public override void Draw(GameTime gameTime, SpriteBatch spriteBatch) { if (m_texture == null) { m_texture = Game.Content.Load <Texture2D>("Images/gravity_field"); } var origin = new Vector2(m_texture.Width / 2.0f, m_texture.Height / 2.0f); var angle = StaticObject.ForceDirection.Angle(); var scaleVector = CoordinatesTransformer.CreateScaleVector( new Size(StaticObject.AbsoluteGeometry.BoundingRectangle.LongSide, StaticObject.AbsoluteGeometry.BoundingRectangle.ShortSide), new Size(m_texture.Width, m_texture.Height)); spriteBatch.Draw(m_texture, CoordinatesTransformer.Transform(StaticObject.AbsoluteGeometry.Center), null, m_color, (float)Helper.ToRadians(angle), origin, scaleVector, SpriteEffects.None, LayersDepths.GravityField); }
/// <summary>Class that allow some high level control over the wheels. To be controlled, the wheels must be on the same grid than <paramref name="controller"/> and contain the keyword "Power"</summary> /// <param name="command">Command line where the commands will be registered</param> /// <param name="controller">Controller on the same grid than the wheels to get some physics information</param> /// <param name="gts">To retrieve the wheels</param> /// <param name="ini">Contains some serialized information for persistence</param> /// <param name="manager">To spawn the updater process</param> /// <param name="transformer">Transformer that transform world coordinates into the vehicules coordinate: Z must be parallel to the vehicle's forward direction an Y must be parallel to the vehicle's up direction</param> public WheelsController(CommandLine command, IMyShipController controller, IMyGridTerminalSystem gts, MyIni ini, ISaveManager manager, CoordinatesTransformer transformer) { this.transformer = transformer; this.controller = controller; var wheels = new List <IMyMotorSuspension>(); gts.GetBlocksOfType(wheels, w => w.CubeGrid == controller.CubeGrid && w.DisplayNameText.Contains("Power")); this.wheels = wheels.Select(w => new PowerWheel(w, this.WheelBase, transformer)).ToList(); this.wheels.Sort((w1, w2) => Math.Sign(w1.Position.Z - w2.Position.Z)); // needed for calibration this.registerCommands(command); manager.Spawn(this.updateWheels, "wheels-controller", period: 10); manager.AddOnSave(; if (ini.ContainsKey(SECTION, "cal-weight")) { this.calibration = new Calibration() { Weight = ini.Get(SECTION, "cal-weight").ToSingle(), MinZ = ini.Get(SECTION, "cal-min-z").ToDouble(), MaxZ = ini.Get(SECTION, "cal-max-z").ToDouble(), MinMult = ini.Get(SECTION, "cal-min-mult").ToSingle(), MaxMult = ini.Get(SECTION, "cal-max-mult").ToSingle() }; } this.targetRatio = ini.Get(SECTION, "target-ratio").ToSingle(0.35f); this.WheelBase.CenterOfTurnZOffset = ini.Get(SECTION, "turn-center-offset").ToDouble(); this.WheelBase.TurnRadiusOverride = ini.Get(SECTION, "turn-radius").ToDouble(); }
public Minimap(PlanesGame game, Rectangle positionRecangle, GameWorldXna gameWorldXna) : base(game, positionRecangle) { m_gameWorldXna = gameWorldXna; m_coordinatesTransformer = new CoordinatesTransformer(gameWorldXna.GameWorld.Size, positionRecangle); }
public void DrawOnMinimap(GameTime gameTime, SpriteBatch minimapSpriteBatch, CoordinatesTransformer coordinatesTransformer) { if (m_minimapImage == null) { m_minimapImage = Game.Content.Load <Texture2D>("Minimap/circle"); } var origin = new Vector2((float)m_minimapImage.Width / 2.0f, (float)m_minimapImage.Height / 2.0f); var scaleVector = coordinatesTransformer.CreateScaleVector(StaticObject.AbsoluteGeometry.BoundingRectangle.Size, new Size(m_minimapImage.Width, m_minimapImage.Height)); minimapSpriteBatch.Draw(m_minimapImage, coordinatesTransformer.Transform(StaticObject.AbsoluteGeometry.Center), null, Color.Red, 0, origin, scaleVector, SpriteEffects.None, LayersDepths.StaticObject); }
