コード例 #1
        // Update is called once per frame
        void Update()
            if (webCamTextureToMatHelper.IsPlaying() && webCamTextureToMatHelper.DidUpdateThisFrame())
                Mat rgbaMat = webCamTextureToMatHelper.GetMat();

                if (net.empty() || classes == null)
                    Imgproc.putText(rgbaMat, "model file is not loaded.", new Point(5, rgbaMat.rows() - 30), Core.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.7, new Scalar(255, 255, 255, 255), 2, Imgproc.LINE_AA, false);
                    Imgproc.putText(rgbaMat, "Please read console message.", new Point(5, rgbaMat.rows() - 10), Core.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.7, new Scalar(255, 255, 255, 255), 2, Imgproc.LINE_AA, false);
                    Imgproc.cvtColor(rgbaMat, bgrMat, Imgproc.COLOR_RGBA2BGR);

                    blob = Dnn.blobFromImage(bgrMat, 1, new Size(224, 224), new Scalar(104, 117, 123), false, true);

                    Mat prob = net.forward();

                    Core.MinMaxLocResult minmax = Core.minMaxLoc(prob.reshape(1, 1));
//                Debug.Log ("Best match " + (int)minmax.maxLoc.x);
//                Debug.Log ("Best match class " + classes [(int)minmax.maxLoc.x]);
//                Debug.Log ("Probability: " + minmax.maxVal * 100 + "%");


                    Imgproc.putText(rgbaMat, "Best match class " + classes [(int)minmax.maxLoc.x], new Point(5, rgbaMat.rows() - 10), Core.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 1.0, new Scalar(255, 255, 255, 255), 2, Imgproc.LINE_AA, false);

                Utils.matToTexture2D(rgbaMat, texture, webCamTextureToMatHelper.GetBufferColors());
コード例 #2
        // Update is called once per frame
        void Update()
            if (webCamTextureToMatHelper.IsPlaying() && webCamTextureToMatHelper.DidUpdateThisFrame())
                Mat rgbaMat = webCamTextureToMatHelper.GetMat();

                if (net.empty() || classes == null)
                    Imgproc.putText(rgbaMat, "model file or class names list file is not loaded.", new Point(5, rgbaMat.rows() - 50), Core.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.7, new Scalar(255, 255, 255, 255), 2, Imgproc.LINE_AA, false);
                    Imgproc.putText(rgbaMat, "The model and class names list can be downloaded here:", new Point(5, rgbaMat.rows() - 30), Core.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.7, new Scalar(255, 255, 255, 255), 2, Imgproc.LINE_AA, false);
                    Imgproc.putText(rgbaMat, "https://storage.googleapis.com/download.tensorflow.org/models/inception5h.zip.", new Point(5, rgbaMat.rows() - 10), Core.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.7, new Scalar(255, 255, 255, 255), 2, Imgproc.LINE_AA, false);
                    blob = Dnn.blobFromImage(rgbaMat, 1, new Size(224, 224), new Scalar(104, 117, 123), false);

                    Mat prob = net.forward();

                    Core.MinMaxLocResult minmax = Core.minMaxLoc(prob.reshape(1, 1));
//                Debug.Log ("Best match " + (int)minmax.maxLoc.x);
//                Debug.Log ("Best match class " + classes [(int)minmax.maxLoc.x]);
//                Debug.Log ("Probability: " + minmax.maxVal * 100 + "%");


                    Imgproc.putText(rgbaMat, "Best match class " + classes [(int)minmax.maxLoc.x], new Point(5, rgbaMat.rows() - 10), Core.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 1.0, new Scalar(255, 255, 255, 255), 2, Imgproc.LINE_AA, false);

                Utils.matToTexture2D(rgbaMat, texture, webCamTextureToMatHelper.GetBufferColors());
コード例 #3
        private MatOfPoint OrderCornerPoints(MatOfPoint corners)
            if (corners.size().area() <= 0 || corners.rows() < 4)

            // rearrange the points in the order of upper left, upper right, lower right, lower left.
            using (Mat x = new Mat(corners.size(), CvType.CV_32SC1))
                using (Mat y = new Mat(corners.size(), CvType.CV_32SC1))
                    using (Mat d = new Mat(corners.size(), CvType.CV_32SC1))
                        using (Mat dst = new Mat(corners.size(), CvType.CV_32SC2))
                            Core.extractChannel(corners, x, 0);
                            Core.extractChannel(corners, y, 1);

                            // the sum of the upper left points is the smallest and the sum of the lower right points is the largest.
                            Core.add(x, y, d);
                            Core.MinMaxLocResult result = Core.minMaxLoc(d);
                            dst.put(0, 0, corners.get((int)result.minLoc.y, 0));
                            dst.put(2, 0, corners.get((int)result.maxLoc.y, 0));

                            // the difference in the upper right point is the smallest, and the difference in the lower left is the largest.
                            Core.subtract(y, x, d);
                            result = Core.minMaxLoc(d);
                            dst.put(1, 0, corners.get((int)result.minLoc.y, 0));
                            dst.put(3, 0, corners.get((int)result.maxLoc.y, 0));

