// Pick up an image from the studio of the camera async Task ChooseImage() { await CrossMedia.Current.Initialize(); if (!CrossMedia.Current.IsPickPhotoSupported) { await CoreMethods.DisplayAlert("No Camera", ":( No camera available.", "OK"); return; } var file = await CrossMedia.Current.PickPhotoAsync(); if (file == null) { return; } await CoreMethods.DisplayAlert("File Location", file.Path, "OK"); Article.CoverImage = ImageSource.FromStream(() => { var stream = file.GetStream(); return(stream); }); }
protected async Task <MediaFile> TakeVideosync() { await CrossMedia.Current.Initialize(); if (!IsCameraAvailable || !CrossMedia.Current.IsTakeVideoSupported) { await CoreMethods.DisplayAlert(SportsGoResources.NoCamara, SportsGoResources.CamaraNoDisponible, "OK"); return(null); } if (await CheckCameraPermissionAndAskForIt() && await CheckStoragePermissionAndAskForIt()) { MediaFile file = await CrossMedia.Current.TakeVideoAsync(new StoreVideoOptions { SaveToAlbum = true, Quality = VideoQuality.Medium, DesiredLength = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(App.Usuario.PlanesUsuarios.Planes.TiempoPermitidoVideo), CompressionQuality = 70, DesiredSize = 100000000 }); return(file); } else { if (await CoreMethods.DisplayAlert(SportsGoResources.PermisoDenegado, SportsGoResources.NosePudoTomarVideo, "OK", SportsGoResources.Cancelar)) { //On iOS you may want to send your user to the settings screen. CrossPermissions.Current.OpenAppSettings(); } return(null); } }
private void LoadQnAJson() { try { var assembly = IntrospectionExtensions.GetTypeInfo(typeof(SwipeCardsViewModel)).Assembly; Stream stream = assembly.GetManifestResourceStream("MyTasks.TODO.Data.qa_deck.json"); string json = ""; using (var reader = new System.IO.StreamReader(stream)) { json = reader.ReadToEnd(); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(json)) { return; } QuizDeck deck = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <QuizDeck>(json); if (deck == null) { Cards = new ObservableCollection <DeckItem> { new DeckItem() { Id = 0, QuestionText = "No Questions were found." } }; } Cards = deck.DeckItems; } catch (Exception ex) { CoreMethods.DisplayAlert("Exception", ex.Message, "OK"); } }
internal async void GetMoreGifs() { try { _giphyServiceObj = FreshIOC.Container.Resolve <GiphyService>(); Giphy = String.IsNullOrEmpty(SearchText) ? await _giphyServiceObj.GetTrendingGifs() : await _giphyServiceObj.SearchGifs(SearchText); List <GifDataItem> gifDataItems = CreateGifDataItemList(Giphy.Data.ToList()); gifDataItems.ForEach((gifDataItem) => { TrendingImages.Add(gifDataItem); }); IsGettingMoreGifsDone = true; } catch (Exception exception) { MainThread.BeginInvokeOnMainThread ( () => { CoreMethods.DisplayAlert("Uh Oh", "Something bad happened: \n" + exception.Message, "Ok"); } ); } }
protected override void ViewIsAppearing(object sender, EventArgs e) { base.ViewIsAppearing(sender, e); _credential = DependencyService.Get <ICredentialService>().GetCredential(); _url = CrossSettings.Current.GetValueOrDefault <string>("URL"); _clients = CrossSettings.Current.GetValueOrDefault <string>("Clients").Split(',').ToList(); if (_credential == null || _url == null || _clients == null) { CoreMethods.DisplayAlert("Error", "Setting is incomplete!", "OK"); } else if (_credential != null && _url != null && _clients != null) { //CalculateReport(_credential, _url, _clients); MenuTapped = new Command <string>(NavigateToTaskPage); } //Push Search Page SearchCommand = new Command(async() => { await CoreMethods.PushPageModel <SearchPageModel>(); }); //Init Temp DaysToComplete = 21.1; Task1ChartImage = ImageSource.FromResource("SLB.iTrackr.Resources.RadiusGraph70.png"); Task2ChartImage = ImageSource.FromResource("SLB.iTrackr.Resources.RadiusGraph65.png"); Task3ChartImage = ImageSource.FromResource("SLB.iTrackr.Resources.RadiusGraph90.png"); Task4ChartImage = ImageSource.FromResource("SLB.iTrackr.Resources.RadiusGraph85.png"); Task5ChartImage = ImageSource.FromResource("SLB.iTrackr.Resources.RadiusGraph60.png"); Task6ChartImage = ImageSource.FromResource("SLB.iTrackr.Resources.RadiusGraph80.png"); }
