コード例 #1
ファイル: Geometry.cs プロジェクト: thomasr3/MediaPortal-1
        /// <summary>
        /// Method todo the transformation.
        /// It will calculate 2 rectangles. A source and destination rectangle based on the
        /// current transformation , image width/height and screen width/height
        /// the returned source rectangle specifies which part of the image/video should be copied
        /// the returned destination rectangle specifies where the copied part should be presented on screen
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="rSource">rectangle containing the source rectangle of the image/video</param>
        /// <param name="rDest">rectangle  containing the destination rectangle of the image/video</param>
        public void GetWindow(out Rectangle rSource, out Rectangle rDest)
            float        fSourceFrameRatio = CalculateFrameAspectRatio();
            CropSettings cropSettings      = new CropSettings();

            GetWindow(fSourceFrameRatio, out rSource, out rDest, cropSettings);
コード例 #2
ファイル: Geometry.cs プロジェクト: thomasr3/MediaPortal-1
        // used from planescene
        public void GetWindow(int arVideoWidth, int arVideoHeight, out Rectangle rSource, out Rectangle rDest,
                              CropSettings cropSettings)
            float fSourceFrameRatio = (float)arVideoWidth / (float)arVideoHeight;

            GetWindow(fSourceFrameRatio, out rSource, out rDest, cropSettings);
コード例 #3
ファイル: AutoCropper.cs プロジェクト: thomasr3/MediaPortal-1
        /// <summary>
        /// Finds the bounds an crops accordingly immediatly
        /// </summary>
        private void SingleCrop()
            // are we viewing video?
            if (!IsPlaying())

            using (Bitmap frame = GetFrame())
                if (frame == null)
                    Log.Warn("AutoCropper Failed to get frame (==null), aborting");

                Rectangle bounds = new Rectangle();

                if (!analyzer.FindBounds(frame, ref bounds))

                CropSettings cropSettings = new CropSettings();
                cropSettings.Top    = bounds.Top;
                cropSettings.Bottom = GUIGraphicsContext.VideoSize.Height - (bounds.Bottom + 1);
                cropSettings.Left   = bounds.Left;
                cropSettings.Right  = GUIGraphicsContext.VideoSize.Width - (bounds.Right + 1);

コード例 #4
        //public ImageLoadSettings Load { get; private set; }
        //public WebSettings Web { get; private set; }
        // TODO: Add as many as you need..
        public ImageGlobalSettings()
            Crop = new CropSettings { Left = 0, Top = 0, Width = 0, Height = 0 };

            Fmt = string.Empty;

            //Load = new ImageLoadSettings();
            //Web = new WebSettings();
コード例 #5
ファイル: Geometry.cs プロジェクト: thomasr3/MediaPortal-1
        /// <summary>
        /// Adjusts the source and destination rectangles according to the cropping parameters, maintaining the RATIO between the source and destination
        /// aspect ratio.
        /// Note:
        /// Only used for the normal aspect right now, so could as well be coded directly into that zoom mode.
        /// But maybe it could be useful elsewhere as well and no changes have had to be made to the zoom mode code.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="rSource"></param>
        /// <param name="rDest"></param>
        /// <param name="cropSettings"></param>

