コード例 #1
ファイル: frmreports.aspx.cs プロジェクト: gurpreet007/person
    protected void btnAllOO_PC_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        string empid = txtempid.Text;
        string sql   = "select m.sno,tpp.oonum as oonum, " +
                       "to_char(tpp.oodate,'dd-mm-yyyy') as oodate, " +
                       "'12' as fsize, pshr.get_fullname(m.empid),to_char(m.empid) as empid,pshr.get_dob(m.empid) as dob," +
                       "pshr.get_post(m.oldloccode) as old_work_loc,m.oldloccode as old_work_loccode,pshr.get_desg(m.olddesgcode) as old_work_desg, m.olddesgcode as old_work_desgcode," +
                       "DECODE(m.rowno,0,pshr.get_post(m.oldloccode), pshr.get_post(cadre.get_lcode_rno(m.rowno))) AS old_pc_loc," +
                       "DECODE(m.rowno,0,m.oldloccode, cadre.get_lcode_rno(m.rowno)) AS old_pc_loccode," +
                       "DECODE(m.rowno,0,pshr.get_desg(m.olddesgcode), pshr.get_desg(cadre.get_dcode_rno(m.rowno))) AS old_pc_desg, " +
                       "DECODE(m.rowno,0,m.olddesgcode, cadre.get_dcode_rno(m.rowno)) AS old_pc_desgcode, " +
                       "DECODE(m.rowno,0,'0', cadre.get_indx_rno(m.rowno)) AS old_pc_indx,  cadre.get_org_plants(m.cloccode) as new_work_loc," +
                       "m.cloccode as new_work_loccode,pshr.get_desg(m.cdesgcode) as new_work_desg,m.cdesgcode as new_work_desgcode," +
                       "decode(length(m.proposed_rowno),9,pshr.get_post(m.proposed_rowno), cadre.get_org_plants(cadre.get_lcode_rno(m.proposed_rowno))) AS new_pc_loc," +
                       "decode(length(m.proposed_rowno),9,m.proposed_rowno, cadre.get_lcode_rno(m.proposed_rowno)) AS new_pc_loccode," +
                       "DECODE(m.rowno,0,pshr.get_desg(m.olddesgcode), pshr.get_desg(cadre.get_dcode_rno(m.proposed_rowno))) AS new_pc_desg, " +
                       "DECODE(m.rowno,0,m.olddesgcode, cadre.get_dcode_rno(m.proposed_rowno)) AS new_pc_desgcode, " +
                       "cadre.get_indx_rno(m.proposed_rowno) as new_pc_indx, m.sysremarks || m.remarks as remarks,'G' as grp,m.propno, to_char(m.newempid) as newempid, m.status, " +
                       "m.disp_left, m.disp_right, m.prvcomment, pshr.get_soccat(m.empid) as categ " +
                       "from cadre.propcadrmap m, cadre.tp_proposals tpp  " +
                       "where m.propno = tpp.pno and m.status is not null AND M.STATUS NOT IN ('S','V') " +
                       "and m.propno in (select propno from cadre.propcadrmap where empid = " + empid + ") and tpp.status='S' " +
                       "AND m.cloccode is not null order by oodate,sno";

        System.Data.DataSet ds = OraDBConnection.GetData(sql);
        string pdfPath;

        pdfPath = Server.MapPath("office_orders\\all_orders_" + empid + ".pdf");

        CrystalDecisions.Web.CrystalReportSource CrystalReportSource1 = new CrystalDecisions.Web.CrystalReportSource();
        CrystalReportSource1.Report.FileName = Server.MapPath("Reports\\all_rptposttrans_pc.rpt");

