コード例 #1
        public void Release(int releaseCount)
            Debug.Assert(releaseCount > 0);
            Debug.Assert(releaseCount <= _maximumSignalCount);

            int    countOfWaitersToWake;
            Counts counts = _separated._counts;

            while (true)
                Counts newCounts = counts;

                // Increase the signal count. The addition doesn't overflow because of the limit on the max signal count in constructor.

                // Determine how many waiters to wake, taking into account how many spinners and waiters there are and how many waiters
                // have previously been signaled to wake but have not yet woken
                countOfWaitersToWake =
                    (int)Math.Min(newCounts.SignalCount, (uint)counts.WaiterCount + counts.SpinnerCount) -
                    counts.SpinnerCount -
                if (countOfWaitersToWake > 0)
                    // Ideally, limiting to a maximum of releaseCount would not be necessary and could be an assert instead, but since
                    // WaitForSignal() does not have enough information to tell whether a woken thread was signaled, and due to the cap
                    // below, it's possible for countOfWaitersSignaledToWake to be less than the number of threads that have actually
                    // been signaled to wake.
                    if (countOfWaitersToWake > releaseCount)
                        countOfWaitersToWake = releaseCount;

                    // Cap countOfWaitersSignaledToWake to its max value. It's ok to ignore some woken threads in this count, it just
                    // means some more threads will be woken next time. Typically, it won't reach the max anyway.

                Counts countsBeforeUpdate = _separated._counts.InterlockedCompareExchange(newCounts, counts);
                if (countsBeforeUpdate == counts)
                    Debug.Assert(releaseCount <= _maximumSignalCount - counts.SignalCount);
                    if (countOfWaitersToWake > 0)

                counts = countsBeforeUpdate;