public void NormalGroupUpdateTest() { XmlDocumentGroup xmlDocumentGroup = XmlHelper.GetXmlDocumentGroup(@".\DataContent\NormalContent\cc54a49bf188f994899cb1c954bb795f.xml"); xmlDocumentGroup.Operation = Operation.Upd; UploadDocumentGroup uploadDocumentGroup = XmlHelper.GetUploadDocumentGroup(xmlDocumentGroup, @".\DataContent\NormalContent\"); using (ShimsContext.Create()) { ShimDateTime.NowGet = () => new DateTime(2000, 1, 1); string ident = string.Empty; CrawlerLog log = new CrawlerLog(); DocumentGroup documentGroup = new DocumentGroup(); IRepository fakeRepository = new StubIRepository { GetIdentifierString = (identifier) => { return xmlDocumentGroup.Identifier; }, GetOrCreateCrawlerIdString = (crawlerName) => { return 1; }, AddDocumentGroupDocumentGroup = (newDocumentGroup) => { documentGroup = newDocumentGroup; }, DeleteDocumentGroupString = (identifier) => { ident = identifier; return 1; }, AddNewLogCrawlerLog = (crawlerLog) => { log = crawlerLog; } }; WcfHost eu = new WcfHost(fakeRepository); var msgActual = eu.UploadFile(uploadDocumentGroup); // ReturnMessage Assert.AreEqual("Ok", msgActual, "Service return message."); // DeleteDocumentGroup Assert.AreEqual(xmlDocumentGroup.Identifier, ident, "Identifier"); // AddDocumentGroup Assert.AreEqual(xmlDocumentGroup.Identifier, documentGroup.Identifier, "Identifier"); Assert.AreEqual(1, documentGroup.CrawlerId, "CrawlerId"); Assert.AreEqual(1, documentGroup.Operation, "Operation"); Assert.AreEqual(xmlDocumentGroup.Document.Count, documentGroup.Documents.Count, "DocumentsCount"); // LogAsserts Assert.AreEqual(xmlDocumentGroup.Identifier, log.Identifier, "IdentifierLog"); Assert.AreEqual(true, log.IsSuccess, "IsSuccess"); Assert.AreEqual(new DateTime(2000, 1, 1), log.LogDate, "LogDate"); Assert.AreEqual(xmlDocumentGroup.Crawler, log.CrawlerName, "CrawlerNameLog"); Assert.AreEqual(1, log.Operation, "OperationLog"); } }
public static void WriteToFileLog(CrawlerLog crawlerLog) { lock (locker) { checkForLog = true; StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(logFile, true); using (sw) { string logLine = (crawlerLog.IpAddress + " _^sep^_ " + crawlerLog.LogDate + " _^sep^_ " + crawlerLog.MetaXml + " _^sep^_ " + crawlerLog.ZipLength + " _^sep^_ " + crawlerLog.Identifier + " _^sep^_ " + crawlerLog.CrawlerName + " _^sep^_ " + crawlerLog.IsSuccess + " _^sep^_ " + crawlerLog.Operation + " _^sep^_ " + crawlerLog.Error).Replace("\r", " _^r^_ ").Replace("\n", " _^n^_ "); sw.WriteLine(logLine); } } }
/// <summary> /// Method that is used to upload XmlDocumentGroup to web service /// </summary> /// <param name="uploadDocumentGroup">Complex type XmlDocumentGroup</param> /// <returns>- If there is no errors the return string is "Ok" /// - If error the return string will be in following format: /// Error: <error description> /// </returns> public string UploadFile(UploadDocumentGroup uploadDocumentGroup) { CrawlerLog crawlerLog = new CrawlerLog(); try { RemoteEndpointMessageProperty msg = null; if (OperationContext.Current != null) { msg = OperationContext.Current.IncomingMessageProperties[RemoteEndpointMessageProperty.Name] as RemoteEndpointMessageProperty; crawlerLog.IpAddress = msg.Address; } else { crawlerLog.IpAddress = "localhost"; } crawlerLog.IsSuccess = false; crawlerLog.LogDate = DateTime.Now; crawlerLog.MetaXml = uploadDocumentGroup.MetaInfo; // ValidateDeserializeXml this.isValidXml = true; this.validationErrorLog.Clear(); this.XmlValidate(uploadDocumentGroup.MetaInfo); if (!this.isValidXml) { return this.validationErrorLog.ToString(); } XmlDocumentGroup xmlDocumentGroup = null; XmlSerializer deserializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(XmlDocumentGroup)); using (TextReader textReader = new StringReader(uploadDocumentGroup.MetaInfo)) { xmlDocumentGroup = (XmlDocumentGroup)deserializer.Deserialize(textReader); } crawlerLog.Identifier = xmlDocumentGroup.Identifier; crawlerLog.Operation = (int)xmlDocumentGroup.Operation; crawlerLog.CrawlerName = xmlDocumentGroup.Crawler; // ValidateReadZip Dictionary<string, MemoryStream> documentsData = new Dictionary<string, MemoryStream>(); if (xmlDocumentGroup.Operation != Operation.Del) { if (uploadDocumentGroup.Data == null || uploadDocumentGroup.Data.Length == 0) { this.validationErrorLog.Append("Error: Validation Exception - ZipData length is zero or ZipData is NULL, document idenfier: " + xmlDocumentGroup.Identifier + " and Operation: " + xmlDocumentGroup.Operation); return this.validationErrorLog.ToString(); } else { crawlerLog.ZipLength = uploadDocumentGroup.Data.Length; documentsData = this.UnZipToMemory(uploadDocumentGroup.Data); } } // AddUpdDel var documentGroupIdentifier = this.db.GetIdentifier(xmlDocumentGroup.Identifier); if (xmlDocumentGroup.Operation == Operation.Add) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(documentGroupIdentifier)) { // Add new XmlDocumentGroup this.AddNewDocumentGroup(xmlDocumentGroup, uploadDocumentGroup, documentsData); } else { this.validationErrorLog.Append("Error: Validation Exception - There is a document identifier: " + xmlDocumentGroup.Identifier + " You can't use Оperation: " + xmlDocumentGroup.Operation); return this.validationErrorLog.ToString(); } } else if (xmlDocumentGroup.Operation == Operation.Upd || xmlDocumentGroup.Operation == Operation.Del) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(documentGroupIdentifier)) { // Update/Delete this.UpdateDeleteDocumentGroup(xmlDocumentGroup, uploadDocumentGroup, documentsData, documentGroupIdentifier); } else { this.validationErrorLog.Append("Error: Validation Exception - No document idenfier: " + xmlDocumentGroup.Identifier + " .You can't use Operation: " + xmlDocumentGroup.Operation); return this.validationErrorLog.ToString(); } } else { this.validationErrorLog.Append("Error: Validation Exception - Document idenfier: " + xmlDocumentGroup.Identifier + " .Invalid Operation: " + xmlDocumentGroup.Operation); return this.validationErrorLog.ToString(); } crawlerLog.IsSuccess = true; } catch (Exception ex) { crawlerLog.IsSuccess = false; crawlerLog.Error += ex.ToString(); return "Error: Service Exception - " + ex.ToString(); } finally { crawlerLog.Error += this.validationErrorLog.ToString(); try { this.db.AddNewLog(crawlerLog); LockHelper.PushLocalLogToDb(); } catch (Exception ex) { // There is a problem with the connection to the database, so we recorded a log in a text file crawlerLog.Error += ex.ToString(); LockHelper.WriteToFileLog(crawlerLog); } } return "Ok"; }
private static CrawlerLog GetLog(string log) { log = log.Replace(" _^r^_ ", "\r").Replace(" _^n^_ ", "\n"); var logAtribs = log.Split(new string[] { " _^sep^_ " }, StringSplitOptions.None); CrawlerLog crawlerLog = new CrawlerLog(); crawlerLog.IpAddress = logAtribs[0].Trim() == string.Empty ? null : logAtribs[0].Trim(); DateTime logDate = new DateTime(); if (DateTime.TryParse(logAtribs[1].Trim(), out logDate)) { crawlerLog.LogDate = logDate; } crawlerLog.MetaXml = logAtribs[2].Trim() == string.Empty ? null : logAtribs[2].Trim(); int zipLength = 0; if (int.TryParse(logAtribs[3].Trim(), out zipLength)) { crawlerLog.ZipLength = zipLength; } crawlerLog.Identifier = logAtribs[4].Trim() == string.Empty ? null : logAtribs[4].Trim(); crawlerLog.CrawlerName = logAtribs[5].Trim() == string.Empty ? null : logAtribs[5].Trim(); bool isSuccess = false; if (bool.TryParse(logAtribs[6].Trim(), out isSuccess)) { crawlerLog.IsSuccess = isSuccess; } int operation = 0; if (int.TryParse(logAtribs[7].Trim(), out operation)) { crawlerLog.Operation = operation; } crawlerLog.Error = logAtribs[8].Trim(); return crawlerLog; }