        CrystalReportSource1.ReportDocument.ExportToDisk(CrystalDecisions.Shared.ExportFormatType.PortableDocFormat, pdfPath);
コード例 #2
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        string sql       = "";
        string file_name = "";
        string empid     = Session.Contents["empid"].ToString();

        string desg = Session.Contents["desg"].ToString();

        if ((Session.Contents["desg"].ToString() == "9048") || (Session.Contents["desg"].ToString() == "9047"))
            desg = "9047,9048";
        else if ((Session.Contents["desg"].ToString() == "9050") || (Session.Contents["desg"].ToString() == "9365"))
            desg = "9050,9365";
        else if ((Session.Contents["desg"].ToString() == "9052") || (Session.Contents["desg"].ToString() == "9366"))
            desg = "9052,9366";

        string org     = Session.Contents["org"].ToString();
        string branch  = Session.Contents["branch"].ToString();
        string categ   = Session.Contents["categ"].ToString();
        string loctype = Session.Contents["loctype"].ToString();
        string sloc    = Session.Contents["sloc"].ToString();
        string fname   = "";

        //get sysdate
        string sysdate = OraDBConnection.GetScalar("select to_char(sysdate,'dd-mm-yyyy') from dual");
        string g;

        if (loctype == "Zone")
            g = "pshr.get_zone(loccode)";
        else if (loctype == "Circle")
            g = "pshr.get_circle(loccode)";
            g = "pshr.get_org(loccode)";

        if ((desg != "0") && (org != "0"))
            if (sloc == "0")
                sql = " select " + g + " as office,pshr.get_desg(desgcode) as Designation ,sum(sanc) as sanctioned,sum(post) as posted  from (select a.loccode as loccode ,a.desgcode as desgcode, nvl(a.sanc,0) as sanc,nvl(b.post,0) as post from" +
                      " (select desgcode,loccode,rowno, count(*) as sanc from cadre.cadr where loccode = " + org + "and desgcode in (" + desg + ")" +
                      ((branch != "0") ? " and branch  =  " + branch : "") +
                      "   group by loccode,desgcode,rowno) a, " +
                      "(select desgcode,loccode, rowno, count(*) as post from cadre.cadr where loccode = " + org + "and desgcode in (" + desg + ") and rowno in (select rowno from cadre.cadrmap)" +
                      ((branch != "0") ? " and branch  =  " + branch : "") +
                      " group by loccode,desgcode,rowno) b where a.rowno = b.rowno(+) ) d" +
                      " group by " + g + " ,pshr.get_desg(desgcode)";
                sql = " select " + g + " as office ,pshr.get_desg(desgcode) as Designation ,sum(sanc) as sanctioned,sum(post) as posted from (select a.loccode as loccode ,a.desgcode as desgcode, nvl(a.sanc,0) as sanc,nvl(b.post,0) as post from" +
                      " (select desgcode,loccode,rowno, count(*) as sanc from cadre.cadr where loccode  in (select loccode from pshr.mast_loc start with loccode  = " + org + " connect by prior loccode = locrep) and desgcode in (" + desg + ") " +
                      ((branch != "0") ? " and branch  =  " + branch : "") +
                      " group by desgcode,loccode,rowno)a, " +
                      "(select desgcode,loccode, rowno, count(*) as post from cadre.cadr where loccode  in (select loccode from pshr.mast_loc start with loccode  = " + org + " connect by prior loccode = locrep) and desgcode in (" + desg + ") and rowno in (select rowno from cadre.cadrmap)" +
                      ((branch != "0") ? " and branch  =  " + branch : "") +
                      " group by desgcode,loccode,rowno) b where a.rowno = b.rowno(+)) d" +
                      " group by " + g + " ,pshr.get_desg(desgcode)";

            file_name = "Reports\\rptdesgvacancy.rpt";
            fname     = "vdesgdet";
        else if ((desg != "0") && (org == "0"))
            sql = "select " + g + " as office ,sum(sanc) as sanctioned,sum(post) as posted from (select a.loccode as loccode, nvl(a.sanc,0) as sanc,nvl(b.post,0) as post from" +
                  " (select loccode,rowno, count(*) as sanc from cadre.cadr where desgcode in (" + desg + ")" +
                  ((branch != "0") ? " and branch  =  " + branch : "") +
                  " group by loccode,rowno)a, " +
                  "(select loccode, rowno, count(*) as post from cadre.cadr where desgcode in (" + desg + ") and rowno in (select rowno from cadre.cadrmap)" +
                  ((branch != "0") ? " and branch  =  " + branch : "") +
                  "group by loccode,rowno) b where a.rowno = b.rowno(+) and a.loccode not like '608%') d" +
                  " group by " + g;