public override void Draw(GameTime gameTime, SpriteBatch spriteBatch) { if (m_texture == null) { if (Equipment.RelatedGameObject is XWingPlane) { m_texture = Game.Content.Load <Texture2D>("Images/x_wing_shield"); m_color = Color.YellowGreen; } else { throw new Exception("Unknown plane to create shield"); } } if (Equipment.IsActive) { ++m_drawCounter; var origin = new Vector2(m_texture.Width / 2.0f, m_texture.Height / 2.0f); var scaleVector = CoordinatesTransformer.CreateScaleVector(Equipment.RelatedGameObject.RelativeGeometry.BoundingRectangle.Size, new Size(m_texture.Width, m_texture.Height)); spriteBatch.Draw(m_texture, CoordinatesTransformer.Transform(Equipment.GetAbsolutePosition()), null, Color.FromNonPremultiplied(m_color.R, m_color.G, m_color.B, (int)(195 + 60 * Math.Sin(m_drawCounter / 3.0))), MathHelper.ToRadians((float)Equipment.GetAbsoluteRotation()), origin, scaleVector, SpriteEffects.None, LayersDepths.Shield); } }
public override void Draw(GameTime gameTime, SpriteBatch spriteBatch) { if (m_texture == null) { m_texture = Game.Content.Load <Texture2D>("Images/rocket"); } if (GameObject.TimeToLive > TimeSpan.Zero) { m_trailDrawer.PathPoints.Add(GameObject.Position); m_trailDrawer.DrawTrail(spriteBatch); var origin = new Vector2(m_texture.Width / 2.0f, m_texture.Height / 2.0f); var scaleVector = CoordinatesTransformer.CreateScaleVector(GameObject.RelativeGeometry.BoundingRectangle.Size, new Size(m_texture.Width, m_texture.Height)); spriteBatch.Draw(m_texture, CoordinatesTransformer.Transform(GameObject.Position), null, Color.White, MathHelper.ToRadians((float)GameObject.Rotation), origin, scaleVector, SpriteEffects.None, LayersDepths.Bullet); } }
/// <summary>Creates a new power wheel</summary> /// <param name="wheel">The actual wheel it wraps</param> /// <param name="wb">The wheel base, to which the power wheel will be added</param> /// <param name="tform">Coordinates transformer, should be one that makes the Z axis parallel the wheel direction and Y axis the up axis</param> public PowerWheel(IMyMotorSuspension wheel, WheelBase wb, CoordinatesTransformer tform) { this.wheelBase = wb; this.CubeSize = wheel.CubeGrid.GridSizeEnum; this.Position = tform.Pos(wheel.GetPosition()); this.IsRight = RIGHT.Dot(tform.Dir(wheel.WorldMatrix.Up)) > 0; this.reverseY = UP.Dot(tform.Dir(wheel.WorldMatrix.Backward)) > 0; this.transformer = tform; this.wheel = wheel; wheel.Height = 10; this.maxY = wheel.Height; wheel.Height = -10; this.minY = wheel.Height; if (this.reverseY) { float tmp = this.minY; this.minY = -this.maxY; this.maxY = -tmp; } this.WheelSize = (wheel.Top.Max - wheel.Top.Min).X + 1; this.Mass = this.CubeSize == MyCubeSize.Small ? this.WheelSize == 1 ? 105 : (this.WheelSize == 3 ? 205 : 310) : this.WheelSize == 1 ? 420 : (this.WheelSize == 3 ? 590 : 760); // real center of rotation of the wheel this.Position += tform.Dir(wheel.WorldMatrix.Up) * wheel.CubeGrid.GridSize; this.wheelBase.AddWheel(this); }
public LaserGunXna(PlanesGame game, LaserGun weapon, CoordinatesTransformer coordinatesTransformer) : base(game, weapon, coordinatesTransformer) { m_particlesEmitter = new SymmetricParticlesEmitter(game.GameManager.GameWorldXna) { PositionDeviationRadius = 0.4, VelocityDeviationRadius = 3, AlphaVelocityDeviationFactor = 0.3 }; }
public HomingRocketXna(PlanesGame game, HomingRocket bullet, CoordinatesTransformer coordinatesTransformer) : base(game, bullet, coordinatesTransformer) { var sound = game.GameManager.GameWorldXna.SoundManager.CreateBasicSoundEffect("bullet_sound"); sound.Position = bullet.Position; sound.Play(); m_trailDrawer = new TrailDrawer(game.Content.Load <Texture2D>("Other/line_3px"), coordinatesTransformer, Color.White, 0.3, 0.2f, 0.05f, 15, 3); }
