private void ExecuteDelete(object parameter) { Collection <CountryModel> deleteditems = new Collection <CountryModel>(); IMessageBoxService msg = new MessageBoxService(); string title = "Deleting Country"; string confirmtxt = "Do you want to delete the selected item"; if (Countries.Count(x => x.Selected) > 1) { title = "Deleting Countries"; confirmtxt = confirmtxt + "s"; } if (msg.ShowMessage(confirmtxt + "?", title, GenericMessageBoxButton.OKCancel, GenericMessageBoxIcon.Question).Equals(GenericMessageBoxResult.OK)) { foreach (CountryModel si in Countries) { if (si.Selected) { if (si.ID > 0) { DeleteItem(si.ID, "Countries"); } deleteditems.Add(si); } } foreach (CountryModel pm in deleteditems) { Countries.Remove(pm); } deleteditems.Clear(); } msg = null; }
private async void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { Countries = await nb.GetCountries(); Leagues = await nb.GetLeagues(); if (Countries.Count() > 0) { foreach (Country country in Countries) { listBox1.Items.Add(country.Country_name); } } List <int> teamIds = new List <int>(); Fixturess = await nb.GetFixtures(textBox1.Text, textBox2.Text); if (Fixturess.Count() > 0) { foreach (var item in Fixturess) { if (!teamIds.Contains(item.Away_team_key)) { teamIds.Add(item.Away_team_key); } } } }
private void SeedReferenceData() { var seeded = false; if (Roles.Count() == 0) { foreach (var role in Role.GetSeedData()) { Roles.Add(role); } seeded = true; } if (Countries.Count() == 0) { foreach (var country in Country.GetSeedData()) { Countries.Add(country); } seeded = true; } if (seeded) { this.SaveChanges(); } }
private TurnStarted StartTurn(Player player) { var countries = Countries.Count(c => c.Owner == player); var deploy = (Math.Max(3, countries / 3)); deploy += Continents.Where(c => c.Owner == player).Sum(c => c.Bonus); return(new TurnStarted(Deployments: player.Army(deploy))); }
private void SetNextState() { this.state = this.state != ResultsState.TwelvePoints ? this.state + 1 : ResultsState.RevealCountry; if (this.state == ResultsState.SplashScreen) { Messenger.Default.Send(new ReadyForLateVotesMessage()); } if (this.state == ResultsState.RevealCountry) { if (Countries.Count(c => c.IsInQueue) > 0) { this.currentlyRevealedCountry = GetSelectedCountry(); } else { this.state = ResultsState.RevealWinner; } } if (this.state == ResultsState.TwelvePoints) { if (this.currentlyRevealedCountry != null) { this.currentlyRevealedCountry.IsSelected = false; this.currentlyRevealedCountry.IsInQueue = false; if (Countries.Count(c => c.IsInQueue) > 0) { if (Countries.Count(c => c.IsInQueue && c.IsSelected) == 0) { Countries.First(c => c.IsInQueue).IsSelected = true; } } } } var selectedCountryId = Countries.FirstOrDefault(c => c.IsSelected)?.Id; Model.Country nextCountry = null; if (selectedCountryId.HasValue) { nextCountry = dataService.GetCountry(selectedCountryId.Value); } Messenger.Default.Send(new ChangeStateMessage(this.state, nextCountry)); NextCommand.RaiseCanExecuteChanged(); }
public int Testing_8() { using (var db = new NorthwindDbContext()) { var customersInCountry = from c in db.Customers group c by c.Country into Countries where Countries.Count() > 3 select new { Countries.Key, Count = Countries.Count() }; return(customersInCountry.Count()); } }
public override string ToString() { return($"Countries : {Countries.Count()}\nProduct Types : {ProductTypes.Count()}\nFBOTypes : {FBOTypes.Count()}\nUnits : {Units.Count()}\nNotifier Types : {NotifierTypes.Count()}"); }
private bool IsDuplicateName(string _name) { var q = Countries.Count(x => x.Name == _name); return(q > 1); }
private bool CanExecuteDelete(object obj) { return(Countries.Count(x => x.Selected) > 0); }
private bool ConquerCountryWillKillPlayer(CountryId country) => Countries.Count(c => c.Owner == Countries.ById(country).Owner) == 1;