private void CpuArchitectureCheckbox_Click(object sender, Windows.UI.Xaml.RoutedEventArgs e) { var checkbox = (CheckBox)sender; CpuArchitecture cpuArchitecture = CpuArchitecture.None; switch (checkbox.Name) { case "Arm": cpuArchitecture = CpuArchitecture.Arm; break; case "X64": cpuArchitecture = CpuArchitecture.X64; break; case "X86": cpuArchitecture = CpuArchitecture.X86; break; } var viewModel = (IAppPlatformSpecificationPageViewModel)this.DataContext; if (checkbox.IsChecked.Value) { viewModel.AddCpuArchitecture(cpuArchitecture); } else { viewModel.RemoveCpuArchitecture(cpuArchitecture); } }
internal PluginFile(BuildTarget buildTarget, string relativeFilePath, bool supportsEditor, CpuArchitecture cpuArchitecture) { _buildTarget = buildTarget; _relativeFilePath = relativeFilePath; _cpuArchitecture = cpuArchitecture; _supportsEditor = supportsEditor; }
public Cpu(IRam ram, IVideoCard videoCard, byte numberOfCores, CpuArchitecture architecture) { this.Ram = ram; this._videoCard = videoCard; NumberOfCores = numberOfCores; this.Architecture = architecture; }
/// <summary> /// Search for parameters that specifies a range of packages in the OpenTAP package system. Unset parameters will be treated as 'any'. /// </summary> public PackageSpecifier(string name = null, VersionSpecifier version = default(VersionSpecifier), CpuArchitecture architecture = CpuArchitecture.Unspecified, string os = null) { Name = name; Version = version ?? VersionSpecifier.Any; Architecture = architecture; OS = os; }
/// <summary> /// Creates a package identifier /// </summary> /// <param name="packageName">Name of the package.</param> /// <param name="version">Version of the package.</param> /// <param name="architecture">CPU architechture supported by the package.</param> /// <param name="os">Operating System supported by this package.</param> public PackageIdentifier(string packageName, SemanticVersion version, CpuArchitecture architecture, string os) { Name = packageName; Version = version; Architecture = architecture; OS = os; }
/// <summary> /// Initialises the local source. /// </summary> /// <param name="digest">expected digest of the file</param> /// <param name="localname">file name to use when saving to distfiles</param> /// <param name="size">size of the file in bytes</param> /// <param name="arch">CPU architecture name</param> internal SourceFile(string digest, string localname, long size, CpuArchitecture cpuarch) { _digest = digest; _localname = localname; _size = size; _cpuarch = cpuarch; }
public void Test_CpuArchitecture() { var task = new CpuArchitecture(); Assert.IsTrue(task.Execute()); if (Environment.OSVersion.Platform == System.PlatformID.Unix) { if (Environment.Is64BitOperatingSystem) { Assert.AreEqual("x86_64", task.Value); } else { Assert.AreEqual("i686", task.Value); } } else { if (Environment.Is64BitOperatingSystem) { Assert.AreEqual("x64", task.Value); } else { Assert.AreEqual("x86", task.Value); } } }
public void CpuArchitecture_Windows() { var task = new CpuArchitecture(); Assert.That(task.Execute(), Is.True); Assert.That(task.Value, Is.EqualTo(Environment.Is64BitOperatingSystem ? "x64" : "x86")); }
/// <summary> /// Creates a package identifier /// </summary> /// <param name="packageName">Name of the package.</param> /// <param name="version">Version of the package. This should be semver 2.0.0 compliant.</param> /// <param name="architecture">CPU architechture supported by the package.</param> /// <param name="os">Operating System supported by this package.</param> public PackageIdentifier(string packageName, string version, CpuArchitecture architecture, string os) { Name = packageName; if (version != null) { Version = SemanticVersion.Parse(version); } Architecture = architecture; OS = os; }
/// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException"><paramref name="version"/> is <see langword="null" />.</exception> public InstallationSpec(VersionNumber version, CpuArchitecture architecture, BuildConfiguration buildConfiguration) { if (version == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("version"); } Version = version; Architecture = architecture; BuildConfiguration = buildConfiguration; }
/// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException"><paramref name="version"/> is <see langword="null" />.</exception> public GameArchiveSpec(VersionNumber version, CpuArchitecture architecture, BuildConfiguration buildConfiguration, OperatingSystem operatingSystem) { if (version == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("version"); } Version = version; Architecture = architecture; BuildConfiguration = buildConfiguration; OperatingSystem = operatingSystem; }
private void SelectPackage(CpuArchitecture fileType) { var picker = new FileOpenPicker(); picker.FileTypeFilter.Add(".appx"); #if WINDOWS_PHONE_APP picker.ContinuationData.Add("uri", uri.OriginalString); picker.PickSingleFileAndContinue(); #else LoadSingleFile(picker, fileType); #endif }
public IEnumerable <PythonWheel> GetWheels(PythonVersion PyVersion, CpuArchitecture CpuArch) { foreach (SubstitutablePythons SubPyInstaller in Pythons) { foreach (PythonInstance PyInstaller in SubPyInstaller.PythonInstances) { if ((PyInstaller.Version == PyVersion) && (PyInstaller.Architecture == CpuArch)) { return(PyInstaller.Wheels); } } } throw new ArgumentException("Python Version not found"); }
/// <summary> /// True if this package is compatible (can be installed on) the specified operating system and architecture /// </summary> /// <param name="pkg"></param> /// <param name="selectedArch">Specifies a CPU architecture. If unspecified, the current host architecture is used.</param> /// <param name="selectedOS">Specifies an operating system. If null, the current host operating system is used.</param> /// <returns></returns> public static bool IsPlatformCompatible(this IPackageIdentifier pkg, CpuArchitecture selectedArch = CpuArchitecture.Unspecified, string selectedOS = null) { var cpu = selectedArch == CpuArchitecture.Unspecified ? ArchitectureHelper.GuessBaseArchitecture : selectedArch; var os = selectedOS ?? RuntimeInformation.OSDescription; if (ArchitectureHelper.CompatibleWith(cpu, pkg.Architecture) == false) { return(false); } if (IsOsCompatible(pkg, os) == false) { return(false); } return(true); }
private async Task UploadSingleFile(StorageFile file, CpuArchitecture fileType) { var uri = new Uri(Constants.PackageUploadServerUrl); var uploader = new BackgroundUploader(); uploader.SetRequestHeader("Filename", file.Name); uploader.SetRequestHeader("Guid", _dataContext.AppDetail.AppSpecification.Guid.ToString()); uploader.SetRequestHeader("AppName", fileType.ToString()); var upload = uploader.CreateUpload(uri, file); //Log(String.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, "Uploading {0} to {1}, {2}", file.Name, uri.AbsoluteUri, // upload.Guid)); // Attach progress and completion handlers. await HandleUploadAsync(upload, true); }
private async void LoadSingleFile(FileOpenPicker picker, CpuArchitecture fileType) { try { var selectedFile = await picker.PickSingleFileAsync(); var properties = await selectedFile.GetBasicPropertiesAsync(); if (properties.Size > MaxUploadFileSize) { await _alertMessageService.ShowAsync( String.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, _resourceLoader.GetString("FileExceedsTheMaximumFileSize"), MaxUploadFileSizeUnit), null, DialogCommands.CloseDialogCommand); return; } switch (fileType) { case CpuArchitecture.Arm: _armPackageStorageFile = selectedFile; _dataContext.AppVersion.ArmPackageSize = (long)properties.Size; break; case CpuArchitecture.X64: _x64PackageStorageFile = selectedFile; _dataContext.AppVersion.X64PackageSize = (long)properties.Size; break; case CpuArchitecture.X86: _x86PackageStorageFile = selectedFile; _dataContext.AppVersion.X86PackageSize = (long)properties.Size; break; } } catch (NullReferenceException) { } // UploadSingleFile(file); }
