コード例 #1
ファイル: CsDbModels.cs プロジェクト: HanB2/GitLast
        public BdNotice GetCsEsmNoticeView(CsEsmNoticeModels getModel)
            string   errorStr = "";
            BdNotice model    = new BdNotice();

            if (getModel.act_type != null && getModel.act_type == "updt")
                string    ViewQuery = " SELECT bn.SEQNO , esmU.EMAIL , " + string.Join(",", selectColoum_CsNotice) + " FROM bd_notice bn left outer join esm_user esmU on bn.WRITER_ID = esmU.SEQNO  WHERE bn.SEQNO = " + getModel.act_key;
                DataTable listDt    = getQueryResult(ViewQuery, out errorStr);

                if (listDt != null && listDt.Rows.Count != 0)
                    model.SEQNO = int.Parse(listDt.Rows[0]["SEQNO"].ToString().Trim());
                    //model.EST_CODE = listDt.Rows[0]["EST_CODE"].ToString().Trim();
                    model.WRITER_ID   = int.Parse(listDt.Rows[0]["WRITER_ID"].ToString().Trim());
                    model.TITLE_CN    = listDt.Rows[0]["TITLE_CN"].ToString().Trim();
                    model.TITLE_EN    = listDt.Rows[0]["TITLE_EN"].ToString().Trim();
                    model.TITLE_KR    = listDt.Rows[0]["TITLE_KR"].ToString().Trim();
                    model.CONTENTS_CN = listDt.Rows[0]["CONTENTS_CN"].ToString().Trim();
                    model.CONTENTS_EN = listDt.Rows[0]["CONTENTS_EN"].ToString().Trim();
                    model.CONTENTS_KR = listDt.Rows[0]["CONTENTS_KR"].ToString().Trim();
                    model.REGDATE     = listDt.Rows[0]["REGDATE"].ToString().Trim();
                    //model.UP_DATE = listDt.Rows[0]["UP_DATE"].ToString().Trim();
                    //model.READ_NUM = int.Parse(listDt.Rows[0]["READ_NUM"].ToString().Trim());
                    //model.POPUP_DISPLAY = int.Parse(listDt.Rows[0]["POPUP_DISPLAY"].ToString().Trim());
                    //model.POPUP_START = listDt.Rows[0]["POPUP_START"].ToString().Trim();
                    //model.POPUP_END = listDt.Rows[0]["POPUP_END"].ToString().Trim();
                    //model.WEB_DISPLAY = int.Parse(listDt.Rows[0]["WEB_DISPLAY"].ToString().Trim());
                    model.BD_TYPE     = int.Parse(listDt.Rows[0]["BD_TYPE"].ToString().Trim());
                    model.WRITER_NAME = listDt.Rows[0]["EMAIL"].ToString().Trim();

コード例 #2
ファイル: CsController.cs プロジェクト: HanB2/GitLast
        public ActionResult CsEsmNotice(CsEsmNoticeModels model)
            //권한 체크===================================================
            if (!chk.chkPermission("CsEsmNotice", "PER_SELECT"))
                return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Home", new { msg = chk.alertStr }));

            model = act.GetCsEsmNoticeList(model);              //리스트 가져오기

            ViewData["pageing"] = comM.setPaging(model.Paging); //페이징 HTML 만들기

コード例 #3
ファイル: CsController.cs プロジェクト: HanB2/GitLast
        // GET: Cs 고객센터 ETOMARS 공지
        public ActionResult CsEsmNotice()
            //권한 체크===================================================
            if (!chk.chkPermission("CsEsmNotice", "PER_SELECT"))
                return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Home", new { msg = chk.alertStr }));

            CsEsmNoticeModels model = new CsEsmNoticeModels();

            //페이징 설정 초기화
            model.Paging.page    = 1;
            model.Paging.pageNum = 10;
            model.sortKey        = "SEQNO";

            //리스트 가져오기
            model = act.GetCsEsmNoticeList(model);
            ViewData["pageing"] = comM.setPaging(model.Paging);             //페이징 HTML 만들기

コード例 #4
ファイル: CsController.cs プロジェクト: HanB2/GitLast
        public ActionResult CsEsmNoticeView(string seqNo)
            //권한 체크===================================================
            if (!chk.chkPermission("CsEsmNotice", "PER_SELECT"))
                return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Home", new { msg = chk.alertStr }));

