コード例 #1
 public void GetSearchObjects(SearchParams param, out Family tempfam, out CtrRange tempctr, out Selection tempsel, out ProductType tempprodtype, out Currency tempcurr, out Family tempcat)
     tempfam      = ControllerManager.Family.GetById(param.Family);
     tempctr      = ControllerManager.CtrRange.GetById(param.CtrRange);
     tempsel      = ControllerManager.Selection.GetById(param.Selection);
     tempprodtype = (ProductType)param.ProductType;
     tempcurr     = ControllerManager.Currency.GetById(param.Currency);
     tempcat      = ControllerManager.Family.GetById(param.Category);
コード例 #2
        public IList <ProductListView> GetFiltered()
            SearchParams filters = (SearchParams)Session["SearchParams"];

            //Checked Products in Product List
            List <string> selecteditems = (List <string>)Session["SelectedItems"];
            bool          marked        = (bool)Session["Marked"];

            Family      tempfam      = ControllerManager.Family.GetById(filters.Family);
            CtrRange    tempctr      = ControllerManager.CtrRange.GetById(filters.CtrRange);
            Selection   tempsel      = ControllerManager.Selection.GetById(filters.Selection);
            ProductType tempprodtype = (ProductType)filters.ProductType;
            Currency    tempcurr     = ControllerManager.Currency.GetById(filters.Currency);
            Family      tempcat      = ControllerManager.Family.GetById(filters.Category);

            int recordcount = 0;

            return(ControllerManager.Product.GetProductList(filters.Description, tempfam, tempcat,
                                                            tempctr, tempsel, tempprodtype, 0, 0, filters.SortColumn, filters.SortOrder,
                                                            tempcurr, out recordcount, marked, selecteditems));
コード例 #3
ファイル: ProductController.cs プロジェクト: tuxevil/Grundfos
        public bool GetProductListToAdd(string description, Family family, Family category, CtrRange cTR, Selection list, ProductType?productType, string sortField, string sortOrder, bool markedAll, List <string> selecteditems, Currency currency, Selection newselection)
            // Get the current page and data for the current filters
            IQuery         q = GetProductListQuery("DISTINCT PP.Product", description, family, category, cTR, list, productType, currency, 0, 0, string.Empty, string.Empty, markedAll, selecteditems, true, newselection, null);
            List <Product> tempproductlist = q.List <Product>() as List <Product>;

            if (tempproductlist != null)
                if (tempproductlist.Count > 0)
                    ControllerManager.Selection.AddToSelection(tempproductlist, newselection);
コード例 #4
ファイル: ProductController.cs プロジェクト: tuxevil/Grundfos
        private IQuery GetProductListQuery(string fields, string description, Family family, Family category, CtrRange cTR, Selection list, ProductType?productType, Currency currency, int pageNumber, int pageSize, string sortField, string sortOrder, bool markedAll, List <string> selecteditems, bool addTo, Selection newselection, Family newfamily, DateTime?listedDate, bool createSQL)
            string hql = GetProductListHQL(fields, description, family, category, cTR, list, productType,
                                           currency, pageNumber, pageSize, sortField, sortOrder, markedAll, selecteditems,
                                           addTo, newselection, newfamily, listedDate, createSQL, true);

            IQuery q = NHibernateSession.CreateQuery(hql);

            CreateParameters(q, fields, description, family, category, cTR, list, productType, currency,
                             pageNumber, pageSize, sortField, sortOrder, markedAll, selecteditems, addTo,
                             newselection, newfamily, listedDate);

コード例 #5
ファイル: ProductController.cs プロジェクト: tuxevil/Grundfos
        private void CreateParameters(IQuery q, string fields, string description, Family family, Family category, CtrRange cTR, Selection list, ProductType?productType, Currency currency, int pageNumber, int pageSize, string sortField, string sortOrder, bool markedAll, List <string> selecteditems, bool addTo, Selection newselection, Family newfamily, DateTime?listedDate)
            q.SetEnum("Status", ProductStatus.Enable);

