コード例 #1
    public void cutWeed()
        GameObject cropsHandler = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("CropHandler");

        CropBehaviour[] crops = cropsHandler.GetComponentsInChildren <CropBehaviour> ();

        CreateSoil sl = FindObjectOfType(typeof(CreateSoil)) as CreateSoil;

        soil = sl.allSquares;

        for (int i = 0; i < soil.Count; i++)
            if (soil [i].getSoil().GetComponent <SoilCollision> ().collision == true &&
                (soil [i].getType().Equals(Soil.SoilTypes.PLOWED) || soil [i].getType().Equals(Soil.SoilTypes.PLANTED)))
                Ray        ray = camera.ScreenPointToRay(Input.mousePosition);
                RaycastHit hit;

                if (Physics.Raycast(ray, out hit))
                    if ((hit.transform.tag == "crop" &&
                         (hit.transform.position.x == soil [i].getSoil().transform.position.x&& hit.transform.position.z == soil [i].getSoil().transform.position.z)))
                        Destroy(crops [i].gameObject);
コード例 #2
    public void waterSoil()
        GameObject cropsHandler = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("CropHandler");

        CropBehaviour[] crops = cropsHandler.GetComponentsInChildren <CropBehaviour> ();

        CreateSoil sl = FindObjectOfType(typeof(CreateSoil)) as CreateSoil;

        soil = sl.allSquares;

        if (currentCapacity > 0)
            currentCapacity -= 1;
            for (int i = 0; i < soil.Count; i++)
                if (soil [i].getSoil().GetComponent <SoilCollision> ().collision == true &&
                    (soil [i].getType().Equals(Soil.SoilTypes.PLOWED) || soil [i].getType().Equals(Soil.SoilTypes.PLANTED)))
                    Ray        ray = camera.ScreenPointToRay(Input.mousePosition);
                    RaycastHit hit;

                    if (Physics.Raycast(ray, out hit))
                        if (soil [i].getSoil().transform.gameObject.Equals(hit.transform.gameObject) || (hit.transform.tag == "crop" &&
                                                                                                         (hit.transform.position.x == soil [i].getSoil().transform.position.x&& hit.transform.position.z == soil [i].getSoil().transform.position.z)))
            warning.GetComponentInChildren <Text>().text = "Watering can is empty";
コード例 #3
    //In this function a ray cast is thrown to check if we can plow the soil square
    //if we can, the soil will be plowed and its state will change

    public void plowSoil()
        CreateSoil s = FindObjectOfType(typeof(CreateSoil)) as CreateSoil;

        soil = s.allSquares;
        for (int i = 0; i < soil.Count; i++)
            if (soil [i].getSoil().GetComponent <SoilCollision> ().collision == true && soil [i].getType().Equals(Soil.SoilTypes.NOTPLOWED))
                Ray        ray = camera.ScreenPointToRay(Input.mousePosition);
                RaycastHit hit;

                if (Physics.Raycast(ray, out hit))
                    if (soil [i].getSoil().transform.gameObject.Equals(hit.transform.gameObject))
コード例 #4
    public void plantSeeds()
        CreateSoil sl = FindObjectOfType(typeof(CreateSoil)) as CreateSoil;

        soil = sl.allSquares;
        for (int i = 0; i < soil.Count; i++)
            if (soil [i].getSoil().GetComponent <SoilCollision> ().collision == true && (soil [i].getType().Equals(Soil.SoilTypes.PLOWED) ||
                                                                                         soil [i].getType().Equals(Soil.SoilTypes.WATERED)))
                Ray        ray = camera.ScreenPointToRay(Input.mousePosition);
                RaycastHit hit;