private static string FindPythonInRegistry(int MajorVersion, int MinorVersion, bool Force32Bit) { CpuArchitecture WindowsArch = WindowsHelpers.GetWindowsOsArchitecture(); RegistryKey hklm = RegistryKey.OpenBaseKey(RegistryHive.LocalMachine, RegistryView.Registry64); RegistryKey pythonRegistryKey = null; if (!Force32Bit || WindowsArch != CpuArchitecture.X64) { pythonRegistryKey = hklm.OpenSubKey(string.Format(@"SOFTWARE\Python\PythonCore\{0}.{1}\InstallPath", MajorVersion, MinorVersion)); } if (pythonRegistryKey == null) { pythonRegistryKey = hklm.OpenSubKey(string.Format(@"SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Python\PythonCore\{0}.{1}\InstallPath", MajorVersion, MinorVersion)); if (pythonRegistryKey == null) { pythonRegistryKey = hklm.OpenSubKey(string.Format(@"SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Python\PythonCore\{0}.{1}-32\InstallPath", MajorVersion, MinorVersion)); if (pythonRegistryKey == null) { return(null); } } } string executablePath = pythonRegistryKey.GetValue("ExecutablePath") as string; if (executablePath != null) { return(executablePath); } string installPath = pythonRegistryKey.GetValue(null) as string; if (installPath == null) { return(null); } executablePath = Path.Combine(installPath, "python.exe"); if (!File.Exists(executablePath)) { return(null); } return(executablePath); }
private static bool ExistPackage(Guid appGuid, CpuArchitecture cpuArchitecture) { var exist = false; switch (cpuArchitecture) { case CpuArchitecture.Arm: exist = File.Exists($"{ConfigurationReader.AppsDirectoryPath}\\{appGuid}\\arm.pstl"); break; case CpuArchitecture.X86: exist = File.Exists($"{ConfigurationReader.AppsDirectoryPath}\\{appGuid}\\x86.pstl"); break; case CpuArchitecture.X64: exist = File.Exists($"{ConfigurationReader.AppsDirectoryPath}\\{appGuid}\\x64.pstl"); break; } return(exist); }
public PackageListAction() { Architecture = ArchitectureHelper.GuessBaseArchitecture; OS = null; }
/// <summary>Compares for equality with another <see cref="CpuArchitecture" /> object.</summary> /// <remarks>Comparison is performed by value.</remarks> public bool Equals(CpuArchitecture other) { return( ==; }
public void AddCpuArchitecture(CpuArchitecture cpuArchitecture) { AppDetail.AppPlatformSpecification.CpuArchitectureFlags |= cpuArchitecture; }
public void RemoveCpuArchitecture(CpuArchitecture cpuArchitecture) { AppDetail.AppPlatformSpecification.CpuArchitectureFlags &= ~cpuArchitecture; }
/// <summary> /// Initialises the web source. /// </summary> /// <param name="location">remote URL to download from</param> /// <param name="digest">expected digest of the file</param> /// <param name="localname">file name to use when saving to distfiles</param> /// <param name="size">size of the file in bytes</param> /// <param name="cpuarch">CPU architecture name</param> internal WebSourceFile(Uri location, string digest, string localname, long size, CpuArchitecture cpuarch) : base(digest, localname, size, cpuarch) { _location = location; }
private async Task UploadAppAsync(string appTitle, string appDescription, string appVersionDescription, int appCategoryId, long packageSize, byte[] icon128x128, byte[] icon256x256, CpuArchitecture cpuArchitecture, string version) { await Task.Factory.StartNew(() => { var paasteelProvider = _ctx.LegalPeople.Single(lp => lp.PrimaryEmail == "*****@*****.**"); var universalPlatform = _ctx.Platforms.First(p => p.PlatformCategory == PlatformCategory.Windows10Universal); var app = new App { Guid = Guid.NewGuid(), Developer = paasteelProvider, Name = appTitle, Description = appDescription, Icon128X128 = icon128x128, Icon256X256 = icon256x256, AppCategoryId = appCategoryId, CpuArchitectureFlags = cpuArchitecture, State = AppState.Unpublished }; app.Platforms.Add(universalPlatform); app.AppVersions.Add(new AppVersion() { Description = appVersionDescription, Downloads = 0, PublishDate = DateTime.Now, Version = version, Size = packageSize }); _ctx.Apps.Add(app); _ctx.SaveChanges(); }); }