            file_name = "Reports\\rptdesgvacancy.rpt";
            fname     = "vdesgdet";

        else if ((desg == "0") && (org != "0"))
            if (sloc == "0")
                sql = " select pshr.get_org(" + org + ") as office,desgcode,pshr.get_desg(desgcode) as designation ,sum(sanc) as sanctioned,sum(post) as posted from (select a.loccode as loccode, a.desgcode as desgcode, nvl(a.sanc,0) as sanc,nvl(b.post,0) as post from" +
                      " (select loccode, desgcode,rowno, count(*) as sanc from cadre.cadr where loccode   = " + org +
                      ((branch != "0") ? " and branch  =  " + branch : "") +
                      "   group by loccode, desgcode,rowno)a, " +
                      "(select loccode, desgcode,rowno, count(*) as post from cadre.cadr where loccode    = " + org + " and rowno in (select rowno from cadre.cadrmap)" +
                      ((branch != "0") ? " and branch  =  " + branch : "") +
                      "group by loccode, desgcode,rowno) b where a.rowno = b.rowno(+) and a.loccode not like '608%') d" +
                      " group by desgcode order by cadre.get_hecode(desgcode)";
                sql = " select pshr.get_org(" + org + ") as office,desgcode,pshr.get_desg(desgcode) as designation ,sum(sanc) as sanctioned,sum(post) as posted from (select a.loccode as loccode, a.desgcode as desgcode, nvl(a.sanc,0) as sanc,nvl(b.post,0) as post from" +
                      " (select loccode, desgcode,rowno, count(*) as sanc from cadre.cadr where loccode  in (select loccode from pshr.mast_loc start with loccode  = " + org + " connect by prior loccode = locrep)" +
                      ((branch != "0") ? " and branch  =  " + branch : "") +
                      "group by loccode, desgcode,rowno)a, " +
                      "(select loccode, desgcode,rowno, count(*) as post from cadre.cadr where loccode   in (select loccode from pshr.mast_loc start with loccode  = " + org + "connect by prior loccode = locrep) and rowno in (select rowno from cadre.cadrmap)" +
                      ((branch != "0") ? " and branch  =  " + branch : "") +
                      "group by loccode, desgcode,rowno) b where a.rowno = b.rowno(+) and a.loccode not like '608%') d" +
                      " group by desgcode order by cadre.get_hecode(desgcode)";
            file_name = "Reports\\rptlocvacancy.rpt";
            fname     = "vlocdet";
        OraDBConnection oraCn = new OraDBConnection();

        System.Data.DataSet ds = OraDBConnection.GetData(sql);

        string pdfPath = Server.MapPath("office_orders\\" + fname + sysdate + "-" + org + ".pdf");

        //save Report at server
        CrystalDecisions.Web.CrystalReportSource CrystalReportSource1 = new CrystalDecisions.Web.CrystalReportSource();
        CrystalReportSource1.Report.FileName = Server.MapPath(file_name);
        CrystalReportSource1.ReportDocument.SetDatabaseLogon("pshr", "123");
        CrystalReportSource1.ReportDocument.ExportToDisk(ExportFormatType.PortableDocFormat, pdfPath);
コード例 #3
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        string empid = Session.Contents["empid"].ToString();
        string desg  = Session.Contents["desg"].ToString();

        if ((Session.Contents["desg"].ToString() == "9048") || (Session.Contents["desg"].ToString() == "9047"))
            desg = "9047,9048";
        else if ((Session.Contents["desg"].ToString() == "9050") || (Session.Contents["desg"].ToString() == "9365"))
            desg = "9050,9365";
        else if ((Session.Contents["desg"].ToString() == "9052") || (Session.Contents["desg"].ToString() == "9366"))
            //ADDL SE, SRXEN AND SSM
            desg = "9052,9366,9477";

