コード例 #1
        private static int CountMentions(CorefChain cluster)
            int count = 0;

            foreach (IntPair mid in cluster.GetMentionMap().Keys)
                count += cluster.GetMentionMap()[mid].Count;
コード例 #2
        /// <summary>Serializes one coref cluster (i.e., one entity).</summary>
        /// <param name="pw">the buffer</param>
        /// <param name="cid">id of cluster to save</param>
        /// <param name="cluster">the cluster</param>
        public static void SaveCorefChain(PrintWriter pw, int cid, CorefChain cluster)
            pw.Println(cid + " " + CountMentions(cluster));
            // each mention saved on one line
            IDictionary <IntPair, ICollection <CorefChain.CorefMention> > mentionMap = cluster.GetMentionMap();

            foreach (KeyValuePair <IntPair, ICollection <CorefChain.CorefMention> > intPairSetEntry in mentionMap)
                // all mentions with the same head
                IntPair mentionIndices = intPairSetEntry.Key;
                ICollection <CorefChain.CorefMention> mentions = intPairSetEntry.Value;
                foreach (CorefChain.CorefMention mention in mentions)
                    // one mention per line
                    pw.Print(mentionIndices.GetSource() + " " + mentionIndices.GetTarget());
                    if (mention == cluster.GetRepresentativeMention())
                        pw.Print(" " + 1);
                        pw.Print(" " + 0);
                    pw.Print(" " + mention.mentionType);
                    pw.Print(" " + mention.number);
                    pw.Print(" " + mention.gender);
                    pw.Print(" " + mention.animacy);
                    pw.Print(" " + mention.startIndex);
                    pw.Print(" " + mention.endIndex);
                    pw.Print(" " + mention.headIndex);
                    pw.Print(" " + mention.corefClusterID);
                    pw.Print(" " + mention.mentionID);
                    pw.Print(" " + mention.sentNum);
                    pw.Print(" " + mention.position.Length());
                    for (int i = 0; i < mention.position.Length(); i++)
                        pw.Print(" " + mention.position.Get(i));
                    pw.Print(" " + EscapeSpace(mention.mentionSpan));
コード例 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Helper method to find best kbp mention in a coref chain
        /// This is defined as longest kbp mention or null if
        /// the coref chain does not contain a kbp mention
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ann">the annotation</param>
        /// <param name="corefChain">CorefChain containing potential KBP mentions to search through</param>
        /// <param name="kbpMentions">HashMap mapping character offsets to KBP mentions</param>
        /// <returns>
        /// a list of kbp mentions (or null) for each coref mention in this coref chain, and the index of "best"
        /// kbp mention, which in this case is the longest kbp mention
        /// </returns>
        public virtual Pair <IList <ICoreMap>, ICoreMap> CorefChainToKBPMentions(CorefChain corefChain, Annotation ann, Dictionary <Pair <int, int>, ICoreMap> kbpMentions)
            // map coref mentions into kbp mentions (possibly null if no corresponding kbp mention)
            IList <ICoreMap> annSentences = ann.Get(typeof(CoreAnnotations.SentencesAnnotation));
            // create a list of kbp mentions in this coref chain, possibly all null
            //System.err.println("KBP mentions for coref chain");
            IList <ICoreMap> kbpMentionsForCorefChain = corefChain.GetMentionsInTextualOrder().Stream().Map(null).Collect(Collectors.ToList());
            // if a best KBP mention can't be found, handle special cases
            // look for a PERSON kbp mention in TITLE+ (PERSON+)
            //if (kbpMentionFound != null)
            // map kbp mentions to the lengths of their text
            IList <int> kbpMentionLengths = kbpMentionsForCorefChain.Stream().Map(null).Collect(Collectors.ToList());
            int         bestIndex         = kbpMentionLengths.IndexOf(kbpMentionLengths.Stream().Reduce(0, null));

            // return the first occurrence of the kbp mention with max length (possibly null)
            return(new Pair(kbpMentionsForCorefChain, kbpMentionsForCorefChain[bestIndex]));
コード例 #4
        /// <summary>Loads the CorefChain objects from the serialized buffer.</summary>
        /// <param name="reader">the buffer</param>
        /// <returns>A map from cluster id to clusters</returns>
        /// <exception cref="System.IO.IOException"/>
        private static IDictionary <int, CorefChain> LoadCorefChains(BufferedReader reader)
            string line = reader.ReadLine().Trim();

            if (line.IsEmpty())
            int clusterCount = System.Convert.ToInt32(line);
            IDictionary <int, CorefChain> chains = Generics.NewHashMap();