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(description))
                q.SetString("Description", "%" + description.ToLower() + "%");

            if (list != null)
                q.SetInt32("Selection", list.ID);

            if (family != null)
                q.SetInt32("Family", family.ID);

            if (cTR != null)
                q.SetDecimal("CtrMin", cTR.Min);
                q.SetDecimal("CtrMax", cTR.Max);

            if (productType != ProductType.Vacio)
                q.SetInt32("ProductType", (int)productType);

            if (currency != null)
                q.SetInt32("Currency", currency.ID);

            if (newselection != null)
                q.SetInt32("NewSelection", newselection.ID);

            if (newfamily != null)
                q.SetInt32("NewFamily", newfamily.ID);

            if (listedDate.HasValue)
                q.SetDateTime("ListedDate", listedDate.Value);

            if (pageNumber > 0 && (fields != "COUNT(*)" || pageSize == 0))
                if (pageNumber > 1)
                    q.SetFirstResult(pageSize * (pageNumber - 1));
コード例 #6
ファイル: ProductController.cs プロジェクト: tuxevil/Grundfos
        public List <ProductListView> GetProductList(string description, Family family, Family category, CtrRange cTR, Selection list,
                                                     ProductType?productType, int pageNumber, int pageSize, string sortField, string sortOrder, Currency currency, out int totalRecords,
                                                     bool markedAll, List <string> selecteditems)
            // Get the number of records for the current filters
            totalRecords = Convert.ToInt32(GetProductListQuery("COUNT(DISTINCT PP.ID)", description, family, category, cTR, list, productType, currency, 0, 0, string.Empty, string.Empty, markedAll, selecteditems).UniqueResult());

            if (totalRecords == 0)
                return(new List <ProductListView>());

            // Get the current page and data for the current filters
            IQuery q = GetProductListQuery("DISTINCT PP.ID, P.Code, P.Description, P.BasePrices[0].PriceSuggestCurrency.Description, P.BasePrices[0].PriceSuggest, PP.PriceSellCurrency.Description, PP.PriceSell, P.BasePrices[0].PricePurchaseCurrency.Description, P.BasePrices[0].PricePurchase, PP.PriceCurrency.Description, PP.Price, LPPA.Price, PP.CTM, PP.CTR, PL.Type, P.BasePrices[0].PriceSuggestCurrency.Value, PP.PriceSellCurrency.Value, LPPA.PCR, PP.ModifiedOn", description, family, category, cTR, list, productType, currency, pageNumber, pageSize, sortField, sortOrder, markedAll, selecteditems);

            q.SetResultTransformer(new NHibernate.Transform.AliasToBeanConstructorResultTransformer(typeof(ProductListView).GetConstructors()[1]));

            return(q.List <ProductListView>() as List <ProductListView>);
コード例 #7
ファイル: ProductController.cs プロジェクト: tuxevil/Grundfos
        private string GetProductListHQL(string fields, string description, Family family, Family category, CtrRange cTR, Selection list, ProductType?productType, Currency currency, int pageNumber, int pageSize, string sortField, string sortOrder, bool markedAll, List <string> selecteditems, bool addTo, Selection newselection, Family newfamily, DateTime?listedDate, bool createSQL, bool can)
            List <Family> categories = new FamilyController(this.SessionFactoryConfigPath).FindChildrensOrSelf(category);

            string hql = "SELECT " + fields;

            hql += " FROM ProductPrice PP";
            if (!createSQL)
                hql += " JOIN PP.PriceList PL";
                hql += " JOIN PP.Product P";

                if (list != null)
                    hql += " JOIN P.Selections S";

                if (family != null)
                    hql += " JOIN P.Families F";

                if (categories != null && categories.Count > 0)
                    hql += " JOIN P.Families Cat";

