コード例 #1
        protected async override void OnElementChanged(VisualElementChangedEventArgs e)
            // Call the method on the base

            // Exit if the element (Page) is null
            if (e.OldElement != null || Element == null)

            // Set up the AuthenticationManager to challenge for ArcGIS Online credentials

            // Force an OAuth challenge
            var info = new CredentialRequestInfo
                AuthenticationType = AuthenticationType.Token,
                ServiceUri = new Uri(OAuthPage.PortalUrl)
            await AuthenticationManager.Current.GetCredentialAsync(info, false);

            // Open the desired web map (portal item)
            ArcGISPortal portal = await ArcGISPortal.CreateAsync(new Uri(OAuthPage.PortalUrl));
            PortalItem item = await PortalItem.CreateAsync(portal, OAuthPage.WebMapId);

            // Create a map
            Map myMap = new Map(item);

            // Set the MyMap property on the shared form to display the map in the map view
            var oauthPage = e.NewElement as OAuthPage;
            oauthPage.MyMap = myMap;
コード例 #2
        private async Task<Credential> GetUserCredentialsFromUI(CredentialRequestInfo info)
            // Show the login UI
                // Create a new LoginInfo to store the entered username and password
                // Pass the CredentialRequestInfo object so the resource URI can be stored
                var loginInputInfo = new LoginInfo(info);

                // Set the login UI data context with the LoginInfo
                loginPanel.DataContext = loginInputInfo;

                // Show the login UI
                loginPanel.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;

                // Create a new task completion source to return the user's login when complete
                // Set the login UI data context (LoginInfo object) as the AsyncState so it can be retrieved later
                _loginTaskCompletionSource = new TaskCompletionSource<Credential>(loginPanel.DataContext);

                // Return the task from the completion source
                // When the login button on the UI is clicked, the info will be returned for creating the credential
                return await _loginTaskCompletionSource.Task;
                // Hide the login UI
                loginPanel.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed;
コード例 #3
        private async Task<Credential> Challenge(CredentialRequestInfo info)
            // Call code to get user credentials
            // Make sure it runs on the UI thread
            if (this.Dispatcher == null)
                // No current dispatcher, code is already running on the UI thread
                return await GetUserCredentialsFromUI(info);
                // Use the dispatcher to invoke the challenge UI
                await this.Dispatcher.RunAsync(CoreDispatcherPriority.Normal, async () =>
                        await GetUserCredentialsFromUI(info);
                        // Login was canceled or unsuccessful, dialog will close

            // Use the task completion source to return the results
            return await _loginTaskCompletionSource.Task;
コード例 #4
		/// <summary>
		/// Base Challenge method that dispatches to the UI thread if necessary to create a credential
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="info">Information about a secured resource (its URI, for example)</param>
		/// <returns>A task that returns a credential for attempting access to a secured resource</returns>
		private async Task<Credential> Challenge(CredentialRequestInfo info)
			// Get the dispatcher for the UI thread
			var dispatcher = CoreApplication.MainView.CoreWindow.Dispatcher;
			// If no dispatcher, call the ChallengeUI method directly to get user input
			if (dispatcher == null)
				return await ChallengeUI(info);
				// Use the dispatcher to show the login panel on the UI thread, then await completion of the task
				await dispatcher.RunAsync(CoreDispatcherPriority.Normal, async () =>
						// Call the method that shows the login panel and creates a credential 
						await ChallengeUI(info);
					catch (TaskCanceledException)
						// The user clicked the "Cancel" button, login panel will close
					catch (Exception ex)
						// Show exception message
						ErrorText.Text = ex.Message;

				// return the task
				return await _loginTaskCompletionSrc.Task;
コード例 #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Handle challenges for a secured resource by prompting for a client certificate
        /// </summary>
        public async Task<Credential> CreateCredentialAsync(CredentialRequestInfo info)
            Credential credential = null;

                // Use the X509Store to get available certificates
                var store = new X509Store(StoreName.My, StoreLocation.CurrentUser);
                var certificates = store.Certificates.Find(X509FindType.FindByTimeValid, DateTime.Now, true);

                // Ask the user to select a certificate to use
                certificates = X509Certificate2UI.SelectFromCollection(certificates, "Select Certificate",
                    "Select the certificate to use for authentication.", X509SelectionFlag.SingleSelection);

                // Create a new CertificateCredential using the chosen certificate
                credential = new CertificateCredential(certificates[0])
                    ServiceUri = SecuredPortalUrl

            catch (Exception ex)
                Debug.WriteLine("Exception: " + ex.Message); 

            // Return the CertificateCredential for the secured portal
            return credential;
コード例 #6
        private async void OnSaveMapClick(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
                // Create a challenge request for portal credentials (OAuth credential request for arcgis.com)
                CredentialRequestInfo challengeRequest = new CredentialRequestInfo();

                // Use the OAuth implicit grant flow
                challengeRequest.GenerateTokenOptions = new GenerateTokenOptions
                    TokenAuthenticationType = TokenAuthenticationType.OAuthImplicit

                // Indicate the url (portal) to authenticate with (ArcGIS Online)
                challengeRequest.ServiceUri = new Uri("https://www.arcgis.com/sharing/rest");

                // Call GetCredentialAsync on the AuthenticationManager to invoke the challenge handler
                await AuthenticationManager.Current.GetCredentialAsync(challengeRequest, false);

                // Get information for the new portal item
                var title = TitleTextBox.Text;
                var description = DescriptionTextBox.Text;
                var tags = TagsTextBox.Text.Split(',');

                // Throw an exception if the text is null or empty for title or description
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(title) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(description))
                    throw new Exception("Title and description are required");

                // Get current map extent (viewpoint) for the map initial extent
                var currentViewpoint = MyMapView.GetCurrentViewpoint(Esri.ArcGISRuntime.Mapping.ViewpointType.BoundingGeometry);
                // See if the map has already been saved
                if (!_mapViewModel.MapIsSaved)
                    // Call the SaveNewMapAsync method on the view model, pass in the required info
                    await _mapViewModel.SaveNewMapAsync(currentViewpoint, title, description, tags);

                    // Report success
                    MessageBox.Show("Map '" + title + "' was saved to your portal");
                    // Map has previously been saved as a portal item, update it (title, description, and tags will remain the same)

                    // Report success
                    MessageBox.Show("Changes to '" + title + "' were updated to the portal.");
            catch (Exception ex)
                // Report error
                MessageBox.Show("Error while saving: " + ex.Message);
コード例 #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Prompts the user for a credential (username/password) if access to a secured resource is attempted.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="info">Information about a secured resource (its URI, for example)</param>
        /// <returns>A credential to use when attempting access to a secured resource</returns>
        public async Task<Credential> CreateCredentialAsync(CredentialRequestInfo info)
            Credential credential = null;
                // Showing a new window with login UI (username/password) must occur on the UI thread
                credential = this.Dispatcher.Invoke(new Func<Credential>(() =>
                    Credential cred = null;

                    // Exit if the user clicked "Cancel" in the login window
                    // (otherwise, if the user can't provide credentials for a resource they will continue to be challenged)
                    if (_cancelledLogin) 
                        _cancelledLogin = false;
                        return null; 

                    // Create a new login window
                    var win = new LoginWindow();
                    win.Owner = this;

                    // Show the window to get user input (if cancelled, false is returned)
                    _cancelledLogin = (win.ShowDialog() == false);

                    if (!_cancelledLogin)
                        // Get the credential information provided
                        var username = win.UsernameTextBox.Text;
                        var password = win.PasswordTextBox.Password;
                        var domain = win.DomainTextBox.Text;

