public MultiSetter(List <Creature> creatureList, List <bool> appliedSettings, List <Creature>[] parents, List <string> tagList, List <string> speciesList) { InitializeComponent(); Disposed += MultiSetter_Disposed; colors = new int[6]; tagControls = new List <MultiSetterTag>(); this.creatureList = creatureList; parentComboBoxMother.naLabel = " - Mother n/a"; parentComboBoxFather.naLabel = " - Father n/a"; if (parents == null) { // disable parents, probably multiple species selected checkBoxMother.Enabled = false; checkBoxFather.Enabled = false; parentComboBoxMother.Enabled = false; parentComboBoxFather.Enabled = false; uniqueSpecies = false; } else { parentComboBoxMother.ParentList = parents[0]; parentComboBoxFather.ParentList = parents[1]; uniqueSpecies = true; } checkBoxMother.Checked = false; checkBoxFather.Checked = false; creatureStatus = CreatureStatus.Available; creatureSex = Sex.Unknown; ParentsChanged = false; TagsChanged = false; SpeciesChanged = false; pictureBox1.Image = CreatureColored.getColoredCreature(colors, uniqueSpecies ? creatureList[0].species : "", new[] { true, true, true, true, true, true }); // tags int i = 0; foreach (string t in tagList) { MultiSetterTag mst = new MultiSetterTag(t) { Location = new Point(3, 3 + i * 29 - panelTags.VerticalScroll.Value) }; panelTags.Controls.Add(mst); tagControls.Add(mst); i++; } foreach (string s in speciesList) { cbbSpecies.Items.Add(s); } tt.SetToolTip(lbTagSettingInfo, "The left checkbox indicates if the setting of that tag is applied, " + "the right checkbox indicates if the tag is added or removed from the selected creatures."); }
private void chooseColor(int region, Button sender) { if (creatureList[0] != null && !cp.isShown) { cp.SetColors(colors, region, "Region " + region); if (cp.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { // color was chosen setColorButton(sender, species.CreatureColors.creatureColor(colors[region])); pictureBox1.Image = CreatureColored.getColoredCreature(colors, uniqueSpecies ? creatureList[0].species : "", new[] { true, true, true, true, true, true }); } } }
private void chooseColor(int region, Button sender) { if (creatureList[0] != null && !cp.isShown) { cp.SetColors(colors[region], "Region " + region); if (cp.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { // color was chosen colors[region] = cp.SelectedColorId; sender.SetBackColorAndAccordingForeColor(CreatureColors.CreatureColor(colors[region])); pictureBox1.SetImageAndDisposeOld(CreatureColored.GetColoredCreature(colors, uniqueSpecies ? creatureList[0].Species : null, new[] { true, true, true, true, true, true })); } } }
/// <summary> /// Creates an image with infos about the creature. /// </summary> /// <param name="creature"></param> /// <param name="cc">CreatureCollection for server settings.</param> /// <returns></returns> public static Bitmap InfoGraphic(this Creature creature, CreatureCollection cc) { if (creature == null) { return(null); } int maxGraphLevel = cc?.maxChartLevel ?? 0; if (maxGraphLevel < 1) { maxGraphLevel = 50; } int width = Properties.Settings.Default.InfoGraphicWidth; // 330 int height = width * 6 / 11; //180 int fontSize = Math.Max(1, height / 18); // 10 int fontSizeSmall = Math.Max(1, height * 2 / 45); // 8 int fontSizeHeader = Math.Max(1, height / 15); // 12 int frameThickness = Math.Max(1, height / 180); int statLineHeight = height * 5 / 59; // 15 var fontName = Properties.Settings.Default.InfoGraphicFontName; if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(fontName)) { fontName = "Arial"; Properties.Settings.Default.InfoGraphicFontName = fontName; } var bmp = new Bitmap(width, height); using (var g = Graphics.FromImage(bmp)) using (var font = new Font(fontName, fontSize)) using (var fontSmall = new Font(fontName, fontSizeSmall)) using (var fontHeader = new Font(fontName, fontSizeHeader, FontStyle.Bold)) using (var fontBrush = new SolidBrush(Properties.Settings.Default.InfoGraphicForeColor)) using (var borderAroundColors = new Pen(Utils.ForeColor(Properties.Settings.Default.InfoGraphicBackColor), 1)) using (var stringFormatRight = new StringFormat { Alignment = StringAlignment.Far }) { g.SmoothingMode = System.Drawing.Drawing2D.SmoothingMode.AntiAlias; int currentYPosition = frameThickness * 3; using (var backgroundBrush = new SolidBrush(Properties.Settings.Default.InfoGraphicBackColor)) g.FillRectangle(backgroundBrush, 0, 0, width, height); g.DrawString(creature.Species.DescriptiveNameAndMod, fontHeader, fontBrush, 3, currentYPosition); currentYPosition += height * 19 / 180; //19 string creatureInfos = $"{Loc.S("Level")} {creature.LevelHatched} | {Utils.SexSymbol( + (creature.flags.HasFlag(CreatureFlags.Neutered) ? $" ({Loc.S( == Sex.Female ? "Spayed" : "Neutered")})" : string.Empty)}"; if (Properties.Settings.Default.InfoGraphicDisplayMutations) { creatureInfos += $" | {creature.Mutations} {Loc.S("Mutations")}"; } if (Properties.Settings.Default.InfoGraphicDisplayGeneration) { creatureInfos += $" | {Loc.S("generation")} {creature.generation}"; } g.DrawString(creatureInfos, font, fontBrush, width * 4 / 165, currentYPosition); currentYPosition += height * 17 / 180; //17 using (var p = new Pen(Color.FromArgb(50, Properties.Settings.Default.InfoGraphicForeColor), 1)) g.DrawLine(p, 0, currentYPosition, width, currentYPosition); currentYPosition += 2; // levels double meanLetterWidth = fontSize * 7d / 10; int xStatName = (int)meanLetterWidth; // x position of level number. torpor is the largest level number. bool showDomLevel = Properties.Settings.Default.InfoGraphicWithDomLevels; int xRightLevelValue = (int)(xStatName + ((showDomLevel ? 6 : 5) + creature.levelsWild[2].ToString().Length) * meanLetterWidth); int xRightLevelDomValue = xRightLevelValue; if (showDomLevel) { xRightLevelDomValue += (int)((creature.levelsDom.Max().ToString().Length) * meanLetterWidth); } int xRightBrValue = (int)(xRightLevelDomValue + (2 + MaxCharLength(creature.valuesBreeding)) * meanLetterWidth); int maxBoxLength = xRightBrValue - xStatName; int statBoxHeight = Math.Max(2, height / 90); g.DrawString(Loc.S("Levels"), font, fontBrush, xRightLevelDomValue, currentYPosition, stringFormatRight); g.DrawString(Loc.S("Values"), font, fontBrush, xRightBrValue, currentYPosition, stringFormatRight); int statDisplayIndex = 0; for (int si = 0; si < Values.STATS_COUNT; si++) { int statIndex = Values.statsDisplayOrder[si]; if (statIndex == (int)StatNames.Torpidity || !creature.Species.UsesStat(statIndex)) { continue; } int y = currentYPosition + (height / 9) + (statDisplayIndex++) * statLineHeight; // box // empty box to show the max possible length using (var b = new SolidBrush(Color.DarkGray)) g.FillRectangle(b, xStatName, y + statLineHeight - 1, maxBoxLength, statBoxHeight); double levelFractionOfMax = Math.Min(1, (double)creature.levelsWild[statIndex] / maxGraphLevel); if (levelFractionOfMax < 0) { levelFractionOfMax = 0; } int levelPercentageOfMax = (int)(100 * levelFractionOfMax); int statBoxLength = Math.Max((int)(maxBoxLength * levelFractionOfMax), 1); var statColor = Utils.GetColorFromPercent(levelPercentageOfMax); using (var b = new SolidBrush(statColor)) g.FillRectangle(b, xStatName, y + statLineHeight - 1, statBoxLength, statBoxHeight); using (var b = new SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(10, statColor))) { for (int r = 4; r > 0; r--) { g.FillRectangle(b, xStatName - r, y + statLineHeight - 2 - r, statBoxLength + 2 * r, statBoxHeight + 2 * r); } } using (var p = new