public override void Draw(GameTime gameTime, Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics.SpriteBatch spriteBatch) { if (m_texture == null) { switch (Type) { case ParticleType.Circle: m_texture = Game.Content.Load <Texture2D>("Particles/circle"); break; case ParticleType.BluredCircle: m_texture = Game.Content.Load <Texture2D>("Particles/circle_blured"); break; case ParticleType.Star: m_texture = Game.Content.Load <Texture2D>("Particles/star"); break; case ParticleType.Diamond: m_texture = Game.Content.Load <Texture2D>("Particles/diamond"); break; case ParticleType.Cross: m_texture = Game.Content.Load <Texture2D>("Particles/cross"); break; case ParticleType.Debris: int num = RandomProvider.Next() % 3 + 1; m_texture = Game.Content.Load <Texture2D>(string.Format("Particles/debris_{0}", num)); break; default: throw new Exception("Unknown particle type"); } } if (!IsGarbage) { var origin = new Vector2(m_texture.Width / 2.0f, m_texture.Height / 2.0f); var scaleVector = CoordinatesTransformer.CreateScaleVector( new Size(Size.Width * SizeFactor.X, Size.Height * SizeFactor.Y), new Size(m_texture.Width, m_texture.Height)); spriteBatch.Draw(m_texture, CoordinatesTransformer.Transform(Position), null, new Color(this.Color.R / 255f, this.Color.G / 255f, this.Color.B / 255f, (float)Alpha), MathHelper.ToRadians((float)Rotation), origin, scaleVector, SpriteEffects.None, Depth); } }
public TrailDrawer(Texture2D pixelTexture, CoordinatesTransformer coordinatesTransformer, Color color, double width, float maxAlpha, float minAlpha, int segmentsCount, double segmentLen) { PathPoints = new List <Vector>(); CoordinatesTransformer = coordinatesTransformer; Color = color; Width = width; MaxAlpha = maxAlpha; MinAlpha = minAlpha; SegmentsCount = segmentsCount; SegmentLen = segmentLen; m_pixelTexture = pixelTexture; }
public BonusXna(PlanesGame game, Bonus bonus, CoordinatesTransformer coordinatesTransformer, Color color, Texture2D texture) : base(game, bonus, coordinatesTransformer) { Bonus = bonus; Color = color; m_texture = texture; m_emitter = new SymmetricParticlesEmitter(game.GameManager.GameWorldXna) { PositionDeviationRadius = Bonus.RelativeGeometry.BoundingRectangle.LongSide * 2.0 / 3.0, VelocityDeviationRadius = 10, AlphaVelocityDeviationFactor = 0.3 }; }
public RocketEngineXna(PlanesGame game, RocketEngine rocketEngine, CoordinatesTransformer coordinatesTransformer) : base(game, rocketEngine, coordinatesTransformer) { m_workSoundEffect = game.GameManager.GameWorldXna.SoundManager.CreateFadeInOutSoundEffect("engine_work", TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0.4), TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0.1)); m_particlesEmitter = new AsymmetricParticlesEmitter(game.GameManager.GameWorldXna) { LongitualPositionDeviationRadius = 2, TransversePositionDeviationRadius = 0.4, LongitualVelocityDeviationRadius = 0.1, TransverseVelocityDeviationRadius = 0.02, AlphaVelocityDeviationFactor = 0.3 }; }
public ExplosionXna(PlanesGame game, GameObject exploded, CoordinatesTransformer coordinatesTransformer) : base(game, coordinatesTransformer) { m_exploded = exploded; m_explosionPosition = new Rect(exploded.Position, exploded.RelativeGeometry.BoundingRectangle.Size); if (exploded is NRPlanes.Core.Common.Plane || exploded is Bullet) { m_particlesEmitter = new SymmetricParticlesEmitter(game.GameManager.GameWorldXna) { PositionDeviationRadius = m_explosionPosition.Width / 2, VelocityDeviationRadius = 5 }; } else if (exploded is Bonus) { m_particlesEmitter = new SymmetricParticlesEmitter(game.GameManager.GameWorldXna) { PositionDeviationRadius = m_explosionPosition.Width / 3, VelocityDeviationRadius = 20, RotationDeviation = 180, RotationVelocityDeviation = 60 }; } BasicSoundEffect sound = null; if (exploded is NRPlanes.Core.Common.Plane) { sound = game.GameManager.GameWorldXna.SoundManager.CreateBasicSoundEffect("plane_explosion"); } else if (exploded is Bullet) { sound = game.GameManager.GameWorldXna.SoundManager.CreateBasicSoundEffect("bullet_explosion"); } else if (exploded is Bonus) { sound = game.GameManager.GameWorldXna.SoundManager.CreateBasicSoundEffect("debris_explosion"); } if (sound != null) { sound.Position = m_explosionPosition.Center; sound.Play(); } //m_angle = (float) (2 * Math.PI * m_random.NextDouble()); }
