コード例 #1
    public void PlaceCubeOfDeath(ref GameObject cubeParent, Vector3 position, Vector3 scale, Vector3 mazeFrameScale, MazeFrameSplines mazeFrameSplines)
        if (cubeParent != null)
            cubeParent = null;
        cubeParent = new GameObject("CubesOfDeath");
        GameObject cube = Object.Instantiate(Resources.Load("Prefabs/" + "CubeOfDeath"), cubeParent.transform) as GameObject;

        cube.transform.position   = position;
        cube.transform.localScale = Vector3.zero;
        cube.name = "CubeOfDeath";
        CubeOfDeathController cubeOfDeathController = cube.GetComponent <CubeOfDeathController>();

        CubeOfDeathController.MazeScale        = mazeFrameScale;
        CubeOfDeathController.MazeFrameSplines = mazeFrameSplines;
        CubeOfDeathController.cubeScale        = scale;
コード例 #2
    /// <summary>
    /// Translate cube along splines to follow player, and replicate itself at junctions
    /// </summary>
    private void MoveCubeAlongSplineAndReplicate()
        // Get current distance value
        float currD = CurrSplineSegment.spline.GetDistanceOnSplineFromPosition(CODTrans.position, ReversedSpline);
        // Project position along spline
        float projD;

        if (goingForward)
            projD = currD + (moveSpeed * Time.deltaTime);
            projD = currD - (moveSpeed * Time.deltaTime);
        // Check whether end is reached
        bool reachedEnd = false;

        if (goingForward)
            if (projD > CurrSplineSegment.spline.SplineTotalDistance)
                reachedEnd = true;
            if (projD < 0)
                reachedEnd = true;
        // If end is reached, reverse direction if no untouched segments are found, otherwise, continue along first
        // segment and replicate cube and move them along the others
        if (reachedEnd)
            // See if other segment is present
            List <MazeFrameSplines.SplineSegment> splineNeighbors;
            if (!ReversedSpline)
                splineNeighbors = new List <MazeFrameSplines.SplineSegment>(CurrSplineSegment.endNeighbors);
                splineNeighbors = new List <MazeFrameSplines.SplineSegment>(CurrSplineSegment.startNeighbors);
            // Discard splines already being travelled
            for (int i = splineNeighbors.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                if (cubeHasBeenHere[splineNeighbors[i]])
            // Turn around if none present
            if (splineNeighbors.Count == 0)
                if (goingForward)
                    projD = CurrSplineSegment.spline.SplineTotalDistance; goingForward = false;
                    projD = 0; goingForward = true;
                // Instantiate new cube for every neighbor that hasn't been visisted yet, except the first
                for (int i = 0; i < splineNeighbors.Count; i++)
                    cubeHasBeenHere[splineNeighbors[i]] = true;
                for (int i = 1; i < splineNeighbors.Count; i++)
                    GameObject            cube    = Instantiate(gameObject, CODTrans.position, CODTrans.rotation, gameObject.transform.parent);
                    CubeOfDeathController CODcont = cube.GetComponent <CubeOfDeathController>();
                    CODcont.CurrSplineSegment = splineNeighbors[i];
                    CODcont.IsOnSpline        = true;
                    if (Vector3.Distance(CODTrans.position, CODcont.CurrSplineSegment.EndPoint) < Vector3.Distance(CODTrans.position, CODcont.CurrSplineSegment.StartPoint))
                        CODcont.ReversedSpline = true;
                        CODcont.ReversedSpline = false;
                // For this cube, continue on new segment with remainder of projected distance
                projD             = projD - CurrSplineSegment.spline.SplineTotalDistance;
                CurrSplineSegment = splineNeighbors[0];
                if (Vector3.Distance(CODTrans.position, CurrSplineSegment.EndPoint) < Vector3.Distance(CODTrans.position, CurrSplineSegment.StartPoint))
                    ReversedSpline = true;
                    ReversedSpline = false;
        float projT = CurrSplineSegment.spline.GetTAtDistance(projD, ReversedSpline);

        CODTrans.position = CurrSplineSegment.spline.GetPointOnSpline(projT);
        CODTrans.rotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(CurrSplineSegment.spline.GetTangentToPointOnSpline(projT), CurrSplineSegment.spline.DefaultGetNormalAtT(projT));