Pen(Utils.GetColorFromPercent(levelPercentageOfMax, -0.5), 1)) g.DrawRectangle(p, xStatName, y + statLineHeight - 1, statBoxLength, statBoxHeight); // stat name g.DrawString($"{Utils.StatName(statIndex, true, creature.Species.statNames)}", font, fontBrush, xStatName, y); // stat level number g.DrawString($"{creature.levelsWild[statIndex]}{(showDomLevel ? " +" : string.Empty)}", font, fontBrush, xRightLevelValue, y, stringFormatRight); // dom level number if (showDomLevel) { g.DrawString($"{creature.levelsDom[statIndex]}", font, fontBrush, xRightLevelDomValue, y, stringFormatRight); } // stat breeding value double displayedValue = showDomLevel ? creature.valuesDom[statIndex] : creature.valuesBreeding[statIndex]; string statValueRepresentation; if (Utils.Precision(statIndex) == 3) { statValueRepresentation = (100 * displayedValue).ToString("0.0"); g.DrawString("%", font, fontBrush, xRightBrValue, y); } else { statValueRepresentation = displayedValue.ToString("0.0"); } g.DrawString(statValueRepresentation, font, fontBrush, xRightBrValue, y, stringFormatRight); } // colors var enabledColorRegions = creature.Species.EnabledColorRegions; int xColor = (int)(xRightBrValue + meanLetterWidth * 3.5); int circleDiameter = height * 4 / 45; int colorRowHeight = circleDiameter + 2; int maxColorNameLength = (int)((width - xColor - circleDiameter) / meanLetterWidth); // max char length for the color region name if (maxColorNameLength < 0) { maxColorNameLength = 0; } bool creatureImageShown = false; bool displayMaxWild = Properties.Settings.Default.InfoGraphicShowMaxWildLevel; int extraMarginBottom = displayMaxWild ? fontSizeSmall : 0; int imageSize = (int)Math.Min(width - xColor - circleDiameter - 8 * meanLetterWidth - frameThickness * 4, height - currentYPosition - frameThickness * 4 - extraMarginBottom); if (imageSize > 5) { using (var crBmp = CreatureColored.GetColoredCreature(creature.colors, creature.Species, enabledColorRegions, imageSize, onlyImage: true, creatureSex: { if (crBmp != null) { g.DrawImage(crBmp, width - imageSize - frameThickness * 4, height - imageSize - frameThickness * 4 - extraMarginBottom, imageSize, imageSize); creatureImageShown = true; } } } if (creature.colors != null) { g.DrawString(Loc.S("Colors"), font, fontBrush, xColor, currentYPosition); int colorRow = 0; for (int ci = 0; ci < Species.ColorRegionCount; ci++) { if (!enabledColorRegions[ci]) { continue; } int y = currentYPosition + (height / 9) + (colorRow++) * colorRowHeight; Color c = CreatureColors.CreatureColor(creature.colors[ci]); //Color fc = Utils.ForeColor(c); using (var b = new SolidBrush(c)) g.FillEllipse(b, xColor, y, circleDiameter, circleDiameter); g.DrawEllipse(borderAroundColors, xColor, y, circleDiameter, circleDiameter); string colorRegionName = null; //string colorName = CreatureColors.CreatureColorName(creature.colors[ci]); if (!creatureImageShown) { colorRegionName = creature.Species.colors[ci].name; int totalColorLength = colorRegionName.Length + 11; if (totalColorLength > maxColorNameLength) { // shorten color region name int lengthForRegionName = colorRegionName.Length - (totalColorLength - maxColorNameLength); colorRegionName = lengthForRegionName < 2 ? string.Empty : colorRegionName.Substring(0, lengthForRegionName - 1) + "…"; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(colorRegionName)) { colorRegionName = " (" + colorRegionName + ")"; } } g.DrawString($"{creature.colors[ci]} - [{ci}]{colorRegionName}", fontSmall, fontBrush, xColor + circleDiameter + 4, y); } } // imprinting if (showDomLevel) { g.DrawString($"Imp: {creature.imprintingBonus * 100:0.0} %", font, fontBrush, xColor + (int)((Loc.S("Colors").Length + 3) * meanLetterWidth), currentYPosition); } // max wild level on server if (cc != null && displayMaxWild) { g.DrawString($"{Loc.S("max wild level")}: {cc.maxWildLevel}", fontSmall, fontBrush, width - 2 * frameThickness, height - fontSizeSmall - 4 * frameThickness, stringFormatRight); } // frame using (var p = new Pen(Properties.Settings.Default.InfoGraphicBorderColor, frameThickness)) g.DrawRectangle(p, 0, 0, width - frameThickness, height - frameThickness); } return(bmp); }
