protected override void Paint(bool AForce) { // Draw the message switch (_TextAlignment) { case CrtAlignment.Center: if (Text.Length >= Width) { // Text is greater than available space so chop it off with PadRight() Crt.FastWrite(StringUtils.PadRight(Text, ' ', Width), ScreenLeft, ScreenTop, _ForeColour, _BackColour); } else { // Text needs to be centered int LeftSpaces = (Width - Text.Length) / 2; int RightSpaces = Width - Text.Length - LeftSpaces; Crt.FastWrite(new string(' ', LeftSpaces) + Text + new string(' ', RightSpaces), ScreenLeft, ScreenTop, _ForeColour, _BackColour); } break; case CrtAlignment.Left: Crt.FastWrite(StringUtils.PadRight(Text, ' ', Width), ScreenLeft, ScreenTop, _ForeColour, _BackColour); break; case CrtAlignment.Right: Crt.FastWrite(StringUtils.PadLeft(Text, ' ', Width), ScreenLeft, ScreenTop, _ForeColour, _BackColour); break; } }
// Event for when the status bar needs updating } static void Door_OnStatusBar(object sender, EventArgs e) { switch (Status.Current) { case 0: Crt.FastWrite("þ þ F1=HELP þ RMASTERMIND þ Idle: þ Left: þ", 1, 25, 30); Crt.FastWrite(StringUtils.PadRight(Door.DropInfo.RealName, ' ', 21), 3, 25, 31); Crt.FastWrite("F1=HELP", 27, 25, 31); Crt.FastWrite("RMASTERMIND", 37, 25, 31); Crt.FastWrite(StringUtils.PadRight("Idle: " + StringUtils.SecToMS(Door.SecondsIdle), ' ', 11), 51, 25, 31); Crt.FastWrite("Left: " + StringUtils.SecToHMS(Door.SecondsLeft), 65, 25, 31); break; case 1: Crt.FastWrite("þ F1: Toggle StatusBar þ Alt-C: SysOp Chat þ Alt-H: Hang-Up þ Alt-K: Kick User þ", 1, 25, 30); Crt.FastWrite("F1: Toggle StatusBar", 3, 25, 31); Crt.FastWrite("Alt-C: SysOp Chat", 26, 25, 31); Crt.FastWrite("Alt-H: Hang-Up", 46, 25, 31); Crt.FastWrite("Alt-K: Kick User", 63, 25, 31); break; case 2: Crt.FastWrite(StringUtils.PadRight(" " + PROG_VER + " is an R&M Door example program -", ' ', 80), 1, 25, 31); break; } }
private void LogUnimplemented(string[] tokens) { string Output = "UNIMPLEMENTED (hit a key): " + string.Join(" ", tokens); Crt.FastWrite(StringUtils.PadRight(Output, ' ', 80), 1, 25, 31); Crt.ReadKey(); Crt.FastWrite(new string(' ', 80), 1, 25, 0); }
private void LogUnused(string[] tokens) { string Output = "UNUSED?!? (hit a key): " + string.Join(" ", tokens); Crt.FastWrite(StringUtils.PadRight(Output, ' ', 80), 1, 25, 31); Crt.ReadKey(); Crt.FastWrite(new string(' ', 80), 1, 25, 0); }
private void LogMissing(string[] tokens) { string Output = "MISSING!!! (hit a key): " + string.Join(" ", tokens); Crt.FastWrite(StringUtils.PadRight(Output, ' ', 80), 1, 25, 31); Crt.ReadKey(); Crt.FastWrite(new string(' ', 80), 1, 25, 0); }
private static void UpdateTime() { if (_FancyOutput) { // Update time Crt.FastWrite(StringUtils.PadRight(DateTime.Now.ToString(_TimeFormatFooter).ToLower(), ' ', 7), 9, 38, Crt.LightGreen); Crt.FastWrite(StringUtils.PadRight(DateTime.Now.ToString("dddd MMMM dd, yyyy"), ' ', 28), 23, 38, Crt.LightGreen); } }
static void GameSrv_LogOnEvent(object sender, NodeEventArgs e) { if (_FancyOutput) { _ConnectionCounts[e.NodeInfo.ConnectionType] += 1; Crt.FastWrite(StringUtils.PadRight(e.NodeInfo.User.Alias + " (" + e.NodeInfo.Connection.GetRemoteIP() + ":" + e.NodeInfo.Connection.GetRemotePort() + ")", ' ', 65), 8, 1, (Crt.Blue << 4) + Crt.White); Crt.FastWrite(StringUtils.PadRight(DateTime.Now.ToString("dddd MMMM dd, yyyy " + _TimeFormatFooter), ' ', 65), 8, 2, (Crt.Blue << 4) + Crt.White); Crt.FastWrite(StringUtils.PadRight(e.NodeInfo.ConnectionType.ToString(), ' ', 65), 8, 3, (Crt.Blue << 4) + Crt.White); Crt.FastWrite(_ConnectionCounts[ConnectionType.RLogin].ToString(), 87, 1, (Crt.Blue << 4) + Crt.White); Crt.FastWrite(_ConnectionCounts[ConnectionType.Telnet].ToString(), 87, 2, (Crt.Blue << 4) + Crt.White); Crt.FastWrite(_ConnectionCounts[ConnectionType.WebSocket].ToString(), 87, 3, (Crt.Blue << 4) + Crt.White); UpdateTime(); } }