         *  void AdjustForCropping(ref System.Drawing.Rectangle rSource, ref System.Drawing.Rectangle rDest, CropSettings cropSettings, bool strictKeepAspect)
         *  {
         *    // temp
         *    //return;
         *    float destAspect = rDest.Width / (float)rDest.Height;
         *    float sourceAspect = rSource.Width / (float)rSource.Height;
         *    float croppedSourceAspect = (rSource.Width - cropSettings.Right - cropSettings.Left) / (float)(rSource.Height - cropSettings.Top - cropSettings.Bottom);
         *    float originalAspectChange = destAspect / sourceAspect;
         *    //if (( Math.Abs( destAspect - sourceAspect ) < 0.001 ))
         *    //  return;
         *    Log.Debug("AdjustForCropping: rSrc =  " + rSource.ToString());
         *    Log.Debug("AdjustForCropping: rDest =  " + rDest.ToString());
         *    float newDestAspect = croppedSourceAspect * originalAspectChange;
         *    Log.Debug("newDestAspect: " + newDestAspect + " destAspect: " + destAspect);
         *    Log.Debug("sourceAspect: " + sourceAspect + " croppedSrcAspect: " + croppedSourceAspect);
         *    if (newDestAspect > destAspect)
         *    {
         *      Log.Debug("CROPADJUST : DEST NOT WIDE ENOUGH (ie someone cropped top or bottom)");
         *      // destination needs to be wider
         *      // width needed to preserve height
         *      float widthNeeded = rDest.Height * newDestAspect;
         *      if (widthNeeded > ScreenWidth && strictKeepAspect)
         *      {
         *        // decrease height
         *        Log.Info("CROPADJUST : NOT ENOUGH WIDTH, needs " + widthNeeded);
         *        // take all the width we can
         *        rDest.Width = ScreenWidth;
         *        // and reduce height for the rest
         *        rDest.Height = (int)(rDest.Width / newDestAspect); ;
         *        Log.Info("New height : " + rDest.Height);
         *      }
         *      else
         *      {
         *        Log.Info("CROPADJUST : ENOUGH WIDTH");
         *        rDest.Width = (int)widthNeeded;
         *      }
         *    }
         *    else if (newDestAspect < destAspect)
         *    {
         *      // destination needs to be taller
         *      Log.Info("CROPADJUST : DEST TOO WIDE (ie someone cropped left or right");
         *      int heightNeeded = (int)(rDest.Width * newDestAspect);
         *      int heightIncrease = heightNeeded - rDest.Height;
         *      Log.Info("HeightNeeded = " + heightNeeded);
         *      Log.Info("heightIncrease= " + heightIncrease);
         *      if (heightNeeded > ScreenHeight && strictKeepAspect)
         *      {
         *        rDest.Height = ScreenHeight;
         *        int newWidth = (int)(newDestAspect * rDest.Height);
         *        rDest.Width = newWidth;
         *        Log.Debug("rDest.Width now " + newWidth);
         *      }
         *      else
         *      {
         *        rDest.Height = heightNeeded;
         *      }
         *    }
         *    rDest.Y = ScreenHeight / 2 - rDest.Height / 2;
         *    rDest.X = ScreenWidth / 2 - rDest.Width / 2;
         *    if (rDest.X < 0) Log.Error("Geometry.AdjustForCropping miscalculated, produced NEGATIVE X coordinate!");
         *    if (rDest.Y < 0) Log.Error("Geometry.AdjustForCropping miscalculated, produced NEGATIVE Y coordinate!");
         *    AdjustSourceForCropping(ref rSource, cropSettings);
         *  }
        /// <summary>
        /// Adjusts only the source rectangle according to the cropping parameters.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="rSource"></param>
        /// <param name="cropSettings"></param>
        private void AdjustSourceForCropping(ref Rectangle rSource, CropSettings cropSettings)
            rSource.Y      += cropSettings.Top;
            rSource.Height -= cropSettings.Top;
            rSource.Height -= cropSettings.Bottom;

            rSource.X     += cropSettings.Left;
            rSource.Width -= cropSettings.Left;
            rSource.Width -= cropSettings.Right;
コード例 #6
        public CropSettingsInstance(ObjectInstance prototype, CropSettings cropSettings)
            : this(prototype)
            if (cropSettings == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("cropSettings");

            m_cropSettings = cropSettings;
コード例 #7
ファイル: AutoCropper.cs プロジェクト: thomasr3/MediaPortal-1
        /// <summary>
        /// Implements PlugInBase.Start
        /// Sets up the autocropper
        /// and sets GUIGraphicsContext.autoCropper
        /// to point to this object.
        /// </summary>
        public override void Start()
            Log.Debug("AutoCropper: Start()");
            instance = this;

            analyzer = new FrameAnalyzer();

            // Load settings, if returns false,
            // none of autocropper modes are allowed
            // so we dont do anything
            if (!LoadSettings())

            GUIGraphicsContext.autoCropper = this;

            lastSettings = new CropSettings(0, 0, 0, 0);
            int topMemLengthInFrames    = (int)(topMemLength / (sampleInterval / 1000.0f));
            int bottomMemLengthInFrames = (int)(bottomMemLength / (sampleInterval / 1000.0f));
            int leftMemLengthInFrames   = (int)(leftMemLength / (sampleInterval / 1000.0f));
            int rightMemLengthInFrames  = (int)(rightMemLength / (sampleInterval / 1000.0f));

            Log.Debug("AutoCropper: Top memory is " + topMemLengthInFrames + " sampleinterval " + sampleInterval +
                      " mem length " + topMemLength);
            Log.Debug("AutoCropper: Bottom memory is " + bottomMemLengthInFrames + " sampleinterval " + sampleInterval +
                      " mem length " + bottomMemLength);
            Log.Debug("AutoCropper: Left memory is " + leftMemLengthInFrames + " sampleinterval " + sampleInterval +
                      " mem length " + leftMemLength);
            Log.Debug("AutoCropper: Right memory is " + rightMemLengthInFrames + " sampleinterval " + sampleInterval +
                      " mem length " + rightMemLength);
            topCropAvg    = new MovingAverage(topMemLengthInFrames, 0);
            bottomCropAvg = new MovingAverage(bottomMemLengthInFrames, 0);
            leftCropAvg   = new MovingAverage(leftMemLengthInFrames, 0);
            rightCropAvg  = new MovingAverage(rightMemLengthInFrames, 0);

