コード例 #1
        private void BuyButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            CorpNames[] corps = new CorpNames[AcquireConstants.MaxSharePurchase];

            // collect up purchaes
            for (int i = 0; i < AcquireConstants.MaxSharePurchase; i++)
                if (null == GetItem <ComboBox>(Lbuycorp[i]).SelectedItem)
                    corps[i] = CorpNames.NA;
                    corps[i] = (CorpNames)GetItem <ComboBox>(Lbuycorp[i]).SelectedItem;

コード例 #2
        private void ChooseCorp(CorpNames corp)
            if (game.State == AcquireGameStates.ChooseCorp)
                // choose a corporation
            else if (game.State == AcquireGameStates.ChooseParentCorp)
                // choose a corporation

            // move ahead
コード例 #3
        // buy shares
        public CorpNames[] BuyShares(List <CorpNames>[] corps)
            CorpNames[] purchase;
            int         cnt;

            purchase = new CorpNames[corps.Length];
            cnt      = 0;
            foreach (List <CorpNames> choice in corps)
                if (choice.Count == 0)
                    purchase[cnt] = CorpNames.NA;
                    purchase[cnt] = choice[rand.Next() % choice.Count];

コード例 #4
ファイル: Computer2.cs プロジェクト: speedyjeff/acquire
        // decision tree
        // nextBuyShares.Count - 1+ -> BUY_SPECIFIC_LOGIC (round robin on list and buy as much as you can)
        //       |
        //      ==0
        //      \|/
        //    corpSize - 11+ -> LONGTERM_LOGIC (ensure that we are ahead in large corps [shares > (boughtShares/NumberPlayers)])
        //       |
        //     all <11
        //      \|/
        //     SHORTTERM_LOGIC (buy stock in corps in the middle)

        // buy shares
        public CorpNames[] BuyShares(List <CorpNames>[] corps)
            CorpNames[] shares    = new CorpNames[corps.Length];
            int[]       remaining = new int[AcquireConstants.CorpCount]; // track how many of each corp remain
            int         cash;
            int         index;


            // init
            for (int i = 0; i < shares.Length; i++)
                shares[i] = CorpNames.NA;
            cash  = Player.Cash;
            index = shares.Length - 1;
            for (int i = 0; i < remaining.Length; i++)
                remaining[i] = Corporations[i].Shares;

            // buy what we were told to buy
            if (nextBuyShares.Count > 0)
                // round robin through the names and buy as much as you can
                for (int i = 0; i < shares.Length; i++)
                    CorpNames corp = nextBuyShares[i % nextBuyShares.Count];

                    shares[i] = CorpNames.NA;

                    if (cash > (Corporations[(int)corp].Price) && remaining[(int)corp] > 0)
                        decsions.Add(" - Buy predetermined " + corp);
                        cash     -= Corporations[(int)corp].Price;
                        shares[i] = corp;

                for (int tries = 0; tries < corps.Length; tries++)
                    // check if there is a large corp, ensure we are the majority
                    foreach (CorpStats corp in Corporations)
                        if (corp.Size > AcquireConstants.NonMergableCorp)
                            // check that we have a reasonable chance of being the majority
                            if (index >= 0 &&
                                remaining[(int)corp.Name] > 0 &&
                                Player.Shares(corp.Name) < ((AcquireConstants.MaxShares - corp.Shares) / NumberPlayers) &&
                                cash >= corp.Price)
                                decsions.Add(" - Buy " + corp.Name + " to remain majority");
                                shares[index--] = corp.Name;
                                cash           -= corp.Price;

                    //   0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
                    //  0
                    //  1
                    //  2
                    //  3      x x x x x x
                    //  4      x x x x x x
                    //  5      x x x x x x
                    //  6      x x x x x x
                    //  7      x x x x x x
                    //  8      x x x x x x
                    //  9
                    // 10
                    // 11

                    // find coporations that are near the middle and buy stock
                    for (int dim0 = AcquireConstants.BoardHeight / 4; dim0 < (AcquireConstants.BoardHeight * 3) / 4 && index >= 0; dim0++)
                        for (int dim1 = AcquireConstants.BoardWidth / 4; dim1 < (AcquireConstants.BoardWidth * 3) / 4 && index >= 0; dim1++)
                            CorpNames corp = Board[dim0, dim1];

                            if (index >= 0 &&
                                corp != CorpNames.NA &&
                                corp != CorpNames.UnClaimed &&
                                remaining[(int)corp] > 0 &&
                                Corporations[(int)corp].Size > 0 &&
                                Corporations[(int)corp].Shares >= 1 &&
                                cash >= Corporations[(int)corp].Price)
                                decsions.Add(" - Buy " + corp + " since it is in the middle");
                                shares[index--] = corp;
                                cash           -= Corporations[(int)corp].Price;