                        // Create a new network credential using the user input and the URI of the resource
                        cred = new ArcGISNetworkCredential()
                            Credentials = new NetworkCredential(username, password, domain),
                            ServiceUri = info.ServiceUri

                    // Return the credential
                    return cred;
            catch (Exception ex)
                Debug.WriteLine("Exception: " + ex.Message); 

            // Add the credential to the IdentityManager

            // Return the credential
            return credential;
コード例 #8
        private async void OnLoadMapClicked(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // Challenge the user for portal credentials
            CredentialRequestInfo loginInfo = new CredentialRequestInfo();

            // Use the OAuth implicit grant flow
            loginInfo.GenerateTokenOptions = new GenerateTokenOptions
                TokenAuthenticationType = TokenAuthenticationType.OAuthImplicit

            // Indicate the url (portal) to authenticate with 
            loginInfo.ServiceUri = new Uri(PortalUrl);

                // Get a reference to the (singleton) AuthenticationManager for the app
                AuthenticationManager thisAuthenticationManager = AuthenticationManager.Current;

                // Call GetCredentialAsync on the AuthenticationManager to invoke the challenge handler
                await thisAuthenticationManager.GetCredentialAsync(loginInfo, false);

                // Access the portal
                ArcGISPortal portal = await ArcGISPortal.CreateAsync(new Uri(PortalUrl));

                // Get the item (web map) from the portal
                PortalItem item = await PortalItem.CreateAsync(portal, WebMapId);

                // Make sure it's a web map
                if (item.Type != PortalItemType.WebMap)

                // Display the web map in the map view
                Map webMap = new Map(item);
                _myMapView.Map = webMap;
            catch (System.OperationCanceledException)
                // User canceled the login
                var alertBuilder = new AlertDialog.Builder(this);
                alertBuilder.SetMessage("Portal login was canceled.");
            catch(Exception ex)
                // Other exception
                var alertBuilder = new AlertDialog.Builder(this);
コード例 #9
		// Base Challenge method that dispatches to the UI thread if necessary
		private async Task<Credential> Challenge(CredentialRequestInfo cri)
			if (Dispatcher == null)
				return await ChallengeUI(cri);
				return await Dispatcher.Invoke(() => ChallengeUI(cri));
コード例 #10
		/// <summary>
		/// Generate the credentials with the existing credentials or challenge the user to enter credentials.
		/// </summary>
		public async Task<Credential> CreateCredentialAsync(CredentialRequestInfo info)
			OAuthTokenCredential credential = null;

				// Portal "single sign in" check when trying to load webmap
				if (info.Response != null && info.ServiceUri.StartsWith(MyServerUrl))
					Credential existingCredential = IdentityManager.Current.FindCredential(info.ServiceUri);
					if (existingCredential != null)
						// Already logged in and current user does not have access
						throw new Exception("Current logged in user does not have access.");

				// Modify generate token options if necessary
				if (info.GenerateTokenOptions == null)
					info.GenerateTokenOptions = new GenerateTokenOptions();

				// Identity Manager will handle challenging the user for credentials
				credential = await IdentityManager.Current.GenerateCredentialAsync(
							info.ServiceUri, info.GenerateTokenOptions
							) as OAuthTokenCredential;

				// Switch to UI thread to change control state and content
				(Action)(() =>
					SignOutButton.IsEnabled = true;
					SignInButton.IsEnabled = false;
					LoadWebMapButton.IsEnabled = true;
					LoggedInUserName.Text = string.Format("Logged in as: {0}", credential.UserName);
					LoggedInUserName.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;

				// Store the RefreshToken
				if (credential.OAuthRefreshToken != null)

				// Not a challenge, user initiated directly
				if (info.Response == null)
			catch (Exception ex)

			return credential;
コード例 #11
 private async Task<Credential> Challenge(CredentialRequestInfo info)
     // Call code to get user credentials
     // Make sure it runs on the UI thread
     if (this.Dispatcher == null)
         // No current dispatcher, code is already running on the UI thread
         return await GetUserCredentialsFromUI(info);
         // Use the dispatcher to invoke the challenge UI
         return await this.Dispatcher.Invoke(() => GetUserCredentialsFromUI(info));
コード例 #12
		// Challenge method that prompts for username / password
		private async Task<Credential> ChallengeUI(CredentialRequestInfo cri)
				loginPanel.DataContext = new LoginInfo(cri);
				_loginTCS = new TaskCompletionSource<Credential>(loginPanel.DataContext);

				loginPanel.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;

				return await _loginTCS.Task;
				loginPanel.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed;
コード例 #13
        // AuthenticationManager.ChallengeHandler function that prompts the user for login information to create a credential
        private async Task<Credential> CreateCredentialAsync(CredentialRequestInfo info)
            // Return if authentication is already in process
            if (_loginTaskCompletionSrc != null && !_loginTaskCompletionSrc.Task.IsCanceled) { return null; }

            // Create a new TaskCompletionSource for the login operation
            // (passing the CredentialRequestInfo object to the constructor will make it available from its AsyncState property)
            _loginTaskCompletionSrc = new TaskCompletionSource<Credential>(info);

            // Show the login controls on the UI thread
            // OnLoginInfoEntered event will return the values entered (username, password, and domain)
            Device.BeginInvokeOnMainThread(async() => await Navigation.PushAsync(_loginPage)); 

            // Return the login task, the result will be ready when completed (user provides login info and clicks the "Login" button)
            return await _loginTaskCompletionSrc.Task;
 /// <summary>
 /// Forwards credential request info using Dispatcher to enable access to UI elements.
 /// </summary>
 private async Task<Credential> GetCredentialAsync(CredentialRequestInfo info)
     var tcs = new TaskCompletionSource<Credential>();
     if (Dispatcher == null)
         tcs.TrySetResult(await GetCredentialUIAsync(info));
         await Dispatcher.RunAsync(CoreDispatcherPriority.Normal,
             new DispatchedHandler(async () =>
                 tcs.TrySetResult(await GetCredentialUIAsync(info));
     var credential = await tcs.Task;
     return credential;
コード例 #15
		// Base Challenge method that dispatches to the UI thread if necessary
		private async Task<Credential> Challenge(CredentialRequestInfo cri)
			var dispatcher = CoreApplication.MainView.CoreWindow.Dispatcher;
			if (dispatcher == null)
				return await ChallengeUI(cri);
				await dispatcher.RunAsync(CoreDispatcherPriority.Normal, async () =>
					await ChallengeUI(cri);

				return await _loginTCS.Task;
コード例 #16
		// Challenge method that checks for service access with known credentials
		private async Task<Credential> Challenge_KnownCredentials(CredentialRequestInfo cri)
				// Obtain credentials from a secure source
				string username = "******";
				string password = (cri.ServiceUri.Contains("USA_secure_user1")) ? "user1" : "pass.word1";

				return await IdentityManager.Current.GenerateCredentialAsync(cri.ServiceUri, username, password, cri.GenerateTokenOptions);
			catch (Exception ex)
				var _x = new MessageDialog("Access to " + cri.ServiceUri + " denied. " + ex.Message, "Credential Error").ShowAsync();

			return await Task.FromResult<Credential>(null);
		// Challenge method that checks for service access with known credentials
		//private async Task<IdentityManager.Credential> Challenge_KnownCredentials(IdentityManager.CredentialRequestInfo cri)
		//    try
		//    {
		//        // Obtain credentials from a secure source
		//        string username = "******";
		//        string password = (cri.ServiceUri.Contains("USA_secure_user1")) ? "user1" : "pass.word1";