            // start the thread that will execute the actual cropping
            Thread t = new Thread(new ThreadStart(instance.Worker));

            t.IsBackground = true;
            t.Priority     = ThreadPriority.BelowNormal;
            t.Name         = "AutoCropThread";

            // register to handle playback events so we can wake
            // the above thread when playback starts
            if (useForMyVideos)
                g_Player.PlayBackStarted += OnVideoStarted;
コード例 #8
        public VideoPlayer()
            _cropSettings = ServiceRegistration.Get <IGeometryManager>().CropSettings;

            // EVR is available since Vista
            OperatingSystem osInfo = Environment.OSVersion;

            if (osInfo.Version.Major <= 5)
                throw new EnvironmentException("This video player can only run on Windows Vista or above");

            PlayerTitle = "VideoPlayer";
コード例 #9
ファイル: AutoCropper.cs プロジェクト: thomasr3/MediaPortal-1
        /// <summary>
        /// Uses the static cropping system to execute the cropping
        /// </summary>
        private void RequestCrop(CropSettings cropSettings)
            if (verboseLog)
                Log.Debug("AutoCropper: RequestCrop");
            // Send message to planescene with crop
            GUIMessage msg = new GUIMessage();

            msg.Message = GUIMessage.MessageType.GUI_MSG_PLANESCENE_CROP;
            msg.Object  = cropSettings;
            lastSettings.Bottom = cropSettings.Bottom;
            lastSettings.Top    = cropSettings.Top;
            lastSettings.Left   = cropSettings.Left;
            lastSettings.Right  = cropSettings.Right;
コード例 #10
ファイル: AutoCropper.cs プロジェクト: thomasr3/MediaPortal-1
        /// <summary>
        /// Performs dynamic cropping based on the largest bounding box
        /// encountered (ie smallest cropping) within the 'memory' of the
        /// autocropper
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="topCrop">Cropping found in current frame</param>
        /// <param name="bottomCrop">Cropping found in current frame</param>
        private void MinDynamicCrop(int topCrop, int bottomCrop, int leftCrop, int rightCrop)
            if (firstDynamicCrop)
                if (verboseLog)
                    Log.Debug("First dynamic crop, resetting to top {0}, bottom {1}, left {2}, right {3}", topCrop, bottomCrop,
                              leftCrop, rightCrop);
                firstDynamicCrop = false;

            int topMin    = (int)topCropAvg.GetMin();
            int bottomMin = (int)bottomCropAvg.GetMin();
            int leftMin   = (int)leftCropAvg.GetMin();
            int rightMin  = (int)rightCropAvg.GetMin();

            if (verboseLog)
                Log.Debug("Current topMin {0}, bottomMin {1}, leftMin {2}, rightMin {3}", topMin, bottomMin, leftMin, rightMin);

            if (Math.Abs(topMin - lastSettings.Top) > 2 || Math.Abs(bottomMin - lastSettings.Bottom) > 2 ||
                Math.Abs(leftMin - lastSettings.Left) > 2 || Math.Abs(rightMin - lastSettings.Right) > 2)
                CropSettings newSettings = new CropSettings();
                newSettings.Top    = topMin;
                newSettings.Bottom = bottomMin;
                newSettings.Left   = leftMin;
                newSettings.Right  = rightMin;
コード例 #11
ファイル: AutoCropper.cs プロジェクト: thomasr3/MediaPortal-1
 /// <summary>
 /// This method runs in a thread and calls the actual cropping methods
 ///  DynamicCrop and SingleCrop.
 /// </summary>
 private void Worker()
     while (true)
         if (verboseLog)
             Log.Debug("AutoCropper: Mode : " + mode + " IsPlaying : " + IsPlaying());
         if (stopWorkerThread)
             stopWorkerThread = false;
         if (mode == Mode.DYNAMIC && IsPlaying())
             // do processing for dynamic cropping and sleep
             // a short while
             //Bitmap b = PlaneScene.GetCurrentImage();
         else if (mode == Mode.MANUAL && IsPlaying())
             // crop once and wait to be woken up again
             workerEvent.WaitOne(); // reset automatically
         else if (mode == Mode.OFF && IsPlaying())
             CropSettings noCrop = new CropSettings(0, 0, 0, 0);
             if (verboseLog)
                 Log.Debug("AutoCropper: Worker halting, waiting for worker event");
             workerEvent.WaitOne(); // reset automatically
コード例 #12
        /// <summary>
        /// set the oversan of MediaPortal by setting crop parameters
        /// </summary>
        private void SetCropMode()
            double cropH = fCropH;
            double cropV = fCropV;

