コード例 #1
ファイル: NativeCode.cs プロジェクト: CreatePhotonW/MyWarez
        // C -> Shellcode using MSVC Example
        private static IAttack CShellcodeMsvcExample()
            var samplesOutput = new SamplesOutput();
            var attackName    = "CShellcodeMsvc";
            var attack        = new Attack(new IOutput[] {
            }, name: attackName);

            // Uses a technique from 2010/2013 to use MSVC to compile C code into Shellcode
            // http://www.exploit-monday.com/2013/08/writing-optimized-windows-shellcode-in-c.html
            // https://nickharbour.wordpress.com/2010/07/01/writing-shellcode-with-a-c-compiler/
            // Metasploit started doing the same thing at the end of 2019 (But with the Mingw-w64 toolchain instead of MSVC)
            // https://blog.rapid7.com/2019/11/21/metasploit-shellcode-grows-up-encrypted-and-authenticated-c-shells/

            var createProcessSource = new CreateProcess("notepad");
            // The first argument to CompileToShellcode must implement IShellcodeCCxxSourceIParameterlessCFunction
            //      For the most part the means it is a subclass of ShellcodeCCxxSource and implements IParameterlessCFunction
            // See the note at the end of this method for the characteristics of "shellcodable" C source.
            var shellcode = MyWarez.Plugins.Msvc.Utils.CompileToShellcode(createProcessSource, (StaticLibrary <Win64ObjectFile>)null, optimize: true);
            // There's also a parameter to specify optimizations, The default is not optimized since there's a chance optimization will result in nonfunctional shellcode.

            // shellcode -> exe wrapper from Sample12
            var rawShellcodeAsm  = new RawShellcodeYasmAssemblySource(shellcode, symbolName: "SheSellsShellCodesByTheSilkRoad");
            var staticLibrary    = ((IAssembler <YASM, Win64ObjectFile>) new MyWarez.Plugins.Yasm.Yasm()).Assemble(rawShellcodeAsm);
            var entryPoint       = ((ICFunction)rawShellcodeAsm).Name;
            var linkerConfig     = new MyWarez.Plugins.GoDevTool.Linker.Config(ENTRY: entryPoint);
            var createProcessExe = ((ILinker <Win64ObjectFile, Executable>) new MyWarez.Plugins.GoDevTool.Linker(linkerConfig)).Link(staticLibrary);

            samplesOutput.Add("CShellcodeMsvcNotepad.exe", createProcessExe); // Double click to confirm that notepad spawns

コード例 #2
        static void Main()
            Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable("KrkrRunMode", "Local");

            var args = Environment.GetCommandLineArgs();

            if (args.Length == 2)
                    var pe = new PeHeaderReader(args[1]);
                catch (Exception e)

                var Module = new CreateProcess(true);
                Application.Run(new Form1());
コード例 #3
ファイル: NativeCode.cs プロジェクト: CreatePhotonW/MyWarez
        // C/C++ with cl.exe (MSVC) & GoLink.exe
        private static IAttack CCxxClGoLinkExample()
            var samplesOutput = new SamplesOutput();
            var attackName    = "CCxxClGoLink";
            var attack        = new Attack(new IOutput[] {
            }, name: attackName);

            var cmdline             = "notepad";
            var createProcessSource = new CreateProcess(cmdline);
            // The CRT entry points (mainCRTStartup, wmainCRTStartup, WinMainCRTStartup, wWinMainCRTStartup, _DllMainCRTStartup) don't work GoLink
            // So, we must define our own entrypoint
            var entryPoint = ((ICFunction)createProcessSource).Name;

