コード例 #1
        public override void OnExecute(CommandEventArgs e)
            ISvnRepositoryItem selected = EnumTools.GetSingle(e.Selection.GetSelection <ISvnRepositoryItem>());

            string directoryName = "";

            using (CreateDirectoryDialog dlg = new CreateDirectoryDialog())
                DialogResult result = dlg.ShowDialog(e.Context);

                directoryName = dlg.NewDirectoryName;

                if (result != DialogResult.OK || string.IsNullOrEmpty(directoryName))

                string log = dlg.LogMessage;

                // Handle special characters like on local path
                Uri uri = SvnTools.AppendPathSuffix(selected.Uri, directoryName);

                ProgressRunnerResult prResult =
                    e.GetService <IProgressRunner>().RunModal(
                        delegate(object sender, ProgressWorkerArgs ee)
                    SvnCreateDirectoryArgs args = new SvnCreateDirectoryArgs();
                    args.ThrowOnError           = false;
                    args.CreateParents          = true;
                    args.LogMessage             = log;
                    ee.Client.RemoteCreateDirectory(uri, args);

                if (prResult.Succeeded)
コード例 #2
ファイル: AddToSccCommands.cs プロジェクト: windygu/AnkhSVN
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates the directory specified by <see cref="uri"/>
        /// Returns false if the user cancelled creating the directory, true otherwise
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        /// <param name="title">The title of the Create dialog</param>
        /// <param name="uri">The directory to be created</param>
        /// <param name="cl"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        static bool RemoteCreateDirectory(CommandEventArgs e, string title, Uri uri, SvnClient cl)
            using (CreateDirectoryDialog createDialog = new CreateDirectoryDialog())
                createDialog.Text = title; // Override dialog title with text from other dialog

                createDialog.NewDirectoryName     = uri.ToString();
                createDialog.NewDirectoryReadonly = true;
                if (createDialog.ShowDialog(e.Context) == DialogResult.OK)
                    // Create uri (including optional /trunk if required)
                    SvnCreateDirectoryArgs cdArg = new SvnCreateDirectoryArgs();
                    cdArg.CreateParents = true;
                    cdArg.LogMessage    = createDialog.LogMessage;

                    cl.RemoteCreateDirectory(uri, cdArg);

                return(false); // bail out, we cannot continue without directory in the repository
コード例 #3
ファイル: AddToSccCommands.cs プロジェクト: windygu/AnkhSVN
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns false if the AddToSubversionDialog has been cancelled, true otherwise
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        /// <param name="projectInfo"></param>
        /// <param name="solutionReposRoot"></param>
        /// <param name="shouldMarkAsManaged"></param>
        /// <param name="storeReference"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        static bool CheckoutWorkingCopyForProject(CommandEventArgs e, SccProject project, ISccProjectInfo projectInfo, Uri solutionReposRoot, out bool shouldMarkAsManaged, out bool storeReference)
            shouldMarkAsManaged = false;
            storeReference      = false;
            using (SvnClient cl = e.GetService <ISvnClientPool>().GetClient())
                using (AddProjectToSubversion dialog = new AddProjectToSubversion())
                    dialog.Context          = e.Context;
                    dialog.PathToAdd        = projectInfo.ProjectDirectory;
                    dialog.RepositoryAddUrl = solutionReposRoot;

                    if (e.Argument is IAnkhSccService)
                        dialog.CommitAllVisible = false;
                        dialog.CommitAllFiles   = false;
                        dialog.CommitAllFiles = true;

                    if (dialog.ShowDialog(e.Context) != DialogResult.OK)
                        return(false); // User cancelled the "Add to subversion" dialog, don't set as managed by Ankh
                    if (!dialog.CommitAllFiles)
                        Collection <SvnInfoEventArgs> info;
                        SvnInfoArgs ia = new SvnInfoArgs();
                        ia.ThrowOnError = false;
                        if (!cl.GetInfo(dialog.RepositoryAddUrl, ia, out info))
                            // Target uri doesn't exist in the repository, let's create
                            if (!RemoteCreateDirectory(e, dialog.Text, dialog.RepositoryAddUrl, cl))
                                return(false); // Create failed; bail out

                        // Create working copy
                        SvnCheckOutArgs coArg = new SvnCheckOutArgs();
                        coArg.AllowObstructions = true;
                        cl.CheckOut(dialog.RepositoryAddUrl, dialog.WorkingCopyDir, coArg);
                        // Cache some values before thread marshalling
                        HybridCollection <string> projectFiles = new HybridCollection <string>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
                        string wcDir    = dialog.WorkingCopyDir;
                        Uri    reposUrl = dialog.RepositoryAddUrl;
                        string logMessage;

                        projectFiles.UniqueAddRange(e.GetService <IProjectFileMapper>().GetAllFilesOf(project));
                        using (CreateDirectoryDialog dlg = new CreateDirectoryDialog())
                            dlg.Text                 = CommandStrings.ImportingTitle;
                            dlg.NewDirectoryName     = reposUrl.ToString();
                            dlg.NewDirectoryReadonly = true;

                            if (dlg.ShowDialog(e.Context) != DialogResult.OK)

                            logMessage = dlg.LogMessage;
                        IAnkhOpenDocumentTracker documentTracker = e.GetService <IAnkhOpenDocumentTracker>();

                        documentTracker.SaveDocuments(projectFiles); // Make sure all files are saved before updating/merging!