            // read each cluster
            for (int c = 0; c < clusterCount; c++)
                line = reader.ReadLine().Trim();
                string[] bits         = line.Split("\\s");
                int      cid          = System.Convert.ToInt32(bits[0]);
                int      mentionCount = System.Convert.ToInt32(bits[1]);
                IDictionary <IntPair, ICollection <CorefChain.CorefMention> > mentionMap = Generics.NewHashMap();
                CorefChain.CorefMention representative = null;
                // read each mention in this cluster
                for (int m = 0; m < mentionCount; m++)
                    line = reader.ReadLine();
                    bits = line.Split("\\s");
                    IntPair key = new IntPair(System.Convert.ToInt32(bits[0]), System.Convert.ToInt32(bits[1]));
                    bool    rep = bits[2].Equals("1");
                    Dictionaries.MentionType mentionType = ParseMentionType(bits[3]);
                    Dictionaries.Number      number      = ParseNumber(bits[4]);
                    Dictionaries.Gender      gender      = ParseGender(bits[5]);
                    Dictionaries.Animacy     animacy     = ParseAnimacy(bits[6]);
                    int   startIndex = System.Convert.ToInt32(bits[7]);
                    int   endIndex   = System.Convert.ToInt32(bits[8]);
                    int   headIndex  = System.Convert.ToInt32(bits[9]);
                    int   clusterID  = System.Convert.ToInt32(bits[10]);
                    int   mentionID  = System.Convert.ToInt32(bits[11]);
                    int   sentNum    = System.Convert.ToInt32(bits[12]);
                    int   posLen     = System.Convert.ToInt32(bits[13]);
                    int[] posElems   = new int[posLen];
                    for (int i = 0; i < posLen; i++)
                        posElems[i] = System.Convert.ToInt32(bits[14 + i]);
                    IntTuple position = new IntTuple(posElems);
                    string   span     = UnescapeSpace(bits[14 + posLen]);
                    CorefChain.CorefMention mention = new CorefChain.CorefMention(mentionType, number, gender, animacy, startIndex, endIndex, headIndex, clusterID, mentionID, sentNum, position, span);
                    ICollection <CorefChain.CorefMention> mentionsWithThisHead = mentionMap[key];
                    if (mentionsWithThisHead == null)
                        mentionsWithThisHead = Generics.NewHashSet();
                        mentionMap[key]      = mentionsWithThisHead;
                    if (rep)
                        representative = mention;
                // construct the cluster
                CorefChain chain = new CorefChain(cid, mentionMap, representative);
                chains[cid] = chain;
コード例 #5
        /// <summary>Annotate this document for KBP relations.</summary>
        /// <param name="annotation">The document to annotate.</param>
        public virtual void Annotate(Annotation annotation)
            // get a list of sentences for this annotation
            IList <ICoreMap> sentences = annotation.Get(typeof(CoreAnnotations.SentencesAnnotation));
            // Create simple document
            Document doc = new Document(kbpProperties, serializer.ToProto(annotation));
            // Get the mentions in the document
            IList <ICoreMap> mentions = new List <ICoreMap>();

            foreach (ICoreMap sentence in sentences)
                Sharpen.Collections.AddAll(mentions, sentence.Get(typeof(CoreAnnotations.MentionsAnnotation)));
            // Compute coreferent clusters
            // (map an index to a KBP mention)
            IDictionary <Pair <int, int>, ICoreMap> mentionByStartIndex = new Dictionary <Pair <int, int>, ICoreMap>();

            foreach (ICoreMap mention in mentions)
                foreach (CoreLabel token in mention.Get(typeof(CoreAnnotations.TokensAnnotation)))
                    mentionByStartIndex[Pair.MakePair(token.SentIndex(), token.Index())] = mention;
            // (collect coreferent KBP mentions)
            IDictionary <ICoreMap, ICollection <ICoreMap> > mentionsMap = new Dictionary <ICoreMap, ICollection <ICoreMap> >();

