コード例 #1
        /* This function checks if the Tx trace is active for the given rx trace */
        private bool IsSyncActive(List <Csp.Trace> syncActiveList, Csp.Trace trace)
            /* Create the tx trace search name */
            String sTxTraceName = String.Format("!{0}", trace.Name.TrimStart(new char[] { '?' }));

            return(syncActiveList.Any(p => p.Name == sTxTraceName));
コード例 #2
        /* This function checks that the specified trace has not been observed since its tx trace was observed */
        /* NOTE: This function assumes that a txTrace is present */
        private bool HasBeenSeen(List <Csp.Trace> historyList, Csp.Trace trace)
            /* Create the tx trace search name */
            String sTxTraceName = String.Format("!{0}", trace.Name.TrimStart(new char[] { '?' }));

            /* Backtrack the history */
            if (historyList.Count > 0)
                for (int i = historyList.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                    if ((historyList[i].Name == trace.Name) && (historyList[i].ProcessId == trace.ProcessId))
                        /* The trace has been seen, return true */
                    else if (historyList[i].Name == sTxTraceName)
                        /* The tx trace has been seen. If we get here, it means that the input trace has not been seen. */

コード例 #3
ファイル: Node.cs プロジェクト: theunssteyn/OpTrace
        /* This function adds a transmit trace */
        public void AddRxTrace(Csp.Trace trace, Channel.enChannelType chanType)

            /* Create a transmit channel for this trace */
            AddChannel(trace, chanType);
コード例 #4
 /* This function adds a tx trace to the supplied SyncActive list */
 private void AddSyncActive(ref List <Csp.Trace> syncActiveList, Csp.Trace trace)
     if (!syncActiveList.Any(p => p.Name == trace.Name))
         syncActiveList.Add(new Csp.Trace(trace));
コード例 #5
ファイル: Channel.cs プロジェクト: theunssteyn/OpTrace
        private static string GetTraceName(Csp.Trace trace)
            String retString = null;

            if (trace.Name.Contains("!"))
                retString = trace.Name.Replace("!", "tx");
            else if (trace.Name.Contains("?"))
                retString = trace.Name.Replace("?", "rx");;
                retString = trace.Name;

コード例 #6
        /* The channel alphabet is constructed from its connected processes */
        public void ParseGraphHalfDuplex(EdgeList adj)
            if (adj != null)
                List <Tuple <string, int> > vertices = adj.GetVertices();

                /* A list of processes and a list of channels */
                NodeList = new List <Node>();

                /* Go through the list, create and reuse where nessesary */
                foreach (var process in vertices)
                    String sSyncTrace = GetSyncTraceFromIndex(process.Item2);
                    Node   node       = null;

                    if (!NodeList.Any(p => p.NodeId == process.Item1))
                        Console.WriteLine(String.Format("Creating node {0}", process.Item1));
                        /* Add the new node to the list */
                        node = new Node(process.Item1);
                        /* Add the node to the node list */
                        Console.WriteLine(String.Format("Using node {0}", process.Item1));
                        /* Get the existing node */
                        node = NodeList.First(p => p.NodeId == process.Item1);

                    /* Add the event to the node */
                    Csp.Trace nodeTrace = new Csp.Trace()
                        ProcessId = node.NodeId, Name = sSyncTrace, synchronisation = true
                    node.AddTxRxTrace(nodeTrace, Channel.enChannelType.Transceive);
コード例 #7
ファイル: Node.cs プロジェクト: theunssteyn/OpTrace
        /* This function gets the traces, built from its connected channels */
        public List <List <Trace> > GetTracesAdvancedOld3()
            List <List <Trace> > retList = new List <List <Trace> >();

            List <List <List <Trace> > > txList = new List <List <List <Trace> > >();
            List <List <List <Trace> > > rxList = new List <List <List <Trace> > >();

