoliTravelNames[0], 0, 0, 0, 0, 128, 128, 1, 3);
                        wrapper2.mEcoliTravel = true;