            // map from canonical mention -> other mentions
            if (annotation.Get(typeof(CorefCoreAnnotations.CorefChainAnnotation)) != null)
                foreach (KeyValuePair <int, CorefChain> chain in annotation.Get(typeof(CorefCoreAnnotations.CorefChainAnnotation)))
                    ICoreMap firstMention = null;
                    foreach (CorefChain.CorefMention mention_1 in chain.Value.GetMentionsInTextualOrder())
                        ICoreMap kbpMention = null;
                        for (int i = mention_1.startIndex; i < mention_1.endIndex; ++i)
                            if (mentionByStartIndex.Contains(Pair.MakePair(mention_1.sentNum - 1, i)))
                                kbpMention = mentionByStartIndex[Pair.MakePair(mention_1.sentNum - 1, i)];
                        if (firstMention == null)
                            firstMention = kbpMention;
                        if (kbpMention != null)
                            if (!mentionsMap.Contains(firstMention))
                                mentionsMap[firstMention] = new LinkedHashSet <ICoreMap>();
            // (coreference acronyms)
            AcronymMatch(mentions, mentionsMap);
            // (ensure valid NER tag for canonical mention)
            foreach (ICoreMap key in new HashSet <ICoreMap>(mentionsMap.Keys))
                if (key.Get(typeof(CoreAnnotations.NamedEntityTagAnnotation)) == null)
                    ICoreMap newKey = null;
                    foreach (ICoreMap candidate in mentionsMap[key])
                        if (candidate.Get(typeof(CoreAnnotations.NamedEntityTagAnnotation)) != null)
                            newKey = candidate;
                    if (newKey != null)
                        mentionsMap[newKey] = Sharpen.Collections.Remove(mentionsMap, key);
                        Sharpen.Collections.Remove(mentionsMap, key);
            // case: no mention in this chain has an NER tag.
            // Propagate Entity Link
            foreach (KeyValuePair <ICoreMap, ICollection <ICoreMap> > entry in mentionsMap)
                string entityLink = entry.Key.Get(typeof(CoreAnnotations.WikipediaEntityAnnotation));
                if (entityLink != null)
                    foreach (ICoreMap mention_1 in entry.Value)
                        foreach (CoreLabel token in mention_1.Get(typeof(CoreAnnotations.TokensAnnotation)))
                            token.Set(typeof(CoreAnnotations.WikipediaEntityAnnotation), entityLink);
            // create a mapping of char offset pairs to KBPMention
            Dictionary <Pair <int, int>, ICoreMap> charOffsetToKBPMention = new Dictionary <Pair <int, int>, ICoreMap>();

            foreach (ICoreMap mention_2 in mentions)
                int nerMentionCharBegin = mention_2.Get(typeof(CoreAnnotations.CharacterOffsetBeginAnnotation));
                int nerMentionCharEnd   = mention_2.Get(typeof(CoreAnnotations.CharacterOffsetEndAnnotation));
                charOffsetToKBPMention[new Pair <int, int>(nerMentionCharBegin, nerMentionCharEnd)] = mention_2;
            // Create a canonical mention map
            IDictionary <ICoreMap, ICoreMap> mentionToCanonicalMention;

            if (kbpLanguage.Equals(LanguageInfo.HumanLanguage.Spanish))
                mentionToCanonicalMention = spanishCorefSystem.CanonicalMentionMapFromEntityMentions(mentions);
                if (Verbose)
                    log.Info("basic spanish coref results");
                    foreach (ICoreMap originalMention in mentionToCanonicalMention.Keys)
                        if (!originalMention.Equals(mentionToCanonicalMention[originalMention]))
                            log.Info("mapped: " + originalMention + " to: " + mentionToCanonicalMention[originalMention]);
                mentionToCanonicalMention = new Dictionary <ICoreMap, ICoreMap>();
            // check if there is coref info
            ICollection <KeyValuePair <int, CorefChain> > corefChains;