public async Task LoginCommandHandler() { try { string dpPath = Path.Combine(System.Environment.GetFolderPath(System.Environment.SpecialFolder.Personal), "user.db3"); //Call Database var db = new SQLiteConnection(dpPath); var data = db.Table <LoginTable>(); //Call Table var data1 = data.Where(x => x.username == Username && x.password == Password).FirstOrDefault(); //Linq Query if (data1 != null) { await CoreMethods.DisplayAlert("Login", "Login Successful", "Continue"); await CoreMethods.PushPageModel <MainPageModel>(); } else { await CoreMethods.DisplayAlert("Login", "Login has failed", "Try again"); } } catch (Exception ex) { await CoreMethods.DisplayAlert("Error", ex.ToString(), "OK"); } ; }
private async void LoadInfo() { IsLoading = true; var response = await App.Client.FetchVegetables(); if (response != null) { App.FromServer.Clear(); foreach (var veg in response) { if (!App.Favorites.Exists(v => v.Name == veg.Name)) { App.FromServer.Add(veg); } } IsLoading = false; MessagingCenter.Send <DisplayPageModel, List <Vegetable> > (this, "AllVegetablesLoaded", response); } else { var msg = App.Client.StatusMessage; IsLoading = false; await CoreMethods.DisplayAlert("Error", msg, "OK"); } }
async Task FetchMovies(int page) { try { var service = DependencyService.Get <ITmdbService>().GetInstance(); var movies = await service.GetUpcomingMovies(page); foreach (var movie in movies.Results) { movie.GenreDescription = await GetMovieGenreDescription(movie.GenreIds); Movies.Add(movie); } currentPage = page; totalPages = movies.TotalPages; } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.LogError(ex); await CoreMethods?.DisplayAlert("Error", "An error occurred while loading movies.", "Ok"); } finally { IsRefreshing = IsLoading = false; } }
private async void Register() { if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(UserName) || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Password) || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(ConfirmPassword)) { await CoreMethods.DisplayAlert("Oops!", "All fields must be filled", "Alright"); } else if (Password != ConfirmPassword) { await CoreMethods.DisplayAlert("Oops!", "Password must match", "Alright"); } else { try { User user = new User(UserName, Password); App.UserDatabase.SaveUser(user); var result = await CoreMethods.DisplayAlert("Success!", "Your registration is successful....You can now login", "Alright", "Cancel"); if (result) { await CoreMethods.PushPageModel <LoginPageModel>(); } } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } } }
public void MatchListhWords() { if (QuestionSet1 != null && QuestionSet2 != null && QuestionSet2.Count > 0 && QuestionSet1.Count > 0) { var joined = QuestionSet1.Zip(QuestionSet2, (x, y) => new { x, y }); var shuffled = joined.OrderBy(x => Guid.NewGuid()).ToList(); var MatchedQuestionSet11 = shuffled.Select(pair => pair.x).ToList(); MatchedQuestionSet1 = Shuffle(MatchedQuestionSet11); MatchedQuestionSet2 = shuffled.Select(pair => pair.y).ToList(); //MatchedQuestionSet2 = Shuffle(MatchedQuestionSet22); List <RandomNumbers> MainRandomList = new List <RandomNumbers>(); for (int i = 0; i < MatchedQuestionSet1.Count; i++) { RandomNumbers randomList = new RandomNumbers(); randomList.Item1 = MatchedQuestionSet1[i]; randomList.Item2 = MatchedQuestionSet2[i]; MainRandomList.Add(randomList); } GetMatchItems = new ObservableCollection <RandomNumbers>(MainRandomList); } else { CoreMethods.DisplayAlert("Both Editor boxes Should not be empty!", "Please Enter Something else", "Ok"); } //return matchword; }
