public void TestCreateWithEmptyDBNames() { CouchbaseLiteException e = null;; try { OpenDB(""); } catch (CouchbaseLiteException ex) { e = ex; ex.Error.Should().Be(CouchbaseLiteError.WrongFormat, "because the database cannot have an empty name"); ex.Domain.Should().Be(CouchbaseLiteErrorType.CouchbaseLite, "because this is a LiteCore error"); } e.Should().NotBeNull("because an exception is expected"); }
public void TestDeleteOpeningDBByStaticMethod() { var dir = Directory; var options = new DatabaseConfiguration { Directory = dir }; using (var db = new Database("db", options)) { CouchbaseLiteException e = null; try { Database.Delete("db", dir); } catch (CouchbaseLiteException ex) { e = ex; ex.Error.Should().Be(CouchbaseLiteError.Busy, "because an in-use database cannot be deleted"); ex.Domain.Should().Be(CouchbaseLiteErrorType.CouchbaseLite, "because this is a LiteCore error"); } e.Should().NotBeNull("because an exception is expected"); } }