public void GennerateCountry() { Bogus.Faker <CountryEntity> country = new Bogus.Faker <CountryEntity>() .StrictMode(true) .RuleFor(id => id.Id, f => Guid.NewGuid()) .RuleFor(zipcode => zipcode.ZipCode, f => f.Address.ZipCode()) .RuleFor(city => city.City, f => f.Address.City()) .RuleFor(streetadd => streetadd.StreetAddress, f => f.Address.StreetAddress()) .RuleFor(citypre => citypre.CityPrefix, f => f.Address.CityPrefix()) .RuleFor(citysuf => citysuf.CitySuffix, f => f.Address.CitySuffix()) .RuleFor(strname => strname.StreetName, f => f.Address.StreetName()) .RuleFor(building => building.BuildingNumber, f => f.Address.BuildingNumber()) .RuleFor(strsuffix => strsuffix.StreetSuffix, f => f.Address.StreetSuffix()) .RuleFor(ct => ct.Country, f => f.Address.Country()) .RuleFor(fulladd => fulladd.FullAddress, f => f.Address.FullAddress()) .RuleFor(code => code.CountryCode, f => f.Address.CountryCode()) .RuleFor(state => state.State, f => f.Address.State()) .RuleFor(stateAbb => stateAbb.StateAbbreviation, f => f.Address.StateAbbr()) .RuleFor(latitube => latitube.Latitude, f => f.Address.Latitude().ToString()) .RuleFor(longitube => longitube.Longitude, f => f.Address.Longitude().ToString()) .RuleFor(dir => dir.Direction, f => f.Address.Direction()) .RuleFor(card => card.CardinalDirection, f => f.Address.CardinalDirection()) .RuleFor(ord => ord.OrdinalDirection, f => f.Address.OrdinalDirection()) .RuleFor(date => date.CreateDate, f => DateTime.Now); CountryEntity result = country.Generate(); db.Set <CountryEntity>().Add(result); }
public async Task <IActionResult> Edit(int id, CountryEntity countryEntity) { if (id != countryEntity.Id) { return(NotFound()); } if (ModelState.IsValid) { countryEntity.Name = countryEntity.Name.ToUpper(); _context.Update(countryEntity); try { await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); return(RedirectToAction(nameof(Index))); } catch (Exception ex) { if (ex.InnerException.Message.Contains("duplicate")) { ModelState.AddModelError(string.Empty, "Already exists a country wiht the same name."); } else { ModelState.AddModelError(string.Empty, ex.Message); } } } return(View(countryEntity)); }
// GET: Categories public string getLstContry() { List <CountryEntity> lst = new List <CountryEntity>(); _conn.Open(); //--- MySqlCommand cmd = new MySqlCommand("GETCOUNTTRY", _conn.conn); cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; using (var cursor = cmd.ExecuteReader()) { while (cursor.Read()) { CountryEntity item = new CountryEntity( Convert.ToString(cursor["COUNTRY_ID"]), Convert.ToString(cursor["COUNTRY_CODE"]), Convert.ToString(cursor["COUNTRY_NAME"])); lst.Add(item); } } _conn.Close(); return(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(lst)); }
public ServiceMessage Delete(string countryName) { string message; bool success = true; try { CountryEntity countryEntity = unitOfWork.Countries.Get(countryName); if (countryEntity != null) { unitOfWork.Countries.Remove(countryEntity); unitOfWork.Commit(); message = "Country deleted"; } else { message = "Country with such name doesn't exist"; success = false; } } catch (Exception ex) { message = ExceptionMessageBuilder.BuildMessage(ex); success = false; } return(new ServiceMessage(message, success)); }
public async Task UpdateCountry(CountryDto pCountryDto) { CountryEntity lCountryEntity = await this._countryRepository.GetById(pCountryDto.Id); Mapping.Mapper.Map <CountryDto, CountryEntity>(pCountryDto, lCountryEntity); await this._countryRepository.Update(lCountryEntity); }
public ServiceMessage Update(CountryEditDTO countryEditDTO) { string message; bool success = true; try { CountryEntity countryEntity = unitOfWork .Countries .GetAll() .SingleOrDefault(country => country.Name == countryEditDTO.OldCountryName); if (countryEntity != null) { countryEntity.Name = countryEditDTO.NewCountryName; unitOfWork.Commit(); message = "Country was renamed"; } else { message = "Country with such name doesn't exist"; success = false; } } catch (Exception ex) { message = ExceptionMessageBuilder.BuildMessage(ex); success = false; } return(new ServiceMessage(message, success)); }