コード例 #4
ファイル: PatchModels.cs プロジェクト: Xsisku/Ar_Lucia
        public Point[] calc_peaks(Mat im,
                                  Point[] points,
                                  OpenCVForUnity.Size ssize)
            int n = points.Length;

//              Debug.Log ("n == int(patches.size()) " + patches.Count);
            using (Mat pt = (new MatOfPoint2f(points)).reshape(1, 2 * n))
                using (Mat S = calc_simil(pt))
                    using (Mat Si = inv_simil(S))
                        float[] pt_float = new float[pt.total()];
                        Utils.copyFromMat <float>(pt, pt_float);
                        int pt_cols = pt.cols();

                        float[] S_float = new float[S.total()];
                        Utils.copyFromMat <float>(S, S_float);
                        int S_cols = S.cols();

                        float[] A_float = new float[2 * 3];

                        Point[] pts = apply_simil(Si, points);

                        for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
                            OpenCVForUnity.Size wsize = new OpenCVForUnity.Size(ssize.width + patches [i].patch_size().width, ssize.height + patches [i].patch_size().height);
                            using (Mat A = new Mat(2, 3, CvType.CV_32F))
                                Utils.copyFromMat <float>(A, A_float);
                                int A_cols = A.cols();

                                A_float [0]                = S_float [0];
                                A_float [1]                = S_float [1];
                                A_float [1 * A_cols]       = S_float [1 * S_cols];
                                A_float [(1 * A_cols) + 1] = S_float [(1 * S_cols) + 1];
                                A_float [2]                = (float)(pt_float [(2 * pt_cols) * i] -
                                                                     (A_float [0] * (wsize.width - 1) / 2 + A_float [1] * (wsize.height - 1) / 2));
                                A_float [(1 * A_cols) + 2] = (float)(pt_float [((2 * pt_cols) * i) + 1] -
                                                                     (A_float [1 * A_cols] * (wsize.width - 1) / 2 + A_float [(1 * A_cols) + 1] * (wsize.height - 1) / 2));

                                Utils.copyToMat(A_float, A);

                                using (Mat I = new Mat())
                                    Imgproc.warpAffine(im, I, A, wsize, Imgproc.INTER_LINEAR + Imgproc.WARP_INVERSE_MAP);
                                    using (Mat R = patches [i].calc_response(I, false))
                                        Core.MinMaxLocResult minMaxLocResult = Core.minMaxLoc(R);
                                        pts [i].x = pts [i].x + minMaxLocResult.maxLoc.x - 0.5 * ssize.width;
                                        pts [i].y = pts [i].y + minMaxLocResult.maxLoc.y - 0.5 * ssize.height;
                        return(apply_simil(S, pts));
コード例 #5
        /// Normalizes [I] such that min(I) -> 0 and max(I) -> 255
        static void DesaturateMat(ref Mat I)
            Core.MinMaxLocResult res = Core.minMaxLoc(I);
            double alpha             = 255 / (res.maxVal - res.minVal);
            double beta = -res.minVal * alpha;
            Mat    O    = (I - new Scalar(res.minVal)) * alpha;

            Debug.LogFormat("Mat Max and Min: {0}, {1} \n Alpha & Beta: {2}, {3} \n I(200, 200) -> O(200, 200): {4} vs. {5} vs. {6}",
                            res.maxVal, res.minVal, alpha, beta, I.get(200, 200)[0], (alpha * I.get(200, 200)[0]) + beta, O.get(200, 200)[0]);
            I = O;
コード例 #6
ファイル: calcHist.cs プロジェクト: Hengle/OpenCVForUnity
    void Start()
        grayMat    = Imgcodecs.imread(Application.dataPath + "/Textures/feature.jpg", 0);
        outputHist = new Mat();
        images     = new List <Mat>();
        Core.split(grayMat, images);

        Mat        mask     = new Mat(); //不空即可
        MatOfInt   channels = new MatOfInt(new int[] { 1 });
        MatOfInt   histSize = new MatOfInt(new int[] { 256 });;
        MatOfFloat ranges   = new MatOfFloat(new float[] { 0, 255 });
        bool       accum    = false; //是否累积

        Imgproc.calcHist(images, channels, mask, outputHist, histSize, ranges, accum);

        int scale   = 1;
        Mat histPic = new Mat(256, 256 * scale, CvType.CV_8U, new Scalar(255)); //单通道255,白色

        Core.MinMaxLocResult res = Core.minMaxLoc(grayMat); //注意不要搞错Mat,是对grayMat计算
        double minValue          = res.minVal;
        double maxValue          = res.maxVal;

        Debug.Log("min:" + minValue + ", max:" + maxValue);

        double rate = (256 / maxValue) * 1d;

        for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++)
            //float value = outputHist.at<float>(i);
            byte[] byteArray = new byte[grayMat.width() * grayMat.height()];
            Utils.copyFromMat <byte>(grayMat, byteArray);
            float value = (float)byteArray[i];
            Imgproc.line(histPic, new Point(i * scale, 256), new Point(i * scale, 256 - value * rate), new Scalar(0)); //单通道0,黑色