                if (Physics.Raycast(ray, out hit))
                    if (soil [i].getSoil().transform.gameObject.Equals(hit.transform.gameObject))
                        Transform s = Instantiate(seeds.transform, new Vector3((soil [i].getSoil().transform.position.x), 0f, soil [i].getSoil().transform.position.z), soil [i].getSoil().transform.rotation) as Transform;
                        if (soil [i].getType() == Soil.SoilTypes.WATERED)
                            soil [i].soilType = Soil.SoilTypes.WATEREDANDPLATED;
                            soil [i].soilType = Soil.SoilTypes.PLANTED;
コード例 #5
    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        soil        = FindObjectOfType(typeof(CreateSoil)) as CreateSoil;
        allS        = soil.allSquares;
        crops       = FindObjectOfType <MockCropDB> ();
        timeManager = FindObjectOfType <TimeManager> ();
        state       = Crops.cropStates.SEED;
        col         = this.gameObject.AddComponent(typeof(MeshCollider)) as MeshCollider;
        col.convex  = true;
        if (this.gameObject.name.Contains("cherryseeds"))
            treeName        = crops.cherry.name;
            treeDescription = crops.cherry.description;
            daysToNextStage = crops.cherry.daysToStage1;
            dayToS1         = crops.cherry.daysToStage1;
            dayToS2         = crops.cherry.daysToStage2;
            dayToHarvest    = crops.cherry.daysToHarvest;
            season          = crops.cherry.season;
            staminaRecovery = crops.cherry.staminaRecovery;
            code            = crops.cherry.code;
            price           = crops.cherry.price;
        else if (this.gameObject.name.Contains("peachseeds"))
            treeName        = crops.peach.name;
            treeDescription = crops.peach.description;
            daysToNextStage = crops.peach.daysToStage1;
            dayToS1         = crops.peach.daysToStage1;
            dayToS2         = crops.peach.daysToStage2;
            dayToHarvest    = crops.peach.daysToHarvest;
            season          = crops.peach.season;
            staminaRecovery = crops.peach.staminaRecovery;
            code            = crops.peach.code;
            price           = crops.peach.price;
        else if (this.gameObject.name.Contains("appleseeds"))
            treeName        = crops.apple.name;
            treeDescription = crops.apple.description;
            daysToNextStage = crops.apple.daysToStage1;
            dayToS1         = crops.apple.daysToStage1;
            dayToS2         = crops.apple.daysToStage2;
            dayToHarvest    = crops.apple.daysToHarvest;
            season          = crops.apple.season;
            staminaRecovery = crops.apple.staminaRecovery;
            code            = crops.apple.code;
            price           = crops.apple.price;
        else if (this.gameObject.name.Contains("orangeseeds"))
            treeName        = crops.orange.name;
            treeDescription = crops.orange.description;
            daysToNextStage = crops.orange.daysToStage1;
            dayToS1         = crops.orange.daysToStage1;
            dayToS2         = crops.orange.daysToStage2;
            dayToHarvest    = crops.orange.daysToHarvest;
            season          = crops.orange.season;
            staminaRecovery = crops.orange.staminaRecovery;
            code            = crops.orange.code;
            price           = crops.orange.price;

        M_ST1     = Resources.Load <Renderer> ("Trees/" + treeName + "Tree/" + treeName + "ST1").sharedMaterials;
        M_ST2     = Resources.Load <Renderer> ("Trees/" + treeName + "Tree/" + treeName + "ST2").sharedMaterials;
        M_HARVEST = Resources.Load <Renderer> ("Trees/" + treeName + "Tree/" + treeName + "ST3").sharedMaterials;

        MF_ST1     = Resources.Load <MeshFilter> ("Trees/" + treeName + "Tree/" + treeName + "ST1");
        MF_ST2     = Resources.Load <MeshFilter> ("Trees/" + treeName + "Tree/" + treeName + "ST2");
        MF_HARVEST = Resources.Load <MeshFilter> ("Trees/" + treeName + "Tree/" + treeName + "ST3");
コード例 #6
    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        soil        = FindObjectOfType(typeof(CreateSoil)) as CreateSoil;
        allS        = soil.allSquares;
        crops       = FindObjectOfType <MockCropDB> ();
        timeManager = FindObjectOfType <TimeManager> ();
        dayPlanted  = (int)timeManager.getDay();
        state       = Crops.cropStates.SEED;

        dryCrop = Resources.Load <Material> ("Materials/mockcrops/Dry");
        this.gameObject.transform.Rotate(-90, 0, 0);