                if (currency != null)
                    hql += " JOIN PP.PriceCurrency C";

                hql += " LEFT JOIN PP.LastProductPrice LPPA";
                hql += " INNER JOIN PriceList PL ON PL.Id = PP.PriceListId ";
                hql += " INNER JOIN Product P ON P.Id = PP.ProductId";

                if (list != null)
                    hql += " INNER JOIN ProductBySelection PBS ON PBS.ProductId = P.Id INNER JOIN Selections S ON PBS.SelectionId = S.Id";

                if (family != null)
                    hql += " INNER JOIN ProductByCategory PBC ON PBC.ProductId = P.Id INNER JOIN Category F ON PBC2.CategoryId = F.Id";

                if (categories != null && categories.Count > 0)
                    hql += " INNER JOIN ProductByCategory PBC2 ON PBC2.ProductId = P.Id INNER JOIN Category Cat ON PBC2.CategoryId = Cat.Id";

                if (currency != null)
                    hql += " INNER JOIN Currency C ON PP.PriceCurrencyId = C.Id";

                hql += " LEFT JOIN viewLastProductPrice LPPA ON LPPA.ProductPriceId = PP.Id";

            hql += " WHERE P.Status = :Status";

            if (listedDate.HasValue)
                if (!createSQL)
                    if (can)
                        hql += " AND PP.ModifiedOn < :ListedDate";
                        hql += " AND PP.ModifiedOn > :ListedDate";
                if (can)
                    hql += " AND DATEDIFF(ss, PP.ModifiedOn , :ListedDate) >= 0";
                    hql += " AND DATEDIFF(ss, PP.ModifiedOn , :ListedDate) < 0";

            if (!addTo && newfamily != null)
                hql += " AND PP.Product.ID in (select P.ID from Family F JOIN F.Products P where F.ID = :NewFamily)";

            if (addTo && newfamily != null)
                hql += " AND PP.Product.ID not in (select P.ID from Family F JOIN F.Products P where F.ID = :NewFamily)";

            if (!addTo && newselection != null)
                hql += " AND PP.Product.ID in (select P.ID from Selection S JOIN S.Products P where S.ID = :NewSelection)";

            if (addTo && newselection != null)
                hql += " AND PP.Product.ID not in (select P.ID from Selection S JOIN S.Products P where S.ID = :NewSelection)";

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(description))
                hql += " AND (lower(P.Description) LIKE :Description OR lower(P.Code) LIKE :Description)";

            if (family != null)
                hql += " AND F.ID = :Family";

            if (cTR != null)
                hql += " AND PP.CTR >= :CtrMin";
                hql += " AND PP.CTR <= :CtrMax";
            if (list != null)
                hql += " AND S.ID = :Selection";

            if (productType != ProductType.Vacio)
                if (!createSQL)
                    hql += " AND PL.Type = :ProductType";
                    hql += " AND PL.ProductType = :ProductType";

            if (currency != null)
                hql += " AND C.ID = :Currency";

            if (selecteditems != null && selecteditems.Count > 0)
                if (markedAll)
                    hql += " AND PP.ID NOT IN (";
                    hql += " AND PP.ID IN (";

                foreach (string item in selecteditems)
                    hql += item + ",";

                hql  = hql.Substring(0, hql.Length - 1);
                hql += ") ";

            if (categories != null && categories.Count > 0)
                hql += " AND Cat.ID in (";

                foreach (Family item in categories)
                    hql += item.ID + ",";

                hql  = hql.Substring(0, hql.Length - 1);
                hql += ") ";

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sortField))
                hql += " ORDER BY " + sortField;

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sortOrder))
                hql += " " + sortOrder;

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sortField))
                hql += ", PL.Type ASC";

            if (createSQL)
                hql = hql.Replace(".ID", ".Id");
                hql = hql.Replace("Selections", "Selection");

