コード例 #1
        /// <summary>A special variant of clone which checks if the inherited value is a set
        /// (and if it is a set, this returns a set of inherits).</summary>
        public Css.Value SetCopy()
            // Either we're inheriting nothing, it's not a set, or the property is atomic:
            if (From_ == null || !(From_ is Css.ValueSet) || Property.AliasedProperties == null)
                // Ordinary copy:

            // Create a set of inherits:
            int count = Count;

            Css.ValueSet vs = Activator.CreateInstance(From_.GetType()) as Css.ValueSet;
            vs.Count = count;

            for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                // Get the aliased property (e.g. color-r):
                CssProperty aliasedProperty = Property.GetAliased(i, false);

                if (aliasedProperty == null)
                    // Use the original value:
                    vs[i] = From_[i];
                    // Create:
                    Inherit inh = new Inherit(aliasedProperty);

                    // Get the actual value:
                    inh.From_ = From_[i];

                    // Add to set:
                    vs[i] = inh;

コード例 #2
        /// <summary>Loads a gradient from a set of stops in the given parameters.</summary>
        public static Gradient2D LoadGradient(int firstColour, Css.ValueSet parameters, bool autoRepeat)
            // Next load the stops.
            int paramCount = parameters.Count;
            int stopCount  = paramCount - firstColour;
            int lastColour = paramCount - 1;

            // Create the gradient:
            Gradient2D grad = new Gradient2D(stopCount);

            int index           = 0;
            int undefinedPoints = 0;

            for (int i = firstColour; i < paramCount; i++)
                // Get the stop value:
                Css.Value stop = parameters[i];

                // It's either a set (colour and stop) or just a colour.
                Color colour;
                float stopValue;

                if (stop is Css.Units.ColourUnit)
                    // Pull the colour:
                    colour = stop.GetColour();

                    if (i == lastColour)
                        stopValue = 1f;
                    else if (i == firstColour)
                        stopValue = 0f;
                        stopValue = float.MaxValue;
                    // Pull the colour:
                    colour = stop[0].GetColour();

                    // And the stop %:
                    stopValue = stop[1].GetRawDecimal();

                // Drop in the colour:
                grad.Colours[index] = colour;

                if (stopValue == float.MaxValue)
                    // This point doesn't have a stop value defined.
                    // We'll have to load the following ones first and come back to it.
                    // Define any undefined points now:
                    if (undefinedPoints != 0)
                        // First undefined point is..
                        int firstUndef = index - undefinedPoints;

                        // Get the previously defined position:
                        float lastDefined = grad.Positions[firstUndef - 1];

                        // Delta is therefore..
                        float delta = (stopValue - lastDefined) / (float)(undefinedPoints + 1);

                        // For each undefined point..
                        for (int undef = 0; undef < undefinedPoints; undef++)
                            // Bump up the defined amount:
                            lastDefined += delta;

                            // Set the position:
                            grad.Positions[firstUndef + undef] = lastDefined;

                        // Clear:
                        undefinedPoints = 0;

                    // Set the position:
                    grad.Positions[index] = stopValue;


コード例 #3
ファイル: CounterSystem.cs プロジェクト: HippoAR/DemoPowerUI
        /// <summary>Loads this systems values from the given style.</summary>
        public void Load(Css.Style style, Css.ReflowDocument document)
            // Get the range:
            Css.Value range = style[Css.Properties.RangeProperty.GlobalProperty];

            if (range != null && !range.IsAuto)
                Css.ValueSet rangeSet = range as Css.ValueSet;

                int rangeSize = (rangeSet != null && rangeSet.Spacer == ",")?range.Count : 1;

                if (rangeSize > 1)
                    AdditionalRanges = new CounterRange[rangeSize];

                    int overallMin = 0;
                    int overallMax = 0;

                    // For each one..
                    for (int i = 0; i < rangeSize; i++)
                        int min = range[i][0].GetInteger(null, null);
                        int max = range[i][1].GetInteger(null, null);

                        if (i == 0)
                            overallMin = min;
                            overallMax = max;
                            if (min < overallMin)
                                overallMin = min;

                            if (max > overallMax)
                                overallMax = max;

                        AdditionalRanges[i] = new CounterRange(min, max);

                    Min = overallMin;
                    Max = overallMax;
                    AdditionalRanges = null;