        if (this.gameObject.name.Contains("turnipseeds"))
            cropName        = crops.turnip.getName();
            staminaRecovery = crops.turnip.staminaRecovery;
            cropDescription = crops.turnip.getDescription();
            dayToS1         = dayPlanted + crops.turnip.getS1Days();
            dayToS2         = dayToS1 + crops.turnip.getS2Days();
            dayToHarvest    = dayToS2 + crops.turnip.getHarvestDays();
            season          = crops.turnip.getSeason();
            code            = crops.turnip.code;
            price           = crops.turnip.price;
        else if (this.gameObject.name.Contains("cabbageseeds"))
            cropName        = crops.cabbage.getName();
            staminaRecovery = crops.cabbage.staminaRecovery;
            cropDescription = crops.cabbage.getDescription();
            dayToS1         = dayPlanted + crops.cabbage.getS1Days();
            dayToS2         = dayToS1 + crops.cabbage.getS2Days();
            dayToHarvest    = dayToS2 + crops.cabbage.getHarvestDays();
            season          = crops.cabbage.getSeason();
            code            = crops.cabbage.code;
            price           = crops.cabbage.price;
        else if (this.gameObject.name.Contains("carrotseeds"))
            cropName        = crops.carrot.getName();
            staminaRecovery = crops.carrot.staminaRecovery;
            cropDescription = crops.carrot.getDescription();
            dayToS1         = dayPlanted + crops.carrot.getS1Days();
            dayToS2         = dayToS1 + crops.carrot.getS2Days();
            dayToHarvest    = dayToS2 + crops.carrot.getHarvestDays();
            season          = crops.carrot.getSeason();
            code            = crops.carrot.code;
            price           = crops.carrot.price;
        else if (this.gameObject.name.Contains("onionseeds"))
            cropName        = crops.onion.getName();
            staminaRecovery = crops.onion.staminaRecovery;
            cropDescription = crops.onion.getDescription();
            dayToS1         = dayPlanted + crops.onion.getS1Days();
            dayToS2         = dayToS1 + crops.onion.getS2Days();
            dayToHarvest    = dayToS2 + crops.onion.getHarvestDays();
            season          = crops.onion.getSeason();
            code            = crops.onion.code;
            price           = crops.onion.price;
        else if (this.gameObject.name.Equals("radishseeds(Clone)"))
            cropName        = crops.radish.getName();
            staminaRecovery = crops.radish.staminaRecovery;
            cropDescription = crops.radish.getDescription();
            dayToS1         = dayPlanted + crops.radish.getS1Days();
            dayToS2         = dayToS1 + crops.radish.getS2Days();
            dayToHarvest    = dayToS2 + crops.radish.getHarvestDays();
            season          = crops.radish.getSeason();
            code            = crops.radish.code;
            price           = crops.radish.price;
        else if (this.gameObject.name.Contains("spinachseeds"))
            cropName        = crops.spinach.getName();
            staminaRecovery = crops.spinach.staminaRecovery;
            cropDescription = crops.spinach.getDescription();
            dayToS1         = dayPlanted + crops.spinach.getS1Days();
            dayToS2         = dayToS1 + crops.spinach.getS2Days();
            dayToHarvest    = dayToS2 + crops.spinach.getHarvestDays();
            season          = crops.spinach.getSeason();
            code            = crops.spinach.code;
            price           = crops.spinach.price;
        else if (this.gameObject.name.Contains("daikon radishseeds"))
            cropName        = crops.daikonRadish.getName();
            staminaRecovery = crops.daikonRadish.staminaRecovery;
            cropDescription = crops.daikonRadish.getDescription();
            dayToS1         = dayPlanted + crops.daikonRadish.getS1Days();
            dayToS2         = dayToS1 + crops.daikonRadish.getS2Days();
            dayToHarvest    = dayToS2 + crops.daikonRadish.getHarvestDays();
            season          = crops.daikonRadish.getSeason();
            code            = crops.daikonRadish.code;
            price           = crops.daikonRadish.price;
        else if (this.gameObject.name.Contains("broccoliseeds"))
            cropName        = crops.broccoli.getName();
            staminaRecovery = crops.broccoli.staminaRecovery;
            cropDescription = crops.broccoli.getDescription();
            dayToS1         = dayPlanted + crops.broccoli.getS1Days();
            dayToS2         = dayToS1 + crops.broccoli.getS2Days();
            dayToHarvest    = dayToS2 + crops.broccoli.getHarvestDays();
            season          = crops.broccoli.getSeason();
            code            = crops.broccoli.code;
            price           = crops.broccoli.price;

        M_ST1     = Resources.Load <Renderer> ("Crops/" + cropName + "/" + cropName + "ST1").sharedMaterials;
        M_ST2     = Resources.Load <Renderer> ("Crops/" + cropName + "/" + cropName + "ST2").sharedMaterials;
        M_HARVEST = Resources.Load <Renderer> ("Crops/" + cropName + "/" + cropName + "ST3").sharedMaterials;

        MF_ST1     = Resources.Load <MeshFilter> ("Crops/" + cropName + "/" + cropName + "ST1");
        MF_ST2     = Resources.Load <MeshFilter> ("Crops/" + cropName + "/" + cropName + "ST2");
        MF_HARVEST = Resources.Load <MeshFilter> ("Crops/" + cropName + "/" + cropName + "ST3");
コード例 #7
    public void recollect()
        GameObject cropsHandler = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("CropHandler");