        Texture2D t2d = new Texture2D(histPic.width(), histPic.height());
        Sprite    sp  = Sprite.Create(t2d, new UnityEngine.Rect(0, 0, t2d.width, t2d.height), Vector2.zero);

        m_showImage.sprite         = sp;
        m_showImage.preserveAspect = true;
        Utils.matToTexture2D(histPic, t2d);
コード例 #7
ファイル: TextureManager.cs プロジェクト: uejun/Decomeal
    public Mat multiValueThresholdRGB(Mat img, List <int> rValueList, List <int> gValueList, List <int> bValueList, int seperation)
        Mat imgGray = new Mat(img.rows(), img.cols(), CvType.CV_8UC1);

        Imgproc.cvtColor(img, imgGray, Imgproc.COLOR_BGR2GRAY);
        Core.MinMaxLocResult minMaxResult = Core.minMaxLoc(imgGray);
        int threshValue         = (int)minMaxResult.minVal;
        int threshValueInterval = (int)((minMaxResult.maxVal - minMaxResult.minVal) / seperation);
        Mat multiThreshMat      = new Mat(img.rows(), img.cols(), CvType.CV_8UC3);
        Mat multiThreshStageMat = new Mat(img.rows(), img.cols(), CvType.CV_8UC3);
        Mat colorStageMat       = new Mat(img.rows(), img.cols(), CvType.CV_8UC3);
        Mat threshMask          = new Mat(img.rows(), img.cols(), CvType.CV_8UC1);

        colorStageMat = createMonochromaticRGB(rValueList[(seperation - 2)],
                                               gValueList[(seperation - 2)],
                                               bValueList[(seperation - 2)],
                                               img.cols(), img.rows());

        for (int i = 0; i < seperation; i++)
            colorStageMat = createMonochromaticRGB(rValueList[(seperation - i - 1)],
                                                   gValueList[(seperation - i - 1)],
                                                   bValueList[(seperation - i - 1)],
                                                   img.cols(), img.rows());

            if (i < seperation - 1)
                if (i == 0)
                    colorStageMat = create_form(colorStageMat);
                threshValue += threshValueInterval;
                threshMask   = rangeThreshold(imgGray, threshValue - threshValueInterval, threshValue, 255);
                Core.bitwise_and(colorStageMat, colorStageMat, multiThreshStageMat, threshMask);
                Core.bitwise_or(multiThreshMat, multiThreshStageMat, multiThreshMat);
            else if (i == seperation - 1)
                Imgproc.threshold(imgGray, threshMask, threshValue, 255, Imgproc.THRESH_BINARY);
                Core.bitwise_and(colorStageMat, colorStageMat, multiThreshStageMat, threshMask);
                Core.bitwise_or(multiThreshMat, multiThreshStageMat, multiThreshMat);
コード例 #8
ファイル: TextureManager.cs プロジェクト: uejun/Decomeal
    public Mat multiValueThresholdHSV(Mat img, List <int> hValueList, List <int> sValueList, List <int> vValueList, int seperation)
        int imgWidth  = img.cols();
        int imgHeight = img.rows();
        Mat imgGray   = new Mat(imgHeight, imgWidth, CvType.CV_8UC1);

        Imgproc.cvtColor(img, imgGray, Imgproc.COLOR_BGR2GRAY);
        Core.MinMaxLocResult minMaxResult = Core.minMaxLoc(imgGray);
        int minGrayValue        = (int)minMaxResult.minVal;
        int maxGrayValue        = (int)minMaxResult.maxVal;
        int threshValue         = minGrayValue;
        int threshValueInterval = (int)((maxGrayValue - minGrayValue) / seperation);
        Mat multiThreshMat      = new Mat(imgHeight, imgWidth, CvType.CV_8UC3);
        Mat multiThreshStageMat = new Mat(imgHeight, imgWidth, CvType.CV_8UC3);
        Mat colorStageMat       = new Mat(imgHeight, imgWidth, CvType.CV_8UC3);
        Mat threshMask          = new Mat(imgHeight, imgWidth, CvType.CV_8UC1);

        colorStageMat = createMonochromaticHSV2RGB(hValueList[(seperation - 2)],
                                                   sValueList[(seperation - 2)],
                                                   vValueList[(seperation - 2)],
                                                   imgWidth, imgHeight);

        for (int i = 0; i < seperation; i++)
            colorStageMat = createMonochromaticRGB(hValueList[(seperation - i - 1)],
                                                   sValueList[(seperation - i - 1)],
                                                   vValueList[(seperation - i - 1)],
                                                   imgWidth, imgHeight);

            if (i < seperation - 1)
                threshValue += threshValueInterval;
                threshMask   = rangeThreshold(imgGray, threshValue - threshValueInterval, threshValue, 255);
                Core.bitwise_and(colorStageMat, colorStageMat, multiThreshStageMat, threshMask);
                Core.bitwise_or(multiThreshMat, multiThreshStageMat, multiThreshMat);
            else if (i == seperation - 1)
                Imgproc.threshold(imgGray, threshMask, threshValue, 255, Imgproc.THRESH_BINARY);
                Core.bitwise_and(colorStageMat, colorStageMat, multiThreshStageMat, threshMask);
                Core.bitwise_or(multiThreshMat, multiThreshStageMat, multiThreshMat);
コード例 #9
    public Point[] calc_peaks(Mat im,
                              Point[] points,
                              OpenCVForUnity.Size ssize)
        int n = points.Length;