            // GoLink is incompatiable with Whole Program Optimization (cl.exe's /GL option)
            var compilerConfig             = new MyWarez.Plugins.Msvc.Compiler.Config(GL: false);
            var createProcessStaticLibrary = ((ICCxxCompiler <Win64ObjectFile>) new MyWarez.Plugins.Msvc.Compiler(compilerConfig)).Compile(createProcessSource);
            // MSVC's /GS option needs code from libcmt.lib
            // GoLink can't use static library files (.lib), so a workaround is to unpack the .lib into its individual object (.obj) files
            var libraryObjectFiles = new StaticLibrary <Win64ObjectFile>(new[] { MyWarez.Plugins.Msvc.StaticLibraries.libcmtWin64() }).ObjectFiles;
            //var libraryObjectFiles = new StaticLibrary<Win64ObjectFile>(new[] { MyWarez.Plugins.Msvc.StaticLibraries.libcmtWin64(), MyWarez.Plugins.Msvc.StaticLibraries.libucrtWin64(), MyWarez.Plugins.Msvc.StaticLibraries.libvcruntimeWin64() }).ObjectFiles;
            // libucrt.lib and libvcruntime.lib are other parts of the MSVC C Run-Time static libraries
            //      they are omitted here, omitting them saves time since extract object files from .lib files takes a while.

            // Use GoLink as the linker instead of MSVC's linker (link.exe)
            // We must specify an entrypoint with GoLink since the default entrypoint is always "START"
            //      Meanwhile MSVC would default to the appropriate CRT entrypoint
            var linkerConfig     = new MyWarez.Plugins.GoDevTool.Linker.Config(ENTRY: entryPoint);
            var createProcessExe = ((ILinker <Win64ObjectFile, Executable>) new MyWarez.Plugins.GoDevTool.Linker(linkerConfig, importStaticLibraryObjects: libraryObjectFiles)).Link(createProcessStaticLibrary);

            samplesOutput.Add("CCxxClGoLinkNotepad.exe", createProcessExe); // Double click to confirm that notepad spawns

コード例 #4
ファイル: RestrictedToken.cs プロジェクト: wisdark/Tokenvator
        public bool BypassUAC(int processId, string command)
            if (!_GetPrimaryToken((uint)processId))

            if (!_SetTokenInformation())

            if (!_DuplicateToken())

            string arguments = string.Empty;

            Misc.FindExe(ref command, out arguments);

            if (!CreateProcess.CreateProcessWithLogonW(phNewToken, command, arguments))

コード例 #5
ファイル: Misc.cs プロジェクト: wisdark/Tokenvator
 // Return the full path to binary file
 public static bool FindFullPath(string input, out string fullpath)
     fullpath = string.Empty;
         fullpath = Path.GetFullPath(input);
     catch (Exception ex)
         if (ex is ArgumentException)
             //I don't like calling CreateProcess here
             fullpath = CreateProcess.FindFilePath(input);
             if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(fullpath))
                 Console.WriteLine("[-] Unable to locate full binary path");
コード例 #6
        public async Task <ApiResult <bool> > Create(CreateProcess bundle)
            var json        = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(bundle);
            var httpContent = new StringContent(json, Encoding.UTF8, "application/json");
            var url         = $"/api/ProcessingDetail";
            var result      = await Create <bool>(url, httpContent);

        public int Insert()
            int           nProcessId;
            CreateProcess createProcess = new CreateProcess();

            createProcess.Process = this.m_Process;
            nProcessId            = createProcess.Insert();
            this.m_Process        = createProcess.Process;
コード例 #8
ファイル: NativeCode.cs プロジェクト: CreatePhotonW/MyWarez
        // Constructing a large C/C++ Example
        private static IAttack LargeCCxxExample()
            var samplesOutput = new SamplesOutput();
            var attackName    = "LargeCCxx";
            var attack        = new Attack(new IOutput[] {
            }, name: attackName);

