コード例 #1
ファイル: Brain.cs プロジェクト: luchris429/tv_maze
    /// Ensures the brain has an up to date array of coreBrains

    /** Is called when the inspector is modified and into InitializeBrain.
     * If the brain gameObject was just created, it generates a list of
     * coreBrains (one for each brainType) */
    public void UpdateCoreBrains()
        // If CoreBrains is null, this means the Brain object was just
        // instanciated and we create instances of each CoreBrain
        if (CoreBrains == null)
            CoreBrains = new ScriptableObject[System.Enum.GetValues(typeof(BrainType)).Length];
            foreach (BrainType bt in System.Enum.GetValues(typeof(BrainType)))
                CoreBrains[(int)bt] = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance("CoreBrain" + bt.ToString());

        // If the length of CoreBrains does not match the number of BrainTypes,
        // we increase the length of CoreBrains
        if (CoreBrains.Length < System.Enum.GetValues(typeof(BrainType)).Length)
            ScriptableObject[] new_CoreBrains = new ScriptableObject[System.Enum.GetValues(typeof(BrainType)).Length];
            foreach (BrainType bt in System.Enum.GetValues(typeof(BrainType)))
                if ((int)bt < CoreBrains.Length)
                    new_CoreBrains[(int)bt] = CoreBrains[(int)bt];
                    new_CoreBrains[(int)bt] = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance("CoreBrain" + bt.ToString());
            CoreBrains = new_CoreBrains;

        // If the stored instanceID does not match the current instanceID,
        // this means that the Brain GameObject was duplicated, and
        // we need to make a new copy of each CoreBrain
        if (instanceID != gameObject.GetInstanceID())
            foreach (BrainType bt in System.Enum.GetValues(typeof(BrainType)))
                CoreBrains[(int)bt] = ScriptableObject.Instantiate(CoreBrains[(int)bt]);
            instanceID = gameObject.GetInstanceID();

        // The coreBrain to display is the one defined in brainType
        coreBrain = (CoreBrain)CoreBrains[(int)brainType];