コード例 #8
ファイル: ProductController.cs プロジェクト: tuxevil/Grundfos
 private IQuery GetProductListQuery(string fields, string description, Family family, Family category, CtrRange cTR, Selection list, ProductType?productType, Currency currency, int pageNumber, int pageSize, string sortField, string sortOrder, bool markedAll, List <string> selecteditems, bool addTo, Selection newselection, Family newfamily, DateTime?listedDate)
         (GetProductListQuery(fields, description, family, category, cTR, list, productType, currency, pageNumber,
                              pageSize, sortField, sortOrder, markedAll, selecteditems, addTo, newselection, newfamily, listedDate, false));
コード例 #9
ファイル: ProductController.cs プロジェクト: tuxevil/Grundfos
        public List <ProductPrice> UpdateProductPrices(string description, Family family, Family category, CtrRange cTR, Selection list, ProductType?productType, Currency currency, bool markedAll, List <string> selecteditems, DateTime listedDate, Guid userId, bool modpcr, decimal value)
            string prodq = GetProductListHQL("DISTINCT PP.Id", description, family, category, cTR, list, productType, currency, 0, 0, null, null, markedAll, selecteditems, false, null, null, listedDate, true, false);
            IQuery iq    = NHibernateSession.CreateSQLQuery(prodq);

            CreateParameters(iq, string.Empty, description, family, category, cTR, list, productType, currency,
                             0, 0, string.Empty, string.Empty, markedAll, selecteditems, false,
                             null, null, listedDate);

            iq.SetResultTransformer(new NHibernate.Transform.AliasToBeanConstructorResultTransformer(typeof(ProductPrice).GetConstructors()[1]));

            List <ProductPrice> templist = iq.List <ProductPrice>() as List <ProductPrice>;

            string plsql     = GetProductListHQL("DISTINCT PP.ProductId, PP.PriceListId, PP.PriceSell, PP.Price, PP.PriceCurrencyId, PP.PriceSellCurrencyId, PP.CTM, PP.CTR, PP.CreatedBy, PP.CreatedOn, '" + userId.ToString() + "', :DateCurrent", description, family, category, cTR, list, productType, currency, 0, 0, string.Empty, string.Empty, markedAll, selecteditems, false, null, null, listedDate, true, true);
            string insertsql = "INSERT INTO ProductPriceAudit (ProductId, PriceListId, PriceSell, Price, PriceCurrencyId, PriceSellCurrencyId, CTM, CTR, CreatedBy, CreatedOn, ModifiedBy, ModifiedOn) " + plsql + "";

            IQuery q = NHibernateSession.CreateSQLQuery(insertsql);

            CreateParameters(q, string.Empty, description, family, category, cTR, list, productType, currency,
                             0, 0, string.Empty, string.Empty, markedAll, selecteditems, false,
                             null, null, listedDate);

            q.SetDateTime("DateCurrent", DateTime.Now);

            plsql = GetProductListHQL("DISTINCT PP.Id", description, family, category, cTR, list, productType, currency, 0, 0, string.Empty, string.Empty, markedAll, selecteditems, false, null, null, listedDate, true, true);

            string updateSql = "UPDATE ProductPrice SET";

            string price;

            if (modpcr)
                price = "(PP.Price * ((:Value/Cast(100 as FLOAT))+1))";
                price = "(-((P.BasePrices[0].PricePurchase * CPP.Value)/(((:Value/Cast(100 as FLOAT))-1)*((100-D.MaxDiscount)/100)))/CPS.Value)";

            string pricesell = "(((" + price + "*CP.Value)/100*(100-D.MaxDiscount))/CPS.Value)";
            string ctm       = "(" + pricesell + " - (P.BasePrices[0].PricePurchase * CPP.Value))";
            string ctr       = "CASE WHEN (" + pricesell + " = 0) THEN 0 ELSE (1 - ((P.BasePrices[0].PricePurchase * CPP.Value) / (" + pricesell + " * CPS.Value))) * 100 END";

