コード例 #1
    void BuildTerrainData(TerrainData terrainData)
        // Define the size of the arrays that Unity's terrain will
        // use internally to represent the terrain. Bigger numbers
        // mean more fine details.

        //    yield return null;

        // "Heightmap Resolution": "Pixel resolution of the terrain’s heightmap (should be a power of two plus one, eg, 513 = 512 + 1)."
        // AFAIK, this defines the size of the 2-dimensional array that holds the information about the terrain (i.e. terrainData.GetHeights())
        // Larger numbers lead to finer terrain details (if populated by a suitable source image heightmap).
        // As for actual physical size of the terrain (in Unity world space), this is defined as:
        //              terrainData.Size = terrainData.heightmapScale * terrainData.heightmapResolution
        terrainData.heightmapResolution = 128 + 1;

        // "Base Texture Resolution": "Resolution of the composite texture used on the terrain when viewed from a distance greater than the Basemap Distance"
        // AFAIK, this doesn't affect the terrain mesh -- only how the terrain texture (i.e. Splats) are rendered
        terrainData.baseMapResolution = 512 + 1;

        // "Detail Resolution" and "Detail Resolution Per Patch"
        // (used for Details -- i.e. grass/flowers/etc...)
        terrainData.SetDetailResolution(1024, 32);

        // Set the Unity worldspace size of the terrain AFTER you set the resolution.
        // This effectively just sets terrainData.heightmapScale for you, depending on the value of terrainData.heightmapResolution
        terrainData.size = new Vector3(WorldUnitsPerChunk, TerrainHeight, WorldUnitsPerChunk);

        // Get the 2-dimensional array of floats that defines the actual height data for the terrain.
        // Each float has a value from 0..1, where a value of 1 means the maximum height of the terrain as defined by terrainData.size.y
        // AFAIK, terrainData.heightmapWidth and terrainData.heightmapHeight will always be equal to terrainData.heightmapResolution
        float[,] heights = terrainData.GetHeights(0, 0, terrainData.heightmapWidth, terrainData.heightmapHeight);

        float halfDegreesPerChunk = DegreesPerChunk / 2f;

        // Caching these dimensions and...
        int w = terrainData.heightmapWidth;
        int h = terrainData.heightmapHeight;

        // Replacing loop divisions with mults cuts this function by about 10%
        //  -- Shout out to Karl Goodloe
        float widthAdjust  = 1f / (w - 1f);
        float heightAdjust = 1f / (h - 1f);

        // Loop through each point in the terrainData heightmap.
        for (int x = 0; x < w; x++)
            for (int y = 0; y < h; y++)
                // Normalize x and y to a value from 0..1
                // NOTE: We are INVERTING the x and y because internally Unity does this
                float xPos = (float)x * widthAdjust;
                float yPos = (float)y * heightAdjust;

                // This converts our chunk position to a latitude/longitude,
                // which we can then use to get UV coordinates from the heightmap
                // FIXME: I think this is doing a pincushion effect
                //    Someone smarter than me will have to figure this out.
                Quaternion pointRotation = ChunkRotation *
                    xPos * DegreesPerChunk - halfDegreesPerChunk,
                    yPos * DegreesPerChunk - halfDegreesPerChunk,

                Vector2 uv = CoordHelper.RotationToUV(pointRotation);

                // Get the pixel from the heightmap image texture at the appropriate position
                Color pix = HeightMapTexture.GetPixelBilinear(uv.x, uv.y);

                // Update the heights array
                heights[x, y] = pix.grayscale / heightMapTextureScaling;

        // Update the terrain data based on our changed heights array
        terrainData.SetHeights(0, 0, heights);