		//        return await IdentityManager.Current.GenerateCredentialAsync(cri.ServiceUri, username, password, cri.GenerateTokenOptions);
		//    }
		//    catch (Exception ex)
		//    {
		//        var _x = new MessageDialog("Access to " + cri.ServiceUri + " denied. " + ex.Message, "Credential Error").ShowAsync();
		//    }

		//    return await Task.FromResult<IdentityManager.Credential>(null);

		// Challenge method that prompts for username / password
		private async Task<Credential> ChallengeUI(CredentialRequestInfo cri)
				string username = "******";
				string password = (cri.ServiceUri.Contains("USA_secure_user1")) ? "user1" : "pass.word1";

				loginPanel.DataContext = new LoginInfo(cri, username, password);
				_loginTCS = new TaskCompletionSource<Credential>(loginPanel.DataContext);

				loginPanel.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;

				return await _loginTCS.Task;
コード例 #18
        // ChallengeHandler function that will be called whenever access to a secured resource is attempted.
        private async Task <Credential> CreateCredentialAsync(CredentialRequestInfo info)
            Credential credential = null;

                // IOAuthAuthorizeHandler will challenge the user for OAuth credentials.
                credential = await AuthenticationManager.Current.GenerateCredentialAsync(info.ServiceUri);
            catch (TaskCanceledException)
            catch (Exception)
                // Exception will be reported in calling function.

コード例 #19
        private async Task <bool> EnsureLoggedInAsync()
            bool loggedIn = false;

                // Create a challenge request for portal credentials (OAuth credential request for arcgis.com)
                CredentialRequestInfo challengeRequest = new CredentialRequestInfo
                    // Use the OAuth implicit grant flow
                    GenerateTokenOptions = new GenerateTokenOptions
                        TokenAuthenticationType = TokenAuthenticationType.OAuthImplicit

                    // Indicate the url (portal) to authenticate with (ArcGIS Online)
                    ServiceUri = new Uri(ServerUrl)

                // Call GetCredentialAsync on the AuthenticationManager to invoke the challenge handler
                Credential cred = await AuthenticationManager.Current.GetCredentialAsync(challengeRequest, false);

                loggedIn = cred != null;
            catch (System.OperationCanceledException)
                // Login was canceled
                // .. ignore, user can still search public maps without logging in
            catch (Exception ex)
                // Login failure
                AlertDialog.Builder alertBuilder = new AlertDialog.Builder(this);
                alertBuilder.SetTitle("Login Error");

コード例 #20
        /// <summary>
        /// Sign in to Portal
        /// </summary>
        private async void signInButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            signInButton.IsEnabled = false;

                // Create a challenge request for portal credentials (OAuth credential request for arcgis.com)
                CredentialRequestInfo challengeRequest = new CredentialRequestInfo();

                // Use the OAuth implicit grant flow
                challengeRequest.GenerateTokenOptions = new GenerateTokenOptions
                    TokenAuthenticationType = TokenAuthenticationType.OAuthImplicit

                // Indicate the url (portal) to authenticate with (ArcGIS Online)
                challengeRequest.ServiceUri = new Uri(ArcGISOnlineUrl);

                // Call GetCredentialAsync on the AuthenticationManager to invoke the challenge handler
                var cred = await AuthenticationManager.Current.GetCredentialAsync(challengeRequest, false);

                // Save credential

                // creat a portal
                var currentPortal = await ArcGISPortal.CreateAsync(new Uri(ArcGISOnlineUrl));

                // show portal info

                signOutButton.IsEnabled = true;
            catch (Exception ex)
                // Report error
                MessageBox.Show("Error while signing in: " + ex.Message);

                signInButton.IsEnabled = true;
コード例 #21
        // Handle the OnLoginEntered event from the login UI
        // LoginEventArgs contains the username, password, and domain that were entered
        private void LoginInfoEntered(object sender, LoginEventArgs e)
            // Make sure the task completion source has all the information needed
            if (_loginTaskCompletionSrc == null ||
                _loginTaskCompletionSrc.Task == null ||
                _loginTaskCompletionSrc.Task.AsyncState == null)

                // Get the associated CredentialRequestInfo (will need the URI of the service being accessed)
                CredentialRequestInfo requestInfo = _loginTaskCompletionSrc.Task.AsyncState as CredentialRequestInfo;

                // Create a new network credential using the values entered by the user
                var netCred = new System.Net.NetworkCredential(e.Username, e.Password, e.Domain);

                // Create a new ArcGIS network credential to hold the network credential and service URI
                var arcgisCred = new ArcGISNetworkCredential
                    Credentials = netCred,
                    ServiceUri  = requestInfo.ServiceUri

                // Set the task completion source result with the ArcGIS network credential
                // AuthenticationManager is waiting for this result and will add it to its Credentials collection
            catch (Exception ex)
                // Unable to create credential, set the exception on the task completion source
                // Dismiss the login controls
コード例 #22
        // Challenge method should prompt for portal oauth username / password if necessary
        public static async Task <Credential> Challenge(CredentialRequestInfo arg)
            // Register Portal Server if necessary
            var serverInfo = IdentityManager.Current.FindServerInfo(MainPage.GetUrl());

            if (IdentityManager.Current.Credentials.Count() == 0)            // || */serverInfo == null)
                serverInfo = new ServerInfo()
                    ServerUri = MainPage.GetUrl(),
                    TokenAuthenticationType = TokenAuthenticationType.OAuthAuthorizationCode,
                    OAuthClientInfo         = new OAuthClientInfo()
                        ClientId    = CLIENT_ID,
                        RedirectUri = REDIRECT_URI
            return(await IdentityManager.Current.GenerateCredentialAsync(MainPage.GetUrl()));
		/// <summary>
		/// Initializes UI and login task with credential request info.
		/// </summary>
		private async Task<Credential> GetCredentialUIAsync(CredentialRequestInfo info)
			loginTask = new TaskCompletionSource<Credential>(info);
			string message = null;
			Credential credential = null;
				credential = await loginTask.Task;
			catch (Exception ex)
				message = ex.Message;
				LoginPanel.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed;
			if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(message))
			return credential;
コード例 #24
        // Challenge method that checks for service access with known (hard coded) credentials
        private async Task <Credential> CreateKnownCredentials(CredentialRequestInfo info)
            // If this isn't the expected resource, the credential will stay null
            Credential knownCredential = null;

                // Check the URL of the requested resource
                if (info.ServiceUri.AbsoluteUri.ToLower().Contains("usa_secure_user1"))
                    // Username and password is hard-coded for this resource
                    // (Would be better to read them from a secure source)
                    string username = "******";
                    string password = "******";

                    // Create a credential for this resource
                    knownCredential = await AuthenticationManager.Current.GenerateCredentialAsync
                    // Another option would be to prompt the user here if the username and password is not known
            catch (Exception ex)
                // Report error accessing a secured resource
                var alertBuilder = new AlertDialog.Builder(this.ApplicationContext);
                alertBuilder.SetTitle("Credential Error");
                alertBuilder.SetMessage("Access to " + info.ServiceUri.AbsoluteUri + " denied. " + ex.Message);