//				Debug.Log ("n == int(patches.size()) " + patches.Count);
        using (Mat pt = (new MatOfPoint2f(points)).reshape(1, 2 * n))
            using (Mat S = calc_simil(pt))
                using (Mat Si = inv_simil(S)) {
                    Point[] pts = apply_simil(Si, points);

                    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
                        OpenCVForUnity.Size wsize = new OpenCVForUnity.Size(ssize.width + patches [i].patch_size().width, ssize.height + patches [i].patch_size().height);
                        using (Mat A = new Mat(2, 3, CvType.CV_32F)) {
                            A.put(0, 0, S.get(0, 0) [0]);
                            A.put(0, 1, S.get(0, 1) [0]);
                            A.put(1, 0, S.get(1, 0) [0]);
                            A.put(1, 1, S.get(1, 1) [0]);
                            A.put(0, 2, pt.get(2 * i, 0) [0] -
                                  (A.get(0, 0) [0] * (wsize.width - 1) / 2 + A.get(0, 1) [0] * (wsize.height - 1) / 2));
                            A.put(1, 2, pt.get(2 * i + 1, 0) [0] -
                                  (A.get(1, 0) [0] * (wsize.width - 1) / 2 + A.get(1, 1) [0] * (wsize.height - 1) / 2));
                            using (Mat I = new Mat()) {
                                Imgproc.warpAffine(im, I, A, wsize, Imgproc.INTER_LINEAR + Imgproc.WARP_INVERSE_MAP);
                                using (Mat R = patches [i].calc_response(I, false)) {
                                    Core.MinMaxLocResult minMaxLocResult = Core.minMaxLoc(R);
                                    pts [i].x = pts [i].x + minMaxLocResult.maxLoc.x - 0.5 * ssize.width;
                                    pts [i].y = pts [i].y + minMaxLocResult.maxLoc.y - 0.5 * ssize.height;

                    return(apply_simil(S, pts));
コード例 #10
        private Mat get_template(CascadeClassifier clssfr, Rect area, int size)
            Mat       template     = new Mat();
            Mat       mROI         = mGray.Submat(area);
            MatOfRect eyes         = new MatOfRect();
            Point     iris         = new Point();
            Rect      eye_template = new Rect();

            clssfr.DetectMultiScale(mROI, eyes, 1.15, 2, Objdetect.CascadeFindBiggestObject | Objdetect.CascadeScaleImage,
                                    new Size(30, 30), new Size());

            Rect[] eyesArray = eyes.ToArray();
            for (int i = 0; i < eyesArray.Length;)
                Rect e = eyesArray[i];
                e.X = area.X + e.X;
                e.Y = area.Y + e.Y;
                Rect eye_only_rectangle = new Rect((int)e.Tl().X,
                                                   (int)(e.Tl().Y + e.Height * 0.4), (int)e.Width,
                                                   (int)(e.Height * 0.6));
                mROI = mGray.Submat(eye_only_rectangle);
                Mat vyrez = mRgba.Submat(eye_only_rectangle);

                Core.MinMaxLocResult mmG = Core.MinMaxLoc(mROI);

                Imgproc.Circle(vyrez, mmG.MinLoc, 2, new Scalar(255, 255, 255, 255), 2);
                iris.X = mmG.MinLoc.X + eye_only_rectangle.X;
                iris.Y = mmG.MinLoc.Y + eye_only_rectangle.Y;

                eye_template = new Rect((int)iris.X - size / 2, (int)iris.Y - size / 2, size, size);

                Imgproc.Rectangle(mRgba, eye_template.Tl(), eye_template.Br(), new Scalar(255, 0, 0, 255), 2);
                template = (mGray.Submat(eye_template)).Clone();
コード例 #11
        protected void decodeText(Mat scores, out string text)
            text = "";

            const string alphabet = "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz";

            char[]      alphabetCharArr = alphabet.ToCharArray();
            Mat         scoresMat       = scores.reshape(1, scores.size(0));
            List <char> elements        = new List <char>();

            for (int rowIndex = 0; rowIndex < scoresMat.rows(); ++rowIndex)
                Core.MinMaxLocResult result = Core.minMaxLoc(scoresMat.row(rowIndex));
                Point p = result.maxLoc;
                if ((int)p.x > 0 && (int)p.x <= alphabet.Length)
                    elements.Add(alphabetCharArr[(int)p.x - 1]);

            if (elements.Count > 0 && elements[0] != '-')
                text += elements[0];

            for (int elementIndex = 1; elementIndex < elements.Count; ++elementIndex)
                if (elementIndex > 0 && elements[elementIndex] != '-' && elements[elementIndex - 1] != elements[elementIndex])
                    text += elements[elementIndex];
コード例 #12
        /// <summary>
        /// Get result form all output
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="output"></param>
        /// <param name="image"></param>
        /// <param name="threshold"></param>
        /// <param name="nmsThreshold">threshold for nms</param>
        /// <param name="nms">Enable Non-maximum suppression or not</param>
        private static void GetResult(IEnumerable <Mat> output, Mat image, float threshold, float nmsThreshold, bool nms = true)
            //for nms
            List <int>    classIds      = new List <int>();
            List <float>  confidences   = new List <float>();
            List <float>  probabilities = new List <float>();
            List <Rect2d> boxes         = new List <Rect2d>();

            var w = image.width();
            var h = image.height();