public void AddLog(CrawlerLog log) { this.context.CrawlerLogs.Add(log); this.SaveChanges(); this.context.Entry(log).State = EntityState.Detached; }
public void IdentifierGroupDeleteTestNull() { XmlDocumentGroup xmlDocumentGroup = XmlHelper.GetXmlDocumentGroup(@".\DataContent\NormalContent\cc54a49bf188f994899cb1c954bb795f.xml"); xmlDocumentGroup.Operation = Operation.Del; UploadDocumentGroup uploadDocumentGroup = XmlHelper.GetUploadDocumentGroup(xmlDocumentGroup, @".\DataContent\NormalContent\"); uploadDocumentGroup.Data = null; using (ShimsContext.Create()) { ShimDateTime.NowGet = () => new DateTime(2000, 1, 1); string ident = string.Empty; CrawlerLog log = new CrawlerLog(); DocumentGroup documentGroup = new DocumentGroup(); IRepository fakeRepository = new StubIRepository { GetIdentifierString = (identifier) => { return string.Empty; }, GetOrCreateCrawlerIdString = (crawlerName) => { return 1; }, AddDocumentGroupDocumentGroup = (newDocumentGroup) => { documentGroup = newDocumentGroup; }, DeleteDocumentGroupString = (identifier) => { ident = identifier; return 1; }, AddNewLogCrawlerLog = (crawlerLog) => { log = crawlerLog; } }; WcfHost eu = new WcfHost(fakeRepository); var msgActual = eu.UploadFile(uploadDocumentGroup); string msgExpected = "Error: Validation Exception - No document idenfier: " + xmlDocumentGroup.Identifier + " .You can't use Operation: Del"; // ReturnMessage Assert.AreEqual(msgExpected, msgActual, "Service return message."); // LogAsserts Assert.AreEqual(xmlDocumentGroup.Identifier, log.Identifier, "IdentifierLog"); Assert.AreEqual(false, log.IsSuccess, "IsSuccess"); Assert.AreEqual(new DateTime(2000, 1, 1), log.LogDate, "LogDate"); Assert.AreEqual(xmlDocumentGroup.Crawler, log.CrawlerName, "CrawlerNameLog"); Assert.AreEqual(2, log.Operation, "OperationLog"); } }
public void ZipXmlValidationTestNull() { XmlDocumentGroup xmlDocumentGroup = XmlHelper.GetXmlDocumentGroup(@".\DataContent\NormalContent\cc54a49bf188f994899cb1c954bb795f.xml"); UploadDocumentGroup uploadDocumentGroup = XmlHelper.GetUploadDocumentGroup(xmlDocumentGroup, @".\DataContent\NormalContent\"); uploadDocumentGroup.Data = null; using (ShimsContext.Create()) { ShimDateTime.NowGet = () => new DateTime(2000, 1, 1); CrawlerLog log = new CrawlerLog(); IRepository fakeRepository = new StubIRepository { GetIdentifierString = (identifier) => { return string.Empty; }, AddNewLogCrawlerLog = (crawlerLog) => { log = crawlerLog; } }; WcfHost eu = new WcfHost(fakeRepository); var msgActual = eu.UploadFile(uploadDocumentGroup); string msgExpected = "Error: Validation Exception - ZipData length is zero or ZipData is NULL, document idenfier: " + xmlDocumentGroup.Identifier + " and Operation: Add"; Assert.AreEqual(msgExpected, msgActual, "Service return message."); Assert.AreEqual(false, log.IsSuccess, "IsSuccess"); Assert.AreEqual(new DateTime(2000, 1, 1), log.LogDate, "LogDate"); } }