            CsEsmNoticeModels model = new CsEsmNoticeModels();
            int pSeqNo = 0;

            if (int.TryParse(seqNo, out pSeqNo))
                model.act_type = "updt";
                model.act_key  = pSeqNo;

            model.Item = act.GetCsEsmNoticeView(model);

コード例 #5
ファイル: CsDbModels.cs プロジェクト: HanB2/GitLast
        public CsEsmNoticeModels GetCsEsmNoticeList(CsEsmNoticeModels model)
            string errorStr = "";

            string listQuery = " SELECT bn.SEQNO , esmU.EMAIL , " + string.Join(",", selectColoum_CsNotice);
            string cntQuery  = " SELECT count(*) as cnt ";

            string baseQuery = " FROM bd_notice bn left outer join esm_user esmU on bn.WRITER_ID = esmU.SEQNO WHERE EST_CODE is Null ";

            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(model.schType))              //공지유형
                baseQuery += " AND  bn.BD_TYPE = " + model.schType.Trim();

            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(model.schSdt))                  //등록일자 (시작일)
                baseQuery += " AND  bn.REGDATE >= '" + model.schSdt.Trim() + "'";

            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(model.schEdt))                  //등록일자 (종료일)
                baseQuery += " AND  bn.REGDATE <= '" + model.schEdt.Trim() + " 23:59:59'";

            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(model.schTypeTxt) && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(model.schTxt))              //검색조건 검색어
                baseQuery += " AND  bn." + model.schTypeTxt.Trim() + " like '%" + model.schTxt.Trim() + "%' ";

            string endQuery = " ORDER BY " + model.sortKey.ToString().Trim() + " DESC limit " + ((model.Paging.page - 1) * model.Paging.pageNum) + " , " + model.Paging.pageNum; //정렬

            cntQuery  += baseQuery;                                                                                                                                              //토탈 카운트 쿼리
            listQuery += baseQuery + endQuery;                                                                                                                                   //리스트 쿼리

            int totCnt = getQueryCnt(cntQuery, out errorStr);                                                                                                                    //전체 리스트 갯수 구하기

            //model.Paging.pageTotNum = (totCnt / model.Paging.pageNum) + 1;  //총 페이징 갯수 구하기

            model.Paging.totCnt     = totCnt;                                                    //전체 갯수 세팅
            model.Paging.startCnt   = totCnt - (model.Paging.pageNum * (model.Paging.page - 1)); //리스트 첫번째 시작 번호
            model.Paging.pageTotNum = (totCnt / model.Paging.pageNum) + 1;                       //총 페이징 갯수 구하기
            if ((totCnt % model.Paging.pageNum) == 0)
                model.Paging.pageTotNum -= 1;                                                    //총 페이징 갯수가 0 일경우 + 1
            DataTable listDt = getQueryResult(listQuery, out errorStr);

            if (listDt != null && listDt.Rows.Count != 0)
                for (int i = 0; i < listDt.Rows.Count; i++)
                    BdNotice temp = new BdNotice();

                    temp.SEQNO       = int.Parse(listDt.Rows[i]["SEQNO"].ToString().Trim());
                    temp.WRITER_ID   = int.Parse(listDt.Rows[i]["WRITER_ID"].ToString().Trim());
                    temp.TITLE_CN    = listDt.Rows[i]["TITLE_CN"].ToString().Trim();
                    temp.TITLE_EN    = listDt.Rows[i]["TITLE_EN"].ToString().Trim();
                    temp.TITLE_KR    = listDt.Rows[i]["TITLE_KR"].ToString().Trim();
                    temp.CONTENTS_CN = listDt.Rows[i]["CONTENTS_CN"].ToString().Trim();
                    temp.CONTENTS_EN = listDt.Rows[i]["CONTENTS_EN"].ToString().Trim();
                    temp.CONTENTS_KR = listDt.Rows[i]["CONTENTS_KR"].ToString().Trim();
                    temp.REGDATE     = listDt.Rows[i]["REGDATE"].ToString().Trim();
                    temp.BD_TYPE     = int.Parse(listDt.Rows[i]["BD_TYPE"].ToString().Trim());

                    foreach (schTypeArray tempS in model.schTypeArray)
                        if (tempS.opt_value == listDt.Rows[i]["BD_TYPE"].ToString().Trim())
                            temp.BD_TYPE     = int.Parse(listDt.Rows[i]["BD_TYPE"].ToString().Trim());
                            temp.BD_TYPE_txt = tempS.opt_key;