            /* Iterate through the channels of this process and get the synchronisations */
            foreach (Channel chan in Channels)
                foreach (Trace trace in chan.Alphabet)
                    if (trace.Name.Contains("!"))
                        /* TX trace */
                        /* We create a copy and rename the trace so that it belongs to this node process */
                        Csp.Trace nodeTrace = new Csp.Trace(trace);
                        nodeTrace.ProcessId = NodeId;
                        txList.Add(new List <List <Trace> >()
                            new List <Trace>()
                    else if (trace.Name.Contains("?"))
                        /* RX Trace */
                        /* We create a copy and rename the trace so that it belongs to this node process */
                        Csp.Trace nodeTrace = new Csp.Trace(trace);
                        nodeTrace.ProcessId = NodeId;
                        rxList.Add(new List <List <Trace> >()
                            new List <Trace>()

            /* Now we need all variations and permutations of the TX traces and the RX traces */
            /* Trace calculations can be used with the interleaving operator */
            List <List <Csp.Trace> > alphaTxTrace = txList[0];

            for (int k = 1; k < txList.Count; k++)
                Operators op = new Operators();
                alphaTxTrace = op.OptParallelAdvanced(alphaTxTrace, txList[k], new List <Trace>());

            List <List <Csp.Trace> > alphaRxTrace = rxList[0];

            for (int k = 1; k < rxList.Count; k++)
                Operators op = new Operators();
                alphaRxTrace = op.OptParallelAdvanced(alphaRxTrace, rxList[k], new List <Trace>());


コード例 #8
        /* the channel alphabet is constructed from its connected processes */
        /* Each process only has ONE transmit trace */
        public void ParseGraphP2P(EdgeList adj)
            if (adj != null)
                List <Tuple <string, string> > edges = adj.GetEdges();

                /* A list of processes and a list of channels */
                NodeList    = new List <Node>();
                ChannelList = new List <Channel>();

                Node leftNode  = null;
                Node rightNode = null;

                Csp.Trace leftNodeTxTrace  = null;
                Csp.Trace rightNodeTxTrace = null;

                char syncChar = 'A';

                /* Go through the list, create and reuse where nessesary */
                foreach (var connection in edges)
                    /* Left Node */
                    if (NodeList.Any(p => p.NodeId == connection.Item1))
                        Console.WriteLine(String.Format("Using node {0}", connection.Item1));
                        /* Get the existing Node */
                        leftNode = NodeList.First(p => p.NodeId == connection.Item1);
                        /* Add the tx event to the node */
                        leftNodeTxTrace = new Csp.Trace()
                            ProcessId = leftNode.NodeId, Name = String.Format("!{0}", syncChar++), synchronisation = true
                        Console.WriteLine(String.Format("Creating node {0}", connection.Item1));
                        /* Add the new node to the list */
                        leftNode = new Node(connection.Item1);
                        /* Add the tx event to the node */
                        leftNodeTxTrace = new Csp.Trace()
                            ProcessId = leftNode.NodeId, Name = String.Format("!{0}", syncChar++), synchronisation = true
                        /* Add the node to the node list */

                    /* Right Node */
                    if (NodeList.Any(p => p.NodeId == connection.Item2))
                        Console.WriteLine(String.Format("Using node {0}", connection.Item2));
                        /* Get the existing Node */
                        rightNode = NodeList.First(p => p.NodeId == connection.Item2);
                        /* Add the tx event to the node */
                        rightNodeTxTrace = new Csp.Trace()
                            ProcessId = rightNode.NodeId, Name = String.Format("!{0}", syncChar++), synchronisation = true
                        Console.WriteLine(String.Format("Creating node {0}", connection.Item2));
                        /* Add the new node to the list */
                        rightNode = new Node(connection.Item2);
                        /* Add the tx event to the node */
                        rightNodeTxTrace = new Csp.Trace()
                            ProcessId = rightNode.NodeId, Name = String.Format("!{0}", syncChar++), synchronisation = true
                        /* Add the node to the node list */

                    /* Channel <-> */
                    Console.WriteLine(String.Format("Creating channel c[{0}:{1}]", connection.Item1, connection.Item2));

                    /* Add the channel to the channel list */
                    Channel channel = new Channel(leftNode, rightNode);