                    // Set min/max:
                    Min = range[0].GetInteger(null, null);
                    Max = range[1].GetInteger(null, null);

            // Get the pad:
            Css.Value pad = style[Css.Properties.Pad.GlobalProperty];

            if (pad != null)
                PadMin = pad[0].GetInteger(null, null);

                if (pad is Css.ValueSet)
                    PadSymbol = pad[1].Text;
                    PadSymbol = "";

            // Prefix:
            Css.Value prefix = style[Css.Properties.Prefix.GlobalProperty];

            if (prefix != null)
                Prefix = prefix.Text;

            // Suffix:
            Css.Value suffix = style[Css.Properties.Suffix.GlobalProperty];

            if (suffix != null)
                Suffix = suffix.Text;

            // Negative:
            Css.Value negative = style[Css.Properties.Negative.GlobalProperty];

            if (negative != null)
                NegativePrefix = negative[0].Text;

                if (negative is Css.ValueSet)
                    NegativeSuffix = negative[1].Text;
                    NegativeSuffix = "";

            // Symbols:

            // Fallback:
            Css.Value fallback = style[Css.Properties.Fallback.GlobalProperty];

            if (fallback != null)
                string fbName = fallback[0].Text;

                if (fbName == "none" || fbName == "decimal")
                    fbName = null;

                if (fbName != null)
                    // Get by built in name:
                    Fallback = Counters.CounterSystems.Get(fbName);

                    if (Fallback == null)
                        // Get by doc name:
                        CounterStyleRule rule;
                        if (document.CssCounters.TryGetValue(fbName, out rule))
                            // Get the system:
                            Fallback = rule.System;

                if (Fallback == null)
                    // Default to decimal system:
                    Fallback = CounterSystems.Decimal;
コード例 #4
ファイル: Style.cs プロジェクト: HippoAR/DemoPowerUI
        /// <summary>Gets or creates the base value for the given property.
        /// The base value is essentially the value held directly in this style sheet.
        /// E.g. if the value you're setting is the R channel of color-overlay, this sets up the color-overlay value for you.</summary>
        /// <returns>The raw value (which may have just been created). Never an 'inherit' or 'initial' keyword.</returns>
        internal Css.Value GetBaseValue(CssProperty property)
            Css.Value propertyValue;

            // Does it exist already?
            if (!Properties.TryGetValue(property, out propertyValue))
                // Nope! Create it now. Does the computed style hold a value instead?
                ComputedStyle computed = GetComputed();

                if (computed != null && computed.Properties.TryGetValue(property, out propertyValue) && propertyValue != null)
                    // Derive from the computed value.
                    if (propertyValue is Css.Keywords.Inherit)
                        // Must clone the inherited value (using special inherit copy):
                        propertyValue = (propertyValue as Css.Keywords.Inherit).SetCopy();
                    else if (propertyValue is Css.Keywords.Initial)
                        // Clone the initial value:
                        propertyValue = property.InitialValue.Copy();
                        // Must copy it:
                        propertyValue = propertyValue.Copy();

                    // Make sure it has low specif:
                    propertyValue.Specifity = -1;
                    // Needs to be created. Must also copy it.
                    // Copy is used because it'll probably change some internal value.
                    propertyValue = property.InitialValue.Copy();

                Properties[property] = propertyValue;
            else if (propertyValue is Css.Keywords.Inherit)
                // Must clone the inherited value (using special inherit copy):
                propertyValue = (propertyValue as Css.Keywords.Inherit).SetCopy();

                // Make sure it has low specif:
                propertyValue.Specifity = -1;

                Properties[property] = propertyValue;
            else if (propertyValue is Css.Keywords.Initial)
                // Clone the initial value:
                propertyValue = property.InitialValue.Copy();

                // Make sure it has low specif:
                propertyValue.Specifity = -1;

                Properties[property] = propertyValue;

            // If it's not currently a set, we need it as one.
            int size = property.SetSize;

            if (propertyValue is Css.ValueSet)
                if (propertyValue.Count < size)
                    // Resize it:
                    propertyValue.Count = size;
                // Create the set:
                Css.ValueSet set = new Css.ValueSet();
                set.Count = size;

                // Make sure it has low specif:
                set.Specifity = -1;

                for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
                    // Must copy each value (e.g. if they get animated):
                    set[i] = propertyValue.Copy();

                Properties[property] = set;

                propertyValue = set;
