public static bool broadcastNewBlock(Block b, RemoteEndpoint skipEndpoint = null, RemoteEndpoint endpoint = null, bool force_broadcast = false) { if (!Node.isMasterNode()) { return(true); } if (endpoint != null) { if (endpoint.isConnected()) { endpoint.sendData(ProtocolMessageCode.blockData, b.getBytes(false), BitConverter.GetBytes(b.blockNum)); return(true); } return(false); } else { if (force_broadcast) { return(CoreProtocolMessage.broadcastProtocolMessage(new char[] { 'M', 'H' }, ProtocolMessageCode.blockData, b.getBytes(false), BitConverter.GetBytes(b.blockNum), skipEndpoint)); } else { return(CoreProtocolMessage.addToInventory(new char[] { 'M', 'H' }, new InventoryItemBlock(b.blockChecksum, b.blockNum), skipEndpoint, ProtocolMessageCode.blockData, b.getBytes(false), BitConverter.GetBytes(b.blockNum))); } } }
public static void handleKeepAlivesChunk(byte[] data, RemoteEndpoint endpoint) { using (MemoryStream m = new MemoryStream(data)) { using (BinaryReader reader = new BinaryReader(m)) { int ka_count = (int)reader.ReadIxiVarUInt(); int max_ka_per_chunk = CoreConfig.maximumKeepAlivesPerChunk; if (ka_count > max_ka_per_chunk) { ka_count = max_ka_per_chunk; } for (int i = 0; i < ka_count; i++) { if (m.Position == m.Length) { break; } int ka_len = (int)reader.ReadIxiVarUInt(); byte[] ka_bytes = reader.ReadBytes(ka_len); byte[] hash = Crypto.sha512sqTrunc(ka_bytes); Node.inventoryCache.setProcessedFlag(InventoryItemTypes.keepAlive, hash, true); byte[] address; long last_seen; byte[] device_id; bool updated = PresenceList.receiveKeepAlive(ka_bytes, out address, out last_seen, out device_id, endpoint); // If a presence entry was updated, broadcast this message again if (updated) { CoreProtocolMessage.addToInventory(new char[] { 'M', 'H', 'W' }, new InventoryItemKeepAlive(hash, last_seen, address, device_id), endpoint, ProtocolMessageCode.keepAlivePresence, ka_bytes, address); // Send this keepalive message to all subscribed clients CoreProtocolMessage.broadcastEventDataMessage(NetworkEvents.Type.keepAlive, address, ProtocolMessageCode.keepAlivePresence, ka_bytes, address, endpoint); } } } } }
public static bool broadcastBlockSignature(byte[] signature, byte[] sig_address, ulong block_num, byte[] block_hash, RemoteEndpoint skipEndpoint = null, RemoteEndpoint endpoint = null) { byte[] signature_data = null; using (MemoryStream m = new MemoryStream(1152)) { using (BinaryWriter writer = new BinaryWriter(m)) { writer.WriteIxiVarInt(block_num); writer.WriteIxiVarInt(block_hash.Length); writer.Write(block_hash); writer.WriteIxiVarInt(signature.Length); writer.Write(signature); writer.WriteIxiVarInt(sig_address.Length); writer.Write(sig_address); #if TRACE_MEMSTREAM_SIZES"NetworkProtocol::broadcastNewBlockSignature: {0}", m.Length)); #endif signature_data = m.ToArray(); } } if (endpoint != null) { if (endpoint.isConnected()) { endpoint.sendData(ProtocolMessageCode.blockSignature2, signature_data); return(true); } return(false); } else { return(CoreProtocolMessage.addToInventory(new char[] { 'M', 'H' }, new InventoryItemSignature(sig_address, block_num, block_hash), skipEndpoint, ProtocolMessageCode.blockSignature2, signature_data, null)); } }
public static void handleKeepAlivePresence(byte[] data, RemoteEndpoint endpoint) { byte[] address = null; long last_seen = 0; byte[] device_id = null; byte[] hash = Crypto.sha512sqTrunc(data); Node.inventoryCache.setProcessedFlag(InventoryItemTypes.keepAlive, hash, true); bool updated = PresenceList.receiveKeepAlive(data, out address, out last_seen, out device_id, endpoint); // If a presence entry was updated, broadcast this message again if (updated) { CoreProtocolMessage.addToInventory(new char[] { 'M', 'H', 'W' }, new InventoryItemKeepAlive(hash, last_seen, address, device_id), endpoint, ProtocolMessageCode.keepAlivePresence, data, address); // Send this keepalive message to all subscribed clients CoreProtocolMessage.broadcastEventDataMessage(NetworkEvents.Type.keepAlive, address, ProtocolMessageCode.keepAlivePresence, data, address, endpoint); } }