             * YOLO3 COCO trainval output
             * 0 1 : center                    2 3 : w/h
             * 4 : confidence                  5 ~ 84 : class probability
            const int prefix = 5;   //skip 0~4

            foreach (Mat prob in output)
                for (int i = 0; i < prob.rows(); i++)
                    var confidence = (float)prob.get(i, 4)[0];
                    if (confidence > threshold)
                        //get classes probability
                        Core.MinMaxLocResult minAndMax = Core.minMaxLoc(prob.row(i).colRange(prefix, prob.cols()));
                        int classes     = (int)minAndMax.maxLoc.x;
                        var probability = (float)prob.get(i, classes + prefix)[0];

                        if (probability > threshold) //more accuracy, you can cancel it
                            //get center and width/height
                            float centerX = (float)prob.get(i, 0)[0] * w;
                            float centerY = (float)prob.get(i, 1)[0] * h;
                            float width   = (float)prob.get(i, 2)[0] * w;
                            float height  = (float)prob.get(i, 3)[0] * h;

                            if (!nms)
                                // draw result (if don't use NMSBoxes)
                                Draw(image, classes, confidence, probability, centerX, centerY, width, height);

                            //put data to list for NMSBoxes
                            boxes.Add(new Rect2d(centerX, centerY, width, height));

            if (!nms)

            //using non-maximum suppression to reduce overlapping low confidence box
            MatOfRect2d bboxes  = new MatOfRect2d();
            MatOfFloat  scores  = new MatOfFloat();
            MatOfInt    indices = new MatOfInt();


            Dnn.NMSBoxes(bboxes, scores, threshold, nmsThreshold, indices);

            int[] indicesA = indices.toArray();

            foreach (var i in indicesA)
                var box = boxes[i];
                Draw(image, classIds[i], confidences[i], probabilities[i], box.x, box.y, box.width, box.height);
コード例 #13
    void Run()

        Mat img = webCamTextureToMatHelper.GetMat();

        Imgproc.cvtColor(img, img, Imgproc.COLOR_RGBA2BGR);
        gameObject.transform.localScale = new Vector3(img.width(), img.height(), 1);

        if (net != null)
            float frameWidth  = img.cols();
            float frameHeight = img.rows();
            Mat   input       = Dnn.blobFromImage(img, 1.0, new Size(inWidth, inHeight), new Scalar(0, 0, 0), false, false);
            net.setInput(input, "image");
            Mat output = net.forward("Openpose/concat_stage7");

            output = output.reshape(1, 57);
            List <Point> points = new List <Point>();
            for (int i = 0; i < BODY_PARTS.Count; i++)
                Mat heatMap = output.row(i).reshape(1, 46);
                Core.MinMaxLocResult result = Core.minMaxLoc(heatMap);

                double x = (frameWidth * result.maxLoc.x) / 46;
                double y = (frameHeight * result.maxLoc.y) / 46;

                if (result.maxVal > 0.3)
                    points.Add(new Point(x, y));

            for (int i = 0; i < POSE_PAIRS.GetLength(0); i++)
                string partFrom = POSE_PAIRS[i, 0];
                string partTo   = POSE_PAIRS[i, 1];

                int idFrom = BODY_PARTS[partFrom];
                int idTo   = BODY_PARTS[partTo];

                if (points[idFrom] != null && points[idTo] != null)
                    Debug.Log("x=" + points[idFrom].x + " y=" + points[idFrom].y);
                    Imgproc.line(img, points[idFrom], points[idTo], new Scalar(0, 255, 0), 3);
                    Imgproc.ellipse(img, points[idFrom], new Size(3, 3), 0, 0, 360, new Scalar(0, 0, 255), Core.FILLED);
                    Imgproc.ellipse(img, points[idTo], new Size(3, 3), 0, 0, 360, new Scalar(0, 0, 255), Core.FILLED);
                    float avgFrameRate = Time.frameCount / Time.time;
                    Imgproc.putText(img, "FR=" + avgFrameRate, new Point(5, img.rows() - 30), Core.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.7, new Scalar(255, 255, 255, 255), 2, Imgproc.LINE_AA, false);

        Imgproc.cvtColor(img, img, Imgproc.COLOR_BGR2RGB);
        Texture2D texture = new Texture2D(img.cols(), img.rows(), TextureFormat.RGBA32, false);

        Utils.matToTexture2D(img, texture);
        gameObject.GetComponent <Renderer>().material.mainTexture = texture;
コード例 #14
        private void match_eye(Rect area, Mat mTemplate, int type)
            Point matchLoc;
            Mat   mROI        = mGray.Submat(area);
            int   result_cols = mROI.Cols() - mTemplate.Cols() + 1;
            int   result_rows = mROI.Rows() - mTemplate.Rows() + 1;

