public IEnumerable <Creator> Post([FromBody] CreatorsRequest request) { return(_creatorsManager.ListCreators() .Where(creator => request.NamePart == null || creator.FullName.Contains(request.NamePart)) .FilterBy(request.Id, creator => creator.Id) .FilterBy(request.NumberOfComics, creator => creator.NumberOfComics) .FilterBy(request.NumberOfSeries, creator => creator.NumberOfSeries) .FilterBy(request.ModifiedDate, creator => creator.ModifiedDate) .AddNotes(_notesManager) .Where(creator => request.NotePart == null || (creator.Note != null && creator.Note.Contains(request.NotePart))) .OrderBy(request.OrderBy, creatorFieldsMap)); }
public static void Main(string[] args) { bool showHelp = false; bool listCreators = false; bool listNotes = false; bool compareCreators = false; bool addNote = false; bool updateNote = false; bool deleteNote = false; int firstCreator = 0; int secondCreator = 0; string orderBy = null; FilterOption <int> id = null; string namePart = null; string notePart = null; FilterOption <int> numberOfSeries = null; FilterOption <int> numberOfComics = null; FilterOption <DateTime> modifiedDate = null; string host = "http://localhost:50296/"; string noteText = null; int noteId = 0; var p = new OptionSet() { "Usage: ", "Example: -L -c=5 -i=\">4000\" -o=-note,comics,name,-date,-id -N" + " -C -a=8764 -b=8571 -A -d=11122 -x=\"New Note!!!\" -U -D", "Options:", { "h|Help", "Show this message and exit.", h => showHelp = h != null }, { "H|Host=", "Set remote host address. Example: \n" + " -H=\"\"", H => { if (H != null) { host = H; } } }, { "L|List", "List Creators.", L => listCreators = L != null }, { "N|Notes", "List Notes.", N => listNotes = N != null }, { "o|order=", "Order by string, possible any coma " + "separated combination of values and '-' for descending. \n" + "Values for Creators: id, name, date, comics, series, note. \n" + "Values for Notes: id, name, note. \n" + "E.g.: -o=-note,comics,name,-date,-id", o => orderBy = o }, { "i|id=", "Filter by id.", i => { id = SetFilter(i, int.Parse); } }, { "n|name=", "Filter by name.", n => namePart = n }, { "t|note=", "Filter by note.", t => notePart = t }, { "s|series=", "Filter by series.", s => { numberOfSeries = SetFilter(s, int.Parse); } }, { "c|comics=", "Filter by comics.", c => { numberOfComics = SetFilter(c, int.Parse); } }, { "m|modified=", "Filter by modified date, e.g.: -m=\">2007-01-02\"", m => { modifiedDate = SetFilter(m, DateTime.Parse); } }, { "C|Compare", "Compare Creators.", C => compareCreators = C != null }, { "a|first=", "First Creator Id.", (int a) => firstCreator = a }, { "b|second=", "Second Creator Id.", (int b) => secondCreator = b }, { "A|Add", "Add Note.", A => addNote = A != null }, { "U|Update", "Update Note.", U => updateNote = U != null }, { "D|Delete", "Delete Note.", D => deleteNote = D != null }, { "d|iD=", "Id for notes operations.", (int d) => noteId = d }, { "x|text=", "Text for notes operations.", x => noteText = x }, }; try { p.Parse(args); } catch (OptionException e) { Console.WriteLine(e.Message); Console.WriteLine("Try `--Help' for more information."); return; } if (showHelp) { p.WriteOptionDescriptions(Console.Out); return; } client = new RestClient { BaseUrl = new Uri(host), Timeout = 30000, }; if (listCreators) { var request = new CreatorsRequest() { Id = id, ModifiedDate = modifiedDate, NamePart = namePart, NotePart = notePart, NumberOfComics = numberOfComics, NumberOfSeries = numberOfSeries, OrderBy = ParseOrder(orderBy), }; ExecuteRequest <List <Creator> >( "api/Creators", Method.POST, request, responseList => responseList.Any()); } if (listNotes) { var request = new NotesRequest() { Id = id, NamePart = namePart, ContentPart = notePart, OrderBy = ParseOrder(orderBy), }; ExecuteRequest <List <Note> >( "api/Notes", Method.POST, request, responseList => responseList.Any()); } if (compareCreators) { var request = new CreatorsComparisonRequest() { FirstId = firstCreator, SecondId = secondCreator, }; ExecuteRequest <CreatorsComparison>( "api/CreatorsComparison", Method.POST, request, response => response.ComparisonStatus == CreatorsComparisonStatus.ComparisonSuccessful); } if (addNote) { var request = new NoteOperationRequest() { Id = noteId, Content = noteText, }; ExecuteRequest <NoteOperationResponse>( "api/NoteOperations", Method.POST, request, response => false); } if (updateNote) { var request = new NoteOperationRequest() { Id = noteId, Content = noteText, }; ExecuteRequest <NoteOperationResponse>( "api/NoteOperations", Method.PUT, request, response => false); } if (deleteNote) { var request = new NoteOperationRequest() { Id = noteId, }; ExecuteRequest <NoteOperationResponse>( "api/NoteOperations", Method.DELETE, request, response => false); } }