            if (LastSwitchedAspectRatio > 0.0 && (LastSwitchedGeometry != Geometry.Type.NonLinearStretch))
                if (useMaxCrop)
                    if (fCropV > (fCropH / LastSwitchedAspectRatio))
                        //Adjust horiz crop value to match vertical crop value (without picture distortion)
                        double extraHcropLimit = fWidthH * LastAnamorphFactor * MaxCropLim;
                        cropH = Math.Min(fCropV * LastSwitchedAspectRatio, fCropH + extraHcropLimit);
                        cropV = cropH / LastSwitchedAspectRatio;
                        double extraVcropLimit = fHeightV * MaxCropLim;
                        cropV = Math.Min(fCropH / LastSwitchedAspectRatio, fCropV + extraVcropLimit);
                        cropH = cropV * LastSwitchedAspectRatio;
                    if (fCropV < (fCropH / LastSwitchedAspectRatio))
                        //Adjust horiz crop value to match vertical crop value (without picture distortion)
                        cropH = fCropV * LastSwitchedAspectRatio;
                        cropV = fCropH / LastSwitchedAspectRatio;

            if (LastAnamorphFactor > 0.0)
                //Correction to crop settings for anamorphic video i.e. when pixel aspect ratio != video aspect ratio
                //Log.Debug("ViewModeSwitcher: SetCropMode() Anamorph factor: {0}", LastAnamorphFactor);
                cropH /= LastAnamorphFactor;

            CropSettings tmpCropSettings = new CropSettings();

            tmpCropSettings.Left   = (int)cropH;
            tmpCropSettings.Right  = tmpCropSettings.Left;
            tmpCropSettings.Top    = (int)cropV;
            tmpCropSettings.Bottom = tmpCropSettings.Top;

            GUIMessage msg = new GUIMessage();

            msg.Message = GUIMessage.MessageType.GUI_MSG_PLANESCENE_CROP;
            msg.Object  = tmpCropSettings;

            if (GUIGraphicsContext.IsFullScreenVideo && currentSettings.ShowSwitchMsg)
                GUIMessage guiMsg = new GUIMessage(GUIMessage.MessageType.GUI_MSG_REFRESHRATE_CHANGED, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, null);
                guiMsg.Label  = "ViewModeSwitcher";
                guiMsg.Label2 = ("ViewMode: " + LastSwitchedGeometry + ", AR: " + LastSwitchedAspectRatio + ", BB det: " + (enableLB && !disableLBGlobally) + ", Auto BB: " + useAutoCrop + ", H crop: " + tmpCropSettings.Left + ", V crop: " + tmpCropSettings.Top);
                guiMsg.Param1 = 3;

コード例 #13
ファイル: Geometry.cs プロジェクト: thomasr3/MediaPortal-1
        public void GetWindow(int arVideoWidth, int arVideoHeight, out Rectangle rSource, out Rectangle rDest)
            CropSettings cropSettings = new CropSettings();

            GetWindow(arVideoWidth, arVideoHeight, out rSource, out rDest, cropSettings);
コード例 #14
ファイル: AutoCropper.cs プロジェクト: thomasr3/MediaPortal-1
        /// <summary>
        /// Performs dynamic cropping based on a moving average or the
        /// cropping the analyzer has produced so far within the memory.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="topCrop">Cropping found in current frame</param>
        /// <param name="bottomCrop">Cropping found in current frame</param>
        private void AvgDynamicCrop(int topCrop, int bottomCrop, int leftCrop, int rightCrop)
            CropSettings newSettings = new CropSettings();

            newSettings.Top    = lastSettings.Top;
            newSettings.Bottom = lastSettings.Bottom;
            newSettings.Left   = lastSettings.Left;
            newSettings.Right  = lastSettings.Right;

            bool update = false;

            // debug

            //newSettings.Top = topCrop;
            //newSettings.Bottom = bottomCrop;
            // end debug

            // If the image area has increase immediatly reset to this larger size
            if (topCrop < lastSettings.Top || firstDynamicCrop)
                if (verboseLog)
                    Log.Debug("Top of image has increased");
                update = true;
                newSettings.Top = topCrop;