            if (annotation.Get(typeof(CorefCoreAnnotations.CorefChainAnnotation)) != null && !kbpLanguage.Equals(LanguageInfo.HumanLanguage.Spanish))
                corefChains = annotation.Get(typeof(CorefCoreAnnotations.CorefChainAnnotation));
                corefChains = new HashSet <KeyValuePair <int, CorefChain> >();
            foreach (KeyValuePair <int, CorefChain> indexCorefChainPair in corefChains)
                CorefChain corefChain = indexCorefChainPair.Value;
                Pair <IList <ICoreMap>, ICoreMap> corefChainKBPMentionsAndBestIndex = CorefChainToKBPMentions(corefChain, annotation, charOffsetToKBPMention);
                IList <ICoreMap> corefChainKBPMentions  = corefChainKBPMentionsAndBestIndex.First();
                ICoreMap         bestKBPMentionForChain = corefChainKBPMentionsAndBestIndex.Second();
                if (bestKBPMentionForChain != null)
                    foreach (ICoreMap kbpMention in corefChainKBPMentions)
                        if (kbpMention != null)
                            // ad hoc filters ; assume acceptable unless a filter blocks it
                            bool acceptableLink = true;
                            // block people matches without a token overlap, exempting pronominal to non-pronominal
                            // good: Ashton --> Catherine Ashton
                            // good: she --> Catherine Ashton
                            // bad: Morsi --> Catherine Ashton
                            string kbpMentionNERTag             = kbpMention.Get(typeof(CoreAnnotations.NamedEntityTagAnnotation));
                            string bestKBPMentionForChainNERTag = bestKBPMentionForChain.Get(typeof(CoreAnnotations.NamedEntityTagAnnotation));
                            if (kbpMentionNERTag != null && bestKBPMentionForChainNERTag != null && kbpMentionNERTag.Equals("PERSON") && bestKBPMentionForChainNERTag.Equals("PERSON") && !KbpIsPronominalMention(kbpMention.Get(typeof(CoreAnnotations.TokensAnnotation))[0]
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  ) && !KbpIsPronominalMention(bestKBPMentionForChain.Get(typeof(CoreAnnotations.TokensAnnotation))[0]))
                                //System.err.println("testing PERSON to PERSON coref link");
                                bool tokenMatchFound = false;
                                foreach (CoreLabel kbpToken in kbpMention.Get(typeof(CoreAnnotations.TokensAnnotation)))
                                    foreach (CoreLabel bestKBPToken in bestKBPMentionForChain.Get(typeof(CoreAnnotations.TokensAnnotation)))
                                        if (kbpToken.Word().ToLower().Equals(bestKBPToken.Word().ToLower()))
                                            tokenMatchFound = true;
                                    if (tokenMatchFound)
                                if (!tokenMatchFound)
                                    acceptableLink = false;
                            // check the coref link passed the filters
                            if (acceptableLink)
                                mentionToCanonicalMention[kbpMention] = bestKBPMentionForChain;
            //System.err.println("kbp mention: " + kbpMention.get(CoreAnnotations.TextAnnotation.class));
            //System.err.println("coref mention: " + bestKBPMentionForChain.get(CoreAnnotations.TextAnnotation.class));
            // (add missing mentions)
            // handle acronym coreference
            Dictionary <string, IList <ICoreMap> > acronymClusters  = new Dictionary <string, IList <ICoreMap> >();
            Dictionary <string, IList <ICoreMap> > acronymInstances = new Dictionary <string, IList <ICoreMap> >();