protected override void ViewIsAppearing(object sender, EventArgs e) { base.ViewIsAppearing(sender, e); //Get REST request status MessagingCenter.Subscribe <SPService, string>(this, "SP_REQUEST_STATUS", (s, args) => { CoreMethods.DisplayAlert("Notification", args, "OK"); }); IsBusy = false; var credTemp = DependencyService.Get <ICredentialService>().GetCredential(); var urlTemp = CrossSettings.Current.GetValueOrDefault <string>("URL"); var clientsTemp = CrossSettings.Current.GetValueOrDefault <string>("Clients"); if (credTemp != null) { UserName = credTemp.UserName; Password = credTemp.Password; } if (urlTemp != null) { URL = urlTemp; } if (credTemp != null && urlTemp != null) { GetClients(clientsTemp); } }
private async Task SaveProfile() { if (!EmailValidator.EmailIsValid(CurrentUser.Email)) { await CoreMethods.DisplayAlert("Email", "Veuillez entrer une adresse email valide", "OK"); return; } using (_dialogs.Loading("Enregistrement...")) { Settings.CurrentUser = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(CurrentUser); var passwd = await ChangePassword(); if (passwd) { CurrentUser.Password = NewPassword; } if (App.IsConnected()) { await App.UserManager.SaveOrUpdateAsync(CurrentUser.Id, CurrentUser, false); } if (passwd) { NavBackCommand.Execute(null); await Task.Delay(400); MessagingCenter.Send(this, "ShowPasswordMessage"); } } }
async Task <bool> ValidarDatosCandidatos() { bool esValido = true; if (Persona.CandidatoDeLaPersona.Estatura <= 0 || Persona.CandidatoDeLaPersona.Peso <= 0 || Persona.CandidatoDeLaPersona.FechaNacimiento == DateTime.MinValue || Persona.CandidatoDeLaPersona.TipoGenero == TipoGeneros.SinGenero) { await CoreMethods.DisplayAlert(SportsGoResources.Error, SportsGoResources.FaltaDatosPerfil, "OK"); esValido = false; } else if (DateTimeHelper.DiferenciaEntreDosFechasAños(DateTime.Now, Persona.CandidatoDeLaPersona.FechaNacimiento) < 18) { if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Persona.CandidatoDeLaPersona.CandidatosResponsables.Nombres) || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Persona.CandidatoDeLaPersona.CandidatosResponsables.TelefonoMovil) || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Persona.CandidatoDeLaPersona.CandidatosResponsables.Email)) { await CoreMethods.DisplayAlert(SportsGoResources.Error, SportsGoResources.FaltanDatosResponsable, "OK"); esValido = false; } else if (!Regex.IsMatch(Persona.CandidatoDeLaPersona.CandidatosResponsables.Email.Trim(), AppConstants.RegexEmail)) { await CoreMethods.DisplayAlert(SportsGoResources.Error, SportsGoResources.EmailFormatoInvalidoResponsable, "OK"); esValido = false; } } return(esValido); }
private async Task GetUserDataAsync() { try { IsBusy = true; if (IsConnected) { var _apiResult = await _webService.GetData <UserData>(APIEndPoints.NamesUri); if (_apiResult != null) { var userData = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <UserData>(_apiResult); if (userData != null && userData.People.Any()) { PersonList = new ObservableCollection <Person>(userData.People); SaveDataToLocalCache(); } } } else { await CoreMethods.DisplayAlert("Error", "No Internet", "Ok"); } } catch (Exception ex) { await CoreMethods.DisplayAlert("Error", "Something went wrong.", "Ok"); } finally { IsBusy = false; } }