public void ShouldConvertPointsFromWgs84ToLambert93() { var wgs84=new CoordinateSystem(new DotGeo.World().WGS1984); var lam93=new CoordinateSystem(new DotPrj.NationalGrids().RGF1993Lambert93); var ct=new CoordinatesTransformer(wgs84, lam93); foreach (var coordinates in new double[][][] { _Paris, _NewYorkCity }) { var input=coordinates[0]; var expected=coordinates[1]; var result=ct.Convert(input); Assert.Equal(expected, result, new CoordinateComparer(2)); } }
public void ShouldConvertPointsFromWgs84ToLambert93() { var wgs84 = new CoordinateSystem(new DotGeo.World().WGS1984); var lam93 = new CoordinateSystem(new DotPrj.NationalGrids().RGF1993Lambert93); var ct = new CoordinatesTransformer(wgs84, lam93); foreach (var coordinates in new double[][][] { _Paris, _NewYorkCity }) { var input = coordinates[0]; var expected = coordinates[1]; var result = ct.Convert(input); Assert.Equal(expected, result, new CoordinateComparer(2)); } }
public override void Draw(GameTime gameTime, SpriteBatch spriteBatch) { if (m_animationSpriteDrawer == null) { m_animationSpriteDrawer = new AnimationSpriteDrawer(Game.Content.Load <Texture2D>("Animations/health_recovery"), new Size(400, 400), TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(50), true, true); } var origin = new Vector2((float)m_animationSpriteDrawer.FrameSize.Width / 2.0f, (float)m_animationSpriteDrawer.FrameSize.Height / 2.0f); var scaleVector = CoordinatesTransformer.CreateScaleVector( StaticObject.AbsoluteGeometry.BoundingRectangle.Size, new Size(m_animationSpriteDrawer.FrameSize.Width, m_animationSpriteDrawer.FrameSize.Height)); m_animationSpriteDrawer.Draw(gameTime, spriteBatch, CoordinatesTransformer.Transform(StaticObject.AbsoluteGeometry.Center), Color.Red, 0f, origin, scaleVector, SpriteEffects.None, LayersDepths.StaticObject); // do every 4 draw if (m_drawCount++ % 8 == 0) { foreach (var affectedObject in StaticObject.AffectedGameObjects) { double crossSize = StaticObject.RecoverySpeed / 4; m_particlesEmitter.Emit(new Particle(Game, CoordinatesTransformer, ParticleType.Cross) { Position = affectedObject.Position, Color = Color.Red, Size = new Size(crossSize, crossSize), Alpha = 0.8f, AlphaVelocity = -0.5f }, 1); } } }
public InventoriesController(CoordinatesTransformer tformer, IMyGridTerminalSystem gts, IMyCockpit cockpit, double idealCenterOfMass, IProcessSpawner spawner) { this._cpit = cockpit; this._idealCoM = idealCenterOfMass; var containers = new List <IMyCargoContainer>(); gts.GetBlocksOfType(containers, c => c.CubeGrid == cockpit.CubeGrid); this._invs = containers .Select(c => new Inventory(c, tformer.Pos(c.GetPosition()).Z)) .OrderBy(inv => inv.Z) .ToList(); gts.GetBlocksOfType(this._lights, light => light.DisplayNameText.StartsWith("BM Spotlight") && !light.DisplayNameText.Contains("Rear")); spawner.Spawn(p => this.updateDrills(), "drill-updater"); this._invAction = spawner.Spawn(p => this.updateInventories(tformer.Pos(cockpit.CenterOfMass).Z), "inv-handle", period: 100); }