public void FormatXmlValidationTestInvalid() { XmlDocumentGroup xmlDocumentGroup = XmlHelper.GetXmlDocumentGroup(@".\DataContent\NormalContent\cc54a49bf188f994899cb1c954bb795f.xml"); xmlDocumentGroup.Format = "application/badapplication"; UploadDocumentGroup uploadDocumentGroup = XmlHelper.GetUploadDocumentGroup(xmlDocumentGroup, @".\DataContent\NormalContent\"); using (ShimsContext.Create()) { ShimDateTime.NowGet = () => new DateTime(2000, 1, 1); CrawlerLog log = new CrawlerLog(); IRepository fakeRepository = new StubIRepository { GetIdentifierString = (identifier) => { return string.Empty; }, AddNewLogCrawlerLog = (crawlerLog) => { log = crawlerLog; } }; WcfHost eu = new WcfHost(fakeRepository); var msgActual = eu.UploadFile(uploadDocumentGroup); string msgExpected = "Error: Validation Exception - The 'format' attribute has an invalid value according to its data type.\r\n"; Assert.AreEqual(msgExpected, msgActual, "Service return message."); Assert.AreEqual(false, log.IsSuccess, "IsSuccess"); Assert.AreEqual(new DateTime(2000, 1, 1), log.LogDate, "LogDate"); } }
//one call is fuctionality for update duration that has many feeds private Feed UpdatingFeed(long feedId) { int NumberOfNewItem = 0; var entiti = new TazehaContext(); Feed dbfeed = entiti.Feeds.Single <Feed>(x => x.Id == feedId); dbfeed.UpdatingCount = dbfeed.UpdatingCount == null ? 1 : dbfeed.UpdatingCount + 1; dbfeed.LastUpdaterVisit = DateTime.Now; try { if (dbfeed.FeedType == 0 || !dbfeed.FeedType.HasValue) { #region Feed RssFeed feed = RssFeed.Read(dbfeed.Link); //-----------shart check kardane inke feed aslan update shode dar site marja ya kheir------------ if (feed == null) { dbfeed.Deleted = Common.Share.DeleteStatus.NotWork; } else if (feed.Channels.Count > 0) { bool Exist = false; if (Exist) { GeneralLogs.WriteLog("NoUpdated(last item exist) feed: " + feedId, TypeOfLog.Info); } else { //--------Feed has new items----------- if (feed.Channels.Count > 0) { RssChannel channel = (RssChannel)feed.Channels[0]; List <FeedItemSP> listReturnBack; if (channel.Items.LatestPubDate() != channel.Items[0].PubDate) { listReturnBack = FeedItemsOperation.InsertFeedItems(channel.ItemsSorted, dbfeed); } else { listReturnBack = FeedItemsOperation.InsertFeedItems(channel.Items, dbfeed); } GeneralLogs.WriteLog("Updating feed " + dbfeed.Id + " Num:" + listReturnBack.Count + " " + dbfeed.Link, TypeOfLog.OK); } } } #endregion } else if (dbfeed.FeedType.HasValue && dbfeed.FeedType.Value == Common.Share.FeedType.Atom) { #region Atom //-----------------atom feed-------------- XmlReader reader = XmlReader.Create(dbfeed.Link); SyndicationFeed atomfeed = SyndicationFeed.Load(reader); int i = 0; if (atomfeed == null) { dbfeed.Deleted = Common.Share.DeleteStatus.NotWork; } else if (atomfeed.Items.Any()) { foreach (SyndicationItem item in atomfeed.Items) { i++; break; } if (i > 0) { List <FeedItem> listReturnBack = FeedItemsOperation.InsertFeedItems(atomfeed.Items, dbfeed); GeneralLogs.WriteLog("OK updating atom " + dbfeed.Id + " Num:" + listReturnBack.Count + " " + dbfeed.Link); } } #endregion } } catch (Exception ex) { #region Exception if (ex.Message.IndexOf("404") > 0) { dbfeed.Deleted = Common.Share.DeleteStatus.NotFound; } else if (ex.Message.IndexOf("403") > 0) { dbfeed.Deleted = Common.Share.DeleteStatus.Forbidden; } else if (ex.Message.IndexOfX("timed out") > 0) { //------request time out dbfeed.Deleted = Common.Share.DeleteStatus.RequestTimeOut; } //-----------log error----- if (ex.Message.IndexOfX("Inner Exception") > 0) { CrawlerLog.FailLog(dbfeed, ex.InnerException.Message.SubstringX(0, 1020)); } else { GeneralLogs.WriteLog("Info " + ex.Message); } #endregion } #region LASTFLOW try { CheckForChangeDuration(dbfeed, NumberOfNewItem > 0 ? true : false); CrawlerLog.SuccessLog(dbfeed, NumberOfNewItem); entiti.SaveChanges(); } catch (Exception ex) { GeneralLogs.WriteLog(ex.Message); } #endregion return(dbfeed); }