            foreach (ICoreMap acronymMention in mentionToCanonicalMention.Keys)
                string acronymNERTag = acronymMention.Get(typeof(CoreAnnotations.NamedEntityTagAnnotation));
                if ((acronymMention == mentionToCanonicalMention[acronymMention]) && acronymNERTag != null && (acronymNERTag.Equals(KBPRelationExtractor.NERTag.Organization.name) || acronymNERTag.Equals(KBPRelationExtractor.NERTag.Location.name)))
                    string           acronymText        = acronymMention.Get(typeof(CoreAnnotations.TextAnnotation));
                    IList <ICoreMap> coreferentMentions = new List <ICoreMap>();
                    // define acronyms as not containing spaces (e.g. ACLU)
                    if (!acronymText.Contains(" "))
                        int numCoreferentsChecked = 0;
                        foreach (ICoreMap coreferentMention in mentions)
                            // only check first 1000
                            if (numCoreferentsChecked > 1000)
                            // don't check a mention against itself
                            if (acronymMention == coreferentMention)
                            // don't check other mentions without " "
                            string coreferentText = coreferentMention.Get(typeof(CoreAnnotations.TextAnnotation));
                            if (!coreferentText.Contains(" "))
                            IList <string> coreferentTokenStrings = coreferentMention.Get(typeof(CoreAnnotations.TokensAnnotation)).Stream().Map(null).Collect(Collectors.ToList());
                            // when an acronym match is found:
                            // store every mention (that isn't ACLU) that matches with ACLU in acronymClusters
                            // store every instance of "ACLU" in acronymInstances
                            // afterwards find the best mention in acronymClusters, and match it to every mention in acronymInstances
                            if (AcronymMatcher.IsAcronym(acronymText, coreferentTokenStrings))
                                if (!acronymClusters.Contains(acronymText))
                                    acronymClusters[acronymText] = new List <ICoreMap>();
                                if (!acronymInstances.Contains(acronymText))
                                    acronymInstances[acronymText] = new List <ICoreMap>();
            // process each acronym (e.g. ACLU)
            foreach (string acronymText_1 in acronymInstances.Keys)
                // find longest ORG or null
                ICoreMap bestORG = null;
                foreach (ICoreMap coreferentMention in acronymClusters[acronymText_1])
                    if (!coreferentMention.Get(typeof(CoreAnnotations.NamedEntityTagAnnotation)).Equals(KBPRelationExtractor.NERTag.Organization.name))
                    if (bestORG == null)
                        bestORG = coreferentMention;
                        if (coreferentMention.Get(typeof(CoreAnnotations.TextAnnotation)).Length > bestORG.Get(typeof(CoreAnnotations.TextAnnotation)).Length)
                            bestORG = coreferentMention;
                // find longest LOC or null
                ICoreMap bestLOC = null;
                foreach (ICoreMap coreferentMention_1 in acronymClusters[acronymText_1])
                    if (!coreferentMention_1.Get(typeof(CoreAnnotations.NamedEntityTagAnnotation)).Equals(KBPRelationExtractor.NERTag.Location.name))
                    if (bestLOC == null)
                        bestLOC = coreferentMention_1;
                        if (coreferentMention_1.Get(typeof(CoreAnnotations.TextAnnotation)).Length > bestLOC.Get(typeof(CoreAnnotations.TextAnnotation)).Length)
                            bestLOC = coreferentMention_1;
                // link ACLU to "American Civil Liberties Union" ; make sure NER types match
                foreach (ICoreMap acronymMention_1 in acronymInstances[acronymText_1])
                    string mentionType = acronymMention_1.Get(typeof(CoreAnnotations.NamedEntityTagAnnotation));
                    if (mentionType.Equals(KBPRelationExtractor.NERTag.Organization.name) && bestORG != null)
                        mentionToCanonicalMention[acronymMention_1] = bestORG;
                    if (mentionType.Equals(KBPRelationExtractor.NERTag.Location.name) && bestLOC != null)
                        mentionToCanonicalMention[acronymMention_1] = bestLOC;
            // Cluster mentions by sentence
            IList <ICoreMap>[] mentionsBySentence = new IList[annotation.Get(typeof(CoreAnnotations.SentencesAnnotation)).Count];
            for (int i_1 = 0; i_1 < mentionsBySentence.Length; ++i_1)
                mentionsBySentence[i_1] = new List <ICoreMap>();
            foreach (ICoreMap mention_3 in mentionToCanonicalMention.Keys)
            // Classify
            for (int sentenceI = 0; sentenceI < mentionsBySentence.Length; ++sentenceI)
                Dictionary <string, RelationTriple> relationStringsToTriples = new Dictionary <string, RelationTriple>();
                IList <RelationTriple> finalTriplesList = new List <RelationTriple>();
                // the annotations