public Country(CountryEntity CountryEntity) : base(CountryEntity) { if (CountryEntity.CityEntities != null) { this.Cities = new HashSet <City>(); foreach (CityEntity CityEntity in CountryEntity.CityEntities) { CityEntity.CountryId = CountryEntity.Id; this.Cities.Add(new City(CityEntity)); } } if (CountryEntity.ShipmentDetailEntities != null) { this.ShipmentDetails = new HashSet <ShipmentDetail>(); foreach (ShipmentDetailEntity ShipmentDetailEntity in CountryEntity.ShipmentDetailEntities) { ShipmentDetailEntity.CountryId = CountryEntity.Id; this.ShipmentDetails.Add(new ShipmentDetail(ShipmentDetailEntity)); } } if (CountryEntity.TaxEntities != null) { this.Taxes = new HashSet <Tax>(); foreach (TaxEntity TaxEntity in CountryEntity.TaxEntities) { TaxEntity.CountryId = CountryEntity.Id; this.Taxes.Add(new Tax(TaxEntity)); } } }
public JsonResultEntity Create([FromBody] CountryEntity countryEntity) { CountryBL countryBL = new CountryBL(); JsonResultEntity response = new JsonResultEntity(); try { var result = countryBL.Create(countryEntity); if (result.HasWarning()) { response.Message = String.Join(",", result.Warning); return(response); } response.Success = true; response.Data = result.Value; } catch (Exception ex) { response.Message = ex.Message; LoggerHelper.Error(ex); } return(response); }
public bool Update(CountryEntity entity) { StringBuilder strSql = new StringBuilder(); strSql.Append("update Countries "); strSql.Append(" set Country=@Country, Language=@Language "); strSql.Append(" where ID=@ID "); Database db = DatabaseFactory.CreateDatabase(); using (DbCommand dbCommand = db.GetSqlStringCommand(strSql.ToString())) { try { db.AddInParameter(dbCommand, "Country", DbType.String, entity.Country); db.AddInParameter(dbCommand, "Language", DbType.Int32, entity.Language); db.AddInParameter(dbCommand, "ID", DbType.Int32, entity.ID); return(db.ExecuteNonQuery(dbCommand) > 0); } catch (Exception ex) { new log4netProvider().LogSQL(strSql.ToString(), dbCommand.Parameters, ex); return(false); } } }
public CountryEntity Get(int entityId) { StringBuilder strSql = new StringBuilder(); strSql.Append(" select Country, Language "); strSql.Append(" from Countries "); strSql.Append(" where ID=@ID "); Database db = DatabaseFactory.CreateDatabase(); using (DbCommand dbCommand = db.GetSqlStringCommand(strSql.ToString())) { try { CountryEntity entity = null; db.AddInParameter(dbCommand, "ID", DbType.Int32, entityId); IDataReader reader = db.ExecuteReader(dbCommand); if (reader.Read()) { entity = new CountryEntity(reader); reader.Close(); return(entity); } return(null); } catch (Exception ex) { new log4netProvider().LogSQL(strSql.ToString(), dbCommand.Parameters, ex); return(null); } } }
public int Insert(CountryEntity entity) { StringBuilder strSql = new StringBuilder(); strSql.Append("insert into Countries("); strSql.Append(" Country, Language )"); strSql.Append(" values ("); strSql.Append("@Country, @Language)"); strSql.Append(";select ISNULL( SCOPE_IDENTITY(),0);"); Database db = DatabaseFactory.CreateDatabase(); using (DbCommand dbCommand = db.GetSqlStringCommand(strSql.ToString())) { try { db.AddInParameter(dbCommand, "Country", DbType.String, entity.Country); db.AddInParameter(dbCommand, "Language", DbType.Int32, entity.Language); int result; object obj = db.ExecuteScalar(dbCommand); if (!int.TryParse(obj.ToString(), out result)) { return(0); } return(result); } catch (Exception ex) { new log4netProvider().LogSQL(strSql.ToString(), dbCommand.Parameters, ex); return(0); } } }