                    // buy stock in the smaller corporations
                    // TODO: this is a brain dead algorithm... it has a lot of room for improvement
                    for (int size = 2; size <= AcquireConstants.NonMergableCorp && index >= 0; size++)
                        foreach (CorpStats corp in Corporations)
                            if (index >= 0 &&
                                remaining[(int)corp.Name] > 0 &&
                                corp.Size == size &&
                                corp.Shares >= 1 &&
                                cash >= corp.Price)
                                decsions.Add(" - Buy " + corp.Name + " since it is small");
                                shares[index--] = corp.Name;
                                cash           -= corp.Price;

                decsions.Add(" - Bought " + (shares.Length - 1 - index) + " shares");

コード例 #5
ファイル: Computer2.cs プロジェクト: speedyjeff/acquire
        // decision tree
        //  hasMerger - YES ->  |
        //     |                |
        //    NO                |
        //     |               \|/
        //     |           Buy 3 shares? - NO -> MERGE_LOGIC (pick corp with largest shares)
        //     |                |
        //     |               YES *(Note with share to buy, DONT TAKE THIS BRANCH NEXT TIME)
        //     |               \|/
        //     |----------> hasNewCorp - YES -> NEWCORP_LOGIC (pick cheapest)
        //                      |
        //                     NO || none avaliable
        //                     \|/
        //                   0 Weight tiles (!new && !merge && !expand) -YES-> CHOOSE_0_WEIGHT_LOGIC
        //                      |
        //                     NO
        //                     \|/
        //                hasCorpExpand - YES -> money - Buy stock? - NO -> EXPAND_LOGIC (pick corp with largest shares)
        //                      |                           |
        //                     NO                          YES *(Note which share to buy, DONT TAKE THIS BRANCH NEXT TIME)
        //                     \|/                         \|/
        //                    CHOOSETILE_LOGIC            CHOOSETILE_LOGIC (don't merge, don't create corp, don't expand, find tile by others, or by largest corp)

        // choose a tile
        public Square SelectSquare(Square[] tiles)
            TileOption[] options;
            bool         hasNewCorp;
            bool         hasMerger;
            bool         hasCorpExpand;


            // init
            newCorporation    = CorpNames.NA;
            mergedCorporation = CorpNames.NA;

            // preparse tiles
            options = CategorizeTiles(tiles, out hasNewCorp, out hasMerger, out hasCorpExpand);

            // try merger
            if (hasMerger)
                CorpNames largestCorp     = CorpNames.NA;
                Square    largestCorpTile = tiles[0];

                // find the largest corp
                int maxShares = -1;
                foreach (TileOption option in options)
                    if (option.TType == TileType.MergeCorp)
                        // find the corp with the largest number of shares
                        foreach (CorpNames corp in option.Merger)
                            if (Player.Shares(corp) > maxShares)
                                maxShares       = Player.Shares(corp);
                                largestCorp     = corp;
                                largestCorpTile = option.Tile;

                // set the corp that we want to be merged
                mergedCorporation = largestCorp;

                // try to merge first
                if (Corporations[(int)largestCorp].Shares == 0 ||
                    Player.Cash < ((Corporations[(int)largestCorp].Shares > AcquireConstants.MaxSharePurchase)? (Corporations[(int)largestCorp].Price * AcquireConstants.MaxSharePurchase) : (Corporations[(int)largestCorp].Price * Corporations[(int)largestCorp].Shares)) ||
                    decsions.Add(" - skip(" + lastSkippedMerger + ") merge " + largestCorp + " now");

                    lastSkippedMerger = false;
                    // make the merger
                    decsions.Add(" - merge " + largestCorp + " later");

                    // buy shares then merge
                    lastSkippedMerger = true;

            // try new corp
            if (hasNewCorp)
                Square selectedTile = tiles[0];

                // find the tile which creates a corp
                foreach (TileOption option in options)
                    if (option.TType == TileType.NewCorp)
                        selectedTile = option.Tile;

                // pick the corp with the highest price that we can buy 3 shares in
                // find if any corps are avaliable
                foreach (CorpStats corp in Corporations)
                    if (corp.Size == 0)
                        decsions.Add(" - New most expensive affordable " + corp.Name);

                        // choose the most expensive affordable corp

                        newCorporation = corp.Name;

                throw new ArgumentException("A new corporation should have been choosen");

            // find 0 weight items that are not a new corp, or merger, or expansion
            foreach (TileOption option in options)
                if (option.TType == TileType.StandAlone && option.Weight == 0)
                    decsions.Add(" - zero weight tile");


            // expansion
            if (hasCorpExpand)
                CorpNames largestCorp     = CorpNames.NA;
                Square    largestCorpTile = tiles[0];