private List <LocationModel> GetLocatonsOnline() { List <LocationModel> locations = null; try { locations = GetLocations(); } catch (ServerNotFoundException) { CoreMethods.DisplayAlert("Failed", "Failed to connect to server", "Continue"); } catch (NotLoggedInException ex) { Debug.WriteLine(ex); } catch (Exception ex) { Debug.WriteLine(ex); CoreMethods.DisplayAlert("Failed", "Unknown error", "Quit"); throw; } return(locations); }
async void ValidateSignatureAndUpload() { Dialog.ShowLoading(""); if (Contract.SignImageSource != null) { PdfDocument duplicate = (PdfDocument)Contract.Document.Clone(); var addPage = duplicate.Pages.Add(); var width = addPage.GetClientSize().Width; PdfGraphics graphics = addPage.Graphics; PdfBitmap image = new PdfBitmap(new MemoryStream(contract.SignImageSource)); graphics.DrawImage(image, new RectangleF(20, 40, width / 2, 60)); MemoryStream m = new MemoryStream(); duplicate.Save(m); var document = await StoreManager.DocumentStore.GetItemByContractId(Contract.Id, "saleContract"); if (document == null) { var documentItem = new Document() { Path = Contract.Id + '/' + "saleContract.pdf", Name = contract.Id + ".pdf", InternalName = "saleContract", ReferenceKind = "contract", ReferenceId = contract.Id, MimeType = "application/pdf" }; var uploaded = await StoreManager.DocumentStore.InsertImage(m.ToArray(), documentItem); } else { await PclStorage.SaveFileLocal(m.ToArray(), document.Id); document.ToUpload = true; await StoreManager.DocumentStore.UpdateAsync(document); await StoreManager.DocumentStore.OfflineUploadSync(); } Contract.ToSend = true; var isSent = await StoreManager.ContractStore.UpdateAsync(Contract); if (isSent) { await CoreMethods.DisplayAlert(AppResources.Alert, AppResources.EmailSent, AppResources.Ok); BackButton.Execute(null); } } Dialog.HideLoading(); }
async Task IniciarSesionUsuarioRegistrado(UsuariosDTO usuario) { if (IsNotConnected) { return; } UsuariosDTO usuarioVerificado = await _authService.VerificarUsuario(usuario); if (usuarioVerificado != null && (usuarioVerificado.TipoPerfil == TipoPerfil.Anunciante || usuarioVerificado.TipoPerfil == TipoPerfil.Administrador)) { await CoreMethods.DisplayAlert(SportsGoResources.TituloAlerta, SportsGoResources.UsuarioNoExiste, "OK"); return; } if (usuarioVerificado != null && usuarioVerificado.Consecutivo != 0) { if (usuarioVerificado.CuentaActiva == 0) { await CoreMethods.DisplayAlert(SportsGoResources.TituloAlerta, SportsGoResources.CuentaNoActiva, "OK"); return; } await ConfigurarTabPrincipal(usuarioVerificado); } else { await CoreMethods.DisplayAlert(SportsGoResources.TituloAlerta, SportsGoResources.UsuarioNoExiste, "OK"); } }
public async Task <bool> ValidarPublicacion() { bool publicacionValida = true; if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(PublicacionSeleccionada.Titulo)) { publicacionValida = false; await CoreMethods.DisplayAlert(SportsGoResources.Error, SportsGoResources.FaltaDatosPublicacion, "OK"); } else if (EsGrupo && (PaisSeleccionado == null || CategoriaSeleccionada == null || PublicacionSeleccionada.IdiomaDelEvento == null)) { publicacionValida = false; await CoreMethods.DisplayAlert(SportsGoResources.Error, SportsGoResources.FaltaDatosPublicacion, "OK"); } else if (EsCandidato && (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(UrlArchivo) && (!PublicacionSeleccionada.CodigoArchivo.HasValue || PublicacionSeleccionada.CodigoArchivo < 0))) { publicacionValida = false; await CoreMethods.DisplayAlert(SportsGoResources.Error, SportsGoResources.FaltaVideoPublicacion, "OK"); } else if (PublicacionSeleccionada.FechaTerminacion < PublicacionSeleccionada.FechaInicio) { publicacionValida = false; await CoreMethods.DisplayAlert(SportsGoResources.Error, SportsGoResources.FechasEventoInvalida, "OK"); } return(publicacionValida); }