            // spawn notepad
            var createProcessSource1 = new CreateProcess("notepad");
            // spawn calc
            var createProcessSource2 = new CreateProcess("calc");
            // returns the we specified path
            var targetPathSource = new StaticTargetPathCCxxSource(@"C:\Users\Public\baby.txt");
            // returns the data we specified
            var fileResourceSource = new StaticFileResourceCCxxSource(new byte[] { 0x65, 0x65, 0x65, 0x65 });
            // Drop a file to disk (drop the file "C:\Users\Public\baby.txt" to disk with contents "AAAA")
            var writeFileSource = new WriteFileResourceCCxxSource <StaticTargetPathCCxxSource, StaticFileResourceCCxxSource>(targetPathSource, fileResourceSource);
            // Call a series C functions in order
            var functionCallsSource = new SequentialFunctionCallCCxxSource(new IParameterlessCFunction[] { createProcessSource1, writeFileSource });
            // Limit to at most 1 running instance of this code at a time by creating a Global mutex. Only 1 process can have an open handle to a global mutex at a time
            var mutexSource = new MutexSingletonCCxxSource(functionCallsSource, mutexName: @"Global\SomeMutexName");
            // Check a conditional statement, (check if a debugger is attached)
            var antidebuggerSource1 = new NotIsDebuggerPresentCCxxSource();    // Returns true if it's safe to execute (No debugger is attached)
            var antidebuggerSource2 = new RemoteDebuggerCCxxSource();          // Retruns true if it's safe to execute (No debugger is attached)
            var ifElseSource        = new IfElseFunctionCallCCxxSource(
                "{0} && {1}",                                                  // If this boolean expression is true
                new IParameterlessCFunction[] { antidebuggerSource1, antidebuggerSource2 },
                trueCaseFunction: mutexSource,                                 // Then execute this
                falseCaseFunction: createProcessSource2);                      // Otherwise execute this
            var createThreadSource = new CreateThreadCCxxSource(ifElseSource); // Create a new thread and execute this
            var exeWinMainSource   = new FunctionCallExeWinMainCCxxSource(createThreadSource);
            var exeSource          = exeWinMainSource;
            // Summary,
            //  In the main function (WinMain),
            //  Create a thread
            //  In the new thread, Check if a debugger is present using the IsDebuggerPresent technique and the CheckRemoteDebuggerPresent technique
            //      If a debugger is attached,
            //          spawn calc
            //      Else // debuger is not attached
            //          create a mutex. If the mutex is free,
            //              Spawn notepad
            //              Drop C:\Users\Public\baby.txt to disk

            var createProcessExeStaticLibrary = ((ICCxxCompiler <Win64ObjectFile>) new MyWarez.Plugins.Msvc.Compiler()).Compile(exeSource);
            var createProcessExe = ((ILinker <Win64ObjectFile, Executable>) new MyWarez.Plugins.Msvc.Linker()).Link(createProcessExeStaticLibrary);

            samplesOutput.Add("LargeCCxx.exe", createProcessExe);
            // Double click the to confirm that notepad spawns.
            // Open the sample in WinDbg to confirm that calc spawns when a debugger is attached

コード例 #9
ファイル: NativeCode.cs プロジェクト: CreatePhotonW/MyWarez
        // Steps for writing C code that can be turned into shellcode:
        // Code must be in C (and have a file extension of ".c")
        // Declare (and don't initilize) all variables that the start of functions
        // Initialze variables, if any.
        // For strings, don't use string constants (qoute notation) to initialize, use arrays instead.
        // Write Win32 API calls as you normally would, ShellcodeCCxxSource will automagically swap out the calls for dynamically loaded versions
        //          Make sure there is no space between the API name and "("
        // Don't use the C runtime library
        //      Use compiler intrinsics where possible
        //      Otherwise copy and paste the implementation of needed C runtime functions from GCC's or ucrt's source code. Or roll your own.
        //      Declare helper functions as static and change the name so that they don't conflict with functions in the CRT
        // Have at most 1 (nonstatic) function per file.
        // Place "//HEADERS" near the top of the source file(s)
        // At the top of every function body, place "//DECLARATIONS"
        // After the declarations in a function body, place "//INITIALIZATIONS"
        // For an example, see Resources/Payloads/Windows/Execution/NativeAPI/CreateProcess/CreateProcess.c
        // Also, prototypes for the Win32 API functions used need to be added to Resources\Base\CCxxSource\ShellodeCCxxSource\DynamicallyLoadedFunctionSignatures.h