            // Return the credential
コード例 #25
        private async void ShowSaveMapDialog(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // Create a SaveMapPage page for getting user input for the new web map item
            var mapInputForm = new ArcGISRuntime.Samples.AuthorEditSaveMap.SaveMapPage();

            // Handle the save button click event on the page
            mapInputForm.OnSaveClicked += SaveMapAsync;

            // Navigate to the SaveMapPage UI
            await Navigation.PushAsync(mapInputForm);

            // Define an OAuth challenge for ArcGIS Online
            var info = new CredentialRequestInfo
                AuthenticationType = AuthenticationType.Token,
                ServiceUri         = new Uri(ArcGISOnlineUrl)

            // Get the credential
                Credential cred = await AuthenticationManager.Current.GetCredentialAsync(info, false);

                // Add the credential to the AuthenticationManager
            } catch (System.Threading.Tasks.TaskCanceledException ex)
                // Handle situation where the user closes the login window
            } catch (System.OperationCanceledException ex)
                // Handle situation where the user presses 'cancel' in the login UI
            } catch (Exception ex)
                // Handle all other exceptions related to canceled login
コード例 #26
        private async Task <bool> EnsureLoggedInAsync()
            bool loggedIn = false;

                // Create a challenge request for portal credentials (OAuth credential request for arcgis.com).
                CredentialRequestInfo challengeRequest = new CredentialRequestInfo
                    // Use the OAuth implicit grant flow.
                    GenerateTokenOptions = new GenerateTokenOptions
                        TokenAuthenticationType = TokenAuthenticationType.OAuthImplicit

                    // Indicate the URL (portal) to authenticate with (ArcGIS Online).
                    ServiceUri = new Uri(ServerUrl)

                // Call GetCredentialAsync on the AuthenticationManager to invoke the challenge handler.
                Credential cred = await AuthenticationManager.Current.GetCredentialAsync(challengeRequest, false);

                loggedIn = cred != null;
            catch (OperationCanceledException)
                // Login was canceled.
                // .. ignore, user can still search public maps without logging in.
            catch (Exception ex)
                // Login failure.
                UIAlertView alert = new UIAlertView("Login Error", ex.Message, (IUIAlertViewDelegate)null, "OK", null);

コード例 #27
        // AuthenticationManager.ChallengeHandler function that prompts the user for login information to create a credential.
        private Task <Credential> CreateCredentialAsync(CredentialRequestInfo info)
            // Ignore token or certificate challenges (needs additional code and UI).
            if (info.AuthenticationType != AuthenticationType.NetworkCredential)
                Console.WriteLine("Skipped authentication for " + info.ServiceUri.Host);

            // See if authentication is already in progress.
            if (_loginTaskCompletionSrc != null)

            // Create a new TaskCompletionSource for the login operation.
            // Passing the CredentialRequestInfo object to the constructor will make it available from its AsyncState property.
            _loginTaskCompletionSrc = new TaskCompletionSource <Credential>(info);

            // Create a dialog (fragment) with login controls.
            LoginDialogFragment enterLoginDialog = new LoginDialogFragment();

            // Handle the login and the cancel events.
            enterLoginDialog.OnLoginClicked  += LoginClicked;
            enterLoginDialog.OnLoginCanceled += (s, e) =>
                _loginTaskCompletionSrc = null;

            // Begin a transaction to show a UI fragment (the login dialog).
            FragmentTransaction transax = FragmentManager.BeginTransaction();

            enterLoginDialog.Show(transax, "login");

            // Return the login task, the result will be ready when completed (user provides login info and clicks the "Login" button).
コード例 #28
        private async Task <Credential> CreateCertCredential(CredentialRequestInfo info)
            // Handle challenges for a secured resource by prompting for a client certificate.
            Esri.ArcGISRuntime.Security.Credential credential = null;

                // Create an X509 store for reading certificates for the current user.
                var store = new X509Store(StoreName.My, StoreLocation.CurrentUser);

                // Open the store in read-only mode.

                // Get a list of certificates that are currently valid.
                X509Certificate2Collection certificates = store.Certificates.Find(X509FindType.FindByTimeValid, DateTime.Now, true);

                // Prompt the user to select a certificate using the built-in certificate selection UI.
                var selection = X509Certificate2UI.SelectFromCollection(certificates, "Select Certificate",
                                                                        "Select the certificate to use for authentication.", X509SelectionFlag.SingleSelection);

                // Make sure the user chose a certificate.
                if (selection.Count > 0)
                    // Create a new CertificateCredential using the chosen certificate.
                    credential = new CertificateCredential(selection[0])
                        ServiceUri = new Uri(_serverUrl)
            catch (Exception ex)

            // Return the CertificateCredential for the secured portal.
            return(await Task.FromResult(credential));
コード例 #29
        // AuthenticationManager.ChallengeHandler function that prompts the user for login information to create a credential
        private async Task<Credential> CreateCredentialAsync(CredentialRequestInfo info)
            // Return if authentication is already in process
            if (_loginTaskCompletionSrc != null && !_loginTaskCompletionSrc.Task.IsCanceled) { return null; }

            // Create a new TaskCompletionSource for the login operation
            // (passing the CredentialRequestInfo object to the constructor will make it available from its AsyncState property)
            _loginTaskCompletionSrc = new TaskCompletionSource<Credential>(info);

            // Provide a title for the login form (show which service needs credentials)
            // UWP doesn't have ServiceUri.GetLeftPart (could use ServiceUri.AbsoluteUri for all, but why not use a compilation condition?)
            _loginPage.TitleText = "Login for " + info.ServiceUri.AbsoluteUri;
            _loginPage.TitleText = "Login for " + info.ServiceUri.GetLeftPart(UriPartial.Path);
            // Show the login controls on the UI thread
            // OnLoginInfoEntered event will return the values entered (username, password, and domain)
            Device.BeginInvokeOnMainThread(async () => await Navigation.PushAsync(_loginPage));

            // Return the login task, the result will be ready when completed (user provides login info and clicks the "Login" button)
            return await _loginTaskCompletionSrc.Task;
コード例 #30
        /// <inheritdoc cref="Esri.ArcGISRuntime.Security.IChallengeHandler.CreateCredentialAsync(CredentialRequestInfo)" />
        public Task <Credential> CreateCredentialAsync(CredentialRequestInfo info)
            TaskCompletionSource <Credential> tcs = new TaskCompletionSource <Credential>();

            _dispatcher.InvokeAsync(() =>
                if (info.AuthenticationType == AuthenticationType.Certificate)
                    var cert = Authentication.CertificateHelper.SelectCertificate(info);
                    var login     = CreateWindow(info);
                    login.Closed += (s, e) =>
                        tcs.SetResult((login.Content as SignInForm).Credential);
コード例 #31
		// Challenge method should prompt for portal oauth username / password if necessary
		public static async Task<Credential> Challenge(CredentialRequestInfo arg)
			// Register Portal Server if necessary
			var serverInfo = IdentityManager.Current.FindServerInfo(PORTAL_URL);
			if (serverInfo == null)
				serverInfo = new ServerInfo()
					ServerUri = PORTAL_URL,
					TokenAuthenticationType = TokenAuthenticationType.OAuthAuthorizationCode,
					OAuthClientInfo = new OAuthClientInfo()
						ClientId = CLIENT_ID,
						RedirectUri = REDIRECT_URI