        string org    = Session.Contents["org"].ToString();
        string branch = Session.Contents["branch"].ToString();
        string categ  = Session.Contents["categ"].ToString();

        string sql = "SELECT h.empid," +
                     "p.firstname || ' ' || p.middlename || ' ' || p.lastname as FullName, " +
                     "mc.categtext as cat_text, " +
                     "p.dob, " +
                     "h.todate," +
                     "md.desgabb, " +
                     "p.cloccode," +
                     "p.cdesgcode, " +
                     //"(SELECT locabb FROM MAST_LOC WHERE loccode = concat(substr(ml.loccode,1,3),'000000')) as pzone, "+
                     "pshr.get_org(pshr.get_chief(ml.loccode)) as pzone, " +
                     "ml.post AS posting, " +
                     "h.pcloccode, " +
                     "pshr.get_post(h.pcloccode) AS paychrg, " +
                     "pshr.get_desg(h.sancdesg) AS sancdesg," +
                     "h.sancindx, " +
                     "h.oonum, " +
                     "h.odate, " +
                     "md.hecode AS hecode, " +
                     "p.branchcode, " +
                     "p.seniorityno as sen, " +
                     "mb.branchtext " +
                     "FROM pshr.empperso p, emphistory h, mast_categ mc, mast_desg md, mast_loc ml, mast_branch mb " +
                     "where h.empid = p.empid " +
                     "AND mc.categcode = p.soccategory " +
                     "and md.desgcode = p.cdesgcode " +
                     "and ml.loccode = p.cloccode " +
                     "and mb.branchcode = p.branchcode " +
                     "AND h.rowno = (SELECT MAX(rowno) FROM pshr.emphistory WHERE empid = p.empid  AND oonum IS NOT NULL) " +
                     "AND p.recstatus = 10 " +
                     ((empid != "") ? " and p.empid in (" + empid + ")" : "") +
                     ((desg != "0") ? " and p.cdesgcode in (" + desg + ")" : "") +
                     ((org != "0") ? " and p.cloccode  in (select loccode from pshr.mast_loc start with  loccode =  " + org + " connect by prior loccode  = locrep) " : "") +
                     ((branch != "0") ? " and p.branchcode  =  " + branch : "") +
                     ((categ != "0") ? " and p.soccategory  =  " + categ : "") +
                     "ORDER BY hecode, p.empid ";
        OraDBConnection oraCn = new OraDBConnection();

        System.Data.DataSet ds = OraDBConnection.GetData(sql);

        //foreach (System.Data.DataRow drow in ds.Tables[0].Rows)
        //    sql = "select nvl(pshr.get_dojp("+drow["e1"]+"),'') from dual";
        //    System.Data.DataSet ds1 = OraDBConnection.GetData(sql);

        //get sysdate
        string sysdate = OraDBConnection.GetScalar("select to_char(sysdate,'dd-mm-yyyy') from dual");
        string pdfPath = Server.MapPath("office_orders\\" + "pplist-" + sysdate + ".pdf");

        //save office order at server
        CrystalDecisions.Web.CrystalReportSource CrystalReportSource1 = new CrystalDecisions.Web.CrystalReportSource();
        CrystalReportSource1.Report.FileName = Server.MapPath("Reports\\rptpplist.rpt");
        CrystalReportSource1.ReportDocument.SetDatabaseLogon("pshr", "pshr");
        CrystalReportSource1.ReportDocument.ExportToDisk(ExportFormatType.PortableDocFormat, pdfPath);
コード例 #4
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        string empid = Session.Contents["empid"].ToString();

        string desg = Session.Contents["desg"].ToString();

        if ((Session.Contents["desg"].ToString() == "9048") || (Session.Contents["desg"].ToString() == "9047"))
            desg = "9047,9048";
        else if ((Session.Contents["desg"].ToString() == "9050") || (Session.Contents["desg"].ToString() == "9365"))
            desg = "9050,9365";
        else if ((Session.Contents["desg"].ToString() == "9052") || (Session.Contents["desg"].ToString() == "9366"))
            desg = "9052,9366";