        CropBehaviour[] crops = cropsHandler.GetComponentsInChildren <CropBehaviour> ();
        tree = cropsHandler.GetComponentsInChildren <TreeBehaviour> ();

        Ray        ray = camera.ScreenPointToRay(Input.mousePosition);
        RaycastHit hit;

        CreateSoil sl = FindObjectOfType(typeof(CreateSoil)) as CreateSoil;

        soil = sl.allSquares;

        MockCropDB cropDB = FindObjectOfType <MockCropDB> ();

        if (Physics.Raycast(ray, out hit))
            if (hit.transform.tag == "crop")
                for (int i = 0; i < crops.Length; i++)
                    if (crops [i].GetComponent <CropCollision> () != null)
                        if (crops [i].GetComponent <CropCollision> ().collision == true && hit.transform.Equals(crops [i].transform))
                            foreach (Soil s in soil)
                                if (s.getSoil().transform.position.x == crops [i].transform.position.x && s.getSoil().transform.position.z == crops [i].transform.position.z)
                                    if (s.getType().Equals(Soil.SoilTypes.PLANTED))
                                        s.soilType = Soil.SoilTypes.PLOWED;
                                    if (s.getType().Equals(Soil.SoilTypes.WATEREDANDPLATED))
                                        s.soilType = Soil.SoilTypes.WATERED;

                            Destroy(crops [i].transform.gameObject);
                            InventoryItem item = new InventoryItem(crops [i].cropName, crops [i].cropDescription, crops [i].staminaRecovery, crops[i].price, crops[i].code, InventoryItem.inventoryTypes.EDIBLE);
                            inventory.addItem(item, 9);

            else if (hit.transform.tag == "SpawnItem")
                Debug.Log(Vector3.Distance(hit.transform.position, player.transform.position) < 10);
                string name = hit.transform.name.Replace("(Clone)", "");
                if (Vector3.Distance(hit.transform.position, player.transform.position) < 10)
                    if (hit.transform.name.Contains("Branch"))
                        InventoryItem item = new InventoryItem(name, "A branch, nothing more, nothing less.", 0, 1, 20, InventoryItem.inventoryTypes.NOTEDIBLE);
                        inventory.addItem(item, 1);
                    else if (hit.transform.name.Contains("Apricot"))
                        InventoryItem item = new InventoryItem(name, "Wild item which you can eat or sell. Only found in spring.", 3, 20, 16, InventoryItem.inventoryTypes.EDIBLE);
                        inventory.addItem(item, 1);
                    else if (hit.transform.name.Contains("Plum"))
                        InventoryItem item = new InventoryItem(name, "Wild item which you can eat or sell. Only found in summer.", 3, 20, 16, InventoryItem.inventoryTypes.EDIBLE);
                        inventory.addItem(item, 1);
                    else if (hit.transform.name.Contains("Black"))
                        InventoryItem item = new InventoryItem(name, "Wild item which you can eat or sell. Only found in fall.", 3, 20, 16, InventoryItem.inventoryTypes.EDIBLE);
                        inventory.addItem(item, 1);
                    else if (hit.transform.name.Contains("Goji"))
                        InventoryItem item = new InventoryItem(name, "Wild item which you can eat or sell. Only found in winter", 3, 20, 16, InventoryItem.inventoryTypes.EDIBLE);
                        inventory.addItem(item, 1);
            else if (hit.transform.tag == "tree")
                for (int j = 0; j < tree.Length; j++)
                    if (tree [j].GetComponent <TreeCollision> () != null)
                        if (tree [j].GetComponent <TreeCollision> ().collision == true && hit.transform.Equals(tree [j].transform))
                            tree [j].daysToNextStage = tree [j].dayToHarvest;
                            tree[j].gameObject.GetComponent <Renderer> ().sharedMaterials = tree[j].M_ST2;
                            tree[j].GetComponent <MeshFilter> ().sharedMesh = tree[j].MF_ST2.sharedMesh;

                            InventoryItem fruit = new InventoryItem(tree [j].treeName, tree [j].treeDescription, tree [j].staminaRecovery, tree [j].price, tree [j].code, InventoryItem.inventoryTypes.EDIBLE);
                            inventory.addItem(fruit, 3);
コード例 #8
 // Use this for initialization
 void Start()
     soil    = FindObjectOfType(typeof(CreateSoil)) as CreateSoil;
     watterM = Resources.Load <Material> ("Materials/Watered");