			// Use portal URL always (we know all layers are owned by arcgis.com)
			return await IdentityManager.Current.GenerateCredentialAsync(PORTAL_URL);
コード例 #32
 /// <inheritdoc />
 Task<Credential> IChallengeHandler.CreateCredentialAsync(CredentialRequestInfo info)
     TaskCompletionSource<Credential> tcs = new TaskCompletionSource<Credential>();
     _dispatcher.InvokeAsync(() =>
         if (info.AuthenticationType == AuthenticationType.Certificate)
             var cert = Authentication.CertificateHelper.SelectCertificate(info);
             if (cert is null)
                 tcs.SetException(new System.InvalidOperationException("No certificate was selected."));
             var login = CreateWindow(info);
             login.Closed += (s, e) =>
                 var credential = (login.Content as SignInForm)?.Credential;
                 if (credential is null)
                     tcs.SetException(new System.InvalidOperationException(" No credential was provided."));
     return tcs.Task;
コード例 #33
        // Challenge method that checks for service access with known (hard coded) credentials
        private async Task<Credential> CreateKnownCredentials(CredentialRequestInfo info)
            // If this isn't the expected resource, the credential will stay null
            Credential knownCredential = null;

                // Check the URL of the requested resource
                if (info.ServiceUri.AbsoluteUri.ToLower().Contains("usa_secure_user1"))
                    // Username and password is hard-coded for this resource
                    // (Would be better to read them from a secure source)
                    string username = "******";
                    string password = "******";

                    // Create a credential for this resource
                    knownCredential = await AuthenticationManager.Current.GenerateCredentialAsync
                    // Another option would be to prompt the user here if the username and password is not known
            catch (Exception ex)
                // Report error accessing a secured resource
                var messageDlg = new MessageDialog("Access to " + info.ServiceUri.AbsoluteUri + " denied. " + ex.Message, "Credential Error");

            // Return the credential
            return knownCredential;
コード例 #34
        /// <summary>
        /// Challenge for getting the credential allowing to access to the specified ArcGIS resource.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="credentialRequestInfo">Information about the ArcGIS resource that needs a credential for getting access to.</param>
        /// <returns>a Task object with <see cref="Credential"/> upon successful completion. 
        /// Otherwise, the Task.Exception is set.</returns>
        public virtual Task<Credential> CreateCredentialAsync(CredentialRequestInfo credentialRequestInfo)
            if (credentialRequestInfo == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("credentialRequestInfo");

            var serverInfo = IdentityManager.Current.FindServerInfo(credentialRequestInfo.ServiceUri);

            if (credentialRequestInfo.AuthenticationType == AuthenticationType.Certificate)
                // Challenge for a certificate
                return CompatUtility.ExecuteOnUIThread(()=>CreateCertificateCredentialAsync(credentialRequestInfo));

            // Check if we need to use OAuth for login.
            // In this case we don't have to display the SignInDialog by ourself but we have to go through the OAuth authorization page
            bool isOauth = false;
            if (serverInfo != null && credentialRequestInfo.AuthenticationType == AuthenticationType.Token)
                if (serverInfo.TokenAuthenticationType != TokenAuthenticationType.ArcGISToken)
                    isOauth = true; // portal secured by OAuth
                else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(serverInfo.OwningSystemUri))
                    // server federated to OAuth portal?
                    // Check if the portal uses OAuth
                    isOauth = IdentityManager.Current.ServerInfos.Any(s => SameOwningSystem(s, serverInfo) && s.TokenAuthenticationType != TokenAuthenticationType.ArcGISToken);

            if (isOauth)
                // OAuth case --> call GenerateCredentialAsync (that will throw an exception if the OAuthAuthorize component is not set)
                return CreateOAuthCredentialAsync(credentialRequestInfo);

            // Display the sign in dialog and create a credential 
            return SignInDialogCreateCredentialAsync(credentialRequestInfo);
コード例 #35
        // Handle the OnLoginEntered event from the login UI.
        // LoginEventArgs contains the username and password that were entered.
        private async void LoginEntered(object sender, LoginEventArgs e)
            // Make sure the task completion source has all the information needed.
            if (_loginTaskCompletionSource == null ||
                _loginTaskCompletionSource.Task == null ||
                _loginTaskCompletionSource.Task.AsyncState == null)

                // Get the associated CredentialRequestInfo (will need the URI of the service being accessed).
                CredentialRequestInfo requestInfo = _loginTaskCompletionSource.Task.AsyncState as CredentialRequestInfo;

                // Create a token credential using the provided username and password.
                TokenCredential userCredentials = await AuthenticationManager.Current.GenerateCredentialAsync

                // Set the result on the task completion source.
            catch (Exception ex)
                // Unable to create credential, set the exception on the task completion source.
                // Get rid of the login controls.
                _loginUI = null;
        // Handle the OnLoginEntered event from the login UI
        // LoginEventArgs contains the username, password, and domain that were entered
        private async void LoginInfoEntered(object sender, LoginEventArgs e)
            // Make sure the task completion source has all the information needed
            if (_loginTaskCompletionSrc == null ||
                _loginTaskCompletionSrc.Task == null ||
                _loginTaskCompletionSrc.Task.AsyncState == null)

                // Get the associated CredentialRequestInfo (will need the URI of the service being accessed)
                CredentialRequestInfo requestInfo = _loginTaskCompletionSrc.Task.AsyncState as CredentialRequestInfo;

                // Create a token credential using the provided username and password
                TokenCredential userCredentials = await AuthenticationManager.Current.GenerateCredentialAsync

                // Set the task completion source result with the ArcGIS network credential
                // AuthenticationManager is waiting for this result and will add it to its Credentials collection
            catch (Exception ex)
                // Unable to create credential, set the exception on the task completion source
                // Dismiss the login controls
        private async void ShowSaveMapDialog(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // Create a SaveMapPage page for getting user input for the new web map item
            var mapInputForm = new ArcGISRuntime.Samples.AuthorEditSaveMap.SaveMapPage();

            // Handle the save button click event on the page
            mapInputForm.OnSaveClicked += SaveMapAsync;

            // Navigate to the SaveMapPage UI
            await Navigation.PushAsync(mapInputForm);

            // Define an OAuth challenge for ArcGIS Online
            var info = new CredentialRequestInfo
                AuthenticationType = AuthenticationType.Token,
                ServiceUri         = new Uri(ArcGISOnlineUrl)

            // Get the credential
            Credential cred = await AuthenticationManager.Current.GetCredentialAsync(info, false);

            // Add the credential to the AuthenticationManager
コード例 #38
        public async void licence()
            // Challenge the user for portal credentials (OAuth credential request for arcgis.com)
            CredentialRequestInfo loginInfo = new CredentialRequestInfo();

            // Use the OAuth implicit grant flow
            loginInfo.GenerateTokenOptions = new GenerateTokenOptions
                TokenAuthenticationType = TokenAuthenticationType.OAuthImplicit,

            // Indicate the url (portal) to authenticate with (ArcGIS Online)
            loginInfo.ServiceUri = new Uri("http://www.arcgis.com/sharing/rest");

                // Call GetCredentialAsync on the AuthenticationManager to invoke the challenge handler
                Credential cred = await AuthenticationManager.Current.GetCredentialAsync(loginInfo, false);

                // Connect to the portal (ArcGIS Online) using the credential
                ArcGISPortal arcgisPortal = await ArcGISPortal.CreateAsync(loginInfo.ServiceUri, cred);

                // Get LicenseInfo from the portal
                LicenseInfo licenseInfo = await arcgisPortal.GetLicenseInfoAsync();