        // Constructing a large C -> Shellcode with MSVC Example

        private static IAttack LargeCShellcodeMsvcExample()
            var samplesOutput = new SamplesOutput();
            var attackName    = "LargeCShellcodeMsvc";
            var attack        = new Attack(new IOutput[] {
            }, name: attackName);

            // Same code from LargeCCxx (Some classes changed to their ShellcodeCCxxSource versions)
            // The CCxxSource and ShellcodeCCxxSource of class should be identical except some implented interfaces, some types, and the different parent class

            var createProcessSource1 = new CreateProcess("notepad");
            var createProcessSource2 = new CreateProcess("calc");
            var targetPathSource     = new StaticTargetPathCCxxSource(@"C:\Users\Public\baby.txt");
            var fileResourceSource   = new StaticFileResourceCCxxSource(new byte[] { 0x65, 0x65, 0x65, 0x65 });
            var writeFileSource      = new WriteFileResourceCCxxSource <StaticTargetPathCCxxSource, StaticFileResourceCCxxSource>(targetPathSource, fileResourceSource);
            var functionCallsSource  = new SequentialFunctionCallShellcodeCCxxSource(new IShellcodeParameterlessCFunction[] { createProcessSource1, writeFileSource });
            var mutexSource          = new MutexSingletonShellcodeCCxxSource(functionCallsSource, mutexName: @"Global\SomeMutexName");
            var antidebuggerSource1  = new NotIsDebuggerPresentCCxxSource();
            var antidebuggerSource2  = new RemoteDebuggerCCxxSource();
            var ifElseSource         = new IfElseFunctionCallShellcodeCCxxSource(
                "{0} && {1}",
                new IShellcodeParameterlessCFunction[] { antidebuggerSource1, antidebuggerSource2 },
                trueCaseFunction: mutexSource,
                falseCaseFunction: createProcessSource2);
            var createThreadSource = new CreateThreadShellcodeCCxxSource(ifElseSource);
            var shellcodeSource    = createThreadSource;
            // Summary, Same summary as the one from LargeCCxx (minus WinMain)

            var shellcode = MyWarez.Plugins.Msvc.Utils.CompileToShellcode(shellcodeSource, (StaticLibrary <Win64ObjectFile>)null, optimize: true);

            // shellcode -> exe wrapper from AssemblyShellcodeYasmGoLink
            var rawShellcodeAsm  = new RawShellcodeYasmAssemblySource(shellcode, symbolName: "SheSellsShellCodesByTheSilkRoad");
            var staticLibrary    = ((IAssembler <YASM, Win64ObjectFile>) new MyWarez.Plugins.Yasm.Yasm()).Assemble(rawShellcodeAsm);
            var entryPoint       = ((ICFunction)rawShellcodeAsm).Name;
            var linkerConfig     = new MyWarez.Plugins.GoDevTool.Linker.Config(ENTRY: entryPoint);
            var createProcessExe = ((ILinker <Win64ObjectFile, Executable>) new MyWarez.Plugins.GoDevTool.Linker(linkerConfig)).Link(staticLibrary);

            // Note: MSVC could also be used for the linker if desired

            samplesOutput.Add("LargeCShellcodeMsvcNotepad.exe", createProcessExe);
            // Double click the to confirm that notepad spawns.
            // Open the sample in WinDbg to confirm that calc spawns when a debugger is attached

コード例 #10
 public static void CheckRiskTypes(CreateProcess process, RAAPEntities db)
     db.RiskTypes.ForEach((Database.RiskType riskType) =>
         if (!process.Risks.Any(r => r.Type == riskType.RiskTypeId))
             process.Risks.Add(new Risk()
                 Type = riskType.RiskTypeId,
                 Name = riskType.Name,
     process.Assets.ForEach(p => CheckRiskTypes(p, db));
コード例 #11
ファイル: NativeCode.cs プロジェクト: CreatePhotonW/MyWarez
        // C/C++ with MSVC Example
        private static IAttack CCxxMsvcExample()
            var samplesOutput = new SamplesOutput();
            var attackName    = "CCxxMsvc";
            var attack        = new Attack(new IOutput[] {
            }, name: attackName);