            // Check for bad template size
            if (mTemplate.Cols() == 0 || mTemplate.Rows() == 0)

            Mat mResult = new Mat(result_cols, result_rows, CvType.Cv8u);

            switch (type)
            case TM_SQDIFF:
                Imgproc.MatchTemplate(mROI, mTemplate, mResult, Imgproc.TmSqdiff);

            case TM_SQDIFF_NORMED:
                Imgproc.MatchTemplate(mROI, mTemplate, mResult, Imgproc.TmSqdiffNormed);

            case TM_CCOEFF:
                Imgproc.MatchTemplate(mROI, mTemplate, mResult, Imgproc.TmCcoeff);

            case TM_CCOEFF_NORMED:
                Imgproc.MatchTemplate(mROI, mTemplate, mResult, Imgproc.TmCcoeffNormed);

            case TM_CCORR:
                Imgproc.MatchTemplate(mROI, mTemplate, mResult, Imgproc.TmCcorr);

            case TM_CCORR_NORMED:
                Imgproc.MatchTemplate(mROI, mTemplate, mResult, Imgproc.TmCcorrNormed);

            Core.MinMaxLocResult mmres = Core.MinMaxLoc(mResult);

            // there is difference in matching methods - best match is max/min value
            if (type == TM_SQDIFF || type == TM_SQDIFF_NORMED)
                matchLoc = mmres.MinLoc;
                matchLoc = mmres.MaxLoc;

            Point matchLoc_tx = new Point(matchLoc.X + area.X, matchLoc.Y + area.Y);
            Point matchLoc_ty = new Point(matchLoc.X + mTemplate.Cols() + area.X,
                                          matchLoc.Y + mTemplate.Rows() + area.Y);

            Imgproc.Rectangle(mRgba, matchLoc_tx, matchLoc_ty, new Scalar(255, 255, 0, 255));
            Rect rec = new Rect(matchLoc_tx, matchLoc_ty);
コード例 #15
    void Run(string jpg_path)

        Mat img = Imgcodecs.imread(jpg_path);

        gameObject.transform.localScale = new Vector3(img.width(), img.height(), 1);

        float imageWidth  = img.width();
        float imageHeight = img.height();

        float widthScale  = (float)Screen.width / imageWidth;
        float heightScale = (float)Screen.height / imageHeight;

        if (widthScale < heightScale)
            Camera.main.orthographicSize = (imageWidth * (float)Screen.height / (float)Screen.width) / 2;
            Camera.main.orthographicSize = imageHeight / 2;

        Net net = null;

        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(graph_filepath))
            net = Dnn.readNetFromTensorflow(graph_filepath);

        if (net == null)
            Imgproc.putText(img, "Model file is not loaded.", new Point(5, img.rows() - 30), Core.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.7, new Scalar(255, 255, 255), 2, Imgproc.LINE_AA, false);
            float frameWidth  = img.cols();
            float frameHeight = img.rows();
            Mat   input       = Dnn.blobFromImage(img, 1.0, new Size(inWidth, inHeight), new Scalar(0, 0, 0), false, false);
            net.setInput(input, "image");
            Mat output = net.forward("Openpose/concat_stage7");
            output = output.reshape(1, 57);

            List <Point> points = new List <Point>();
            for (int i = 0; i < BODY_PARTS.Count; i++)
                Mat heatMap = output.row(i).reshape(1, 46);
                Core.MinMaxLocResult result = Core.minMaxLoc(heatMap);

                double x = (frameWidth * result.maxLoc.x) / 46;
                double y = (frameHeight * result.maxLoc.y) / 46;

                if (result.maxVal > 0.3)
                    points.Add(new Point(x, y));

            for (int i = 0; i < POSE_PAIRS.GetLength(0); i++)
                string partFrom = POSE_PAIRS[i, 0];
                string partTo   = POSE_PAIRS[i, 1];

                int idFrom = BODY_PARTS[partFrom];
                int idTo   = BODY_PARTS[partTo];

                if (points[idFrom] != null && points[idTo] != null)
                    Imgproc.line(img, points[idFrom], points[idTo], new Scalar(0, 255, 0), 3);
                    Imgproc.ellipse(img, points[idFrom], new Size(3, 3), 0, 0, 360, new Scalar(0, 0, 255), Core.FILLED);
                    Imgproc.ellipse(img, points[idTo], new Size(3, 3), 0, 0, 360, new Scalar(0, 0, 255), Core.FILLED);

        Imgproc.cvtColor(img, img, Imgproc.COLOR_BGR2RGB);
        Texture2D texture = new Texture2D(img.cols(), img.rows(), TextureFormat.RGBA32, false);

        Utils.matToTexture2D(img, texture);
        gameObject.GetComponent <Renderer>().material.mainTexture = texture;
コード例 #16
        // Use this for initialization
        void Run()
            //if true, The error log of the Native side OpenCV will be displayed on the Unity Editor Console.