private static void InitConsole() { Crt.SetTitle("GameSrv WFC Screen v" + GameSrv.Version); Crt.SetWindowSize(90, 40); Crt.HideCursor(); Crt.ClrScr(); // WFC Screen Ansi.Write("[0;1;1;44;36m Last: [37mNo callers yet... [0;44;30m³ [1;36mRLogin: [37m0[36m On: [37mNo callers yet... [0;44;30m³ [1;36mTelnet: [37m0[36m Type: [37mNo callers yet... [0;44;30m³ [1;36mWebSocket: [37m0[36m [0;34mÚðð[1mStatus[0;34mððÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿³[37m[88C[34m³³[37m[88C[34m³³[37m[88C[34m³³[37m[88C[34m³³[37m[88C[34m³³[37m[88C[34m³³[37m[88C[34m³³[37m[88C[34m³³[37m[88C[34m³³[37m[88C[34m³³[37m[88C[34m³³[37m[88C[34m³³[37m[88C[34m³³[37m[88C[34m³³[37m[88C[34m³³[37m[88C[34m³³[37m[88C[34m³³[37m[88C[34m³³[37m[88C[34m³³[37m[88C[34m³³[37m[88C[34m³³[37m[88C[34m³³[37m[88C[34m³³[37m[88C[34m³³[37m[88C[34m³³[37m[88C[34m³³[37m[88C[34m³³[37m[88C[34m³³[37m[88C[34m³³[37m[88C[34m³³[37m[88C[34m³³[37m[88C[34m³ÃÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÂÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ³[37m [32mTime: [37m[8C[32mDate: [37m[29C[34m³ °±²Û[1;44;37mGameSrv WFC Screen v" + GameSrv.Version + " [0;34m²±° ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ[37m Press [1;30m[[33mF1[30m][0m For Help or [1;30m[[33mQ[30m][0m To Quit"); Crt.FastWrite(DateTime.Now.ToString(_TimeFormatFooter).ToLower(), 9, 38, Crt.LightGreen); Crt.FastWrite(DateTime.Now.ToString("dddd MMMM dd, yyyy"), 23, 38, Crt.LightGreen); // Setup scrolling region with a window Crt.Window(3, 5, 88, 36); Crt.GotoXY(1, 32); }
static void Main(string[] args) { try { if (!Debugger.IsAttached) { Crt.HideCursor(); } // Initialize door driver Door.Startup(); Door.ClrScr(); Door.SethWrite = true; Game.Start(); if (Debugger.IsAttached) { Crt.FastWrite(StringUtils.PadRight("Terminating...hit a key to quit", '\0', 80), 1, 25, 31); Crt.ReadKey(); } } catch (Exception ex) { if (Debugger.IsAttached) { throw; } FileUtils.FileAppendAllText(Global.GetSafeAbsolutePath("ex.log"), ex.ToString() + Environment.NewLine); Door.WriteLn(); Door.WriteLn($"`4`b**`% ERROR : `2{ex.Message} `4`b**`2"); Door.Write("Hit a key to quit"); Door.ReadKey(); } finally { Door.Shutdown(); } }
private static void InitConsole() { if (_FancyOutput) { //TODO Can do this without System.Windows.Forms reference? Crt.SetIcon(new Icon(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetManifestResourceStream("GameSrv.GameSrv16+32.ico")).Handle); Crt.SetTitle("GameSrv WFC Screen v" + GameSrv.Version); Crt.SetWindowSize(90, 40); Crt.HideCursor(); Crt.ClrScr(); // WFC Screen Ansi.Write("[0;1;1;44;36m Last: [37mNo callers yet... [0;44;30m³ [1;36mRLogin: [37m0[36m On: [37mNo callers yet... [0;44;30m³ [1;36mTelnet: [37m0[36m Type: [37mNo callers yet... [0;44;30m³ [1;36mWebSocket: [37m0[36m [0;34mÚðð[1mStatus[0;34mððÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿³[37m[88C[34m³³[37m[88C[34m³³[37m[88C[34m³³[37m[88C[34m³³[37m[88C[34m³³[37m[88C[34m³³[37m[88C[34m³³[37m[88C[34m³³[37m[88C[34m³³[37m[88C[34m³³[37m[88C[34m³³[37m[88C[34m³³[37m[88C[34m³³[37m[88C[34m³³[37m[88C[34m³³[37m[88C[34m³³[37m[88C[34m³³[37m[88C[34m³³[37m[88C[34m³³[37m[88C[34m³³[37m[88C[34m³³[37m[88C[34m³³[37m[88C[34m³³[37m[88C[34m³³[37m[88C[34m³³[37m[88C[34m³³[37m[88C[34m³³[37m[88C[34m³³[37m[88C[34m³³[37m[88C[34m³³[37m[88C[34m³³[37m[88C[34m³ÃÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÂÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ³[37m [32mTime: [37m[8C[32mDate: [37m[29C[34m³ °±²Û[1;44;37mGameSrv WFC Screen v" + GameSrv.Version + " [0;34m²±° ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ[37m Press [1;30m[[33mF1[30m][0m For Help or [1;30m[[33mQ[30m][0m To Quit"); Crt.FastWrite(DateTime.Now.ToString(_TimeFormatFooter).ToLower(), 9, 38, Crt.LightGreen); Crt.FastWrite(DateTime.Now.ToString("dddd MMMM dd, yyyy"), 23, 38, Crt.LightGreen); // Setup scrolling region with a window Crt.Window(3, 5, 88, 36); Crt.GotoXY(1, 32); } else { Crt.ClrScr(); } }
/// <summary> /// Re-Draw the bar and percent text. /// </summary> /// <param name="AForce">When true, the bar and percent will always be Paintn. When false, the bar and percent will only be Paintn as necessary, which reduces the number of unnecessary Paints (especially when a large maximum is used)</param> protected override void Paint(bool AForce) { if (Style == ProgressBarStyle.Marquee) { if (AForce) { // Erase the old bar Crt.FastWrite(new string((char)176, _Width), ScreenLeft, ScreenTop, _BlankForeColour, _BackColour); } // Draw the new bar if (_Value > 0) { if (_Value > _Width) { Crt.FastWrite(((char)176).ToString(), ScreenLeft + _Width - (15 - (int)(_Value - _Width)), ScreenTop, _BlankForeColour, _BackColour); } else if (_Value >= 15) { string Bar = new string((char)219, (int)Math.Min(_Value, 15)); Crt.FastWrite(Bar, ScreenLeft + (int)_Value - 15, ScreenTop, _BarForeColour, _BackColour); Crt.FastWrite(((char)176).ToString(), ScreenLeft + (int)_Value - 15, ScreenTop, _BlankForeColour, _BackColour); } else { string Bar = new string((char)219, (int)Math.Min(_Value, 15)); Crt.FastWrite(Bar, ScreenLeft, ScreenTop, _BarForeColour, _BackColour); } } } else { // Check if we're forcing an update (probably due to a change in Left, Top, Width, etc) if (AForce) { // Yep, so reset the "Last" variables _LastBarWidth = 9999; _LastPercentText = ""; } bool PaintPercentText = false; double Percent = ((double)Value / (double)Maximum); int NewBarWidth = (int)(Percent * _Width); if (NewBarWidth != _LastBarWidth) { // Check if the bar shrank (if so, we need to delete the old bar) if (NewBarWidth < _LastBarWidth) { // Erase the old bar Crt.FastWrite(new string((char)176, _Width), ScreenLeft, ScreenTop, _BlankForeColour, _BackColour); } // Draw the new bar Crt.FastWrite(new string((char)_Style, NewBarWidth), ScreenLeft, ScreenTop, _BarForeColour, _BackColour); _LastBarWidth = NewBarWidth; PaintPercentText = true; } // Draw the percentage if (_PercentVisible) { string NewPercentText = Percent.ToString("P" + _PercentPrecision.ToString()); if ((NewPercentText != _LastPercentText) || (PaintPercentText)) { _LastPercentText = NewPercentText; int ProgressStart = (Width - NewPercentText.Length) / 2; if (ProgressStart >= NewBarWidth) { // Bar hasn't reached the percent text, so draw in the bar's empty color Crt.FastWrite(NewPercentText, ScreenLeft + ProgressStart, ScreenTop, _BlankForeColour, _BackColour); } else