            var cmdline = "notepad"; // any commandline
            // CreateProcess is C/C++ code that will create a process using Kernel32!CreateProcessA
            var createProcessSource = new CreateProcess(cmdline);
            // FunctionCallExeWinMainCCxxSource is C/C++ code containing a template WinMain implentation that calls the inputs entry point function
            var createProcessExeSource = new FunctionCallExeWinMainCCxxSource(createProcessSource);
            // createProcessExeSource contains the code for WinMain AND the code to create a process from createProcessSource

            // C/C++ code can be compiled using the MSVC toolchain
            // StaticLibrary represents compiled code
            // Msvc.Compiler accepts Msvc.Compiler.Config as an argument. If None is specifed, then the default is used. The default is good for the majority of cases
            // (ICCxxCompiler<Win64ObjectFile>) means that this is a C/C++ Compiler that produces object files of type Win64ObjectFile (MSVC's object format for 64-bit code)
            var createProcessExeStaticLibrary = ((ICCxxCompiler <Win64ObjectFile>) new MyWarez.Plugins.Msvc.Compiler()).Compile(createProcessExeSource);
            // The Linker is used to create an executable using the compiled code from the compilation step
            // Msvc.Linker accepts Msvc.Linker.Config as an argument. If None is specifed, then the default is used. The default is good for the majority of cases
            // (ILinker<Win64ObjectFile, Executable>) means that this is a Linker that access object files of type Win64ObjectFile and produces executables of type Executable (.exe)
            var createProcessExe = ((ILinker <Win64ObjectFile, Executable>) new MyWarez.Plugins.Msvc.Linker()).Link(createProcessExeStaticLibrary);

            // The MSVC toolchain can also be used to create a DLL from C/C++ source
            // CreateProcess implements the interface ICFunction. ICFunction represents a callable (using the C calling convention) function. The property "Name" of ICFunction is representative of the function's (unmangled) symbol name
            var exportedFunctionName = ((ICFunction)createProcessSource).Name;
            // DLLs can export functions for other programs to call
            var createProcessDllSource        = new SkeletonDllMainCCxxSource(createProcessSource, exportedFunctions: new[] { exportedFunctionName });
            var createProcessDllStaticLibrary = ((ICCxxCompiler <Win64ObjectFile>) new MyWarez.Plugins.Msvc.Compiler()).Compile(createProcessDllSource);
            // Msvc.Linker must be explictly told what function(s) to export
            // (ILinker<Win64ObjectFile, Executable>) means that this is a Linker that access object files of type Win64ObjectFile and produces executables of type DynamicLinkLibrary (.dll)
            var createProcessLinkerConfig = new MyWarez.Plugins.Msvc.Linker.Config(exportedFunctions: createProcessDllSource.ExportedFunctions);
            var createProcessDll          = ((ILinker <Win64ObjectFile, DynamicLinkLibrary>) new MyWarez.Plugins.Msvc.Linker(createProcessLinkerConfig)).Link(createProcessDllStaticLibrary);

            samplesOutput.Add("CCxxMsvcNotepad.exe", createProcessExe); // Double click to confirm that notepad spawns
            samplesOutput.Add("CCxxMsvcNotepad.dll", createProcessDll); // run: "rundll32 Sample8Notepad.dll,CreateProcessFunction" to confirm that notepad spawns

コード例 #12
        //------------------<Helper Function to demp req>---------------

        private void demoReq()
            TestUtilities.title("Project 4 - Remote Build Server", '=');
            CreateProcess.RaiseEvent(new RoutedEventArgs(ButtonBase.ClickEvent));
            CommMessage connectMsg = new CommMessage(CommMessage.MessageType.connect);

            connectMsg.from = ClientEnvironment.endPoint;
            connectMsg.to   = RepoEnvironment.endPoint;
            CommMessage msg1 = new CommMessage(CommMessage.MessageType.request);