        string org    = Session.Contents["org"].ToString();
        string branch = Session.Contents["branch"].ToString();
        string categ  = Session.Contents["categ"].ToString();

        string sql = "select e.empid, pshr.get_fullname(e.empid), e.fathername, e.dob,e.doj, d.desgtext, pshr.get_org(e.cloccode), e.gpfno,e.panno " +
                     "from pshr.empperso e,pshr.mast_desg d where e.recstatus = 10 and e.cdesgcode = d.desgcode " +
                     ((empid != "") ? " and e.empid in( " + empid + ")" : "") +
                     ((desg != "0") ? " and e.cdesgcode  in(  " + desg + ")" : "") +
                     ((org != "0") ? " and e.cloccode  =  " + org : "") +
                     ((branch != "0") ? " and e.branchcode  =  " + branch : "") +
                     ((categ != "0") ? " and e.soccategory  =  " + categ  : "") +
                     " order by d.hecode,e.empid ";

        OraDBConnection oraCn = new OraDBConnection();

        System.Data.DataSet ds = OraDBConnection.GetData(sql);

        //get sysdate
        string sysdate = OraDBConnection.GetScalar("select to_char(sysdate,'dd-mm-yyyy') from dual");
        string pdfPath = Server.MapPath("office_orders\\" + "pdetail-" + empid + ".pdf");

        //save office order at server
        CrystalDecisions.Web.CrystalReportSource CrystalReportSource1 = new CrystalDecisions.Web.CrystalReportSource();
        CrystalReportSource1.Report.FileName = Server.MapPath("Reports\\rptpdetails.rpt");
        CrystalReportSource1.ReportDocument.SetDatabaseLogon("pshr", "123");

        string sql2 = "select h.empid,e.event,h.todate, h.fromdate,pshr.get_desg(h.desgcode), pshr.get_org(h.loccode)" +
                      " from pshr.empperso p , pshr.emphistory h, pshr.mast_event e" +
                      " where p.recstatus = 10 and h.eventcode = e.eventcode and p.empid = h.empid ";

        if (empid != "")
            sql2 = sql2 + " and p.empid in( " + empid + ")";

        if (desg != "0")
            sql2 = sql2 + " and p.cdesgcode  in ( " + desg + ")";

        if (org != "0")
            sql2 = sql2 + " and p.cloccode  =  " + org;

        if (branch != "0")
            sql2 = sql2 + " and p.branchcode  =  " + branch;
        if (categ != "0")
            sql2 = sql2 + " and p.soccategory  =  " + categ;

        sql2 = sql2 + " order by p.empid,h.rowno ";
        System.Data.DataSet ds3 = OraDBConnection.GetData(sql2);

        CrystalReportSource1.ReportDocument.ExportToDisk(ExportFormatType.PortableDocFormat, pdfPath);
コード例 #5
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        string empid = Session.Contents["empid"].ToString();
        //string empid = 102972;
        string desg = Session.Contents["desg"].ToString();

        if ((Session.Contents["desg"].ToString() == "9048") || (Session.Contents["desg"].ToString() == "9047"))
            desg = "9047,9048";
        else if ((Session.Contents["desg"].ToString() == "9050") || (Session.Contents["desg"].ToString() == "9365"))
            desg = "9050,9365";
        else if ((Session.Contents["desg"].ToString() == "9052") || (Session.Contents["desg"].ToString() == "9366"))
            desg = "9052,9366";

        string org    = Session.Contents["org"].ToString();
        string branch = Session.Contents["branch"].ToString();
        string categ  = Session.Contents["categ"].ToString();

        string sql = "select p.photo2, a.* from ( " +
                     "select e.empid, pshr.get_fullname(e.empid), e.fathername, e.dob,e.doj, d.desgtext, pshr.get_org(e.cloccode), e.gpfno,e.panno " +
                     "from pshr.empperso e,pshr.mast_desg d where e.cdesgcode = d.desgcode " +
                     ((empid != "") ? " and e.empid in( " + empid + ")" : "") +
                     ((desg != "0") ? " and e.cdesgcode  in(  " + desg + ")" : "") +
                     ((org != "0") ? " and e.cloccode  =  " + org : "") +
                     ((branch != "0") ? " and e.branchcode  =  " + branch : "") +
                     ((categ != "0") ? " and e.soccategory  =  " + categ  : "") +
                     " order by d.hecode,e.empid) a " +
                     " left outer join IMG_PSHR.img p on p.empid = a.empid ";