            updateSql += " Price = " + price + ",";
            updateSql += " PriceSell = " + pricesell + ",";
            updateSql += " CTM = " + ctm + ",";
            updateSql += " CTR = " + ctr + ",";
            updateSql += " ModifiedBy = '" + userId + "',";
            updateSql += " ModifiedOn = :DateCurrent";
            updateSql += " from ProductPrice PP";
            updateSql += " inner join PriceList PL";
            updateSql += " on PP.PriceListId = PL.Id";
            updateSql += " inner join Product P";
            updateSql += " on PP.ProductId = P.Id";
            updateSql += " inner join Discount D";
            updateSql += " on PL.DiscountId = D.Id";
            updateSql += " inner join Currency CP";
            updateSql += " on PP.PriceCurrencyId = CP.Id";
            updateSql += " inner join Currency CPS";
            updateSql += " on PP.PriceSellCurrencyId = CPS.Id";
            updateSql += " inner join Currency CPP";
            updateSql += " on P.BasePrices[0].PricePurchaseCurrencyId = CPP.Id";

            updateSql += " WHERE PP.Id IN (" + plsql + ")";

            q = NHibernateSession.CreateSQLQuery(updateSql);

            CreateParameters(q, string.Empty, description, family, category, cTR, list, productType, currency,
                             0, 0, string.Empty, string.Empty, markedAll, selecteditems, false,
                             null, null, listedDate);
            q.SetDecimal("Value", value);
            q.SetDateTime("DateCurrent", DateTime.Now);

            // Return Modified Prices
コード例 #10
ファイル: ProductController.cs プロジェクト: tuxevil/Grundfos
        public List <ProductPrice> GetProductListForPriceUpdates(string description, Family family, Family category, CtrRange cTR, Selection list,
                                                                 ProductType?productType, Currency currency, bool markedAll, List <string> selecteditems,
                                                                 DateTime listedDate)
            IQuery q = GetProductListQuery("DISTINCT PP", description, family, category, cTR, list, productType, currency, 0, 0, string.Empty, string.Empty, markedAll, selecteditems, listedDate);

            return(q.List <ProductPrice>() as List <ProductPrice>);
コード例 #11
ファイル: default.aspx.cs プロジェクト: tuxevil/Grundfos
        protected void SearchParameters()
            ProductType type;

            if (rblProductType.SelectedValue == "1")
                type = ProductType.Hz50;
            else if (rblProductType.SelectedValue == "2")
                type = ProductType.Hz60;
                type = ProductType.Vacio;

            //Description or Code
            param.Description = txtDescripcion.Text;
            //Family Id
            param.Family = Convert.ToInt32(ddlFamilia.SelectedValue);
            //Range Id
            param.CtrRange = Convert.ToInt32(ddlRange.SelectedValue);
            //Product Type Enum Id
            param.ProductType = Convert.ToInt32(type);
            //Page Number
            param.PageNumber = Convert.ToInt32(ViewState["Pagina"]);
            //Page Size
            param.PageSize = Convert.ToInt32(ddlPageSize.SelectedValue);
            //Category Id
            param.Category = Convert.ToInt32(ddlCategory.SelectedValue);
            //Currency Id
            param.Currency = Convert.ToInt32(ddlCurrency.SelectedValue);