                // ... code here to license the app immediately and/or save the license (JSON string) to take the app offline ...
                // License the app using the license info
            catch (Exception ex)
                Console.WriteLine("Unable to initialize the ArcGIS Runtime with the client ID provided: " + ex.Message);

                // TODO: handle exceptions
コード例 #39
        private async Task SaveNewMapAsync(Map myMap, string title, string description, string[] tags, RuntimeImage img)
            // Challenge the user for portal credentials (OAuth credential request for arcgis.com)
            CredentialRequestInfo loginInfo = new CredentialRequestInfo

                // Use the OAuth implicit grant flow
                GenerateTokenOptions = new GenerateTokenOptions
                    TokenAuthenticationType = TokenAuthenticationType.OAuthImplicit

                // Indicate the url (portal) to authenticate with (ArcGIS Online)
                ServiceUri = new Uri("https://www.arcgis.com/sharing/rest")

                // Get a reference to the (singleton) AuthenticationManager for the app
                AuthenticationManager thisAuthenticationManager = AuthenticationManager.Current;

                // Call GetCredentialAsync on the AuthenticationManager to invoke the challenge handler
                await thisAuthenticationManager.GetCredentialAsync(loginInfo, false);
            catch (System.OperationCanceledException)
                // user canceled the login
                throw new Exception("Portal log in was canceled.");

            // Get the ArcGIS Online portal (will use credential from login above)
            ArcGISPortal agsOnline = await ArcGISPortal.CreateAsync();

            // Save the current state of the map as a portal item in the user's default folder
            await myMap.SaveAsAsync(agsOnline, null, title, description, tags, img);
コード例 #40
        private async Task <Credential> Challange(CredentialRequestInfo info)
            _loginTaskCompletionSource = new TaskCompletionSource <Credential>();

            // Get the login info from the task completion source.
            var loginEntry = _loginTaskCompletionSource.Task.AsyncState;

                TokenCredential tokenCredentials = await AuthenticationManager.Current.GenerateCredentialAsync(
                    new Uri("https://traffic.arcgis.com/arcgis/rest/services/World/Traffic/MapServer"),
                    "YOUR USERNAME",
                    "YOUR PASSWORD"

            catch (Exception ex)

            return(await _loginTaskCompletionSource.Task);
コード例 #41
        // Challenge method should prompt for portal oauth username / password if necessary
        public static async Task <Credential> Challenge(CredentialRequestInfo arg)
            // Register Portal Server if necessary
            var serverInfo = IdentityManager.Current.FindServerInfo(PORTAL_URL);

            if (serverInfo == null)
                serverInfo = new ServerInfo()
                    ServerUri = PORTAL_URL,
                    TokenAuthenticationType = TokenAuthenticationType.OAuthAuthorizationCode,
                    OAuthClientInfo         = new OAuthClientInfo()
                        ClientId    = CLIENT_ID,
                        RedirectUri = REDIRECT_URI


            // Use portal URL always (we know all layers are owned by arcgis.com)
            return(await IdentityManager.Current.GenerateCredentialAsync(PORTAL_URL));
コード例 #42
        // Challenge method that checks for service access with known (hard coded) credentials.
        private async Task <Credential> CreateKnownCredentials(CredentialRequestInfo info)
            // If this isn't the expected resource, the credential will stay null.
            Credential knownCredential = null;

                // Check the URL of the requested resource.
                if (info.ServiceUri.AbsoluteUri.ToLower().Contains("usa_secure_user1"))
                    // Username and password is hard-coded for this resource (would be better to read this from a secure source).
                    string username = "******";
                    string password = "******";

                    // Create a credential for this resource.
                    knownCredential = await AuthenticationManager.Current.GenerateCredentialAsync
                    // Could prompt the user here for other ArcGIS token-secured resources.
            catch (Exception ex)
                // Report error accessing a secured resource.
                var messageDlg = new MessageDialog("Access to " + info.ServiceUri.AbsoluteUri + " denied. " + ex.Message, "Credential Error");

            // Return the credential.
        private async Task <Credential> CreateKnownCredentials(CredentialRequestInfo info)
            Credential credential = null;

                // ArcGIS Online / Portal for ArcGIS へ接続して認証情報を取得
                info.ServiceUri = new Uri("https://www.arcgis.com/sharing/rest");

                // Username and password is hard-coded for this resource
                // (Would be better to read them from a secure source)
                string username = "******";
                string password = "******";

                // Create a credential for this resource
                credential = await AuthenticationManager.Current.GenerateCredentialAsync

                ArcGISPortal arcgisPortal = await ArcGISPortal.CreateAsync(info.ServiceUri, credential);

                Esri.ArcGISRuntime.LicenseInfo licenseInfo = arcgisPortal.PortalInfo.LicenseInfo;

                // ArcGIS Runtime にライセンスを設定
            catch (Exception ex)
                DisplayAlert("Credential Error", "Access to " + info.ServiceUri.AbsoluteUri + " denied. " + ex.Message, "OK");
            // Return the credential
コード例 #44
        public static async Task <Credential> CreateCredential(CredentialRequestInfo info)
            Credential credential = null;

                credential = new ArcGISNetworkCredential
                    Credentials = new System.Net.NetworkCredential(ServiceConfig.Username, ServiceConfig.Password),
                    ServiceUri  = info.ServiceUri
            catch (TaskCanceledException)
            catch (Exception ex)

コード例 #45
        /// <summary>
        /// Methos to create a new credential given a refresh token exists
        /// </summary>
        private async Task <OAuthTokenCredential> CreateCredentialFromRefreshToken(CredentialRequestInfo info)
            // set up credential using the refresh token
                var credential = new OAuthTokenCredential()
                    ServiceUri           = info.ServiceUri,
                    OAuthRefreshToken    = GetToken(_oAuthRefreshToken),
                    GenerateTokenOptions = info.GenerateTokenOptions

                await credential.RefreshTokenAsync();

                // if using the refresh token fails, clear the token
                BroadcastMessenger.Instance.RaiseBroadcastMessengerValueChanged(null, BroadcastMessageKey.OAuthRefreshToken);

コード例 #46
        private async Task <bool> EnsureLoggedInAsync()
            bool loggedIn = false;

                // Create a challenge request for portal credentials (OAuth credential request for arcgis.com)
                CredentialRequestInfo challengeRequest = new CredentialRequestInfo();

                // Use the OAuth implicit grant flow
                challengeRequest.GenerateTokenOptions = new GenerateTokenOptions
                    TokenAuthenticationType = TokenAuthenticationType.OAuthImplicit

                // Indicate the url (portal) to authenticate with (ArcGIS Online)
                challengeRequest.ServiceUri = new Uri(ArcGISOnlineUrl);

                // Call GetCredentialAsync on the AuthenticationManager to invoke the challenge handler
                var cred = await AuthenticationManager.Current.GetCredentialAsync(challengeRequest, false);

                loggedIn = cred != null;
            catch (OperationCanceledException)
                // OAuth login was canceled
                // .. ignore this, the user can still search public maps
            catch (Exception ex)
                // Login failure
                MessageBox.Show("Login failed: " + ex.Message);

コード例 #47
 // Activate IdentityManager but don't accept any challenge.
 // User must use the 'SignIn' button for getting its own maps.
 private Task <Credential> Challenge(CredentialRequestInfo arg)
     return(Task.FromResult <Credential>(null));
コード例 #48
        // ChallengeHandler function for AuthenticationManager, called whenever access to a secured resource is attempted
        private async Task<Credential> CreateCredentialAsync(CredentialRequestInfo info)
            OAuthTokenCredential credential = null;