                    /* Add communicating traces to the nodes and the channels */
                    /* Left Node Traces */
                    Csp.Trace leftNodeTxChan = new Csp.Trace(leftNodeTxTrace)
                        ProcessId = String.Format("{0}{1}", leftNode.NodeId, rightNode.NodeId)
                    };                                                                                                                                      /* eg. !A */
                    Csp.Trace rightNodeRxChan = new Csp.Trace(leftNodeTxChan);                                                                              /* eg. ?A */
                    rightNodeRxChan.Name = rightNodeRxChan.Name.Replace('!', '?');

                    /* Right Node Traces */
                    Csp.Trace rightNodeTxChan = new Csp.Trace(rightNodeTxTrace)
                        ProcessId = String.Format("{0}{1}", leftNode.NodeId, rightNode.NodeId)
                    };                                                                                                                                      /* eg. !B */
                    Csp.Trace leftNodeRxChan = new Csp.Trace(rightNodeTxChan);                                                                              /* eg. ?B */
                    leftNodeRxChan.Name = leftNodeRxChan.Name.Replace('!', '?');

                    /* Assign left node Tx trace to the channel */
                    channel.leftTxTrace  = leftNodeTxChan;     /* eg. !A */
                    channel.rightRxTrace = rightNodeRxChan;    /* eg. ?A */
                    channel.rightTxTrace = rightNodeTxChan;    /* eg. !B */
                    channel.leftRxTrace  = leftNodeRxChan;     /* eg. ?B */

                    /* Link the channel back to the nodes */

                    /* Add the Rx traces to the nodes */
                    leftNode.RxAlphabet.Add(new Csp.Trace(leftNodeRxChan)
                        ProcessId = leftNode.NodeId
                    });                                                                                         /* eg. ?B */
                    rightNode.RxAlphabet.Add(new Csp.Trace(rightNodeRxChan)
                        ProcessId = rightNode.NodeId
                    });                                                                                         /* eg. ?A */
コード例 #9
        /* The channel alphabet is constructed from its connected processes */
        /* Each process only has ONE transmit trace */
        public void ParseGraphNeigbours(EdgeList adj)
            if (adj != null)
                List <Tuple <string, string> > edges = adj.GetEdges();

                /* A list of processes and a list of channels */
                NodeList    = new List <Node>();
                ChannelList = new List <Channel>();

                Node transmitNode = null;
                Node receiveNode  = null;

                Csp.Trace transmitNodeTrace = null;
                Csp.Trace receiveNodeTrace  = null;

                /* Go through the list, create and reuse where nessesary */
                foreach (var connection in edges)
                    string sSyncTrace = null;

                    /* Transmit Node */
                    if (!NodeList.Any(p => p.NodeId == connection.Item1))
                        Console.WriteLine(String.Format("Creating node {0}", connection.Item1));
                        /* Add the new node to the list */
                        transmitNode = new Node(connection.Item1);
                        /* Add the tx event to the node */
                        sSyncTrace        = GetNextTxTrace();
                        transmitNodeTrace = new Csp.Trace()
                            ProcessId = transmitNode.NodeId, Name = sSyncTrace, synchronisation = true
                        transmitNode.AddTxTrace(transmitNodeTrace, Channel.enChannelType.Transmit);
                        /* Add the node to the node list */
                        Console.WriteLine(String.Format("Using node {0}", connection.Item1));
                        /* Get the existing Node */
                        transmitNode = NodeList.First(p => p.NodeId == connection.Item1);
                        /* Get the existing tx trace, if it does not exist, create one */
                        sSyncTrace = transmitNode.GetFirstTxTrace();

                        if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(sSyncTrace))
                            /* The channel exists, but a transmit trace is not yet defined, it should be defined now */
                            sSyncTrace        = GetNextTxTrace();
                            transmitNodeTrace = new Csp.Trace()
                                ProcessId = transmitNode.NodeId, Name = sSyncTrace, synchronisation = true
                            transmitNode.AddTxTrace(transmitNodeTrace, Channel.enChannelType.Transmit);

                        transmitNodeTrace = transmitNode.TxAlphabet.First(p => p.Name.Contains("!"));