/// <summary>Creates a new Autopilot</summary> /// <param name="ini"></param> /// <param name="wheels"></param> /// <param name="cmd"></param> /// <param name="remote"></param> /// <param name="logger"></param> /// <param name="manager"></param> public Autopilot(MyIni ini, WheelsController wheels, CommandLine cmd, IMyRemoteControl remote, Action <string> logger, ISaveManager manager) { this.activated = ini.Get("auto-pilot", "activated").ToBoolean(); this.logger = logger; Process p = manager.Spawn(this.handle, "ap-handle"); this.Network = new WPNetwork(remote, logger, p); this.remote = remote; this.transformer = new CoordinatesTransformer(remote, p); this.wheels = wheels; cmd.RegisterCommand(new Command("ap-move", Command.Wrap(this.move), "Move forward", minArgs: 1, maxArgs: 2)); cmd.RegisterCommand(new Command("ap-goto", Command.Wrap(this.GoTo), "Go to the waypoint", nArgs: 1)); cmd.RegisterCommand(new Command("ap-switch", Command.Wrap(this.Switch), "Switches the autopilot on/off", nArgs: 1)); cmd.RegisterCommand(new Command("ap-save", Command.Wrap(this.Save), "Save the current position", nArgs: 1)); manager.AddOnSave(; }
public override void Draw(GameTime gameTime, SpriteBatch spriteBatch) { Vector2 origin = new Vector2(m_texture.Width / 2.0f, m_texture.Height / 2.0f); Vector2 scaleVector = CoordinatesTransformer.CreateScaleVector(Bonus.RelativeGeometry.BoundingRectangle.Size, new Size(m_texture.Width, m_texture.Height)); // pulsation scaleVector = Vector2.Multiply(scaleVector, (float)(1.0 + Math.Sin(gameTime.TotalGameTime.TotalSeconds * 5) / 10.0)); spriteBatch.Draw( m_texture, CoordinatesTransformer.Transform(Bonus.Position), null, Color, (float)Bonus.Rotation, origin, scaleVector, SpriteEffects.None, LayersDepths.Bonuses); }
public Program() { this.Runtime.UpdateFrequency = UpdateFrequency.Update1; this.manager = Process.CreateManager(this.Echo); var screen = this.GridTerminalSystem.GetBlockWithName("SMB LCD (Rear Seat)") as IMyTextPanel; var logger = new Logger(this.manager, screen); this.cmd = new CommandLine("Small Mobile Base", logger.Log, this.manager); var ini = new IniWatcher(this.Me, this.manager); var controller = this.GridTerminalSystem.GetBlockWithName("SMB Remote Control (Forward)") as IMyShipController; var transformer = new CoordinatesTransformer(controller, this.manager); var wheelsController = new WheelsController(this.cmd, controller, this.GridTerminalSystem, ini, this.manager, transformer); new ConnectionClient(ini, this.GridTerminalSystem, this.IGC, this.cmd, this.manager, logger.Log); new CameraTurret(this.GridTerminalSystem, this.manager); new PilotAssist(this.GridTerminalSystem, ini, logger.Log, this.manager, wheelsController); }
public override void Draw(GameTime gameTime, SpriteBatch spriteBatch) { if (m_texture == null) { m_texture = Game.Content.Load <Texture2D>("Images/circle_bullet"); } if (GameObject.TimeToLive > TimeSpan.Zero) { m_trailDrawer.PathPoints.Add(GameObject.Position); m_trailDrawer.DrawTrail(spriteBatch); //// particles trail //m_particlesEmitter.Emit(new Particle(Game, CoordinatesTransformer) //{ // Color = Color.FromNonPremultiplied(20, 20, 20, 255), // Position = GameObject.Position, // Size = new Size(1, 10), // AlphaVelocity = -1f, // TimeToLive = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1), // Rotation = GameObject.Velocity.Angle(), // IsStatic = true //}, 1); var origin = new Vector2(m_texture.Width / 2.0f, m_texture.Height / 2.0f); var scaleVector = CoordinatesTransformer.CreateScaleVector(GameObject.RelativeGeometry.BoundingRectangle.Size, new Size(m_texture.Width, m_texture.Height)); spriteBatch.Draw(m_texture, CoordinatesTransformer.Transform(GameObject.Position), null, Color.White, MathHelper.ToRadians((float)GameObject.Rotation), origin, scaleVector, SpriteEffects.None, LayersDepths.Bullet); } }