                // Create generate token options if necessary
                if (info.GenerateTokenOptions == null)
                    info.GenerateTokenOptions = new GenerateTokenOptions();

                // AuthenticationManager will handle challenging the user for credentials
                credential = await AuthenticationManager.Current.GenerateCredentialAsync
                    ) as OAuthTokenCredential;
            catch (Exception ex)
                // Exception will be reported in calling function
                throw (ex);

            return credential;
コード例 #49
 public LoginInfo(CredentialRequestInfo cri)
     RequestInfo = cri;
     ServiceUrl = new Uri(cri.ServiceUri).GetLeftPart(UriPartial.Path);
     ErrorMessage = string.Empty;
     AttemptCount = 0;
コード例 #50
        private async void LoadSecureMapButtonClicked(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // Store messages that describe success or errors connecting to the secured portal and opening the web map
            var messageBuilder = new System.Text.StringBuilder();

                // See if a credential exists for this portal in the AuthenticationManager
                // If a credential is not found, the user will be prompted for login info
                CredentialRequestInfo info = new CredentialRequestInfo
                    ServiceUri         = new Uri(SecuredPortalUrl),
                    AuthenticationType = AuthenticationType.NetworkCredential
                Credential cred = await AuthenticationManager.Current.GetCredentialAsync(info, false);

                // Create an instance of the IWA-secured portal
                ArcGISPortal iwaSecuredPortal = await ArcGISPortal.CreateAsync(new Uri(SecuredPortalUrl));

                // Report a successful connection
                messageBuilder.AppendLine("Connected to the portal on " + iwaSecuredPortal.Uri.Host);
                messageBuilder.AppendLine("Version: " + iwaSecuredPortal.CurrentVersion);

                // Report the username for this connection
                if (iwaSecuredPortal.CurrentUser != null)
                    messageBuilder.AppendLine("Connected as: " + iwaSecuredPortal.CurrentUser.UserName);
                    // This shouldn't happen (if the portal is truly secured)!
                    messageBuilder.AppendLine("Connected anonymously");

                // Get the web map (portal item) to display
                var webMap = await PortalItem.CreateAsync(iwaSecuredPortal, WebMapId);

                if (webMap != null)
                    // Create a new map from the portal item and display it in the map view
                    var map = new Map(webMap);
                    MyMapView.Map = map;
            catch (TaskCanceledException)
                // Report canceled login
                messageBuilder.AppendLine("Login was canceled");
            catch (Exception ex)
                // Report error
                messageBuilder.AppendLine("Exception: " + ex.Message);
                // Set the task completion source to null so user can attempt another login (if it failed)
                _loginTaskCompletionSrc = null;

                // Display the status of the login
                DisplayAlert("Status", messageBuilder.ToString(), "OK");
コード例 #51
        private async void LoadSecureMapButtonClicked(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // Store messages that describe success or errors connecting to the secured portal and opening the web map
            var messageBuilder = new System.Text.StringBuilder();

                // See if a credential exists for this portal in the AuthenticationManager
                // If a credential is not found, the user will be prompted for login info
                CredentialRequestInfo info = new CredentialRequestInfo
                    ServiceUri = new Uri(SecuredPortalUrl),
                    AuthenticationType = AuthenticationType.NetworkCredential
                Credential cred = await AuthenticationManager.Current.GetCredentialAsync(info, false);

                // Create an instance of the IWA-secured portal
                ArcGISPortal iwaSecuredPortal = await ArcGISPortal.CreateAsync(new Uri(SecuredPortalUrl));

                // Report a successful connection
                messageBuilder.AppendLine("Connected to the portal on " + iwaSecuredPortal.Uri.Host);
                messageBuilder.AppendLine("Version: " + iwaSecuredPortal.CurrentVersion);

                // Report the username for this connection
                if (iwaSecuredPortal.CurrentUser != null)
                    messageBuilder.AppendLine("Connected as: " + iwaSecuredPortal.CurrentUser.UserName);
                    // This shouldn't happen (if the portal is truly secured)!
                    messageBuilder.AppendLine("Connected anonymously");

                // Get the web map (portal item) to display                
                var webMap = await PortalItem.CreateAsync(iwaSecuredPortal, WebMapId);
                if (webMap != null)
                    // Create a new map from the portal item and display it in the map view
                    var map = new Map(webMap);
                    MyMapView.Map = map;
            catch (TaskCanceledException)
                // Report canceled login
                messageBuilder.AppendLine("Login was canceled");
            catch (Exception ex)
                // Report error
                messageBuilder.AppendLine("Exception: " + ex.Message);
                // Set the task completion source to null so user can attempt another login (if it failed)
                _loginTaskCompletionSrc = null;

                // Display the status of the login
                DisplayAlert("Status", messageBuilder.ToString(),"OK");
		/// <summary>
		/// Forwards credential request info using Dispatcher to enable access to UI elements.
		/// </summary>
		private async Task<Credential> GetCredentialAsync(CredentialRequestInfo info)
			if (Dispatcher == null)
				return await GetCredentialUIAsync(info);
			return await Dispatcher.Invoke(() => GetCredentialUIAsync(info));
コード例 #53
 private async Task<Credential> WaitForCredentialAsync(CredentialRequestInfo credentialRequestInfo)
     Debug.Assert(credentialRequestInfo != null);
     Cancel(); // cancel previous task
     _tcs = new TaskCompletionSource<Credential>();
     CredentialRequestInfo = credentialRequestInfo; // Will update 'IsReady' status
     //using (credentialRequestInfo.CancellationToken.Register(Cancel, true)); // for any reason, I get a crash if using true as last argument (whatever the callback, WinPhone bug?)
     using (credentialRequestInfo.CancellationToken.Register(() =>
                                                                 if (_tcs != null)
                                                                     _tcs = null;
                                                             }, false))
         return await _tcs.Task;
コード例 #54
        private async Task<Credential> DoSignInInUIThread(CredentialRequestInfo credentialRequestInfo)
            var signInDialog = this;

            // Create the ContentDialog that contains the SignInDialog
            var contentDialog = new ContentDialog
                SecondaryButtonText = "cancel",
                PrimaryButtonText = "sign in",
                FullSizeDesired = true,
                Content = signInDialog,

            contentDialog.PrimaryButtonClick += ContentDialogOnPrimaryButtonClick;

            // Bind the Title so the ContentDialog Title is the SignInDialog title (that will be initialized later)
            contentDialog.SetBinding(ContentDialog.TitleProperty, new Binding { Path = new PropertyPath("Title"), Source = signInDialog });

            contentDialog.SetBinding(ContentDialog.IsPrimaryButtonEnabledProperty, new Binding { Path = new PropertyPath("IsReady"), Source = signInDialog });

            contentDialog.Closed += ContentDialogOnClosed; // be sure the SignInDialog is deactivated when pressing back button

            // Show the content dialog
            var _ = contentDialog.ShowAsync(); // don't await else that would block here

            // Wait for the creation of the credential
            Credential crd;
                crd = await signInDialog.WaitForCredentialAsync(credentialRequestInfo);
                // Close the content dialog

            return crd;
コード例 #55
 /// <summary>
 /// Challenge handler leaveraging the SignInDialog in a content dialog.
 /// </summary>
 public Task<Credential> CreateCredentialAsync(CredentialRequestInfo credentialRequestInfo)
     return CompatUtility.ExecuteOnUIThread(() => DoSignInInUIThread(credentialRequestInfo));
コード例 #56
        }   // end DownloadBtn_Click