                    /* Receive Node */
                    if (!NodeList.Any(p => p.NodeId == connection.Item2))
                        Console.WriteLine(String.Format("Creating node {0}", connection.Item2));
                        /* Add the new node to the list */
                        receiveNode = new Node(connection.Item2);
                        /* Add the tx event to the node */
                        receiveNodeTrace = new Csp.Trace()
                            ProcessId = receiveNode.NodeId, Name = GetRxTrace(sSyncTrace), synchronisation = true
                        receiveNode.AddRxTrace(receiveNodeTrace, Channel.enChannelType.Receive);
                        /* Add the node to the node list */
                        Console.WriteLine(String.Format("Using node {0}", connection.Item2));
                        /* Get the existing Node */
                        receiveNode = NodeList.First(p => p.NodeId == connection.Item2);
                        /* Add the current rx trace to the existing node */
                        receiveNodeTrace = new Csp.Trace()
                            ProcessId = receiveNode.NodeId, Name = GetRxTrace(sSyncTrace), synchronisation = true
                        receiveNode.AddRxTrace(receiveNodeTrace, Channel.enChannelType.Receive);
コード例 #10
        /* The channel alphabet is constructed from its connected processes */
        public void ParseGraphSimplex(EdgeList adj)
            if (adj != null)
                List <Tuple <string, string> > edges = adj.GetEdges();

                /* A list of processes and a list of channels */
                NodeList    = new List <Node>();
                ChannelList = new List <Channel>();

                Node transmitNode = null;
                Node receiveNode  = null;

                Csp.Trace transmitNodeTrace = null;
                Csp.Trace receiveNodeTrace  = null;

                /* Go through the list, create and reuse where nessesary */
                foreach (var connection in edges)
                    string sSyncTrace = null;

                    /* Transmit Node */
                    if (!NodeList.Any(p => p.NodeId == connection.Item1))
                        Console.WriteLine(String.Format("Creating node {0}", connection.Item1));
                        /* Add the new node to the list */
                        transmitNode = new Node(connection.Item1);
                        /* Add the tx event to the node */
                        sSyncTrace        = GetNextTxTrace();
                        transmitNodeTrace = new Csp.Trace()
                            ProcessId = transmitNode.NodeId, Name = sSyncTrace, synchronisation = true
                        transmitNode.AddTxTrace(transmitNodeTrace, Channel.enChannelType.Transmit);
                        /* Add the node to the node list */
                        Console.WriteLine(String.Format("Using node {0}", connection.Item1));
                        /* Get the existing Node */
                        transmitNode = NodeList.First(p => p.NodeId == connection.Item1);
                        /* Add the tx event to the node */
                        sSyncTrace        = GetNextTxTrace();
                        transmitNodeTrace = new Csp.Trace()
                            ProcessId = transmitNode.NodeId, Name = sSyncTrace, synchronisation = true
                        transmitNode.AddTxTrace(transmitNodeTrace, Channel.enChannelType.Transmit);

                    /* Receive Node */
                    if (!NodeList.Any(p => p.NodeId == connection.Item2))
                        Console.WriteLine(String.Format("Creating node {0}", connection.Item2));
                        /* Add the new node to the list */
                        receiveNode = new Node(connection.Item2);
                        /* Add the tx event to the node */
                        receiveNodeTrace = new Csp.Trace()
                            ProcessId = receiveNode.NodeId, Name = GetRxTrace(sSyncTrace), synchronisation = true
                        receiveNode.AddRxTrace(receiveNodeTrace, Channel.enChannelType.Receive);
                        /* Add the node to the node list */
                        Console.WriteLine(String.Format("Using node {0}", connection.Item2));
                        /* Get the existing Node */
                        receiveNode = NodeList.First(p => p.NodeId == connection.Item2);
                        /* Add the current rx trace to the existing node */
                        receiveNodeTrace = new Csp.Trace()
                            ProcessId = receiveNode.NodeId, Name = GetRxTrace(sSyncTrace), synchronisation = true
                        receiveNode.AddRxTrace(receiveNodeTrace, Channel.enChannelType.Receive);