/// <summary> /// <para>The <i>CreateTable</i> operation adds a new table to your account. In an AWS account, table names must be unique within each region. /// That is, you can have two tables with same name if you create the tables in different regions.</para> <para> <i>CreateTable</i> is an /// asynchronous operation. Upon receiving a <i>CreateTable</i> request, DynamoDB immediately returns a response with a <i>TableStatus</i> of /// <c>CREATING</c> . After the table is created, DynamoDB sets the <i>TableStatus</i> to <c>ACTIVE</c> . You can perform read and write /// operations only on an <c>ACTIVE</c> table. </para> <para>If you want to create multiple tables with secondary indexes on them, you must /// create them sequentially. Only one table with secondary indexes can be in the <c>CREATING</c> state at any given time.</para> <para>You can /// use the <i>DescribeTable</i> API to check the table status.</para> /// </summary> /// /// <param name="createTableRequest">Container for the necessary parameters to execute the CreateTable service method on /// AmazonDynamoDBv2.</param> /// /// <returns>The response from the CreateTable service method, as returned by AmazonDynamoDBv2.</returns> /// /// <exception cref="T:Amazon.DynamoDBv2.Model.ResourceInUseException" /> /// <exception cref="T:Amazon.DynamoDBv2.Model.LimitExceededException" /> /// <exception cref="T:Amazon.DynamoDBv2.Model.InternalServerErrorException" /> /// <param name="cancellationToken"> /// A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. /// </param> public Task <CreateTableResponse> CreateTableAsync(CreateTableRequest createTableRequest, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken)) { var marshaller = new CreateTableRequestMarshaller(); var unmarshaller = CreateTableResponseUnmarshaller.GetInstance(); return(Invoke <IRequest, CreateTableRequest, CreateTableResponse>(createTableRequest, marshaller, unmarshaller, signer, cancellationToken)); }
public override CreateTableResponse GetResponse(UnmarshallerContext unmarshallerContext) { return(CreateTableResponseUnmarshaller.Unmarshall(unmarshallerContext)); }