[TestFixtureSetUp] public void Context() { Product product = new Product(10); Promotion promotion = CreatePromotion.WithDiscountOf(.1m).Starting(DateTime.Now.AddDays(-4)).Ending(DateTime.Now.AddDays(-1)); _order = CreateOrder.Of(product).On(DateTime.Now).Apply(promotion).In(StateOf.UT); }
[TestFixtureSetUp] public void Context() { _order = CreateOrder.Of(new Product(10) { IsLuxuryItem = true }).Apply(CreatePromotion.WithDiscountOf(.1m)).In(StateOf.NV); }
[TestFixtureSetUp] public void Context() { Product product = new Product(5); Promotion promotion = CreatePromotion.WithDiscountOf(.1m); Coupon coupon = CreateCoupon.For(product).WithDiscountOf(.2m); _order = CreateOrder.Of(product, product).Apply(promotion, coupon).In(StateOf.UT); }
private static void Sample5() { Product luxuryProduct = new Product(10) { IsLuxuryItem = true }; Product nonLuxuryProduct = new Product(10); Order order = CreateOrder.Of(luxuryProduct, nonLuxuryProduct). Apply(CreatePromotion.WithDiscountOf(.1m), CreateCoupon.For(luxuryProduct).WithDiscountOf(.5m)). In(StateOf.NC); DisplayOrder(order, "Order in North Carolina (5% tax rate) with $10 luxury item and $10 non-luxury item and 10% promotion and 50% coupon on luxury item:"); }
[TestFixtureSetUp] public void Context() { _order = CreateOrder.Of(new Product(10)).Apply(CreatePromotion.WithDiscountOf(.5m)).In(StateOf.FL); }
private static void Sample1() { Product luxuryProduct = new Product(10) { IsLuxuryItem = true }; Product nonLuxuryProduct = new Product(10); Order order = CreateOrder.Of(luxuryProduct, nonLuxuryProduct).Apply(CreatePromotion.WithDiscountOf(.1m)).In(StateOf.FL); DisplayOrder(order, "Order in Florida (5% tax rate) with $10 luxury item and $10 non-luxury item and 10% promotion:"); }
[TestFixtureSetUp] public void Context() { _order = CreateOrder.Of().Apply(CreatePromotion.WithDiscountOf(.1m)).In(StateOf.AR); }