            msg1.from    = ClientEnvironment.endPoint;
            msg1.to      = RepoEnvironment.endPoint;
            msg1.command = "BuildRequest";
コード例 #13
        public async Task <ApiResult <bool> > Create(CreateProcess bundle)
            List <ProcessingVoucherDetail> processVoucherDetilList = new List <ProcessingVoucherDetail>();
            List <Material>         materialsUpdate        = new List <Material>();
            List <ProcessingDetail> processingDetailUpdate = new List <ProcessingDetail>();

            int i = 0;

            foreach (var item in bundle.Amount)
                if (item != 0)
                    var process = await _context.ProcessingDetails
                                  .Include(x => x.Recipe).ThenInclude(x => x.RecipeDetails)
                                  .Where(x => x.Id == bundle.IdProcess[i]).FirstOrDefaultAsync();

                    foreach (var it in process.Recipe.RecipeDetails)
                        var materials = await _context.Materials.Include(x => x.Packs)
                                        .Where(x => x.Id == it.IdMaterials).FirstOrDefaultAsync();

                        var  unit = materials.Packs.Where(x => x.Name == it.Unit).FirstOrDefault();
                        long recipesDetailsAmount = 0;
                        // tính số lượng vừa nhập,ý là số lượng sẽ phát
                        recipesDetailsAmount = item * it.Amount * unit.Value;

                        if (recipesDetailsAmount > materials.Amount || materials.Amount == 0)
                            string str = $"Không thể tạo, vì số lượng {materials.Name} không đủ.";
                            return(new ApiErrorResult <bool>(str));
                        // cập nhật lại số lượng  trong nguyên vật liệu
                        var amountMaterialNew = materials.Amount - recipesDetailsAmount;
                        materials.Amount = amountMaterialNew < 0 ? 0 : amountMaterialNew;

                    // thêm số lượng sản phẩm đã được dx nhận nguyên liệu để tạo phiếu
                    var processVD = new ProcessingVoucherDetail()
                        Amount   = item,
                        IdRecipe = process.IdRecipe,
                        Unit     = process.Unit

                    // cập nhật số lượng đã thêm trong kế hoạch chi tiết chế biến.
                    var enterOld = process.EnterAmount;
                    var enterNew = process.EnterAmount + item;
                    process.EnterAmount = enterNew;
                    var total = process.Amount - enterNew;
                    if (total <= 0)
                        process.Status = true;
                        process.Status = false;
            // tìm id user
            var user = await _userManager.FindByNameAsync(bundle.NameCreator);

            if (user == null)
                return(new ApiErrorResult <bool>());
            // tạo code
            var code = await _context.ManageCodes.FirstOrDefaultAsync(x => x.Name == bundle.Code);

            var stt = 1;

            var location = code.Location + stt;

            var strCode = code.Name + location;

            var checkCode = await _context.ProductTypes.AnyAsync(x => x.Code == strCode);

            if (checkCode)
                goto Location;

            code.Location = location;
            await _context.SaveChangesAsync();

            //cập nhật kế hoạch chế biến đã hoàn thành  phát

            var processVoucher = new ProcessingVoucher()
                Code      = strCode,
                IdCreator = user.Id,
                IdPlan    = bundle.IdPlan,
                ProcessingVoucherDetails = processVoucherDetilList

            // cập nhật và khởi tạo



            await _context.SaveChangesAsync();

            var processNew = await _context.ProcessPlans.Include(x => x.ProcessingDetails)
                             .Where(x => x.Id == bundle.IdPlan).FirstOrDefaultAsync();

            var status = true;

            foreach (var p in processNew.ProcessingDetails)
                if (!p.Status)
                    status = false;
            if (status)
                processNew.Status = StatusProcessPlan.Processed;
                await _context.SaveChangesAsync();

            return(new ApiSuccessResult <bool>());
コード例 #14
        protected override void OnExternalObjectsDropped(GoInputEventArgs evt)
            PointF point;

            switch (_dpiState)
            case DpiState.TooSmall:
                point = new PointF(evt.DocPoint.X / 2, evt.DocPoint.Y / 2);