public Program() { this.Runtime.UpdateFrequency = UpdateFrequency.Update1; var cockpits = new List <IMyCockpit>(); this.GridTerminalSystem.GetBlocksOfType(cockpits, c => c.CubeGrid == this.Me.CubeGrid); IMyCockpit cockpit = cockpits.First(); this.manager = Process.CreateManager(this.Echo); var ct = new CoordinatesTransformer(cockpit, this.manager); var logger = new Logger(this.manager, cockpit.GetSurface(0), new Color(0, 39, 15), new Color(27, 228, 33), this.Echo, 1.0f); this.cmd = new CommandLine("Small welder", logger.Log, this.manager); var ini = new IniWatcher(this.Me, this.manager); var wc = new WheelsController(this.cmd, cockpit, this.GridTerminalSystem, ini, this.manager, ct); var ac = new ArmController(ini, this, this.cmd, cockpit, wc, this.manager); var client = new ConnectionClient(ini, this.GridTerminalSystem, this.IGC, this.cmd, this.manager, logger.Log); var ah = new PilotAssist(this.GridTerminalSystem, ini, logger.Log, this.manager, wc); ah.AddBraker(client); }
public override void Draw(GameTime gameTime, SpriteBatch spriteBatch) { if (m_texture == null) { m_texture = Game.Content.Load <Texture2D>("Images/x_wing"); } Vector2 origin = new Vector2(m_texture.Width / 2.0f, m_texture.Height / 2.0f); Vector2 scaleVector = CoordinatesTransformer.CreateScaleVector(GameObject.RelativeGeometry.BoundingRectangle.Size, new Size(m_texture.Width, m_texture.Height)); spriteBatch.Draw(m_texture, CoordinatesTransformer.Transform(GameObject.Position), null, Color.White, MathHelper.ToRadians((float)GameObject.Rotation), origin, scaleVector, SpriteEffects.None, LayersDepths.Plane); }
public void DrawOnMinimap(GameTime gameTime, SpriteBatch minimapSpriteBatch, CoordinatesTransformer coordinatesTransformer) { if (m_minimapTexture == null) { m_minimapTexture = Game.Content.Load <Texture2D>("Minimap/bonus_location"); } var origin = new Vector2(m_minimapTexture.Width / 2.0f, m_minimapTexture.Height / 2.0f); var targetSize = new Vector2(10, 10); var scale = new Vector2(targetSize.X / m_minimapTexture.Width, targetSize.Y / m_minimapTexture.Height); minimapSpriteBatch.Draw(m_minimapTexture, coordinatesTransformer.Transform(GameObject.Position), null, Color * 0.8f, (float)Helper.ToRadians(GameObject.Rotation), origin, scale, SpriteEffects.None, 1.0f); }
public AutoConnectionDispatcher(MyGridProgram program, CommandLine command, MyIni ini, Action <string> logger, IProcessManager manager) { this.logger = logger; this.manager = manager; // Station level initialization this.stationName = ini.GetThrow(INI_GENERAL_SECTION, INI_NAME_KEY).ToString(); this.referenceName = ini.GetThrow(INI_GENERAL_SECTION, INI_REFERENCE_KEY).ToString(); IMyTerminalBlock reference = program.GridTerminalSystem.GetBlockWithName(this.referenceName); if (reference == null) { throw new ArgumentException($"Could not find reference block '{this.referenceName}'"); } this.igc = program.IGC; this.transformer = new CoordinatesTransformer(reference, manager); this.log("initializing"); // Connectors initialization var sections = new List <string>(); ini.GetSections(sections); foreach (string sectionName in sections.Where(s => s.StartsWith(AutoConnector.IniConnectorPrefix))) { var connector = new AutoConnector(this.stationName, sectionName, program, this.logger, this.transformer, ini); this.autoConnectors.Add(new AutoConnectionServer(ini, this.igc, connector, manager, this.logger)); } this.log($"has {this.autoConnectors.Count} auto connectors"); this.registerCommands(command, program); IMyBroadcastListener listener = this.igc.RegisterBroadcastListener("StationConnectionRequests"); this.manager.Spawn(p => { if (listener.HasPendingMessage) { MyIGCMessage msg = listener.AcceptMessage(); command.StartCmd($"{msg.As<string>()} {msg.Source}", CommandTrigger.Antenna); } }, "ac-dispatcher"); this.manager.AddOnSave(save); }