            Mat img = Imgcodecs.imread(image_filepath);

            #if !UNITY_WSA_10_0
            if (img.empty())
                Debug.LogError("dnn/COCO_val2014_000000000589.jpg is not loaded.The image file can be downloaded here: \"https://github.com/CMU-Perceptual-Computing-Lab/openpose/blob/master/examples/media/COCO_val2014_000000000589.jpg\" folder. ");
                img = new Mat(368, 368, CvType.CV_8UC3, new Scalar(0, 0, 0));

            //Adust Quad.transform.localScale.
            gameObject.transform.localScale = new Vector3(img.width(), img.height(), 1);
            Debug.Log("Screen.width " + Screen.width + " Screen.height " + Screen.height + " Screen.orientation " + Screen.orientation);

            float imageWidth  = img.width();
            float imageHeight = img.height();

            float widthScale  = (float)Screen.width / imageWidth;
            float heightScale = (float)Screen.height / imageHeight;
            if (widthScale < heightScale)
                Camera.main.orthographicSize = (imageWidth * (float)Screen.height / (float)Screen.width) / 2;
                Camera.main.orthographicSize = imageHeight / 2;

            Net net = null;

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(caffemodel_filepath) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(prototxt_filepath))
                Debug.LogError("model file is not loaded. The model and prototxt file can be downloaded here: \"http://posefs1.perception.cs.cmu.edu/OpenPose/models/pose/mpi/pose_iter_160000.caffemodel\",\"https://github.com/opencv/opencv_extra/blob/master/testdata/dnn/openpose_pose_mpi_faster_4_stages.prototxt\". Please copy to “Assets/StreamingAssets/dnn/” folder. ");
                net = Dnn.readNetFromCaffe(prototxt_filepath, caffemodel_filepath);

                //Intel's Deep Learning Inference Engine backend is supported on Windows 64bit platform only. Please refer to ReadMe.pdf for the setup procedure.
                //net.setPreferableBackend (Dnn.DNN_BACKEND_INFERENCE_ENGINE);

            if (net == null)
                Imgproc.putText(img, "model file is not loaded.", new Point(5, img.rows() - 30), Imgproc.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.7, new Scalar(255, 255, 255), 2, Imgproc.LINE_AA, false);
                Imgproc.putText(img, "Please read console message.", new Point(5, img.rows() - 10), Imgproc.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.7, new Scalar(255, 255, 255), 2, Imgproc.LINE_AA, false);
                float frameWidth  = img.cols();
                float frameHeight = img.rows();

                Mat input = Dnn.blobFromImage(img, 1.0 / 255, new Size(inWidth, inHeight), new Scalar(0, 0, 0), false, false);


//                TickMeter tm = new TickMeter ();
//                tm.start ();

                Mat output = net.forward();

//                tm.stop ();
//                Debug.Log ("Inference time, ms: " + tm.getTimeMilli ());

                output = output.reshape(1, 16);

                float[]      data   = new float[46 * 46];
                List <Point> points = new List <Point> ();
                for (int i = 0; i < BODY_PARTS.Count; i++)
                    output.get(i, 0, data);

                    Mat heatMap = new Mat(1, data.Length, CvType.CV_32FC1);
                    heatMap.put(0, 0, data);

                    //Originally, we try to find all the local maximums. To simplify a sample
                    //we just find a global one. However only a single pose at the same time
                    //could be detected this way.
                    Core.MinMaxLocResult result = Core.minMaxLoc(heatMap);


                    double x = (frameWidth * (result.maxLoc.x % 46)) / 46;
                    double y = (frameHeight * (result.maxLoc.x / 46)) / 46;

                    if (result.maxVal > 0.1)
                        points.Add(new Point(x, y));

                for (int i = 0; i < POSE_PAIRS.GetLength(0); i++)
                    string partFrom = POSE_PAIRS [i, 0];
                    string partTo   = POSE_PAIRS [i, 1];

                    int idFrom = BODY_PARTS [partFrom];
                    int idTo   = BODY_PARTS [partTo];

                    if (points [idFrom] != null && points [idTo] != null)
                        Imgproc.line(img, points [idFrom], points [idTo], new Scalar(0, 255, 0), 3);
                        Imgproc.ellipse(img, points [idFrom], new Size(3, 3), 0, 0, 360, new Scalar(0, 0, 255), Core.FILLED);
                        Imgproc.ellipse(img, points [idTo], new Size(3, 3), 0, 0, 360, new Scalar(0, 0, 255), Core.FILLED);

                MatOfDouble timings = new MatOfDouble();
                long        t       = net.getPerfProfile(timings);
                Debug.Log("t: " + t);
                Debug.Log("timings.dump(): " + timings.dump());

                double freq = Core.getTickFrequency() / 1000;
                Debug.Log("freq: " + freq);

                Imgproc.putText(img, (t / freq) + "ms", new Point(10, img.height() - 10), Imgproc.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.6, new Scalar(0, 0, 255), 2);

            Imgproc.cvtColor(img, img, Imgproc.COLOR_BGR2RGB);

            Texture2D texture = new Texture2D(img.cols(), img.rows(), TextureFormat.RGBA32, false);

            Utils.matToTexture2D(img, texture);

            gameObject.GetComponent <Renderer> ().material.mainTexture = texture;

コード例 #17
        // Use this for initialization
        void Run()
            //if true, The error log of the Native side OpenCV will be displayed on the Unity Editor Console.