            case DpiState.TooBig:
                point = new PointF(evt.DocPoint.X * 2, evt.DocPoint.Y * 2);

                point = evt.DocPoint;

            if (Selection.Primary is GoSimpleNode simpleNode)
                var parent = GetParentGroup(point);
                switch (simpleNode.Text)
                case "ExternalInteractor":
                    CreateExternalInteractor?.Invoke(point, parent);

                case "Process":
                    CreateProcess?.Invoke(point, parent);

                case "DataStore":
                    CreateDataStore?.Invoke(point, parent);

                case "TrustBoundary":
                    CreateTrustBoundary?.Invoke(point, parent);

                    if (Guid.TryParse(simpleNode.Text, out Guid id))
                        CreateIdentity?.Invoke(id, point, parent);
            else if (Selection.Primary is GraphThreatTypeNode threatTypeNode)
                var threatType = threatTypeNode.ThreatType;

                var nodes = Document.PickObjects(point, false, null, 100);
                foreach (var node in nodes)
                    var parent = node?.ParentNode;
                    if (parent is GraphEntity gnode)
                        var entity = _diagram.Model?.GetEntity(gnode.EntityShape.AssociatedId);
                        if (entity != null)
                    else if (parent is GraphLink glink)
                        var dataFlow = _diagram.Model?.GetDataFlow(glink.Link.AssociatedId);
                        if (dataFlow != null)
                            glink.ShowThreats(this, point);
コード例 #15
ファイル: Form1.cs プロジェクト: Nekotekina/KrkrExtract-1
 public Form1()
     m_Module = new CreateProcess(false);
コード例 #16
        public async Task <IActionResult> Create(CreateProcess bundle)
            var result = await _processingDetailApiClient.Create(bundle);

コード例 #17
        public async Task <IActionResult> Create([FromBody] CreateProcess bundle)
            var result = await _processingDetailService.Create(bundle);

コード例 #18
 protected override unsafe int OnCreateProcess(CorDebugProcess pProcess)
     CreateProcess?.Invoke(this, pProcess);
コード例 #19
 public static void CalculateRisk(CreateProcess process)
     process.Risks.ForEach(r => process.Assets.SelectMany(a => a.Risks.Where(rr => rr.Type == r.Type)).ForEach(rr => AddRisk(r, rr)));
コード例 #20
        public void Main()
            pInfo = NativeHelpers.CreateProcess(
                applicationName:   null,
                commandLine: opt.Process,
                //flags: CreateProcessFlags.DEBUG_ONLY_THIS_PROCESS | CreateProcessFlags.DETACHED_PROCESS
                flags: CreateProcessFlags.DETACHED_PROCESS | CreateProcessFlags.DEBUG_PROCESS

            if (pInfo.dwProcessId == decimal.Zero)

            var _    = NativeMethods.DebugActiveProcess(pInfo.dwProcessId);
            var code = Marshal.GetLastWin32Error();


            if (opt.LoadDLL)
                LoadDLL += (IntPtr address) =>
                    Console.WriteLine($"ModLoad: {address.Address()} {LoadedDlls[address]}");

            if (opt.UnloadDLL)
                UnloadDLL += (IntPtr address) =>
                    Console.WriteLine($"ModUnLoad: {address.Address()} {LoadedDlls[address]}");

            if (opt.CreateProcess)
                CreateProcess += Console.WriteLine;
            if (opt.ExitProcess)
                ExitProcess += Console.WriteLine;

            if (opt.CreateThread)
                CreateThread += Console.WriteLine;
            if (opt.ExitThread)
                ExitThread += Console.WriteLine;

            if (opt.Exception)
                Exception += Console.WriteLine;

            debuggee = Process.GetProcessById(pInfo.dwProcessId);
            Console.WriteLine($@"{debuggee.ProcessName} started for debugging: PID: {pInfo.dwProcessId}");

コード例 #21
 public Form1()
     m_Module         = new CreateProcess(false);
     m_ImageListSmall = new ImageList();