internal static void AddPluginFiles(BuildTarget buildTarget, string[] filenames, string folderPrefix, bool supportsEditor, CpuArchitecture cpuArchitecture) { foreach (string filename in filenames) { _pluginFiles.Add(new PluginFile(buildTarget, folderPrefix + filename, supportsEditor, cpuArchitecture)); } }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of a PackageVersion. /// </summary> public PackageVersion(string name, SemanticVersion version, string os, CpuArchitecture architechture, DateTime date, List <string> licenses) : base(name, version, architechture, os) { this.Date = date; this.Licenses = licenses; }
internal static List <PackageDef> GatherPackagesAndDependencyDefs(Installation installation, PackageSpecifier[] pkgRefs, string[] packageNames, string Version, CpuArchitecture arch, string OS, List <IPackageRepository> repositories, bool force, bool includeDependencies, bool askToIncludeDependencies, bool noDowngrade) { List <PackageDef> gatheredPackages = new List <PackageDef>(); List <PackageSpecifier> packages = new List <PackageSpecifier>(); if (pkgRefs != null) { packages = pkgRefs.ToList(); } else { if (packageNames == null) { throw new Exception("No packages specified."); } foreach (string packageName in packageNames) { var version = Version; if (Path.GetExtension(packageName).ToLower().EndsWith("tappackages")) { var tempDir = Path.GetTempPath(); var bundleFiles = PluginInstaller.UnpackPackage(packageName, tempDir); var packagesInBundle = bundleFiles.Select(PackageDef.FromPackage); // A packages file may contain the several variants of the same package, try to select one based on OS and Architecture foreach (IGrouping <string, PackageDef> grp in packagesInBundle.GroupBy(p => p.Name)) { var selected = grp.ToList(); if (selected.Count == 1) { gatheredPackages.Add(selected.First()); continue; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(OS)) { selected = selected.Where(p => p.OS.ToLower().Split(',').Any(OS.ToLower().Contains)).ToList(); if (selected.Count == 1) { gatheredPackages.Add(selected.First()); log.Debug("TapPackages file contains packages for several operating systems. Picking only the one for {0}.", OS); continue; } } if (arch != CpuArchitecture.Unspecified) { selected = selected.Where(p => ArchitectureHelper.CompatibleWith(arch, p.Architecture)).ToList(); if (selected.Count == 1) { gatheredPackages.Add(selected.First()); log.Debug("TapPackages file contains packages for several CPU architectures. Picking only the one for {0}.", arch); continue; } } throw new Exception("TapPackages file contains multiple variants of the same package. Unable to autoselect a suitable one."); } } else if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(packageName) == false) { packages.Add(new PackageSpecifier(packageName, VersionSpecifier.Parse(version ?? ""), arch, OS)); } } } foreach (var packageReference in packages) { var installedPackages = installation.GetPackages(); Stopwatch timer = Stopwatch.StartNew(); if (File.Exists(packageReference.Name)) { var package = PackageDef.FromPackage(packageReference.Name); if (noDowngrade) { var installedPackage = installedPackages.FirstOrDefault(p => p.Name == package.Name); if (installedPackage != null && installedPackage.Version.CompareTo(package.Version) >= 0) { log.Info($"The same or a newer version of package '{package.Name}' in already