// shows the form in edit modus // links: // docLink: http://sql2x.org/documentationLink/49afd26c-4f21-4992-967b-be190eacef77 public void ShowAsEdit(System.Guid serviceFerryId) { var service = new CrudeServiceFerryServiceClient(); _isNew = false; try { _contract = service.FetchByServiceFerryId(serviceFerryId); maskedTextBoxAmount.Text = _contract.Amount.ToString(); financialCurrencyPicker.SelectedValue = _contract.FinancialCurrencyId; userPicker.SelectedValue = _contract.UserId; _contract.DateTime = DateTime.UtcNow; dateTimePickerDateTime.Text = _contract.DateTime.ToString(); Show(); } catch (Exception ex) { if (ex == null) { } else { System.Diagnostics.Debugger.Break(); } } finally { service.Close(); } }
// shows the form with default values for comboboxes and pickers // links: // docLink: http://sql2x.org/documentationLink/f5685d96-a0bb-4f7b-beaa-b3d578c7cf28 public void ShowAsAdd(System.Guid ferryId, decimal amount, System.Guid financialCurrencyId, System.Guid userId) { try { _contract = new CrudeServiceFerryContract(); _isNew = true; _contract.FerryId = ferryId; _contract.Amount = amount; maskedTextBoxAmount.Text = _contract.Amount.ToString(); _contract.FinancialCurrencyId = financialCurrencyId; financialCurrencyPicker.SelectedValue = _contract.FinancialCurrencyId; _contract.UserId = userId; userPicker.SelectedValue = userId; _contract.DateTime = DateTime.UtcNow; dateTimePickerDateTime.Text = _contract.DateTime.ToString(); Show(); } catch (Exception ex) { if (ex == null) { } else { System.Diagnostics.Debugger.Break(); } } }
public ActionResult CrudeServiceFerryCreate([Bind()] CrudeServiceFerryContract contract) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { new CrudeServiceFerryServiceClient().Insert(contract); return(RedirectToAction("CrudeServiceFerryIndex")); } return(View( "~/Views/Crude/Service/CrudeServiceFerry/CrudeServiceFerryCreate.cshtml", contract )); }
public ActionResult CrudeServiceFerryEdit([Bind()] CrudeServiceFerryContract contract) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { contract.DateTime = DateTime.UtcNow; new CrudeServiceFerryServiceClient().Update(contract); return(RedirectToAction("CrudeServiceFerryIndex")); } return(View( "~/Views/Crude/Service/CrudeServiceFerry/CrudeServiceFerryEdit.cshtml", contract )); }
public ActionResult CrudeServiceFerryCreate(System.Guid?ferryId, System.Guid?financialCurrencyId, System.Guid?userId) { var contract = new CrudeServiceFerryContract(); if (ferryId != null) { contract.FerryId = (System.Guid)ferryId; } if (financialCurrencyId != null) { contract.FinancialCurrencyId = (System.Guid)financialCurrencyId; } if (userId != null) { contract.UserId = (System.Guid)userId; } ViewBag.FerryId = new SelectList(new CrudeFerryServiceClient().FetchAll(), "FerryId", "FerryName", contract.FerryId ); ViewBag.FinancialCurrencyId = new SelectList(new CrudeFinancialCurrencyServiceClient().FetchAll(), "FinancialCurrencyId", "FinancialCurrencyTypeName", contract.FinancialCurrencyId ); if (userId == null) { contract.UserId = new System.Guid("{FFFFFFFF-5555-5555-5555-FFFFFFFFFFFF}"); } ViewBag.DefaultUserName = new CrudeDefaultUserServiceClient().FetchByDefaultUserId(contract.UserId).DefaultUserName; contract.DateTime = DateTime.UtcNow; return(View( "~/Views/Crude/Service/CrudeServiceFerry/CrudeServiceFerryCreate.cshtml", contract )); }
// shows the form with default values for comboboxes and pickers // links: // docLink: http://sql2x.org/documentationLink/e04d0806-55ef-41cc-8669-acf0ddd850c7 public void ShowAsAdd() { try { _contract = new CrudeServiceFerryContract(); _isNew = true; this.Text += " - Not Savable (Ferry Missing)"; Show(); } catch (Exception ex) { if (ex == null) { } else { System.Diagnostics.Debugger.Break(); } } }
// shows by foreign keys // links: // docLink: http://sql2x.org/documentationLink/f21e72c1-2d57-44c1-a9c1-1b80bad6a391 public void ShowAsAddByFerry(System.Guid ferryId) { try { _contract = new CrudeServiceFerryContract(); _isNew = true; _contract.DateTime = DateTime.UtcNow; dateTimePickerDateTime.Text = _contract.DateTime.ToString(); _contract.FerryId = ferryId; Show(); } catch (Exception ex) { if (ex == null) { } else { System.Diagnostics.Debugger.Break(); } } }
// shows the form with default values for comboboxes and pickers // links: // docLink: http://sql2x.org/documentationLink/599dcb45-f71b-4672-bb18-46975a4fe9b3 public void ShowAsAddByRules(System.Guid userId) { try { _contract = new CrudeServiceFerryContract(); _isNew = true; _contract.UserId = userId; userPicker.SelectedValue = _contract.UserId; _contract.DateTime = DateTime.UtcNow; dateTimePickerDateTime.Text = _contract.DateTime.ToString(); Show(); } catch (Exception ex) { if (ex == null) { } else { System.Diagnostics.Debugger.Break(); } } }