/// <summary> /// Creates an image with infos about the creature. /// </summary> /// <param name="creature"></param> /// <param name="cc">CreatureCollection for server settings.</param> /// <returns></returns> public static Bitmap InfoGraphic(this Creature creature, CreatureCollection cc) { if (creature == null) { return(null); } int maxGraphLevel = cc?.maxChartLevel ?? 0; if (maxGraphLevel < 1) { maxGraphLevel = 50; } const int width = 330; const int height = 180; var bmp = new Bitmap(width, height); using (var g = Graphics.FromImage(bmp)) using (var font = new Font("Arial", 10)) using (var fontSmall = new Font("Arial", 8)) using (var fontHeader = new Font("Arial", 12, FontStyle.Bold)) using (var fontBrush = new SolidBrush(Color.Black)) using (var penBlack = new Pen(Color.Black, 1)) using (var stringFormatRight = new StringFormat() { Alignment = StringAlignment.Far }) { g.SmoothingMode = System.Drawing.Drawing2D.SmoothingMode.AntiAlias; int currentYPosition = 3; using (var backgroundBrush = new SolidBrush(Color.AntiqueWhite)) g.FillRectangle(backgroundBrush, 0, 0, width, height); g.DrawString(creature.Species.DescriptiveNameAndMod, fontHeader, fontBrush, 3, currentYPosition); currentYPosition += 19; g.DrawString($"Level {creature.LevelHatched} | {Utils.SexSymbol( + (creature.flags.HasFlag(CreatureFlags.Neutered) ? $" ({Loc.S( == Sex.Female ? "Spayed" : "Neutered")})" : string.Empty)} | {creature.Mutations} mutations | generation {creature.generation}", font, fontBrush, 8, currentYPosition); currentYPosition += 17; using (var p = new Pen(Color.LightGray, 1)) g.DrawLine(p, 0, currentYPosition, width, currentYPosition); currentYPosition += 2; // levels const int xStatName = 8; int xLevelValue = xStatName + 30 + (creature.levelsWild[2].ToString().Length) * 7; int xRightBrValue = xLevelValue + 14 + MaxBreedingValueLength(creature.valuesBreeding) * 7; int maxBoxLength = xRightBrValue - xStatName; const int statBoxHeight = 2; g.DrawString("Levels", font, fontBrush, xLevelValue, currentYPosition, stringFormatRight); g.DrawString("Values", font, fontBrush, xRightBrValue, currentYPosition, stringFormatRight); int statDisplayIndex = 0; for (int si = 0; si < Values.STATS_COUNT; si++) { int statIndex = Values.statsDisplayOrder[si]; if (statIndex == (int)StatNames.Torpidity || !creature.Species.UsesStat(statIndex)) { continue; } int y = currentYPosition + 20 + (statDisplayIndex++) * 15; // box // empty box to show the max possible length using (var b = new SolidBrush(Color.DarkGray)) g.FillRectangle(b, xStatName, y + 14, maxBoxLength, statBoxHeight); double levelFractionOfMax = Math.Min(1, (double)creature.levelsWild[statIndex] / maxGraphLevel); if (levelFractionOfMax < 0) { levelFractionOfMax = 0; } int levelPercentageOfMax = (int)(100 * levelFractionOfMax); int statBoxLength = Math.Max((int)(maxBoxLength * levelFractionOfMax), 1); var statColor = Utils.GetColorFromPercent(levelPercentageOfMax); using (var b = new SolidBrush(statColor)) g.FillRectangle(b, xStatName, y + 14, statBoxLength, statBoxHeight); using (var b = new SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(10, statColor))) { for (int r = 4; r > 0; r--) { g.FillRectangle(b, xStatName - r, y + 13 - r, statBoxLength + 2 * r, statBoxHeight + 2 * r); } } using (var p = new Pen(Utils.GetColorFromPercent(levelPercentageOfMax, -0.5), 1)) g.DrawRectangle(p, xStatName, y + 