installed."); continue; } } gatheredPackages.Add(package); log.Debug(timer, "Found package {0} locally.", packageReference.Name); } else { PackageDef package = PackageActionHelpers.FindPackage(packageReference, force, installation, repositories); if (noDowngrade) { var installedPackage = installedPackages.FirstOrDefault(p => p.Name == package.Name); if (installedPackage != null && installedPackage.Version.CompareTo(package.Version) >= 0) { log.Info($"The same or a newer version of package '{package.Name}' in already installed."); continue; } } if (PackageCacheHelper.PackageIsFromCache(package)) { log.Debug(timer, "Found package {0} version {1} in local cache", package.Name, package.Version); } else { log.Debug(timer, "Found package {0} version {1}", package.Name, package.Version); } gatheredPackages.Add(package); } } if (gatheredPackages.All(p => p.IsBundle())) { // If we are just installing bundles, we can assume that dependencies should also be installed includeDependencies = true; } log.Debug("Resolving dependencies."); var resolver = new DependencyResolver(installation, gatheredPackages, repositories); if (resolver.UnknownDependencies.Any()) { foreach (var dep in resolver.UnknownDependencies) { string message = string.Format("A package dependency named '{0}' with a version compatible with {1} could not be found in any repository.", dep.Name, dep.Version); if (force) { log.Warning(message); log.Warning("Continuing without downloading dependencies. Plugins will likely not work as expected.", dep.Name); } else { log.Error(message); } } if (!force) { log.Info("To download package dependencies despite the conflicts, use the --force option."); return(null); } } else if (resolver.MissingDependencies.Any()) { string dependencyArgsHint = ""; if (!includeDependencies) { dependencyArgsHint = $" (use --dependencies to also get these)"; } if (resolver.MissingDependencies.Count > 1) { log.Info("{0} required dependencies are currently not installed{1}.", resolver.MissingDependencies.Count, dependencyArgsHint); } else { log.Info("A required dependency is currently not installed{0}.", dependencyArgsHint); } if (includeDependencies) { //log.Debug($"Currently set to download dependencies quietly."); foreach (var package in resolver.MissingDependencies) { log.Debug("Adding dependency {0} {1}", package.Name, package.Version); gatheredPackages.Insert(0, package); } } else if (askToIncludeDependencies) { var pkgs = new List <DepRequest>(); foreach (var package in resolver.MissingDependencies) { // Handle each package at a time. DepRequest req = null; pkgs.Add(req = new DepRequest { PackageName = package.Name, message = string.Format("Add dependency {0} {1} ?", package.Name, package.Version), Response = DepResponse.Add }); UserInput.Request(req, true); } foreach (var pkg in resolver.MissingDependencies) { var res = pkgs.FirstOrDefault(r => r.PackageName == pkg.Name); if ((res != null) && res.Response == DepResponse.Add) { gatheredPackages.Insert(0, pkg); } } } } return(gatheredPackages); }
private void GetDependenciesRecursive(List <IPackageRepository> repositories, PackageDependency dependency, CpuArchitecture packageArchitecture, string OS) { if (Dependencies.Any(p => (p.Name == dependency.Name) && dependency.Version.IsCompatible(p.Version) && ArchitectureHelper.PluginsCompatible(p.Architecture, packageArchitecture))) { return; } PackageDef depPkg = GetPackageDefFromInstallation(dependency.Name, dependency.Version); if (depPkg == null) { depPkg = GetPackageDefFromRepo(repositories, dependency.Name, dependency.Version); MissingDependencies.Add(depPkg); } if (depPkg == null) { UnknownDependencies.Add(dependency); return; } Dependencies.Add(depPkg); foreach (var nextLevelDep in depPkg.Dependencies) { GetDependenciesRecursive(repositories, nextLevelDep, packageArchitecture, OS); } }