private static List <PersonEntity> GeneratePeople() { List <PersonEntity> retval = new List <PersonEntity>(); CountryEntity aus = DBCountries.Find(c => c.Country_Code == "AUS"); PersonEntity person1 = new PersonEntity() { Person_Id = Guid.NewGuid(), Person_FirstName = "Bruce", Person_LastName = "Wayne", Person_Country = aus }; CountryEntity nz = DBCountries.Find(c => c.Country_Code == "NZL"); PersonEntity person2 = new PersonEntity() { Person_Id = Guid.NewGuid(), Person_FirstName = "Clark", Person_LastName = "Kent", Person_Country = nz }; retval.Add(person1); retval.Add(person2); return(retval); }
private static void TestingFactbook18CosmosDbContext() { var builder = new ConfigurationBuilder() .SetBasePath(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory()) .AddJsonFile("secrets.json", optional: true, reloadOnChange: true); var configuration = builder.Build(); string connectionString = configuration["CosmosDB"]; Factbook18CosmosDbContext context = new Factbook18CosmosDbContext(connectionString); Console.WriteLine("Context created ..."); //Console.WriteLine("Listing countries........."); //foreach (var item in context.Countries) // Console.WriteLine(item.Name); //Console.WriteLine("Loading coparable fields..."); //foreach (var item in context.ComparableFields) // Console.WriteLine(item.FieldName); //Console.WriteLine("Loading notes and defs..."); //foreach (var item in context.NotesAndDefs) // Console.WriteLine(item.FieldName); Console.WriteLine("Testing GetCountryDetails function ..."); string CountryCode = "SV"; CountryEntity c = context.GetCountryDetails(CountryCode); if (c != null) { Console.WriteLine(c.CountryData[0].Children[0].Value); } }
private static List <CountryEntity> GenerateCountries() { List <CountryEntity> retval = new List <CountryEntity>(); CountryEntity aus = new CountryEntity() { Country_Id = Guid.NewGuid(), Country_Code = "AUS", Country_Name = "Australia" }; CountryEntity nz = new CountryEntity() { Country_Id = Guid.NewGuid(), Country_Code = "NZL", Country_Name = "New Zealand" }; CountryEntity sng = new CountryEntity() { Country_Id = Guid.NewGuid(), Country_Code = "SNG", Country_Name = "Singapore" }; retval.Add(aus); retval.Add(nz); retval.Add(sng); return(retval); }
public async Task <IActionResult> Create(CountryEntity countryEntity) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { _context.Add(countryEntity); try { await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); return(RedirectToAction(nameof(Index))); } catch (Exception ex) { if (ex.InnerException.Message.Contains("duplicate")) { ModelState.AddModelError(string.Empty, $"Already exists the Country:{countryEntity.Name}"); } else { ModelState.AddModelError(string.Empty, ex.InnerException.Message); } } } return(View(countryEntity)); }
public async Task GetStateProvincesList_SortedAlphabetically() { var country = new CountryEntity { era_countrycode = "c1", era_name = "c_c", era_countryid = "1", era_isocountrycode = "c1" }; IEnumerable <StateProvinceEntity> stateProvinces = new[] { new StateProvinceEntity { era_code = "s1", era_name = "s_a", era_provinceterritoriesid = "1", _era_relatedcountry_value = country.era_countryid }, new StateProvinceEntity { era_code = "s1", era_name = "s_c", era_provinceterritoriesid = "2", _era_relatedcountry_value = country.era_countryid }, new StateProvinceEntity { era_code = "s1", era_name = "s_b", era_provinceterritoriesid = "3", _era_relatedcountry_value = country.era_countryid }, }; var mockedListsRepo = new Mock <IListsRepository>(); mockedListsRepo.Setup(m => m.GetCountriesAsync()).Returns(Task.FromResult(new[] { country }.AsEnumerable())); mockedListsRepo.Setup(m => m.GetStateProvincesAsync()).Returns(Task.FromResult(stateProvinces)); var provider = new ListsProvider(mockedListsRepo.Object); var result = await provider.GetStateProvincesAsync(country.era_isocountrycode); Assert.Equal(stateProvinces.Select(c => c.era_name).OrderBy(c => c), result.Select(c => c.Name)); }