            // If the image area has increase immediatly reset to this larger size
            if (bottomCrop < lastSettings.Bottom || firstDynamicCrop)
                if (verboseLog)
                    Log.Debug("Bottom of image has increased");
                newSettings.Bottom = bottomCrop;
                update             = true;

            // If the image area has increase immediatly reset to this larger size
            if (leftCrop < lastSettings.Left || firstDynamicCrop)
                if (verboseLog)
                    Log.Debug("Left side of image has increased");
                newSettings.Left = leftCrop;
                update           = true;

            // If the image area has increase immediatly reset to this larger size
            if (rightCrop < lastSettings.Right || firstDynamicCrop)
                if (verboseLog)
                    Log.Debug("Right side of image has increased");
                newSettings.Right = rightCrop;
                update            = true;

            firstDynamicCrop = false;

            if (verboseLog)
                    "Current cropping settings (Top/Bottom Left/Right):   This Frames: {0}/{1} {6}/{7}, Avg: {4}/{5} {8}/{9}, Current Crop: {2}/{3} {10}/{11}",
                    topCrop, bottomCrop, lastSettings.Top, lastSettings.Bottom, topCropAvg.Average, bottomCropAvg.Average,
                    leftCrop, rightCrop, leftCropAvg.Average, rightCropAvg.Average, lastSettings.Left, lastSettings.Right);

            if (topCropAvg.Average - lastSettings.Top > 4 && Math.Abs(topCropAvg.Average - topCrop) < 2)
                newSettings.Top = (int)topCropAvg.Average;
                update          = true;
            if (bottomCropAvg.Average - lastSettings.Bottom > 4 && Math.Abs(bottomCropAvg.Average - bottomCrop) < 2)
                newSettings.Bottom = (int)bottomCropAvg.Average;
                update             = true;
            if (leftCropAvg.Average - lastSettings.Left > 4 && Math.Abs(leftCropAvg.Average - leftCrop) < 2)
                newSettings.Left = (int)leftCropAvg.Average;
                update           = true;
            if (rightCropAvg.Average - lastSettings.Right > 4 && Math.Abs(rightCropAvg.Average - rightCrop) < 2)
                newSettings.Right = (int)rightCropAvg.Average;
                update            = true;

            if (update &&
                (newSettings.Top != lastSettings.Top || newSettings.Bottom != lastSettings.Bottom ||
                 newSettings.Left != lastSettings.Left || newSettings.Right != lastSettings.Right))
コード例 #15
ファイル: Geometry.cs プロジェクト: thomasr3/MediaPortal-1
 public void GetWindow(int arVideoWidth, int arVideoHeight, out Rectangle rSource, out Rectangle rDest,
                       out bool bUseNonLinearStretch, CropSettings cropSettings)
     GetWindow(arVideoWidth, arVideoHeight, out rSource, out rDest, cropSettings);
     bUseNonLinearStretch = m_bUseNonLinearStretch;
コード例 #16
        /// <summary>
        /// On Message
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="message"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public override bool OnMessage(GUIMessage message)
            switch (message.Message)
            case GUIMessage.MessageType.GUI_MSG_WINDOW_INIT:
                // fetch settings for the current capture card
                _cropSettings = TvCropManager.CropSettings;
                GUILabelControl cardLabel = GetControl((int)Controls.CONTROL_CARD_LABEL) as GUILabelControl;
                cardLabel.Visible = false;

                foreach (int iCtl in Enum.GetValues(typeof(Controls)))
                    if (GetControl(iCtl) is GUISpinControl)
                        GUISpinControl cntl = (GUISpinControl)GetControl(iCtl);
                        cntl.ShowRange = false;
                GUIControl.ClearControl(GetID, (int)Controls.CONTROL_CROP_TOP);
                for (int i = 0; i <= 200; ++i)
                    GUIControl.AddItemLabelControl(GetID, (int)Controls.CONTROL_CROP_TOP, i.ToString());
                GUIControl.SelectItemControl(GetID, (int)Controls.CONTROL_CROP_TOP, _cropSettings.Top);
                GUIControl.ClearControl(GetID, (int)Controls.CONTROL_CROP_BOTTOM);
                for (int i = 0; i <= 200; ++i)
                    GUIControl.AddItemLabelControl(GetID, (int)Controls.CONTROL_CROP_BOTTOM, i.ToString());
                GUIControl.SelectItemControl(GetID, (int)Controls.CONTROL_CROP_BOTTOM, _cropSettings.Bottom);
                GUIControl.ClearControl(GetID, (int)Controls.CONTROL_CROP_LEFT);
                for (int i = 0; i <= 200; ++i)
                    GUIControl.AddItemLabelControl(GetID, (int)Controls.CONTROL_CROP_LEFT, i.ToString());
                GUIControl.SelectItemControl(GetID, (int)Controls.CONTROL_CROP_LEFT, _cropSettings.Left);
                GUIControl.ClearControl(GetID, (int)Controls.CONTROL_CROP_RIGHT);
                for (int i = 0; i <= 200; ++i)
                    GUIControl.AddItemLabelControl(GetID, (int)Controls.CONTROL_CROP_RIGHT, i.ToString());
                GUIControl.SelectItemControl(GetID, (int)Controls.CONTROL_CROP_RIGHT, _cropSettings.Right);