                // find the largest corp
                int maxShares = -1;
                foreach (TileOption option in options)
                    if (option.TType == TileType.Expansion)
                        if (Player.Shares(option.ExpanedCorp) > maxShares)
                            maxShares       = Player.Shares(option.ExpanedCorp);
                            largestCorp     = option.ExpanedCorp;
                            largestCorpTile = option.Tile;

                // see if we can buy shares
                if (Corporations[(int)largestCorp].Shares == 0 ||
                    Player.Cash < ((Corporations[(int)largestCorp].Shares > AcquireConstants.MaxSharePurchase) ? (Corporations[(int)largestCorp].Price * AcquireConstants.MaxSharePurchase) : (Corporations[(int)largestCorp].Price * Corporations[(int)largestCorp].Shares)) ||
                    decsions.Add(" - skip(" + lastSkippedExpansion + ") expand " + largestCorp + " now");

                    lastSkippedExpansion = false;
                    // make the merger
                    decsions.Add(" - Expand " + largestCorp + " later");

                    // buy shares then merge
                    lastSkippedExpansion = true;

            // find the tile which is standalone which are close
            foreach (TileOption option in options)
                if (option.TType == TileType.StandAlone && option.Weight == 1)
                    decsions.Add(" - Return 1 weight tile");


            // find the tile which is standalone and not necessarily close
            foreach (TileOption option in options)
                if (option.TType == TileType.StandAlone && option.Weight > 1)
                    decsions.Add(" - Return 2+ weight tile");

            // hmm... that means that we can't find a perferred tile
            foreach (TileOption option in options)
                if (option.TType == TileType.MergeCorp)
                    decsions.Add(" - Return merger tile");
            foreach (TileOption option in options)
                if (option.TType == TileType.Expansion)
                    decsions.Add(" - Return expansion tile");

            decsions.Add(" - Return invalid");

            // all else just return the first, it will be illegal
コード例 #6
        private void Refresh(PlayerStats player)
            CorpNames[,] board;
            int networth;

            // debug only
            //DisplayFinalResults(game.Players, game.Corporations);

            // update status
            GetItem <Label>(Lstatus).Content = GetItem <Label>(game.State + Lstatustag).Content;
            if (game.Message == Acquire.Engine.AdditionalMessage.Blank)
                GetItem <Label>(Laddmsg).Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed;
                var label = GetItem <Label>(Laddmsg);
                label.Content    = GetItem <Label>(game.Message + Lstatustag).Content;
                label.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;

            // update corp stats
            for (int c = 0; c < AcquireConstants.CorpCount; c++)
                CorpNames corp  = (CorpNames)c;
                CorpStats stats = game[corp];

                GetItem <Label>(corp, Lshares).Content = stats.Shares;
                GetItem <Label>(corp, Lprice).Content  = "$" + stats.Price;
                GetItem <Label>(corp, Lsize).Content   = stats.Size;
                GetItem <Label>(corp, Lbonus).Content  = "$" + stats.BonusMax + "/$" + stats.BonusMin;

            // update player stats
            PlayerStats pstats = player;

            GetItem <Label>(Lname).Content = pstats.Name;
            GetItem <Label>(Lcash).Content = pstats.IsComputer ? "$???" : "$" + pstats.Cash;
            for (int c = 0; c < AcquireConstants.CorpCount; c++)
                CorpNames corp = (CorpNames)c;

                GetItem <Label>(corp, Lcount).Content = pstats.IsComputer ? "?" : pstats.Shares(corp).ToString();

            // calculate the networth
            networth = 0;
            foreach (CorpStats corp in game.Corporations)
                networth += player.Shares(corp.Name) * corp.Price;
            networth += player.Cash;
            GetItem <Label>(Lnetworth).Content = pstats.IsComputer ? "$???" : "$" + networth;

            // paint the board
            board = game.RawBoard;
            for (int dim0 = 0; dim0 < board.GetLength(0); dim0++)
                for (int dim1 = 0; dim1 < board.GetLength(1); dim1++)
                    squares[dim0, dim1].Fill = GetItem <Rectangle>(board[dim0, dim1], Lcolor).Fill;

            // display the possible squares
            if (!game.CurrentPlayer.IsComputer)
                foreach (Square tile in game.CurrentPlayer.Tiles)
                    squares[tile.Dim0, tile.Dim1].Fill = GetItem <Rectangle>(Lselection, Lcolor).Fill;

            // display the selected tile
                squares[game.CurrentTile.Dim0, game.CurrentTile.Dim1].Fill = GetItem <Rectangle>(Lselected, Lcolor).Fill;
            catch (ArgumentException)
コード例 #7
 private T GetItem <T>(CorpNames corp, string type)
     return((T)this.FindName(corp.ToString() + type));