private async void ShowSimulationExplanation() { await CoreMethods.DisplayAlert( "Simulation Mode Activated", "Cringebot will now simulate the experience of involuntary recall by sending you notifications about items in the list at random intervals.", "OK"); }
public Task <bool> MakeDataBaseCallToAddItemToDatabase() { TaskCompletionSource <bool> tcs = new TaskCompletionSource <bool>(); Food food = new Food(); food.name = NewFoodEntryText; if (SelectedItem != null) { food.categories = SelectedItem.Categories; food.blacklisted = Enums.BlackListed.ToCheck; var result = DatabaseConnection.Connection.InsertAsync(food); result.Wait(); if (result.IsCompleted) { tcs.SetResult(true); return(tcs.Task); } tcs.SetResult(false); return(tcs.Task); } else { CoreMethods.DisplayAlert("Uwaga", "Nie wybrales kategorii, sprobuj ponownie", "OK"); tcs.SetResult(false); return(tcs.Task); } }
private async void Initialize() { try { if (IsConnected()) { _searchCacheServiceObj = FreshIOC.Container.Resolve <SearchCacheService>(); _giphyServiceObj = FreshIOC.Container.Resolve <GiphyService>(); TrendingImages = new ObservableCollection <GifDataItem>(); SearchCache = new ObservableCollection <SearchCacheItem>(); await RefreshTrendingGifs(); await RefreshSearchCache(); IsTrendingImagesPanelVisible = true; IsGettingMoreGifsDone = true; } else { // Handle in ViewIsAppearing(..) handler. } } catch (Exception exception) { MainThread.BeginInvokeOnMainThread ( async() => { await CoreMethods.DisplayAlert("Uh Oh", "Something bad happened: \n" + exception.Message, "Ok"); } ); } }
private async void OnSyncCompleted() { IsBusy = false; try { AppSettings.ReloadSetting(); SyncHelper.Instance.StartAutoSync(15); } catch (Exception ex) { await CoreMethods.DisplayAlert(TranslateExtension.GetValue("error"), ex.Message, TranslateExtension.GetValue("error")); Debug.WriteLine("ERROR:" + ex.Message); } //TODO find out reason if (Device.RuntimePlatform == Device.iOS && Device.Idiom == TargetIdiom.Tablet) { if (CrossDeviceInfo.Current.VersionNumber.Major >= 13) { Application.Current.MainPage = new NavigationContainer(ViewModelResolver.ResolveViewModel <ViewModels.Login.LoginViewModel>()) { BarBackgroundColor = Color.FromHex("#2196F3"), BarTextColor = Color.White }; return; } } Application.Current.MainPage = new MainPage(); }
internal override async Task LoadData(bool refreshData = false, bool FetchNextPage = false) { HasLoaded = false; if (BuildingId == 0) { return; } try { Building buildingDetails = await DataAccess.GetBuildingDetails(BuildingId); Units = buildingDetails.Units; foreach (var u in Units) { u.BuildingId = BuildingId; } BuildingName = buildingDetails.BuildingShortAddress; HasLoaded = true; } catch (Exception ex) { Crashes.TrackError(ex); await CoreMethods.DisplayAlert("Something went wrong", ex.Message, "DISMISS"); APIhasFailed = true; } }
private async void UpdatePIN(object sender, TaskCompletionSource <bool> tcs) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(tempPIN) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(tempConfirmPIN) || !tempPIN.Equals(tempConfirmPIN)) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(tempPIN)) { await CoreMethods.DisplayAlert("Fail", "New PIN cannot be empty ", "OK"); tcs.SetResult(true); return; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(tempConfirmPIN)) { await CoreMethods.DisplayAlert("Fail", "Confirmation PIN cannot be empty ", "OK"); tcs.SetResult(true); return; } if (!tempPIN.Equals(tempConfirmPIN)) { await CoreMethods.DisplayAlert("Fail", "Confirm new PIN is not matching ", "OK"); tcs.SetResult(true); return; } } Helpers.Settings.PIN = tempConfirmPIN; await CoreMethods.DisplayAlert("Successed", "You just created a new PIN", "OK"); await CoreMethods.PopViewModel(); tcs.SetResult(true); }