            case GUIMessage.MessageType.GUI_MSG_CLICKED:
                int iControl = message.SenderControlId;
                if (iControl == (int)Controls.CONTROL_EXIT)
                else if (iControl == (int)Controls.CONTROL_CROP_TOP)
                    // do not use message.Label, because it's empty for "page up/down", causing exceptions
                    _cropSettings.Top = (GetControl(iControl) as GUISpinControl).Value;
                else if (iControl == (int)Controls.CONTROL_CROP_BOTTOM)
                    _cropSettings.Bottom = (GetControl(iControl) as GUISpinControl).Value;
                else if (iControl == (int)Controls.CONTROL_CROP_LEFT)
                    _cropSettings.Left = (GetControl(iControl) as GUISpinControl).Value;
                else if (iControl == (int)Controls.CONTROL_CROP_RIGHT)
                    _cropSettings.Right = (GetControl(iControl) as GUISpinControl).Value;

                // ativate & save settings for the current capture card
                TvCropManager.CropSettings = _cropSettings;

コード例 #17
ファイル: Geometry.cs プロジェクト: thomasr3/MediaPortal-1
        public void GetWindow(float fSourceFrameRatio, out Rectangle rSource, out Rectangle rDest, CropSettings cropSettings)
            float fOutputFrameRatio = fSourceFrameRatio / PixelRatio;

            // make sure the crop settings are acceptable
            cropSettings = cropSettings.EnsureSanity(ImageWidth, ImageHeight);

            int cropW = cropSettings.Left + cropSettings.Right;
            int cropH = cropSettings.Top + cropSettings.Bottom;

            // the source image dimensions when taking into
            // account the crop settings
            int croppedImageWidth  = ImageWidth - cropW;
            int croppedImageHeight = ImageHeight - cropH;

            // suggested by ziphnor
            float fSourcePixelRatio        = fSourceFrameRatio / ((float)ImageWidth / (float)ImageHeight);
            float fCroppedOutputFrameRatio = fSourcePixelRatio * ((float)croppedImageWidth / (float)croppedImageHeight) /

            //Log.Debug("croppedImage W/H {0}x{1}", croppedImageWidth, croppedImageHeight);
            //Log.Debug("fOutputFrameRatio : {0}", fOutputFrameRatio);
            //Log.Debug("fCroppedOutputFrameRatio : {0}", fCroppedOutputFrameRatio);
            //Log.Debug("fSourceFrameRatio: {0}", fSourceFrameRatio);

            //don't use non linear stretch by default
            m_bUseNonLinearStretch = false;

            switch (ARType)
            case Type.Stretch:
                rSource = new Rectangle(cropSettings.Left, cropSettings.Top, croppedImageWidth, croppedImageHeight);
                rDest   = new Rectangle(0, 0, ScreenWidth, ScreenHeight);

            case Type.Zoom:
                // calculate AR compensation (see http://www.iki.fi/znark/video/conversion)
                // assume that the movie is widescreen first, so use full height
                float fVertBorder = 0;
                float fNewHeight  = (float)(ScreenHeight);
                float fNewWidth   = fNewHeight * fCroppedOutputFrameRatio;
                float fHorzBorder = (fNewWidth - (float)ScreenWidth) / 2.0f;
                float fFactor     = fNewWidth / ((float)ImageWidth);
                fFactor    *= PixelRatio;
                fHorzBorder = fHorzBorder / fFactor;

                if ((int)fNewWidth < ScreenWidth)
                    fHorzBorder = 0;
                    fNewWidth   = (float)(ScreenWidth);
                    fNewHeight  = fNewWidth / fCroppedOutputFrameRatio;
                    fVertBorder = (fNewHeight - (float)ScreenHeight) / 2.0f;
                    fFactor     = fNewWidth / ((float)ImageWidth);
                    fFactor    *= PixelRatio;
                    fVertBorder = fVertBorder / fFactor;