                IList <ICoreMap> candidates = mentionsBySentence[sentenceI];
                // determine sentence length
                int sentenceLength = annotation.Get(typeof(CoreAnnotations.SentencesAnnotation))[sentenceI].Get(typeof(CoreAnnotations.TokensAnnotation)).Count;
                // check if sentence is too long, if it's too long don't run kbp
                if (maxLength != -1 && sentenceLength > maxLength)
                    // set the triples annotation to an empty list of RelationTriples
                    annotation.Get(typeof(CoreAnnotations.SentencesAnnotation))[sentenceI].Set(typeof(CoreAnnotations.KBPTriplesAnnotation), finalTriplesList);
                    // continue to next sentence
                // sentence isn't too long, so continue processing this sentence
                for (int subjI = 0; subjI < candidates.Count; ++subjI)
                    ICoreMap subj      = candidates[subjI];
                    int      subjBegin = subj.Get(typeof(CoreAnnotations.TokensAnnotation))[0].Index() - 1;
                    int      subjEnd   = subj.Get(typeof(CoreAnnotations.TokensAnnotation))[subj.Get(typeof(CoreAnnotations.TokensAnnotation)).Count - 1].Index();
                    Optional <KBPRelationExtractor.NERTag> subjNER = KBPRelationExtractor.NERTag.FromString(subj.Get(typeof(CoreAnnotations.NamedEntityTagAnnotation)));
                    if (subjNER.IsPresent())
                        for (int objI = 0; objI < candidates.Count; ++objI)
                            if (subjI == objI)
                            if (Thread.Interrupted())
                                throw new RuntimeInterruptedException();
                            ICoreMap obj      = candidates[objI];
                            int      objBegin = obj.Get(typeof(CoreAnnotations.TokensAnnotation))[0].Index() - 1;
                            int      objEnd   = obj.Get(typeof(CoreAnnotations.TokensAnnotation))[obj.Get(typeof(CoreAnnotations.TokensAnnotation)).Count - 1].Index();
                            Optional <KBPRelationExtractor.NERTag> objNER = KBPRelationExtractor.NERTag.FromString(obj.Get(typeof(CoreAnnotations.NamedEntityTagAnnotation)));
                            if (objNER.IsPresent() && KBPRelationExtractor.RelationType.PlausiblyHasRelation(subjNER.Get(), objNER.Get()))
                                // type check
                                KBPRelationExtractor.KBPInput input = new KBPRelationExtractor.KBPInput(new Span(subjBegin, subjEnd), new Span(objBegin, objEnd), subjNER.Get(), objNER.Get(), doc.Sentence(sentenceI));
                                //  -- BEGIN Classify
                                Pair <string, double> prediction = extractor.Classify(input);
                                //  -- END Classify
                                // Handle the classifier output
                                if (!KBPStatisticalExtractor.NoRelation.Equals(prediction.first))
                                    RelationTriple triple = new RelationTriple.WithLink(subj.Get(typeof(CoreAnnotations.TokensAnnotation)), mentionToCanonicalMention[subj].Get(typeof(CoreAnnotations.TokensAnnotation)), Java.Util.Collections.SingletonList(new CoreLabel(new Word
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 (ConvertRelationNameToLatest(prediction.first)))), obj.Get(typeof(CoreAnnotations.TokensAnnotation)), mentionToCanonicalMention[obj].Get(typeof(CoreAnnotations.TokensAnnotation)), prediction.second, sentences[sentenceI].Get(typeof(SemanticGraphCoreAnnotations.CollapsedCCProcessedDependenciesAnnotation
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        )), subj.Get(typeof(CoreAnnotations.WikipediaEntityAnnotation)), obj.Get(typeof(CoreAnnotations.WikipediaEntityAnnotation)));
                                    string tripleString = triple.SubjectGloss() + "\t" + triple.RelationGloss() + "\t" + triple.ObjectGloss();
                                    // ad hoc checks for problems
                                    bool acceptableTriple = true;
                                    if (triple.ObjectGloss().Equals(triple.SubjectGloss()) && triple.RelationGloss().EndsWith("alternate_names"))
                                        acceptableTriple = false;
                                    // only add this triple if it has the highest confidence ; this process generates duplicates with
                                    // different confidence scores, so we want to filter out the lower confidence versions
                                    if (acceptableTriple && !relationStringsToTriples.Contains(tripleString))
                                        relationStringsToTriples[tripleString] = triple;
                                        if (acceptableTriple && triple.confidence > relationStringsToTriples[tripleString].confidence)
                                            relationStringsToTriples[tripleString] = triple;
                finalTriplesList = new ArrayList(relationStringsToTriples.Values);
                // Set triples
                annotation.Get(typeof(CoreAnnotations.SentencesAnnotation))[sentenceI].Set(typeof(CoreAnnotations.KBPTriplesAnnotation), finalTriplesList);