public Program() { this.Runtime.UpdateFrequency = UpdateFrequency.Update1; var topLefts = new List <IMyTextSurface>(); var topRights = new List <IMyTextSurface>(); IMyTextSurface keyboard; IMyCockpit cockpit; this.manager = Process.CreateManager(this.Echo); this.initCockpit(out cockpit, topLefts, topRights, out keyboard); var ct = new CoordinatesTransformer(cockpit, this.manager); var logger = new Logger(this.manager, keyboard, new Color(0, 39, 15), new Color(27, 228, 33), this.Echo, 1.0f); this.cmd = new CommandLine("Boring machine", logger.Log, this.manager); var ini = new IniWatcher(this.Me, this.manager); var wc = new WheelsController(this.cmd, cockpit, this.GridTerminalSystem, ini, this.manager, ct); var ac = new ArmController(ini, this, this.cmd, cockpit, wc, this.manager); var iw = new InventoryWatcher(this.cmd, this.GridTerminalSystem, cockpit); var cc = new ConnectionClient(ini, this.GridTerminalSystem, this.IGC, this.cmd, this.manager, logger.Log); var rcs = new List <IMyRemoteControl>(); this.GridTerminalSystem.GetBlocksOfType(rcs, r => r.CubeGrid == this.Me.CubeGrid); IMyRemoteControl frc = rcs.First(r => r.DisplayNameText.Contains("Forward")); IMyRemoteControl brc = rcs.First(r => r.DisplayNameText.Contains("Backward")); var ap = new Autopilot(ini, wc, this.cmd, frc, logger.Log, this.manager); var ah = new PilotAssist(this.GridTerminalSystem, ini, logger.Log, this.manager, wc); ah.AddBraker(cc); ah.AddDeactivator(ap); var ar = new AutoRoutineHandler(this.cmd); // TODO parse routines new MiningRoutines(ini, this.cmd, ap, this.manager); var progs = new List <IMyProgrammableBlock>(); this.GridTerminalSystem.GetBlocksOfType(progs, pr => pr.CubeGrid == this.Me.CubeGrid); var genStatus = new GeneralStatus(this, ac, cc); new ScreensController(genStatus, iw, topLefts, topRights, this.scheme, cockpit.CustomData, this.manager); }
public override void Draw(GameTime gameTime, SpriteBatch spriteBatch) { if (m_texture == null) { m_texture = Game.Content.Load <Texture2D>("Images/weapon"); } if (m_lastShotDateTime != Equipment.LastShotDateTime) { m_lastShotDateTime = Equipment.LastShotDateTime; m_particlesEmitter.Emit(new Particle(Game, CoordinatesTransformer) { Color = Color.White, Position = Equipment.GetAbsolutePosition(), Size = new Size(1, 1), AlphaVelocity = -3.0f, TimeToLive = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(2), Velocity = Equipment.RelatedGameObject.Velocity + new Vector(0, 10).Rotate(Equipment.GetAbsoluteRotation()), SizeFactorVelocity = new Vector(6, 6) }, 3); } var origin = new Vector2(m_texture.Width / 2.0f, m_texture.Height / 2.0f); var scaleVector = CoordinatesTransformer.CreateScaleVector(Equipment.Size, new Size(m_texture.Width, m_texture.Height)); spriteBatch.Draw(m_texture, CoordinatesTransformer.Transform(Equipment.GetAbsolutePosition()), null, Color.White, MathHelper.ToRadians((float)Equipment.GetAbsoluteRotation()), origin, scaleVector, SpriteEffects.None, LayersDepths.Weapon); }
public Program() { this.Runtime.UpdateFrequency = UpdateFrequency.Update1; IMyTextSurface topLeft, topRight, keyboard; IMyCockpit cockpit; this.manager = Process.CreateManager(this.Echo); this.initCockpit(out cockpit, out topLeft, out topRight, out keyboard); var ct = new CoordinatesTransformer(cockpit, this.manager); var logger = new Logger(this.manager, keyboard, this.scheme.Light, this.scheme.Dark, this.Echo); logger.Log("Booting up..."); this.cmd = new CommandLine("Boring machine", logger.Log, this.manager); var genStatus = new GeneralStatus(this, this.cmd); var wb = new WheelBase(); var wheels = new List <IMyMotorSuspension>(); this.GridTerminalSystem.GetBlocksOfType(wheels, w => w.CubeGrid == this.Me.CubeGrid && w.DisplayNameText.Contains("Power")); wheels.ForEach(w => wb.AddWheel(new PowerWheel(w, wb, ct))); var ic = new InventoriesController(ct, this.GridTerminalSystem, cockpit, wb.CenterOfTurnZ + 2, this.manager); new ScreensController(genStatus, ic, topLeft, topRight, this.scheme, cockpit.CustomData, this.manager); }