public string CreateNewCountry(CountryEntity ce) { var countryCodeAlreadyExists = CountryEntityCheck.DoesCountryCodeAlreadyExist(DataContext, ce.CountryCode); if (countryCodeAlreadyExists) { return(CountryEntityCheck.CountryCodeAlreadyExists); } var dwAlreadyExists = CountryEntityCheck.DoesCountryDwAlreadyExist(DataContext, ce.CountryDw, ce.Id); if (dwAlreadyExists) { return(CountryEntityCheck.DwCodeAlreadyExists); } var newCountryEntity = new COUNTRy { active = true, country1 = ce.CountryCode, country_dw = ce.CountryDw, country_description = ce.CountryName }; DataContext.COUNTRies.InsertOnSubmit(newCountryEntity); var returned = SubmitDbChanges(); return(returned); }
public async Task GetJurisdictionsList_FilterByMultipleTypes_JurisdictionsOfTypes() { var country = new CountryEntity { era_countrycode = "c1", era_name = "c_c", era_countryid = "1", era_isocountrycode = "c1" }; var stateProvince = new StateProvinceEntity { era_code = "s1", era_name = "s_a", era_provinceterritoriesid = "1_1", _era_relatedcountry_value = country.era_countryid }; IEnumerable <JurisdictionEntity> jurisdictions = new[] { new JurisdictionEntity { era_jurisdictionid = "j1", era_jurisdictionname = "j2", era_type = JurisdictionType.City.GetHashCode().ToString(), _era_relatedprovincestate_value = stateProvince.era_provinceterritoriesid }, new JurisdictionEntity { era_jurisdictionid = "j2", era_jurisdictionname = "j3", era_type = JurisdictionType.District.GetHashCode().ToString(), _era_relatedprovincestate_value = stateProvince.era_provinceterritoriesid }, new JurisdictionEntity { era_jurisdictionid = "j3", era_jurisdictionname = "j1", era_type = JurisdictionType.DistrictMunicipality.GetHashCode().ToString(), _era_relatedprovincestate_value = stateProvince.era_provinceterritoriesid }, }; var mockedListsRepo = new Mock <IListsRepository>(); mockedListsRepo.Setup(m => m.GetCountriesAsync()).Returns(Task.FromResult(new[] { country }.AsEnumerable())); mockedListsRepo.Setup(m => m.GetStateProvincesAsync()).Returns(Task.FromResult(new[] { stateProvince }.AsEnumerable())); mockedListsRepo.Setup(m => m.GetJurisdictionsAsync()).Returns(Task.FromResult(jurisdictions)); var provider = new ListsProvider(mockedListsRepo.Object); var result = await provider.GetJurisdictionsAsync(new[] { JurisdictionType.City, JurisdictionType.District }, stateProvince.era_code, country.era_countrycode); Assert.Equal(2, result.Count()); }
public async Task <CountryDto> GetCountryById(int id) { CountryEntity lCountryEntity = await this._countryRepository.GetById(id); CountryDto lReturn = Mapping.Mapper.Map <CountryDto>(lCountryEntity); return(lReturn); }
public async Task <CountryEntity> Add(CountryEntity pEntity) { await this.dbContext.Countries.AddAsync(pEntity); await this.dbContext.SaveChangesAsync(); return(pEntity); }
public async Task UpdateAsync(CountryEntity country) { using SqlConnection db = new SqlConnection(_dalSettings.ConnectionString); await db.ExecuteAsync( "UpdateCountry", country, commandType : CommandType.StoredProcedure); }
public async Task <int> AddAsync(CountryEntity country) { using SqlConnection db = new SqlConnection(_dalSettings.ConnectionString); return(await db.QuerySingleOrDefaultAsync <int>( "AddCountry", new { name = country.Name }, commandType : CommandType.StoredProcedure)); }
public async Task <bool> CheckDuplicateAsync(CountryEntity country) { using SqlConnection db = new SqlConnection(_dalSettings.ConnectionString); return(await db.ExecuteScalarAsync <bool>( "CheckCountryDuplicate", new { name = country.Name }, commandType : CommandType.StoredProcedure)); }
internal static Country Map(this CountryEntity entity) { return(new Country { Id =, Name = entity.displayName, IsoCode = entity.isoCode, }); }