protected async Task <MediaFile> TakePhotoAsync() { await CrossMedia.Current.Initialize(); if (!IsCameraAvailable || !CrossMedia.Current.IsTakePhotoSupported) { await CoreMethods.DisplayAlert(SportsGoResources.NoCamara, SportsGoResources.CamaraNoDisponible, "OK"); return(null); } if (await CheckCameraPermissionAndAskForIt() && await CheckStoragePermissionAndAskForIt()) { MediaFile file = await CrossMedia.Current.TakePhotoAsync(new StoreCameraMediaOptions { SaveToAlbum = true, CompressionQuality = 80, PhotoSize = PhotoSize.Large, //AllowCropping = true }); return(file); } else { if (await CoreMethods.DisplayAlert(SportsGoResources.PermisoDenegado, SportsGoResources.NoSePudoTomarFoto, "OK", SportsGoResources.Cancelar)) { //On iOS you may want to send your user to the settings screen. CrossPermissions.Current.OpenAppSettings(); } return(null); } }
async Task CheckAnswerAsync() { if (IsBusy) { return; } IsBusy = true; try { if (!IsItemInTheList(Answer, GivenAnswers.ToList()) && IsItemInTheList(Answer, CorrectAnswers)) { GivenAnswers.Add(Answer); Score = Score + 1; Answer = string.Empty; } } catch (System.Exception ex) { await CoreMethods.DisplayAlert("", "Erro ao checar resposta", "OK"); } finally { IsBusy = false; } }
protected async Task <MediaFile> PickVideoAsync() { await CrossMedia.Current.Initialize(); if (!CrossMedia.Current.IsPickVideoSupported) { await CoreMethods.DisplayAlert(SportsGoResources.NoGaleria, SportsGoResources.GaleriaNoDisponible, "OK"); return(null); } if (await CheckStoragePermissionAndAskForIt()) { MediaFile file = await CrossMedia.Current.PickVideoAsync(); return(file); } else { if (await CoreMethods.DisplayAlert(SportsGoResources.PermisoDenegado, SportsGoResources.NoSePudoPickearVideo, "OK", SportsGoResources.Cancelar)) { //On iOS you may want to send your user to the settings screen. CrossPermissions.Current.OpenAppSettings(); } return(null); } }
private async Task Raffle(object arg) { var random = new Random(); int winnerIndex = random.Next(0, ParticipantList.Count); var winner = ParticipantList[winnerIndex]; await CoreMethods.DisplayAlert("And the winner is....", winner.ToString(), "Ok"); }
/// <summary> /// Reloads the data. /// </summary> /// <returns>The data.</returns> /// <param name="isSilent">If set to <c>true</c> is silent.</param> async Task ReloadData(bool isSilent = false, bool force = false) { IsRefreshing = !isSilent; IsLoading = true; try { if (Plugin.Connectivity.CrossConnectivity.Current.IsConnected) { // Download jobs from server var localJobs = await jobsApiService.GetJobsAsync(force); // Group jobs by JobStatus var groupedJobs = GroupJobs(localJobs); Jobs.ReplaceRange(groupedJobs); } else { await CoreMethods.DisplayAlert("Network Error", "No internet connectivity found", "OK"); } } catch (Exception) { await CoreMethods.DisplayAlert("Error", "An error occured while communicating with the backend. Please check your settings and try again.", "Ok"); } IsRefreshing = false; IsLoading = false; }
private async Task ExecutePoofCommand() { try { if (!await LoginAsync()) { return; } LoadingMessage = "Adding Poof..."; IsBusy = true; //esiste overload per proprietà e metriche HockeyApp.MetricsManager.TrackEvent("Add Poof"); //await Task.Delay(4000); await azureService.AddPoof(Justified, Comment, Settings.UserId); Comment = null; Justified = false; } catch (Exception ex) { Insights.Report(ex, Insights.Severity.Error); await CoreMethods.DisplayAlert("Service Error", ex.Message, "OK"); } finally { LoadingMessage = string.Empty; IsBusy = false; } }