/// <summary> /// Re creates a serialized auto connector /// </summary> /// <param name="stationName"></param> /// <param name="sectionName"></param> /// <param name="program"></param> /// <param name="posTransformer"></param> /// <param name="orientationTransformer"></param> /// <param name="ini"></param> public AutoConnector( string stationName, string sectionName, MyGridProgram program, Action <string> logger, CoordinatesTransformer transformer, MyIni ini) : this(stationName, sectionName.Substring(IniConnectorPrefix.Length), program, logger, transformer) { // Parse ini this.log($"parsing configuration"); this.initializationStage = ini.GetThrow(sectionName, INI_STAGE).ToInt32(); this.log($"at stage {this.initializationStage} ({(this.IsInitialized() ? "" : "not ")}initialized)"); if (this.initializationStage > 1) { this.max = ini.GetVector(sectionName, "max"); } if (this.initializationStage > 3) { this.min = ini.GetVector(sectionName, "min"); this.initRestPosition(); } this.deserializeWaypoints(sectionName, ini); }
/// <summary> /// Creates a new Auto connector /// </summary> /// <param name="stationName"></param> /// <param name="name"></param> /// <param name="program"></param> /// <param name="posTransformer"></param> /// <param name="orientationTransformer"></param> public AutoConnector( string stationName, string name, MyGridProgram program, Action <string> logger, CoordinatesTransformer transformer) { this.logger = logger; IMyGridTerminalSystem gts = program.GridTerminalSystem; this.Name = name; this.log($"initialization"); // initialize moving parts this.initMandatoryField(gts, $"{stationName} Connector {this.Name} Down", out this.downConnector); this.initMandatoryField(gts, $"{stationName} Connector {this.Name} Front", out this.frontConnector); this.initMandatoryField(gts, $"{stationName} Rotor {this.Name}", out this.stator); if (this.downConnector == null && this.frontConnector == null) { throw new InvalidOperationException("Need at least one connector"); } this.transformer = transformer; string pistonPrefix = $"{stationName} Piston {this.Name}"; var pistons = new List <IMyPistonBase>(); gts.GetBlocksOfType(pistons, p => p.DisplayNameText.StartsWith(pistonPrefix)); this.x = new Actuator(4); this.y = new Actuator(1); this.z = new Actuator(2); foreach (IMyPistonBase piston in pistons) { Vector3D up = this.transformer.Dir(piston.WorldMatrix.Up); double dot = FORWARD.Dot(up); if (Math.Abs(dot) > 0.95) { bool isNegative = dot < 0; piston.CustomName = pistonPrefix + " " + (isNegative ? "-" : "") + "Z"; this.z.AddPiston(piston, isNegative); continue; } dot = LEFT.Dot(up); if (Math.Abs(dot) > 0.95) { bool isNegative = dot < 0; piston.CustomName = pistonPrefix + " " + (isNegative ? "-" : "") + "X"; this.x.AddPiston(piston, isNegative); continue; } dot = UP.Dot(up); if (Math.Abs(dot) > 0.95) { bool isNegative = dot < 0; piston.CustomName = pistonPrefix + " " + (isNegative ? "-" : "") + "Y"; this.y.AddPiston(piston, isNegative); continue; } this.log($"Could not place piston '{piston.DisplayNameText}'"); } if (!this.x.IsValid) { throw new InvalidOperationException($"Connector '{this.Name}': no piston on axis X"); } if (!this.y.IsValid) { throw new InvalidOperationException($"Connector '{this.Name}': no piston on axis Y"); } if (!this.z.IsValid) { throw new InvalidOperationException($"Connector '{this.Name}': no piston on axis Z"); } if (this.frontConnector?.Status == MyShipConnectorStatus.Connected) { this.lastConnectionType = ConnectionType.Front; } else if (this.downConnector?.Status == MyShipConnectorStatus.Connected) { this.lastConnectionType = ConnectionType.Down; } gts.GetBlocksOfType(this.lights, l => l.CubeGrid == (this.frontConnector ?? this.downConnector).CubeGrid); }