//private void CourseInfo_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) //{ // // TODO: This line of code loads data into the 'courseRegistrationTableDataSet.CourseRegTable' table. You can move, or remove it, as needed. // this.courseRegTableTableAdapter.Fill(this.courseRegistrationTableDataSet.CourseRegTable); //} private void SemesterComboBox_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { string semester = SemesterComboBox.Text; CourseRegistrationRepository crr = new CourseRegistrationRepository(); List <CourseRegistration> cList = new List <CourseRegistration>(); cList = crr.GetAllCourseInfo(semester, ID); DataTable cTable = new DataTable(); cTable.Columns.Add("Course ID", typeof(string)); cTable.Columns.Add("Course Name", typeof(string)); cTable.Columns.Add("Section", typeof(string)); cTable.Columns.Add("Status", typeof(string)); for (int i = 0; i < cList.Count; i++) { cTable.Rows.Add(cList[i].CourseId, cList[i].CourseName, cList[i].Section, cList[i].Status); } CourseInfoGridView.DataSource = cTable; CourseInfoGridView.ReadOnly = true; }
private void SemesterComboBox_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { semester = SemesterComboBox.Text; CourseRegistrationRepository gr = new CourseRegistrationRepository(); List <CourseRegistration> gList = new List <CourseRegistration>(); gList = gr.GetAllCourseInfo(semester, ID); AllCourseFalse(); if (gList.Count == 6) { this.Course1Btn.Visible = true; this.Course1Btn.Text = gList[0].CourseName + " " + gList[0].Section; this.Course2Btn.Visible = true; this.Course2Btn.Text = gList[1].CourseName + " " + gList[1].Section; this.Course3Btn.Visible = true; this.Course3Btn.Text = gList[2].CourseName + " " + gList[2].Section; this.Course4Btn.Visible = true; this.Course4Btn.Text = gList[3].CourseName + " " + gList[3].Section; this.Course5Btn.Visible = true; this.Course5Btn.Text = gList[4].CourseName + " " + gList[4].Section; this.Course6Btn.Visible = true; this.Course6Btn.Text = gList[5].CourseName + " " + gList[5].Section; } else if (gList.Count == 5) { this.Course1Btn.Visible = true; this.Course1Btn.Text = gList[0].CourseName + " " + gList[0].Section; this.Course2Btn.Visible = true; this.Course2Btn.Text = gList[1].CourseName + " " + gList[1].Section; this.Course3Btn.Visible = true; this.Course3Btn.Text = gList[2].CourseName + " " + gList[2].Section; this.Course4Btn.Visible = true; this.Course4Btn.Text = gList[3].CourseName + " " + gList[3].Section; this.Course5Btn.Visible = true; this.Course5Btn.Text = gList[4].CourseName + " " + gList[4].Section; } else if (gList.Count == 4) { this.Course1Btn.Visible = true; this.Course1Btn.Text = gList[0].CourseName + " " + gList[0].Section; this.Course2Btn.Visible = true; this.Course2Btn.Text = gList[1].CourseName + " " + gList[1].Section; this.Course3Btn.Visible = true; this.Course3Btn.Text = gList[2].CourseName + " " + gList[2].Section; this.Course4Btn.Visible = true; this.Course4Btn.Text = gList[3].CourseName + " " + gList[3].Section; } else if (gList.Count == 3) { this.Course1Btn.Visible = true; this.Course1Btn.Text = gList[0].CourseName + " " + gList[0].Section; this.Course2Btn.Visible = true; this.Course2Btn.Text = gList[1].CourseName + " " + gList[1].Section; this.Course3Btn.Visible = true; this.Course3Btn.Text = gList[2].CourseName + " " + gList[2].Section; } else if (gList.Count == 2) { this.Course1Btn.Visible = true; this.Course1Btn.Text = gList[0].CourseName + " " + gList[0].Section; this.Course2Btn.Visible = true; this.Course2Btn.Text = gList[1].CourseName + " " + gList[1].Section; } else if (gList.Count == 1) { this.Course1Btn.Visible = true; this.Course1Btn.Text = gList[0].CourseName + " " + gList[0].Section; } }