            if (param.CtrRange != 0)
                CtrRange tempctr = ControllerManager.CtrRange.GetById(param.CtrRange);
                lblFilterCTR.Text          = string.Format("{0} a {1}", tempctr.Min.ToString("#0"), tempctr.Max.ToString("#0"));
                lblFilterCTR.Visible       = true;
                btnCancelFilterCTR.Visible = true;
                if (param.Selection != 0)
                    Selection seltemp = ControllerManager.Selection.GetById(Convert.ToInt32(param.Selection));
                    litSeleccion.Text = "Se encuentra filtrando su selección [" + seltemp.Description + "] por:";
                    litSeleccion.Text = "Se encuentra filtrando por: ";
                lblFilterCTR.Visible       = false;
                btnCancelFilterCTR.Visible = false;
            if (param.Family != 0)
                Family tempfam = ControllerManager.Family.GetById(param.Family);
                lblFilterFamily.Text          = tempfam.Name;
                lblFilterFamily.Visible       = true;
                btnCancelFilterFamily.Visible = true;
                if (param.Selection != 0)
                    Selection seltemp = ControllerManager.Selection.GetById(Convert.ToInt32(param.Selection));
                    litSeleccion.Text = "Se encuentra filtrando su selección [" + seltemp.Description + "] por:";
                    litSeleccion.Text = "Se encuentra filtrando por: ";
                lblFilterFamily.Visible       = false;
                btnCancelFilterFamily.Visible = false;
            if (param.Category != 0)
                Family tempcat = ControllerManager.Family.GetById(param.Category);
                lblFilterCategory.Text          = tempcat.Name;
                lblFilterCategory.Visible       = true;
                btnCancelFilterCategory.Visible = true;
                if (param.Selection != 0)
                    Selection seltemp = ControllerManager.Selection.GetById(Convert.ToInt32(param.Selection));
                    litSeleccion.Text = "Se encuentra filtrando su selección [" + seltemp.Description + "] por:";
                    litSeleccion.Text = "Se encuentra filtrando por: ";
                lblFilterCategory.Visible       = false;
                btnCancelFilterCategory.Visible = false;
            if (param.ProductType != 0)
                ProductType tempprodtype = (ProductType)param.ProductType;
                lblFilterType.Text          = tempprodtype.ToString();
                lblFilterType.Visible       = true;
                btnCancelFilterType.Visible = true;
                if (param.Selection != 0)
                    Selection seltemp = ControllerManager.Selection.GetById(Convert.ToInt32(param.Selection));
                    litSeleccion.Text = "Se encuentra filtrando su selección [" + seltemp.Description + "] por:";
                    litSeleccion.Text = "Se encuentra filtrando por: ";
                lblFilterType.Visible       = false;
                btnCancelFilterType.Visible = false;
            if (param.Currency != 0)
                Currency tempcurr = ControllerManager.Currency.GetById(param.Currency);
                lblFilterCurrency.Text          = tempcurr.Description;
                lblFilterCurrency.Visible       = true;
                btnCancelFilterCurrency.Visible = true;
                if (param.Selection != 0)
                    Selection seltemp = ControllerManager.Selection.GetById(Convert.ToInt32(param.Selection));
                    litSeleccion.Text = "Se encuentra filtrando su selección [" + seltemp.Description + "] por:";
                    litSeleccion.Text = "Se encuentra filtrando por: ";
                lblFilterCurrency.Visible       = false;
                btnCancelFilterCurrency.Visible = false;
            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(param.Description))
                if (param.Description.Length > 32)
                    lblFilterDescription.Text = param.Description.Substring(0, 29) + "...";
                    lblFilterDescription.Text = param.Description;
                lblFilterDescription.Visible       = true;
                btnCancelFilterDescription.Visible = true;
                if (param.Selection != 0)
                    Selection seltemp = ControllerManager.Selection.GetById(Convert.ToInt32(param.Selection));
                    litSeleccion.Text = "Se encuentra filtrando su selección [" + seltemp.Description + "] por:";
                    litSeleccion.Text = "Se encuentra filtrando por: ";
                lblFilterDescription.Visible       = false;
                btnCancelFilterDescription.Visible = false;
            if ((param.CtrRange == 0) && (param.Family == 0) && (param.Category == 0) && (param.ProductType == 0) && (param.Currency == 0) && (String.IsNullOrEmpty(param.Description)))
                litSeleccion.Text = "No hay ningún filtro activo.";
                ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this.UpdatePanel1, GetType(), "flipfilters", "<script>flip_filters();</script>", false);