                rSource = new Rectangle((int)fHorzBorder,
                                        (int)((float)ImageWidth - 2.0f * fHorzBorder),
                                        (int)((float)ImageHeight - 2.0f * fVertBorder));
                rDest = new Rectangle(0, 0, ScreenWidth, ScreenHeight);
                AdjustSourceForCropping(ref rSource, cropSettings);

            case Type.Normal:
                // maximize the movie width
                float fNewWidth  = (float)ScreenWidth;
                float fNewHeight = (float)(fNewWidth / fCroppedOutputFrameRatio);

                if (fNewHeight > ScreenHeight)
                    fNewHeight = ScreenHeight;
                    fNewWidth  = fNewHeight * fCroppedOutputFrameRatio;

                // this shouldnt happen, but just make sure that everything still fits onscreen
                if (fNewWidth > ScreenWidth || fNewHeight > ScreenHeight)
                    fNewWidth  = (float)ImageWidth;
                    fNewWidth  = (float)croppedImageWidth;
                    fNewHeight = (float)croppedImageHeight;

                // Centre the movie
                float iPosY = (ScreenHeight - fNewHeight) / 2;
                float iPosX = (ScreenWidth - fNewWidth) / 2;

                rSource = new Rectangle(cropSettings.Left, cropSettings.Top, croppedImageWidth, croppedImageHeight);
                rDest   = new Rectangle((int)iPosX, (int)iPosY, (int)(fNewWidth + 0.5f), (int)(fNewHeight + 0.5f));

                //AdjustForCropping(ref rSource, ref rDest, cropSettings, true);

            case Type.Original:
                // maximize the movie width
                float fNewWidth  = (float)Math.Min(ImageWidth, ScreenWidth);
                float fNewHeight = (float)(fNewWidth / fOutputFrameRatio);

                if (fNewHeight > ScreenHeight)
                    fNewHeight = Math.Min(ImageHeight, ScreenHeight);
                    fNewWidth  = fNewHeight * fOutputFrameRatio;

                // this shouldnt happen, but just make sure that everything still fits onscreen
                if (fNewWidth > ScreenWidth || fNewHeight > ScreenHeight)
                    Log.Error("Original Zoom Mode: 'this shouldnt happen' {0}x{1}", fNewWidth, fNewHeight);
                    goto case Type.Normal;

                // Centre the movie
                float iPosY = (ScreenHeight - fNewHeight) / 2;
                float iPosX = (ScreenWidth - fNewWidth) / 2;

                // The original zoom mode ignores cropping parameters:
                rSource = new Rectangle(0, 0, ImageWidth, ImageHeight);
                rDest   = new Rectangle((int)iPosX, (int)iPosY, (int)(fNewWidth + 0.5f), (int)(fNewHeight + 0.5f));

            case Type.LetterBox43:
                // shrink movie 33% vertically
                float fNewWidth  = (float)ScreenWidth;
                float fNewHeight = (float)(fNewWidth / fOutputFrameRatio);
                fNewHeight *= (1.0f - 0.33333333333f);

                if (fNewHeight > ScreenHeight)
                    fNewHeight  = ScreenHeight;
                    fNewHeight *= (1.0f - 0.33333333333f);
                    fNewWidth   = fNewHeight * fOutputFrameRatio;

                // this shouldnt happen, but just make sure that everything still fits onscreen
                if (fNewWidth > ScreenWidth || fNewHeight > ScreenHeight)
                    fNewWidth  = (float)ImageWidth;
                    fNewHeight = (float)ImageHeight;

                // Centre the movie
                float iPosY = (ScreenHeight - fNewHeight) / 2;
                float iPosX = (ScreenWidth - fNewWidth) / 2;

                rSource = new Rectangle(0, 0, ImageWidth, ImageHeight);
                rDest   = new Rectangle((int)iPosX, (int)iPosY, (int)(fNewWidth + 0.5f), (int)(fNewHeight + 0.5f));
                AdjustSourceForCropping(ref rSource, cropSettings);

            case Type.NonLinearStretch:
                // If screen is 16:9 do non-linear stretch, otherwise panscan
                float fScreenRatio = (float)ScreenWidth / ScreenHeight;
                fScreenRatio *= PixelRatio;
                if (fScreenRatio < 1.59)
                    // pan and scan
                    // assume that the movie is widescreen first, so use full height
                    float fVertBorder = 0;
                    float fNewHeight  = (float)(ScreenHeight);
                    float fNewWidth   = fNewHeight * fOutputFrameRatio * 1.66666666667f;
                    float fHorzBorder = (fNewWidth - (float)ScreenWidth) / 2.0f;
                    float fFactor     = fNewWidth / ((float)ImageWidth);
                    fFactor    *= PixelRatio;
                    fHorzBorder = fHorzBorder / fFactor;