                        using (DocumentLock lck = documentTracker.LockDocuments(projectFiles, DocumentLockType.NoReload))
                            using (lck.MonitorChangesForReload())
                                e.GetService <IProgressRunner>().RunModal(CommandStrings.ImportingTitle,
                                                                          delegate(object sender, ProgressWorkerArgs a)
                                    SvnImportArgs importArgs = new SvnImportArgs();
                                    importArgs.LogMessage    = logMessage;
                                    importArgs.Filter       +=
                                        delegate(object ieSender, SvnImportFilterEventArgs ie)
                                        if (ie.NodeKind != SvnNodeKind.Directory)
                                            ie.Filter = !projectFiles.Contains(ie.FullPath);
                                            bool filter = true;
                                            foreach (string p in projectFiles)
                                                if (SvnItem.IsBelowRoot(p, ie.FullPath))
                                                    filter = false;
                                            if (filter)
                                                ie.Filter = true;
                                    a.Client.Import(wcDir, reposUrl, importArgs);

                    shouldMarkAsManaged = dialog.MarkAsManaged;
                    storeReference      = dialog.WriteCheckOutInformation;
コード例 #4
ファイル: AddToSccCommands.cs プロジェクト: windygu/AnkhSVN
        static bool CheckoutWorkingCopyForSolution(CommandEventArgs e, ref bool confirmed)
            using (SvnClient cl = e.GetService <ISvnClientPool>().GetClient())
                using (AddToSubversion dialog = new AddToSubversion())
                    dialog.PathToAdd = e.Selection.SolutionFilename;
                    if (e.Argument is IAnkhSccService)
                        dialog.CommitAllVisible = false;
                        dialog.CommitAllFiles   = false;
                        dialog.CommitAllFiles = true;

                    if (dialog.ShowDialog(e.Context) != DialogResult.OK)
                        return(false); // Don't set as managed by AnkhSVN
                    confirmed = true;

                    if (dialog.CommitAllFiles)
                        HybridCollection <string> allFiles = new HybridCollection <string>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);

                        string logMessage;
                        string wcPath   = dialog.WorkingCopyDir;
                        Uri    reposUrl = dialog.RepositoryAddUrl;

                        allFiles.UniqueAddRange(e.GetService <IProjectFileMapper>().GetAllFilesOfAllProjects(true));
                        using (CreateDirectoryDialog dlg = new CreateDirectoryDialog())
                            dlg.Text                 = CommandStrings.ImportingTitle;
                            dlg.NewDirectoryName     = dialog.RepositoryAddUrl.ToString();
                            dlg.NewDirectoryReadonly = true;

                            if (dlg.ShowDialog(e.Context) != DialogResult.OK)

                            logMessage = dlg.LogMessage;

                        IAnkhOpenDocumentTracker documentTracker = e.GetService <IAnkhOpenDocumentTracker>();

                        documentTracker.SaveDocuments(allFiles); // Make sure all files are saved before updating/merging!

                        using (DocumentLock lck = documentTracker.LockDocuments(allFiles, DocumentLockType.NoReload))
                            using (lck.MonitorChangesForReload())
                                e.GetService <IProgressRunner>().RunModal(CommandStrings.ImportingTitle,
                                                                          delegate(object sender, ProgressWorkerArgs a)
                                    SvnImportArgs importArgs = new SvnImportArgs();
                                    importArgs.LogMessage    = logMessage;
                                    importArgs.Filter       +=
                                        delegate(object ieSender, SvnImportFilterEventArgs ie)
                                        if (ie.NodeKind != SvnNodeKind.Directory)
                                            ie.Filter = !allFiles.Contains(ie.FullPath);
                                            bool filter = true;
                                            foreach (string p in allFiles)
                                                if (SvnItem.IsBelowRoot(p, ie.FullPath))
                                                    filter = false;
                                            if (filter)
                                                ie.Filter = true;
                                    a.Client.Import(wcPath, reposUrl, importArgs);
                        Collection <SvnInfoEventArgs> info;
                        SvnInfoArgs ia = new SvnInfoArgs();
                        ia.ThrowOnError = false;
                        if (!cl.GetInfo(dialog.RepositoryAddUrl, ia, out info))
                            // Target uri doesn't exist in the repository, let's create
                            if (!RemoteCreateDirectory(e, dialog.Text, dialog.RepositoryAddUrl, cl))
                                return(false); // Create failed; bail out

                        // Create working copy
                        SvnCheckOutArgs coArg = new SvnCheckOutArgs();
                        coArg.AllowObstructions = true;
                        cl.CheckOut(dialog.RepositoryAddUrl, dialog.WorkingCopyDir, coArg);

                        // Add solutionfile so we can set properties (set managed)
                        AddPathToSubversion(e, e.Selection.SolutionFilename);

                        IAnkhSolutionSettings settings = e.GetService <IAnkhSolutionSettings>();
                        IProjectFileMapper    mapper   = e.GetService <IProjectFileMapper>();
                        IFileStatusMonitor    monitor  = e.GetService <IFileStatusMonitor>();

                        settings.ProjectRoot = SvnTools.GetNormalizedFullPath(dialog.WorkingCopyDir);

                        if (monitor != null && mapper != null)
                            // Make sure all visible glyphs are updated to reflect a new working copy