public static void WriteToDB(IList <CitiesImportModel> myList, string typeOfCity) { var countryCapitalQuery = (from s in myList where s.Capital.Equals(typeOfCity) orderby s.Country ascending select s); using (var dbContext = new CityContext()) { dbContext.Database.Connection.Close(); } var countryGroups = from city in countryCapitalQuery group city by new { city.Country, city.ISO2, city.ISO3 } into countryGroup orderby countryGroup.Key.Country select countryGroup; using (var db = new CityContext()) { foreach (var country in countryGroups) { var countryName = country.Key.Country; var ISO2 = country.Key.ISO2; var ISO3 = country.Key.ISO3; var CountryEntity = new CountryEntity { Name = countryName, ISO2 = ISO2, ISO3 = ISO3 }; db.Countries.Add(CountryEntity); db.SaveChanges(); int id = CountryEntity.CountryID; foreach (var city in country) { var CityEntity = new CityEntity { City_name = city.City_name, Admin_name = city.Admin_name, City_ascii = city.City_ascii, Lat = city.Lat, Lng = city.Lng, Capital = city.Capital, CountryId = id, Population = city.Population }; db.Cities.Add(CityEntity); db.SaveChanges(); } } } }
public async Task UpdateAsync(CountryEntity country) { using SqlConnection db = new SqlConnection(_connectionSettings.GetConnectionString("AirportDatabase")); await db.ExecuteAsync( "UpdateCountry", country, commandType : CommandType.StoredProcedure); }
/// <summary> setups the sync logic for member _country</summary> /// <param name="relatedEntity">Instance to set as the related entity of type entityType</param> private void SetupSyncCountry(IEntity2 relatedEntity) { if (_country != relatedEntity) { DesetupSyncCountry(true, true); _country = (CountryEntity)relatedEntity; base.PerformSetupSyncRelatedEntity(_country, new PropertyChangedEventHandler(OnCountryPropertyChanged), "Country", IpcountryEntity.Relations.CountryEntityUsingCountryId, true, new string[] { }); } }
public List <T> ParsingResult <T, T2>(List <T2> data) where T : Entity where T2 : class { var parsedData = data as List <CountryDto>; if (parsedData == null) { throw new System.Exception("Can't parse data"); } var countries = new List <CountryEntity>(); using (var context = new CountryContext()) { var regions = parsedData.Select(x => x.Region.Value); var incomeLevels = parsedData.Select(x => x.IncomeLevel.Value); var adminregions = parsedData.Select(x => x.Adminregion.Value); var lendingTypes = parsedData.Select(x => x.LendingType.Value); var values = regions.Concat(incomeLevels.Concat(adminregions.Concat(lendingTypes))).Distinct().ToList(); var allRegions = context.Regions .Where(x => values.Contains(x.Value)) .ToList(); foreach (var country in countries) { var adminregion = allRegions .FirstOrDefault(x => x.Value == country.Adminregion.Value); var incomeLevel = allRegions .FirstOrDefault(x => x.Value == country.IncomeLevel.Value); var region = allRegions .FirstOrDefault(x => x.Value == country.Region.Value); var lendingType = allRegions .FirstOrDefault(x => x.Value == country.LendingType.Value); var newCountry = new CountryEntity { Adminregion = adminregion, IncomeLevel = incomeLevel, Region = region, LendingType = lendingType, CapitalCity = country.CapitalCity, Iso2Code = country.Iso2Code, Latitude = country.Latitude, Longitude = country.Longitude, Name = country.Name }; countries.Add(newCountry); } } return(countries as List <T>); }
public CountryEntity Create(CountryEntity countryEntity) { var query = @"INSERT INTO ""Country""(""CountryName"",""IsoCode"",""ContinentName"",""ContinentCode"",""GeonameID"") VALUES(@CountryName,@IsoCode,@ContinentName,@ContinentCode,@GeonameID) RETURNING ""ID"";"; int id = DbConnection.Query <int>(query, countryEntity).Single(); countryEntity.ID = id; return(countryEntity); }
public Country GetCountry() { CountryEntity countryEntity = countryService.GetCountryEntity(); Country country = new Country() { Name = countryEntity.Name + Postfix }; return(country); }