if (ProgressStart + NewPercentText.Length <= NewBarWidth) { // Bar has passed the percent text, so draw in the bar's foreground colour (or still use background for Blocks) Crt.FastWrite(NewPercentText, ScreenLeft + ProgressStart, ScreenTop, _BackColour, _BarForeColour); } else { // Bar is in the middle of the percent text, so draw the colour as necessary for each letter in the text for (int i = 0; i < NewPercentText.Length; i++) { int LetterPosition = ProgressStart + i; int FG = (LetterPosition >= NewBarWidth) ? _BlankForeColour : _BackColour; int BG = (LetterPosition >= NewBarWidth) ? _BackColour : _BarForeColour; Crt.FastWrite(NewPercentText[i].ToString(), ScreenLeft + LetterPosition, ScreenTop, FG, BG); } } } } } }
protected override void Paint(bool AForce) { // Characters for the box char TopLeft = '\0'; char TopRight = '\0'; char BottomLeft = '\0'; char BottomRight = '\0'; char TopBottom = '\0'; char LeftRight = '\0'; // Determine which character set to use switch (_Border) { case BorderStyle.Single: TopLeft = (char)218; TopRight = (char)191; BottomLeft = (char)192; BottomRight = (char)217; TopBottom = (char)196; LeftRight = (char)179; break; case BorderStyle.Double: TopLeft = (char)201; TopRight = (char)187; BottomLeft = (char)200; BottomRight = (char)188; TopBottom = (char)205; LeftRight = (char)186; break; case BorderStyle.DoubleH: case BorderStyle.SingleV: TopLeft = (char)213; TopRight = (char)184; BottomLeft = (char)212; BottomRight = (char)190; TopBottom = (char)205; LeftRight = (char)179; break; case BorderStyle.DoubleV: case BorderStyle.SingleH: TopLeft = (char)214; TopRight = (char)183; BottomLeft = (char)211; BottomRight = (char)189; TopBottom = (char)196; LeftRight = (char)186; break; } // Draw top row Crt.FastWrite(TopLeft.ToString() + new string(TopBottom, _Width - 2) + TopRight.ToString(), ScreenLeft, ScreenTop, _ForeColour, _BackColour); // Draw middle rows for (int Line = ScreenTop + 1; Line < ScreenTop + _Height - 1; Line++) { Crt.FastWrite(LeftRight.ToString() + new string(' ', _Width - 2) + LeftRight.ToString(), ScreenLeft, Line, _ForeColour, _BackColour); } // Draw bottom row Crt.FastWrite(BottomLeft.ToString() + new string(TopBottom, _Width - 2) + BottomRight.ToString(), ScreenLeft, ScreenTop + _Height - 1, _ForeColour, _BackColour); // Draw window title if (_Text.Trim().Length > 0) { int TitleX = 0; int TitleY = 0; string WindowTitle = " " + _Text.Trim() + " "; // Get X component switch (_TextAlignment) { case CrtAlignment.BottomLeft: case CrtAlignment.MiddleLeft: case CrtAlignment.TopLeft: TitleX = ScreenLeft + 2; break; case CrtAlignment.BottomCenter: case CrtAlignment.MiddleCenter: case CrtAlignment.TopCenter: TitleX = ScreenLeft + ((_Width - WindowTitle.Length) / 2); break; case CrtAlignment.BottomRight: case CrtAlignment.MiddleRight: case CrtAlignment.TopRight: TitleX = ScreenLeft + Width - WindowTitle.Length - 2; break; } // Get the Y component switch (_TextAlignment) { case CrtAlignment.BottomCenter: case CrtAlignment.BottomLeft: case CrtAlignment.BottomRight: TitleY = ScreenTop + _Height - 1; break; case CrtAlignment.MiddleCenter: case CrtAlignment.MiddleLeft: case CrtAlignment.MiddleRight: case CrtAlignment.TopCenter: case CrtAlignment.TopLeft: case CrtAlignment.TopRight: TitleY = ScreenTop; break; } // Draw title Crt.FastWrite(WindowTitle, TitleX, TitleY, _ForeColour, _BackColour); } }