        OraDBConnection oraCn = new OraDBConnection();

        System.Data.DataSet ds = OraDBConnection.GetData(sql);

        //get sysdate
        string sysdate = OraDBConnection.GetScalar("select to_char(sysdate,'dd-mm-yyyy') from dual");
        string pdfPath = Server.MapPath("office_orders\\" + "pdetail-" + empid + ".pdf");

        //save office order at server
        CrystalDecisions.Web.CrystalReportSource CrystalReportSource1 = new CrystalDecisions.Web.CrystalReportSource();
        CrystalReportSource1.Report.FileName = Server.MapPath("Reports\\panelreport.rpt");
        CrystalReportSource1.ReportDocument.SetDatabaseLogon("pshr", "123");

        //CrystalReportSource1.ReportDocument.ExportToDisk(ExportFormatType.PortableDocFormat, pdfPath);

        string sql2 = "select h.empid,e.event,h.todate, h.fromdate,pshr.get_desg(h.desgcode), pshr.get_org(h.loccode)" +
                      " from pshr.empperso p , pshr.emphistory h, pshr.mast_event e" +
                      " where h.eventcode = e.eventcode and p.empid = h.empid ";

        if (empid != "")
            sql2 = sql2 + " and p.empid in( " + empid + ")";

        if (desg != "0")
            sql2 = sql2 + " and p.cdesgcode  in ( " + desg + ")";

        if (org != "0")
            sql2 = sql2 + " and p.cloccode  =  " + org;

        if (branch != "0")
            sql2 = sql2 + " and p.branchcode  =  " + branch;
        if (categ != "0")
            sql2 = sql2 + " and p.soccategory  =  " + categ;

        sql2 = sql2 + " order by p.empid,h.rowno ";
        System.Data.DataSet ds3 = OraDBConnection.GetData(sql2);

        string sql4 = "select d.empid, d.fileno ||' / '|| dcp.get_section(d0.section) sec, " +
                      "dcp.get_dfttype(d0.DFTTYPECODE) dft, dcp.get_chgmemo(d.dcpno) chg, " +
                      "d0.charges, decode (s.STATCODE, 1, dcp.get_casestatus_c(d.dcpno), " +
                      "    2, dcp.get_decsub(d.dcpno,7)  ||' , Case Decided', " +
                      "    3, dcp.get_casestatus_c(d.dcpno), " +
                      "    4, dcp.get_decsub(d.dcpno,8)||', Case Decided'," +
                      "    5, dcp.get_casestatus_c(d.dcpno)," +
                      "    6, dcp.get_decsub(d.dcpno,9) ||', Case Decided'," +
                      "    7, dcp.get_casestatus_c(d.dcpno)," +
                      "    8, dcp.get_casestatus_c(d.dcpno)," +
                      "    9, dcp.get_casestatus_c(d.dcpno)," +
                      "    10,dcp.get_decsub(d.dcpno,10)||' , Case Decided') dec " +
                      " from dcp.dcpno d,dcp.dcp0 d0, " +
                      " dcp.dcpstatus s " +
                      //", dcp.prom_id p " +
                      " where d.dcpno = d0.dcpno and d.dcpno = s.dcpno " +
                      //" and d.empid = p.empid "+
                      " and d.empid in( " + empid + ")" +
                      "order by s.statcode, d.fileno";