14, statBoxLength, statBoxHeight); // stat name g.DrawString($"{Utils.StatName(statIndex, true, creature.Species.statNames)}", font, fontBrush, xStatName, y); // stat level number g.DrawString($"{creature.levelsWild[statIndex]}", font, fontBrush, xLevelValue, y, stringFormatRight); // stat breeding value string statValueRepresentation; if (Utils.Precision(statIndex) == 3) { statValueRepresentation = (100 * creature.valuesBreeding[statIndex]).ToString("0.0"); g.DrawString("%", font, fontBrush, xRightBrValue, y); } else { statValueRepresentation = creature.valuesBreeding[statIndex].ToString("0.0"); } g.DrawString(statValueRepresentation, font, fontBrush, xRightBrValue, y, stringFormatRight); } // colors var enabledColorRegions = creature.Species.EnabledColorRegions; bool creatureImageShown = false; const int imageSize = 125; using (var crBmp = CreatureColored.GetColoredCreature(creature.colors, creature.Species, enabledColorRegions, imageSize, onlyImage: true, creatureSex: { if (crBmp != null) { g.DrawImage(crBmp, 200, 40, imageSize, imageSize); creatureImageShown = true; } } int xColor = xRightBrValue + 25; const int circleDiameter = 16; const int rowHeight = circleDiameter + 2; int maxColorNameLength = (width - xColor - circleDiameter) / 6; // max char length for the color region name if (maxColorNameLength < 0) { maxColorNameLength = 0; } g.DrawString("Colors", font, fontBrush, xColor, currentYPosition); int colorRow = 0; for (int ci = 0; ci < Species.ColorRegionCount; ci++) { if (!enabledColorRegions[ci]) { continue; } int y = currentYPosition + 20 + (colorRow++) * rowHeight; Color c = CreatureColors.CreatureColor(creature.colors[ci]); //Color fc = Utils.ForeColor(c); using (var b = new SolidBrush(c)) g.FillEllipse(b, xColor, y, circleDiameter, circleDiameter); g.DrawEllipse(penBlack, xColor, y, circleDiameter, circleDiameter); string colorRegionName = null; //string colorName = CreatureColors.CreatureColorName(creature.colors[ci]); if (!creatureImageShown) { colorRegionName = creature.Species.colors[ci].name; int totalColorLenght = colorRegionName.Length + 11; if (totalColorLenght > maxColorNameLength) { // shorten color region name int lengthForRegionName = colorRegionName.Length - (totalColorLenght - maxColorNameLength); colorRegionName = lengthForRegionName < 2 ? string.Empty : colorRegionName.Substring(0, lengthForRegionName - 1) + "…"; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(colorRegionName)) { colorRegionName = " (" + colorRegionName + ")"; } } g.DrawString($"{creature.colors[ci]} - [{ci}]{colorRegionName}", fontSmall, fontBrush, xColor + circleDiameter + 4, y); } // max wild level on server if (cc != null) { g.DrawString($"max wild level: {cc.maxWildLevel}", fontSmall, fontBrush, width - 4, height - 14, stringFormatRight); } // frame using (var p = new Pen(Color.DarkRed, 1)) g.DrawRectangle(p, 0, 0, width - 1, height - 1); } return(bmp); }
public MultiSetter(List <Creature> creatureList, List <bool> appliedSettings, List <Creature>[] parents, List <string> tagList, List <string> speciesList, string[] ownerList, string[] serverList) { InitializeComponent(); Disposed += MultiSetter_Disposed; SuspendLayout(); colors = new int[6]; tagControls = new List <MultiSetterTag>(); this.creatureList = creatureList; parentComboBoxMother.naLabel = " - Mother n/a"; parentComboBoxFather.naLabel = " - Father n/a"; if (parents == null) { // disable parents, probably multiple species selected checkBoxMother.Enabled = false; checkBoxFather.Enabled = false; parentComboBoxMother.Enabled = false; parentComboBoxFather.Enabled = false; uniqueSpecies = false; } else { parentComboBoxMother.ParentList = parents[0]; parentComboBoxFather.ParentList = parents[1]; uniqueSpecies = true; } checkBoxMother.Checked = false; checkBoxFather.Checked = false; creatureStatus = CreatureStatus.Available; creatureSex = Sex.Unknown; ParentsChanged = false; TagsChanged = false; SpeciesChanged = false; pictureBox1.Image = CreatureColored.getColoredCreature(colors, uniqueSpecies ? creatureList[0].species : "", new[] { true, true, true, true, true, true }); // tags foreach (string t in tagList) { MultiSetterTag mst = new MultiSetterTag(t); flowLayoutPanelTags.SetFlowBreak(mst, true); flowLayoutPanelTags.Controls.Add(mst); tagControls.Add(mst); mst.TagCheckState = CheckState.Indeterminate; foreach (var c in creatureList) { if (c.tags.Contains(t)) { if (mst.TagCheckState == CheckState.Indeterminate) { mst.TagCheckState = CheckState.Checked; } else if (mst.TagCheckState == CheckState.Unchecked) { mst.TagCheckState = CheckState.Indeterminate; break; } } else { if (mst.TagCheckState == CheckState.Indeterminate) { mst.TagCheckState = CheckState.Unchecked; } else if (mst.TagCheckState == CheckState.Checked) { mst.TagCheckState = CheckState.Indeterminate; break; } } } mst.Considered = false; } foreach (string s in speciesList) { cbbSpecies.Items.Add(s); } // owner combobox var l = new AutoCompleteStringCollection(); l.AddRange(ownerList); cbbOwner.AutoCompleteCustomSource = l; foreach (string s in ownerList) { cbbOwner.Items.Add(s); } // server combobox l = new AutoCompleteStringCollection(); l.AddRange(serverList); cbbServer.AutoCompleteCustomSource = l; foreach (string s in serverList) { cbbServer.Items.Add(s); } tt.SetToolTip(lbTagSettingInfo, "The left checkbox indicates if the setting of that tag is applied, " + "the right checkbox indicates if the tag is added or removed from the selected creatures."); ResumeLayout(); }
/// <summary> /// Creates the pedigree with creature controls. /// </summary> private void CreatePedigree() { splitContainer1.Panel2.SuspendDrawing(); SuspendLayout(); // clear old pedigreeCreatures ClearControls(false); if (_selectedCreature == null) { NoCreatureSelected(); ResumeLayout(); splitContainer1.Panel2.ResumeDrawing(); return; } pedigreeCreatureHeaders.SetCustomStatNames(_selectedCreature.Species?.statNames); statSelector1.SetStatNames(_selectedCreature.Species); lbPedigreeEmpty.Visible = false; // scroll offsets splitContainer1.Panel2.AutoScrollPosition = Point.Empty; // if not reset there are still offset issues sometimes, just reset the scrolling when creating a pedigree if (_pedigreeViewMode == PedigreeViewMode.Classic) { PedigreeCreation.CreateDetailedView(_selectedCreature, _lines, _pedigreeControls, _enabledColorRegions); _yBottomOfPedigree = 170; } else { _displayedGenerations = Math.Min(_compactGenerations, _selectedCreature.generation + 1); _yBottomOfPedigree = PedigreeCreation.CreateCompactView(_selectedCreature, _lines, _pedigreeControls, _tt, _displayedGenerations, _highlightInheritanceStatIndex, _pedigreeViewMode == PedigreeViewMode.HView); var creatureColorsTop = _yBottomOfPedigree + LbCreatureName.Height; PbRegionColors.Top = creatureColorsTop; PbKeyExplanations.Top = creatureColorsTop; LbCreatureName.Top = creatureColorsTop - LbCreatureName.Height; LbCreatureName.Text =; if (PbKeyExplanations.Image == null) { DrawKey(PbKeyExplanations, _selectedSpecies); } _pedigreeControls.Add(new PedigreeCreature(_selectedCreature, _enabledColorRegions) { Location = new Point(PedigreeCreation.LeftBorder, _yBottomOfPedigree + PedigreeCreation.Margin) }); _yBottomOfPedigree += 50; } // create descendants int row = 0; var yDescendants = _yBottomOfPedigree + 3 * PedigreeCreation.Margin; foreach (Creature c in _creatureChildren) { PedigreeCreature pc = new PedigreeCreature(c, _enabledColorRegions) { Location = new Point(PedigreeCreation.LeftBorder, yDescendants + 35 * row) }; if (c.levelsWild != null && _selectedCreature.levelsWild != null) { for (int s = 0; s < PedigreeCreature.DisplayedStatsCount; s++) { int si = PedigreeCreature.DisplayedStats[s]; if (_selectedCreature.valuesDom[si] > 0 && _selectedCreature.levelsWild[si] >= 0 && _selectedCreature.levelsWild[si] == c.levelsWild[si]) { _lines[0].Add(new[] { PedigreeCreation.LeftBorder + PedigreeCreature.XOffsetFirstStat + PedigreeCreature.HorizontalStatDistance * s, yDescendants + 35 * row + 6, PedigreeCreation.LeftBorder + PedigreeCreature.XOffsetFirstStat + PedigreeCreature.HorizontalStatDistance * s, yDescendants + 35 * row + 15, 0, 0 }); } } } _pedigreeControls.Add(pc); row++; } // add controls foreach (var pc in _pedigreeControls) { splitContainer1.Panel2.Controls.Add(pc); var ipc = (IPedigreeCreature)pc; ipc.CreatureClicked += CreatureClicked; ipc.CreatureEdit += CreatureEdit; ipc.BestBreedingPartners += BestBreedingPartners; } PbRegionColors.SetImageAndDisposeOld(CreatureColored.GetColoredCreature(_selectedCreature.colors, _selectedCreature.Species, _enabledColorRegions, 256, creatureSex:; PbRegionColors.Visible = true; ResumeLayout(); splitContainer1.Panel2.ResumeDrawing(); }
public MultiSetter(List <Creature> creatureList, List <Creature>[] parents, List <string> tagList, List <Species> speciesList, string[] ownerList, string[] tribeList, string[] serverList) { InitializeComponent(); Disposed += MultiSetter_Disposed; SuspendLayout(); _colors = new byte[Species.ColorRegionCount]; _tagControls = new List <MultiSetterTag>(); this._creatureList = creatureList; parentComboBoxMother.naLabel = " - Mother n/a"; parentComboBoxFather.naLabel = " - Father n/a"; if (parents == null) { // disable parents, probably multiple species selected checkBoxMother.Enabled = false; checkBoxFather.Enabled = false; parentComboBoxMother.Enabled = false; parentComboBoxFather.Enabled = false; _uniqueSpecies = false; } else { parentComboBoxMother.ParentList = parents[0]; parentComboBoxFather.ParentList = parents[1]; _uniqueSpecies = true; } checkBoxMother.Checked = false; checkBoxFather.Checked = false; _creatureStatus = CreatureStatus.Available; _creatureSex = Sex.Unknown; ParentsChanged = false; TagsChanged = false; SpeciesChanged = false; pictureBox1.SetImageAndDisposeOld(CreatureColored.GetColoredCreature(_colors, _uniqueSpecies ? creatureList[0].Species : null, new[] { true, true, true, true, true, true })); // tags foreach (string t in tagList) { MultiSetterTag mst = new MultiSetterTag(t); flowLayoutPanelTags.SetFlowBreak(mst, true); flowLayoutPanelTags.Controls.Add(mst); _tagControls.Add(mst); mst.TagCheckState = CheckState.Indeterminate; foreach (var c in creatureList) { if (c.tags.Contains(t)) { if (mst.TagCheckState == CheckState.Indeterminate) { mst.TagCheckState = CheckState.Checked; } else if (mst.TagCheckState == CheckState.Unchecked) { mst.TagCheckState = CheckState.Indeterminate; break; } } else { if (mst.TagCheckState == CheckState.Indeterminate) { mst.TagCheckState = CheckState.Unchecked; } else if (mst.TagCheckState == CheckState.Checked) { mst.TagCheckState = CheckState.Indeterminate; break; } } } } cbbSpecies.Items.AddRange(speciesList.ToArray()); // owner combobox var l = new AutoCompleteStringCollection(); l.AddRange(ownerList); cbbOwner.AutoCompleteCustomSource = l; foreach (string s in ownerList) { cbbOwner.Items.Add(s); } // tribe combobox l = new AutoCompleteStringCollection(); l.AddRange(tribeList); cbbTribe.AutoCompleteCustomSource = l; foreach (string s in tribeList) { cbbTribe.Items.Add(s); } // server combobox l = new AutoCompleteStringCollection(); l.AddRange(serverList); cbbServer.AutoCompleteCustomSource = l; foreach (string s in serverList) { cbbServer.Items.Add(s); } SetLocalizations(); ResumeLayout(); }