コード例 #1
ファイル: Records.aspx.cs プロジェクト: mobh13/AdvProject
         * Method: GenerateGridData
         * Areguments: none
         * Return: none
         * Des: this method is to fill the GridView with data
        protected void GenerateGridData()
            DataTable table = new DataTable();             // declare and instantiate DataTable object

             * Add Columns to the data table
            table.Columns.Add("Course Id");
            table.Columns.Add("Section Id");
            table.Columns.Add("Course Name");
            table.Columns.Add("Instructor Name");

            foreach (SectionStudent sectionStudent in sectionStudentList.List)
                 * Foreach Element in the sectionStudentList

                section = new Section(sectionStudent.SectionID);          // create new section object and pass the section id to it
                sectionList.Populate(section);                            // populate the section object
                instructor = new Instructor(section.InstructorID);        // create new instructor object and pass the  id to it
                instructorList.Populate(instructor);                      // populate the instructor object
                taughtCourses = new TaughtCourse(section.TaughtCourseID); // create new TaughtCourse object and pass the TaughtCourse id to it
                taughtCoursesList.Populate(taughtCourses);                // populate TaughtCourse
                course = new Course(taughtCourses.CourseID);              // create new course object and pass the course id to it
                courseList.Populate(course);                              //populate the course object

                table.Rows.Add(course.getID(), section.getID(), course.Title, instructor.FirstName + " " + instructor.LastName, sectionStudent.Grade);
                // add a row to the dataTable object with the information from the above objects
            MarksGrid.DataSource = table;     // set the dataTable object as the dataSource of the GidView element
            MarksGrid.DataBind();             // bind the data
コード例 #2
ファイル: AddTaughtCourse.cs プロジェクト: mobh13/AdvProject
 private void AddTaughtCourse_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
     //set the next avaiable id in the text box
     //populate the courses combobox
     this.cmbCourseID.DataSource    = courses.List;
     this.cmbCourseID.SelectedIndex = -1;
コード例 #3
         * Method: GenerateGridView
         * Areguments: none
         * Return: none
         * Des: this method is to fill the GridView with data
        protected void GenerateGridView()
            DataTable table = new DataTable();             // create new DataTable object

            /* Fill the table with Columns and rows */

            table.Rows.Add("8", "", "", "", "", "", "", "");
            table.Rows.Add("9", "", "", "", "", "", "", "");
            table.Rows.Add("10", "", "", "", "", "", "", "");
            table.Rows.Add("11", "", "", "", "", "", "", "");
            table.Rows.Add("12", "", "", "", "", "", "", "");
            table.Rows.Add("1", "", "", "", "", "", "", "");
            table.Rows.Add("2", "", "", "", "", "", "", "");
            table.Rows.Add("3", "", "", "", "", "", "", "");
            table.Rows.Add("4", "", "", "", "", "", "", "");
            table.Rows.Add("5", "", "", "", "", "", "", "");
            timeTableGridView.DataSource = table;    // add the table as data source for the gridview
            timeTableGridView.DataBind();            // bind the data
            foreach (SectionStudent sectionStudent in SectionStudentList.List)
                /* ForEach element in the sectionstudentList */
                Section section = new Section(sectionStudent.getID());          // create new student object and pass the id
                SectionList.Populate(section);                                  // populate the section object
                TaughtCourse taught = new TaughtCourse(section.TaughtCourseID); // create new TaughtCourse object and pass the id
                taughtCoursesList.Populate(taught);                             // populate the TaughtCourse object
                Course course = new Course(taught.CourseID);                    // create new Course object and pass the id
                courseList.Populate(course);                                    // populate the Course object

                scheduleList.Filter("SectionID", sectionStudent.getID());       // filter the schedule list according to section id
                foreach (Schedule schedule in scheduleList.List)
                    /* ForEeach Element in sechedule List */
                    AddToGridByDayAndTime(section, course, schedule);                     // call AddToGridByDayAndTime to add the schedule information to the gridView
                    while (Convert.ToInt32(schedule.Duration) > 1)
                        /* While the schedule duration is more than 1 do*/
                        int newTime = Convert.ToInt32(schedule.Time) + 1;           //get the old time and add 1 and assign it to var
                        schedule.Time = newTime.ToString();                         // set the schedule object time to the new time
                        AddToGridByDayAndTime(section, course, schedule);           // call AddToGridByDayAndTime to add the schedule information to the gridView
                        int duration = Convert.ToInt32(schedule.Duration) - 1;      // get the duration and abstract 1
                        schedule.Duration = duration.ToString();                    //  assign the new duration to the schedule duration
コード例 #4
ファイル: EditTaughtCourse.cs プロジェクト: mobh13/AdvProject
        private void EditTaughtCourse_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //populate the lists and combo oxes
            this.cmbTaughtCourse.DataSource    = taughtCourses.List;
            this.cmbTaughtCourse.SelectedIndex = -1;

            this.cmbCourse.DataSource    = courses.List;
            this.cmbCourse.SelectedIndex = -1;

            this.txtYear.Text = "";

            this.cmbSemester.SelectedIndex = -1;
コード例 #5
ファイル: TotalHours.cs プロジェクト: mobh13/AdvProject
        //Instantiates all objects to be used and adds the table names to the tables combobox
        private void TotalHours_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            scheduleList = new ScheduleList();

            locationList = new LocationList();
            sectionList = new SectionList();
            instructorList = new InstructorList();
            courseList = new CourseList();
            studentList = new StudentList();