                    if ((int)fNewWidth < ScreenWidth)
                        fHorzBorder = 0;
                        fNewWidth   = (float)(ScreenWidth);
                        fNewHeight  = fNewWidth / fOutputFrameRatio;
                        fVertBorder = (fNewHeight - (float)ScreenHeight) / 2.0f;
                        fFactor     = fNewWidth / ((float)ImageWidth);
                        fFactor    *= PixelRatio;
                        fVertBorder = fVertBorder / fFactor;

                    rSource = new Rectangle((int)fHorzBorder,
                                            (int)((float)ImageWidth - 2.0f * fHorzBorder),
                                            (int)((float)ImageHeight - 2.0f * fVertBorder));
                    rDest = new Rectangle(0, 0, ScreenWidth, ScreenHeight);
                    AdjustSourceForCropping(ref rSource, cropSettings);
                    m_bUseNonLinearStretch = true;
                    //here we just need to remove 8.3% from top/bottom of the image (=Zoom in 9.1%)
                    //The non-linear stretching part will be handled by the VMR9 presenter
                    int newTop    = cropSettings.Top + (int)(0.083f * ((float)croppedImageHeight) / 2.0f);
                    int newHeight = (int)(((float)croppedImageHeight) * (1.0f - 0.083f));
                    //For 16:10 screens the cropping should not be done, which fixes the aspect ratio issue within tolerable accuracy
                    if ((fScreenRatio < 1.61) && (fScreenRatio > 1.59))
                        newTop    = cropSettings.Top;
                        newHeight = (int)croppedImageHeight;
                    rSource = new Rectangle(cropSettings.Left, newTop, croppedImageWidth, newHeight);
                    rDest   = new Rectangle(0, 0, ScreenWidth, ScreenHeight);

            case Type.Zoom14to9:
                // fit the image to screen size
                float fNewWidth  = (float)ScreenWidth;
                float fNewHeight = (float)(fNewWidth / fOutputFrameRatio);

                if (fNewHeight > ScreenHeight)
                    fNewHeight = ScreenHeight;
                    fNewWidth  = fNewHeight * fOutputFrameRatio;

                float iPosX       = 0;
                float iPosY       = 0;
                float fVertBorder = 0;
                float fHorzBorder = 0;
                float fFactor     = fNewWidth / ((float)ImageWidth);
                fFactor *= PixelRatio;
                // increase the image size by 12.5% and crop or pad if needed
                fNewHeight = fNewHeight * 1.125f;
                fNewWidth  = fNewHeight * fOutputFrameRatio;

                if ((int)fNewHeight < ScreenHeight)
                    fHorzBorder = (fNewWidth - (float)ScreenWidth) / 2.0f;
                    fHorzBorder = fHorzBorder / fFactor;
                    iPosY       = (ScreenHeight - fNewHeight) / 2;

                if ((int)fNewWidth < ScreenWidth)
                    fVertBorder = (fNewHeight - (float)ScreenHeight) / 2.0f;
                    fVertBorder = fVertBorder / fFactor;
                    iPosX       = (ScreenWidth - fNewWidth) / 2;

                if ((int)fNewWidth > ScreenWidth && (int)fNewHeight > ScreenHeight)
                    fHorzBorder = (fNewWidth - (float)ScreenWidth) / 2.0f;
                    fHorzBorder = fHorzBorder / fFactor;
                    fVertBorder = (fNewHeight - (float)ScreenHeight) / 2.0f;
                    fVertBorder = fVertBorder / fFactor;

                rSource = new Rectangle((int)fHorzBorder,
                                        (int)((float)ImageWidth - 2.0f * fHorzBorder),
                                        (int)((float)ImageHeight - 2.0f * fVertBorder));
                rDest = new Rectangle((int)iPosX, (int)iPosY, (int)(fNewWidth - (2.0f * fHorzBorder * fFactor) + 0.5f),
                                      (int)(fNewHeight - (2.0f * fVertBorder * fFactor) + 0.5f));
                AdjustSourceForCropping(ref rSource, cropSettings);

                rSource = new Rectangle(0, 0, ImageWidth, ImageHeight);
                rDest   = new Rectangle(0, 0, ScreenWidth, ScreenHeight);
コード例 #18
 public LibRetroPlayer()
     _cropSettings = ServiceRegistration.Get <IGeometryManager>().CropSettings;