        System.Data.DataSet ds4 = OraDBConnection.GetData(sql4);

        string sql5 = "select acr.empid, acr.fromdate, acr.todate, acr.apprscore, int.inttext, stat.statustext " +
                      "from ACR.acr_history_12 acr, PSHR.mast_integrity int, PSHR.mast_acrstatus stat " +
                      "where acr.apprintcode = int.intcode and acr.apprstatcode = stat.statuscode " +
                      "and acr.empid = " + empid +
                      //+ " and acr.fromdate >= add_months(sysdate,-(5*12))"
                      " order by acr.todate";

        System.Data.DataSet ds5 = OraDBConnection.GetData(sql5);

        string sql6 = "select e.empid, e.passdate, p.testname, e.oonum from empdtest e, " +
                      "mast_depttest p where e.testcode = p.testcode and e.empid = " + empid +
                      " order by e.rowno";

        System.Data.DataSet ds6 = OraDBConnection.GetData(sql6);

        CrystalReportSource1.ReportDocument.ExportToDisk(ExportFormatType.PortableDocFormat, pdfPath);
コード例 #6
    protected void btnShow_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        string desg = drpDesg.SelectedValue;

        if (desg == "9048" || desg == "9047")
            desg = "9047,9048";
        else if (desg == "9050" || desg == "9365")
            desg = "9050,9365";
        else if (desg == "9052" || desg == "9366" || desg == "9477")
            //ADDL SE, SRXEN AND SSM
            desg = "9052,9366,9477";

        string sql = "SELECT h.empid," +
                     "p.firstname || ' ' || p.middlename || ' ' || p.lastname as FullName, " +
                     "mc.categtext as cat_text, " +
                     "p.dob, " +
                     "h.todate," +
                     "md.desgabb, " +
                     "p.cloccode," +
                     "p.cdesgcode, " +
                     "pshr.get_org(pshr.get_chief(ml.loccode)) as pzone, " +
                     "ml.post AS posting, " +
                     "h.pcloccode, " +
                     "pshr.get_post(h.pcloccode) AS paychrg, " +
                     "pshr.get_desg(h.sancdesg) AS sancdesg," +
                     "h.sancindx, " +
                     "h.oonum, " +
                     "h.odate, " +
                     "md.hecode AS hecode, " +
                     "p.branchcode, " +
                     "p.seniorityno as sen, " +
                     "mb.branchtext " +
                     "FROM pshr.empperso p, emphistory h, mast_categ mc, mast_desg md, mast_loc ml, mast_branch mb " +
                     "where h.empid = p.empid " +
                     "AND mc.categcode = p.soccategory " +
                     "and md.desgcode = p.cdesgcode " +
                     "and ml.loccode = p.cloccode " +
                     "and mb.branchcode = p.branchcode " +
                     "AND h.rowno = (SELECT MAX(rowno) FROM pshr.emphistory WHERE empid = p.empid  AND oonum IS NOT NULL) " +
                     "AND p.recstatus = 10 " +
                     "AND p.cdesgcode in (" + desg + ")" +
                     "ORDER BY hecode, " + (chkBySen.Checked ? "seniorityno" : "empid");

        OraDBConnection oraCn = new OraDBConnection();

        System.Data.DataSet ds = OraDBConnection.GetData(sql);

        //get sysdate
        string sysdate = OraDBConnection.GetScalar("select to_char(sysdate,'dd-mm-yyyy') from dual");
        string pdfPath = Server.MapPath("office_orders\\" + "pplist-" + sysdate + ".pdf");

        //save office order at server
        CrystalDecisions.Web.CrystalReportSource CrystalReportSource1 = new CrystalDecisions.Web.CrystalReportSource();
        CrystalReportSource1.Report.FileName = Server.MapPath("Reports\\rptpplist.rpt");
        CrystalReportSource1.ReportDocument.SetDatabaseLogon("pshr", "pshr");
        CrystalReportSource1.ReportDocument.ExportToDisk(ExportFormatType.PortableDocFormat, pdfPath);
コード例 #7
    protected void btnshow_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        string sql       = "";
        string file_name = "";
        string desg      = drpdesg.SelectedValue.ToString();
        string org       = drporg.SelectedValue.ToString();
        string fname     = "";

        if (desg == "9050" || desg == "9365")
            desg = "9050,9365";