            Mat img = Imgcodecs.imread(image_filepath);

            if (img.empty())
                Debug.LogError(image_filepath + " is not loaded. Please see \"StreamingAssets/dnn/setup_dnn_module.pdf\". ");
                img = new Mat(368, 368, CvType.CV_8UC3, new Scalar(0, 0, 0));

            //Adust Quad.transform.localScale.
            gameObject.transform.localScale = new Vector3(img.width(), img.height(), 1);
            Debug.Log("Screen.width " + Screen.width + " Screen.height " + Screen.height + " Screen.orientation " + Screen.orientation);

            float imageWidth  = img.width();
            float imageHeight = img.height();

            float widthScale  = (float)Screen.width / imageWidth;
            float heightScale = (float)Screen.height / imageHeight;

            if (widthScale < heightScale)
                Camera.main.orthographicSize = (imageWidth * (float)Screen.height / (float)Screen.width) / 2;
                Camera.main.orthographicSize = imageHeight / 2;

            Net net = null;

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(caffemodel_filepath) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(prototxt_filepath))
                Debug.LogError(caffemodel_filepath + " or " + prototxt_filepath + " is not loaded. Please see \"StreamingAssets/dnn/setup_dnn_module.pdf\". ");
                net = Dnn.readNet(prototxt_filepath, caffemodel_filepath);

            if (net == null)
                Imgproc.putText(img, "model file is not loaded.", new Point(5, img.rows() - 30), Imgproc.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.7, new Scalar(255, 255, 255), 2, Imgproc.LINE_AA, false);
                Imgproc.putText(img, "Please read console message.", new Point(5, img.rows() - 10), Imgproc.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.7, new Scalar(255, 255, 255), 2, Imgproc.LINE_AA, false);
                float frameWidth  = img.cols();
                float frameHeight = img.rows();

                Mat input = Dnn.blobFromImage(img, inScale, new Size(inWidth, inHeight), new Scalar(0, 0, 0), false, false);


                //TickMeter tm = new TickMeter ();
                //tm.start ();

                Mat output = net.forward();

                //tm.stop ();
                //Debug.Log ("Inference time, ms: " + tm.getTimeMilli ());

                //Debug.Log("output.size(0) " + output.size(0));
                //Debug.Log("output.size(1) " + output.size(1));
                //Debug.Log("output.size(2) " + output.size(2));
                //Debug.Log("output.size(3) " + output.size(3));

                float[] data = new float[output.size(2) * output.size(3)];

                output = output.reshape(1, output.size(1));

                List <Point> points = new List <Point>();
                for (int i = 0; i < BODY_PARTS.Count; i++)
                    output.get(i, 0, data);

                    Mat heatMap = new Mat(1, data.Length, CvType.CV_32FC1);
                    heatMap.put(0, 0, data);

                    //Originally, we try to find all the local maximums. To simplify a sample
                    //we just find a global one. However only a single pose at the same time
                    //could be detected this way.
                    Core.MinMaxLocResult result = Core.minMaxLoc(heatMap);


                    double x = (frameWidth * (result.maxLoc.x % 46)) / 46;
                    double y = (frameHeight * (result.maxLoc.x / 46)) / 46;

                    if (result.maxVal > 0.1)
                        points.Add(new Point(x, y));

                for (int i = 0; i < POSE_PAIRS.GetLength(0); i++)
                    string partFrom = POSE_PAIRS[i, 0];
                    string partTo   = POSE_PAIRS[i, 1];

                    int idFrom = BODY_PARTS[partFrom];
                    int idTo   = BODY_PARTS[partTo];

                    if (points[idFrom] != null && points[idTo] != null)
                        Imgproc.line(img, points[idFrom], points[idTo], new Scalar(0, 255, 0), 3);
                        Imgproc.ellipse(img, points[idFrom], new Size(3, 3), 0, 0, 360, new Scalar(0, 0, 255), Core.FILLED);
                        Imgproc.ellipse(img, points[idTo], new Size(3, 3), 0, 0, 360, new Scalar(0, 0, 255), Core.FILLED);

                MatOfDouble timings = new MatOfDouble();
                long        t       = net.getPerfProfile(timings);
                Debug.Log("t: " + t);
                Debug.Log("timings.dump(): " + timings.dump());

                double freq = Core.getTickFrequency() / 1000;
                Debug.Log("freq: " + freq);

                Imgproc.putText(img, (t / freq) + "ms", new Point(10, img.height() - 10), Imgproc.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.6, new Scalar(0, 0, 255), 2);

            Imgproc.cvtColor(img, img, Imgproc.COLOR_BGR2RGB);

            Texture2D texture = new Texture2D(img.cols(), img.rows(), TextureFormat.RGBA32, false);

            Utils.matToTexture2D(img, texture);

            gameObject.GetComponent <Renderer>().material.mainTexture = texture;