            //Adds the tables of wanted data to be selected from in an Array
            String[] tables = { "Location", "Section", "Instructor", "Course", "Student", "All" };
            //Make above array the datasource of the tables combobox
            comboBoxBy.DataSource = tables;
コード例 #6
ファイル: AverageGrade.cs プロジェクト: mobh13/AdvProject
        private void cmbListBy_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //a switch case to check the selection of the 'by' combobox
            switch (this.cmbListBy.SelectedItem.ToString())
            //for each selection, the appropiate list is populated in the 'for' combobox
            case "Section":
                this.cmbListFor.DataSource    = sections.List;
                this.cmbListFor.SelectedIndex = -1;
                this.txtAvgGrade.Text         = "";

            case "Student":
                this.cmbListFor.DataSource    = students.List;
                this.cmbListFor.SelectedIndex = -1;
                this.txtAvgGrade.Text         = "";

            case "Course":
                this.cmbListFor.DataSource    = courses.List;
                this.cmbListFor.SelectedIndex = -1;
                this.txtAvgGrade.Text         = "";

            //to show the average grade for all the students in all sections
            case "Collage (All grades)":
                this.txtAvgGrade.Text = secStuds.AverageValue("Grade").ToString();

            //the default will show the average for the all of students in collage
                this.txtAvgGrade.Text = secStuds.AverageValue("Grade").ToString();
コード例 #7
ファイル: EditCourse.cs プロジェクト: mobh13/AdvProject
 //Populate both the course list and fields when the page is loaded
 private void EditCourse_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
     courseList = new CourseList();
コード例 #8
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (Request.QueryString["cls"] == null)
                /* check if there is no query string then */
                Response.Write("Error No class requested"); // show error message
                Response.End();                             // stop page excution
                sectionList = new SectionList();                             // this is needed to check if the section id is valid so we instantiate it before the rest
                sectionList.Filter("SectionID", Request.QueryString["cls"]); //  filter the section with the section id to check if the section id exist

             * check if the user session exist and Account session value is Instructor and the sectionID is valid
            if (Session["User"] != null && Session["Account"].ToString() == "Instructor" && sectionList.List.Count != 0)
                 * instantiate classes when the page loads
                sectionStudentList = new SectionStudentList();
                studentList        = new StudentList();
                taughtCoursesList  = new TaughtCourseList();
                courseList         = new CourseList();
                sectionId          = Request.QueryString["cls"];                    // get the section id passed in the page url and assign it to secionId var
                sectionList.Filter("SectionID", sectionId);                         // filter the sectionList with the sectionID
                section = (Section)sectionList.List.ElementAt(0);                   // get the first element in the list and cast it to (Section)
                taughtCoursesList.Filter("TaughtCourseID", section.TaughtCourseID); // filter the taughtCoursesList with the TaughtCourseID
                taughtCourses = (TaughtCourse)taughtCoursesList.List.ElementAt(0);  // get the first element in the list and cast it to (TaughtCourse)
                course        = new Course();                                       // create new Course object
                course.setID(taughtCourses.CourseID.ToString());                    // set the id of the course object to the value from the taughtCourse object
                courseList.Populate(course);                                        //populate object
                sectionStudentList.Filter("SectionID", sectionId);                  //filter the sectionstudentList with sectionId
                SectionIdLbl.Text = section.getID();                                // set the sectionLable text to the section id
                CourseID.Text     = taughtCourses.CourseID;                         // set the courseid lable text to the course id
                CourseName.Text   = course.Title;                                   // set courseName lable text to the course title
                GenerateTable();                                                    // call GenerateTable method to fill the grid view with data
            else if (Session["User"] != null && Session["Account"].ToString() != "Instructor")
                 * else if the user session exist but the account session value is not student show error message
                Response.Write("Error You are not allowed to be here"); // show error message
                Response.End();                                         // stop page excution
            else if (Session["User"] != null && Session["Account"].ToString() == "Instructor" && sectionList.List.Count == 0)
                /* else if the user session exist and Account session value is Instructor and the sectionID is not valid */
                Response.Write("Error Class not found"); // show error message
                Response.End();                          // stop page excution
                 * else show error message
                Response.Write("Error please log in before trying to Access this page..!"); // show error message
                Response.End();                                                             // stop page excution