        //get sysdate
        string sysdate = OraDBConnection.GetScalar("select to_char(sysdate,'dd-mm-yyyy') from dual");

        if (org != "0")
            //sql = " select loccode,pshr.get_org(loccode) as Office,desgcode,pshr.get_desg(desgcode) as designation ,sum(sanc) as sanctioned,sum(post) as posted from (select a.loccode as loccode, a.desgcode as desgcode, nvl(a.sanc,0) as sanc,nvl(b.post,0) as post from" +
            //      " (select loccode, desgcode,rowno, count(*) as sanc from cadre.cadr where loccode  in (select loccode from pshr.mast_loc start with loccode  = " + org + " connect by prior loccode = locrep)   group by loccode, desgcode,rowno)a, " +
            //      "(select loccode, desgcode,rowno, count(*) as post from cadre.cadr where loccode   in (select loccode from pshr.mast_loc start with loccode  = "+ org + "connect by prior loccode = locrep) and rowno in (select rowno from cadre.cadrmap)group by loccode, desgcode,rowno) b where a.rowno = b.rowno(+) and a.loccode not like '608%') d" +
            //      " group by loccode,desgcode order by loccode";

            sql = " select pshr.get_org(" + org + ") as office,desgcode,pshr.get_desg(desgcode) as designation ," +
                  "sum(sanc) as sanctioned,sum(post) as posted from (select a.loccode as loccode, a.desgcode as desgcode, " +
                  "nvl(a.sanc,0) as sanc,nvl(b.post,0) as post from" +
                  " (select loccode, desgcode,rowno, count(*) as sanc from cadre.cadr where loccode  in" +
                  " (select loccode from pshr.mast_loc start with loccode  = " + org + " connect by prior loccode = locrep) " +
                  "  group by loccode, desgcode,rowno)a, " +
                  "(select loccode, desgcode,rowno, count(*) as post from cadre.cadr where loccode   in " +
                  "(select loccode from pshr.mast_loc start with loccode  = " + org + "connect by prior loccode = locrep) and " +
                  "rowno in (select rowno from cadre.cadrmap)group by loccode, desgcode,rowno) b where a.rowno = b.rowno(+) and a.loccode not like '608%') d" +
                  " group by desgcode order by cadre.get_hecode(desgcode)";

            file_name = "Reports\\rptlocvacancy.rpt";
            fname     = "vlocdet";

        else if (desg != "0")
            sql = " select loccode,pshr.get_org(loccode) as Office,desgcode,pshr.get_desg(desgcode) as designation ,sum(sanc) as sanctioned,sum(post) as posted from (select a.loccode as loccode, a.desgcode as desgcode, nvl(a.sanc,0) as sanc,nvl(b.post,0) as post from" +
                  " (select loccode, desgcode,rowno, count(*) as sanc from cadre.cadr where desgcode in (" + desg + ") group by loccode, desgcode,rowno)a, " +
                  "(select loccode, desgcode,rowno, count(*) as post from cadre.cadr where desgcode in (" + desg + ") and rowno in (select rowno from cadre.cadrmap)group by loccode, desgcode,rowno) b where a.rowno = b.rowno(+) and a.loccode not like '608%') d" +
                  " group by loccode,desgcode order by loccode";

            file_name = "Reports\\rptdesgvacancy.rpt";
            fname     = "vdesgdet";

        OraDBConnection oraCn = new OraDBConnection();

        System.Data.DataSet ds = OraDBConnection.GetData(sql);

        string pdfPath = Server.MapPath("office_orders\\" + fname + sysdate + "-" + org + ".pdf");

        //save Report at server
        CrystalDecisions.Web.CrystalReportSource CrystalReportSource1 = new CrystalDecisions.Web.CrystalReportSource();
        CrystalReportSource1.Report.FileName = Server.MapPath(file_name);
        CrystalReportSource1.ReportDocument.SetDatabaseLogon("pshr", "123");
        CrystalReportSource1.ReportDocument.ExportToDisk(ExportFormatType.PortableDocFormat, pdfPath);