コード例 #1
        private static void UpdateParams(CreateBlockchain model)
            var p = MultiChainTools.GetBlockchainConfig(model.ChainString);

            p["anyone-can-connect"] = true;
            p["anyone-can-send"]    = true;
            p["anyone-can-receive"] = true;
            p["anyone-can-mine"]    = true;

            p["root-stream-open"] = false;

            // Target block time must be between 5 and 86400 seconds
            if ((model.BlockSpeed >= 5) && (model.BlockSpeed <= 86400))
                p["target-block-time"] = model.BlockSpeed;

            MultiChainTools.WriteBlockchainConfig(model.ChainString, p);
コード例 #2
        public async Task <IHttpActionResult> CreateBlockchain(CreateBlockchain model)
            // Must have at least one question
            if ((model.Questions == null) || !model.Questions.Any())
                ModelState.AddModelError("Questions", "At least one question is required");

            // All questions must have at least one answer (although should probably have at least two?)
            if (model.Questions.Any(q => (q.Answers == null) || !q.Answers.Any()))
                ModelState.AddModelError("Questions", "All questions must have at least one answer");

            if (!ModelState.IsValid)

            // Check we're not going to have a ChainString collision
                await _blockchainStore.GetBlockchainByChainString(model.ChainString);

                return(BadRequest("A Blockchain already exists with the same name as this!"));
            catch (RecordNotFoundException)
                // This is good

            // multichain-util create {model.ChainString}
            await MultiChainUtilHandler.CreateBlockchain(model.ChainString);

            // Find a Port to run multichaind on
            var blockchains = await _blockchainStore.GetAllBlockchains();

            int port;

            while (true)
                port = MultiChainTools.GetNewPort(EPortType.MultichainD);
                if (blockchains.All(b => b.Port != port))

            // Update the default multichain.params to adjust permissions etc.

            // Run the blockchain for the first time
            var rpcPort = MultiChainTools.GetNewPort(EPortType.MultichainD);
            var chain   =
                await _multichaind.Connect(IPAddress.Loopback.ToString(), model.ChainString, port, port, rpcPort, false);

            // Convert questions. Each has a unique number (per blockchain) starting from 1
            var questionNumber = 1;

            foreach (var q in model.Questions.Select(q => RequestToBlockchainQuestion(q, ref questionNumber)))
                await chain.WriteToStream(MultiChainTools.ROOT_STREAM_NAME, MultiChainTools.QUESTIONS_KEY, q);

            // Create a new wallet ID for votes to be sent to
            var walletId = await chain.GetNewWalletAddress();

            var blockchain = new RegiBlockchain
                Name        = model.Name,
                ExpiryDate  = model.ExpiryDate,
                Info        = model.Info,
                ChainString = model.ChainString,
                WalletId    = walletId,
                Port        = port

            // Encrypt blockchain results
            if (model.Encrypted)
                // Create encryption key TODO: Don't store on disk?
                var key = RsaTools.CreateKeyAndSave(blockchain.ChainString + "-encrypt");
                blockchain.EncryptKey = RsaTools.KeyToString(key.Public);

            // Save blockchain data in store
            await _blockchainStore.CreateBlockchain(blockchain);

            // Create RSA keypair for blind signing