        // Download imagery to a local directory
        private async void DownloadImagery()
            DialogResult        result = new DialogResult();
            FolderBrowserDialog dialog = new FolderBrowserDialog();

            // If a local download - get download directory
            if (imageFileRB.IsChecked == true)
                if (imageFileRB.IsChecked == true)
                    dialog.Description = "Select download directory";
                    dialog.Description = "Select temporary download directory";
                dialog.UseDescriptionForTitle = true;
                result = dialog.ShowDialog();
                if (result.ToString() == "OK")
                    downloadDir = dialog.SelectedPath;

                // show progress bar adn hide dowload window
                mainWin.DownloadPanel.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;
                downloading = true;
                // Seting up the authorization
                Debug.WriteLine("Get portal authorization");

                // Get user credentials
                Debug.WriteLine("Setting credential request parameters");
                CredentialRequestInfo loginInfo = new CredentialRequestInfo
                    // Use the OAuth implicit grant flow
                    GenerateTokenOptions = new GenerateTokenOptions
                        TokenAuthenticationType = TokenAuthenticationType.OAuthImplicit

                    // Indicate the url (portal) to authenticate with (ArcGIS Online)
                    ServiceUri = new Uri(agolUser.serviceUrl)

                Debug.WriteLine("Getting credentials");
                    Debug.WriteLine("In GetUserPortal - Getting AM");
                    // Get a reference to the (singleton) AuthenticationManager for the app
                    Esri.ArcGISRuntime.Security.AuthenticationManager thisAM =

                    // Call GetCredentialAsync on the AuthenticationManager to invoke the challenge handler
                    Debug.WriteLine("Getting credentials");
                    await thisAM.GetCredentialAsync(loginInfo, false);

                    Debug.WriteLine("Got credentials");
                    Debug.WriteLine("In GetUserPortal - login service uri " + loginInfo.ServiceUri);
                catch (OperationCanceledException)
                    // user canceled the login
                    throw new Exception("Portal log in was canceled.");

                // show progress bar adn hide dowload window
                mainWin.DownloadPanel.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;
                downloading = true;

                // Create the portal
                // Get the ArcGIS Online portal (will use credential from login above)
                Debug.WriteLine("Creating the portal");
                agolUser.portal = await ArcGISPortal.CreateAsync();

                Debug.WriteLine("Portal Created");

                 * var t = Task.Run(() => agolUser.GetUserPortal());
                 * t.Wait();

            // Set up the background worker
            // for fetching the data
            dataFetcher = new BackgroundWorker();
            if (imageFileRB.IsChecked == true)
                dataFetcher.DoWork += Worker_FetchFiles;
                dataFetcher.DoWork += Worker_AGOL_KMZ;

            dataFetcher.WorkerReportsProgress = false;
            dataFetcher.RunWorkerCompleted   += FileFetchCompleted;

            //Start the worker

            Debug.WriteLine("leaving DownloadImagery");
        }   // end DownloadImagery
コード例 #57
 // Base Challenge method that dispatches to the UI thread if necessary
 private async Task <Credential> Challenge(CredentialRequestInfo cri)
     return(await Challenge_KnownCredentials(cri));
コード例 #58
        private Task<Credential> DoSignInInUIThread(CredentialRequestInfo credentialRequestInfo)
            // Create the ChildWindow that contains the SignInDialog
            var signInDialog = this;
            var childWindow = new Window
                ShowInTaskbar = false,
                WindowStartupLocation = WindowStartupLocation.CenterOwner,
                WindowStyle = WindowStyle.ToolWindow,
                SizeToContent = SizeToContent.WidthAndHeight,
                ResizeMode = ResizeMode.NoResize,
                WindowState = WindowState.Normal,
                Content = signInDialog

            if (Application.Current != null && Application.Current.MainWindow != null)
                    childWindow.Owner = Application.Current.MainWindow;
                    // May fire an exception when used inside an excel or powerpoint addins

            // Bind the Title so the ChildWindow Title is the SignInDialog title (that will be initialized later)
            DependencyProperty titleProperty = Window.TitleProperty;
            var binding = new Binding("Title") { Source = signInDialog };
            childWindow.SetBinding(titleProperty, binding);
            childWindow.Closed += (s, e) => signInDialog.Cancel(); // be sure the SignInDialog is deactivated when closing the childwindow using the X

            // initialize the task that gets the credential and then close the window
            var ts = TaskScheduler.FromCurrentSynchronizationContext();
            var doSignInTask = signInDialog.WaitForCredentialAsync(credentialRequestInfo).ContinueWith(task =>
                return task.Result;
            }, ts); 

            // Show the window

            return doSignInTask;
コード例 #59
 private async Task<Credential> WaitForCredentialAsync(CredentialRequestInfo credentialRequestInfo)
     Debug.Assert(credentialRequestInfo != null);
     Cancel(); // cancel previous task
     _tcs = new TaskCompletionSource<Credential>();
     CredentialRequestInfo = credentialRequestInfo;
     using (credentialRequestInfo.CancellationToken.Register(Cancel, true))
         return await _tcs.Task;
コード例 #60
        /// <summary>
        /// ChallengeHandler function that will be called whenever access to a secured resource is attempted
        /// </summary>
        private async Task <Credential> CreateCredentialAsync(CredentialRequestInfo info)
            // if credentials are already set, return set values
            foreach (var cred in AuthenticationManager.Current.Credentials)
                if (cred.ServiceUri == new Uri(_arcGISOnlineURL))

            // Create generate token options if necessary
            if (info.GenerateTokenOptions == null)
                info.GenerateTokenOptions = new GenerateTokenOptions {
                    TokenValidity = -1

            // if no refresh token, call to generate credentials
            // otherwise if a refresh token exists, sign user in using the refresh token
            OAuthTokenCredential credential = null;

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(_oAuthRefreshToken))
                credential = await CreateNewCredential(info);
                credential = await CreateCredentialFromRefreshToken(info);

                if (credential == null)
                    // Wait for the user to acknowledge that they need to sign in
                        await UserPromptMessenger.Instance.AwaitConfirmation(
                            messageTitle : Resources.GetString("ExpiredSignInToken_Title"),
                            message : Resources.GetString("ExpiredSignInToken_Message"),
                            isError : false,
                            stackTrace : null,
                            affirmativeActionButtonContent : null,
                            negativeActionButtonContent : null,
                            shouldCancel : true);

                        // Try again, without token
                        credential = await CreateNewCredential(info);
                    catch (TaskCanceledException)
                        // Ignore - user pressed cancel.

            // add credential to the authentication manager singleton instance to be used in the app

                // Create connection to Portal and provide credential
                var portal = await ArcGISPortal.CreateAsync(new Uri(_arcGISOnlineURL), credential);

                // set authenticated user local property
                AuthenticatedUser = portal.User;
            catch (Exception ex)
                    messageTitle: Resources.GetString(name: "SignInUnsuccessful_Title"),
                    message: ex.Message,
                    isError: true,
                    stackTrace: ex.StackTrace);

            // Save refresh token if it has changed. Encrypt if necessary
            if (credential.OAuthRefreshToken != _oAuthRefreshToken)
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(credential.OAuthRefreshToken))
                    StoreToken(credential.OAuthRefreshToken, credential.UserName);
                    BroadcastMessenger.Instance.RaiseBroadcastMessengerValueChanged(null, BroadcastMessageKey.OAuthRefreshToken);
